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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 21 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Maybe such kind of critics don't criticize the EU so much as rather Germany....and Germany's role in the EU. They are just germanophobic!

(As some Brexiters like to say: "We won 2 World Wars why are they ruling us now, dammit!!!")

I wonder if the EU would be more palatable to them if Germany would just leave?

But where would that leave Germany?
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

She is the Supreme Chancellor of the German Fourth Reich,

....yeah....but she will probably gone next year....(not quite voluntarily if the current gov coalition breaks up)....what then?

Who will become your next boogeyman?

Does it have to be a German???

That's what I really don't get about the EU critics - can't they get their criticism (sometimes justified) across without resorting to such nonsense?

A question of mine too!

If you go by such critics the EU can't be that bad....
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

I doubt there is such a thing as "100% benign"'s always about how to get the most advantages out of something. And right now the EU and also the liberal market economy + democracy is our best keeps more people quite comfortable than any other known alternatives..

So...till the critics come up with a better concept I keep (and fight for) what enables me to live a reasonable free, self-determined, well off, peaceful and secure life, thank you!

(The alternatives I know of and have lived through all suck compared to what we have)
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Apart of that, out of 27 members there are those who have more to say than the others

And you know why they have more "say"? Better networking....being longer member still helps too....they are net payer....taking over responsibilities...that all Poland could do too...SHOULD too, instead of pouting in a corner and throwing tantrums....THAT won't gain you any support aka influence at all.

A union is for teamplayers!

"Vassals"....interesting choice of words for members who have all the same rights and duties...

What do you think will happen to Poland outside the EU? With a Poland which nobody gives a sh'it about...sure, you would have alot less duties, but alot less rights too and no vote at all.

You think of the union members as vassals? That's the future for Poland WILL become another ones vassal...again...all you will be able to do is saying THANK YOU to the few crumbs falling from the table of the big guys.

I have news for you, if you don't "make it" inside the EU, where you sit as equal on the table, you won't make it at all outside!

Poland, pay with your culture and your traditions

Did you? If so that has totally gone lost on me...and I apologize!
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

We have to protect ourselves from a destructive and demoralizing ideological side of the EU....

You know that the EU consists of 27 totally different members (after Brexit), don't you?

Is it Poland against all other 26 member states? Are they all following a destructive and demoralizing ideological side?

Don't you think that protection would work better from INSIDE the EU? Changing things for the better through smart networking and policing?

What exactly do you mean when you shout such easy slogans?

I mean do you really think the advantages of the Single Market will come by so easily for Poland? Without compromising and paying for that privilege?
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Not being able to match economical prowess with an with appriopate cultural influence is a big problem. For everyone involved.

Why now?

It seems Poland does alot to keep it that way purposely...the WWII is never far from the polish mind...the Pole of today must be always stay alert...against an over mighty Germany and the big russian bear, isn't that so Iron?

Where should the sympathy or interest come from with such a mindset?

PS: I bet I was the first German you ever had a long(er) standing contact and talks with...usually your knowledge of Germany comes from history teachings, am I right?
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

As someone pointed out Germany have no soft power to go with their economical influence and that is a problem, a big F problem.

I'm sure that if Germany would have any more soft power alot of Poles on PF would complain about a "take over"....

The same way parents all over Europe complain about their kids preferring english language, english songs, english movies, english the same time "forgetting" or purposely ignoring about old national traditions etc....:)

Just imagine the polish/german teenagers running around in Nike's, with the jeans hanging down to the knees, listening to that black rapper, speaking some kind of ghetto-slang and believing themselves to be sooo cool...

Is that this "soft power" you mean?

Thing is the Brits don't have their culture and their language for their own every country it gets bastardized and mixed and changes....
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

We are not talking about immigration or assimilation but about attractiveness of the German culture to an average Polish person.

Maybe a question of definition....people decide with their feet, they always have...and in that regard the direction of Poles is doesn't have to be about beer or Beethoven...they have come for centuries, still come, settle, learn German, work and live here...immigrate/assimilate...give birth to a new generation of GerPoles... or only stay for awhile...

I don't know exactly what you actually, be a grump! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

...maybe interesting for this thread....

The first new year baby was born in 0.02. a little Jakub....son of polish parents Michal and Izabella...
He is in the running for Germany's fastest baby! :)

The reality of the EU flies full in the face of all these quite theoretical visions....

Happy Birthday! :)

PS: Iron, the parents want to build a house there....I'm sure little Jakub will grow up fully appreciating what Germany has to offer! ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
31 Dec 2019
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

I think the "EU Army" project was meant to help quell citizen unrest

Like the british army does in Britain?

"....There is a long history of soldiers being used to put down civil unrest or subdue public disorder on home soil. This has sometimes been very unpopular, especially when soldiers have turned their weapons on civilians...."

Like actually EVERY army if they are needed?

PS: They should help with terror attacks, securing big events and helping out in the case of natural disasters too...oh and fighting against any outside agression of course...

Oh wait...since the EU is a Gulag you expect them to be our jailers, right? Riiiiiight!

German culture is not attractive to Polish people at all, or any people other than Austrian maybe.

You know that Poles have a history of flocking to Germany for centuries? Hell, every second Berliner has a "ski" in his name...half of the Ruhr population is of polish heritage...

How can you ignore all that???
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Dec 2019
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]


I think Neo-liberalism belongs to the globalist era...which startet at full thrusters after the end of the communist system. Capitalism won and had no rivals anymore. Nothing to keep it in check.

That comes to an end now, the anti-globalist movements are gaining strength and with that, so I believe, the social focus will come back stronger again...globalism should no longer prefer the rich, the industry or the liberal, well off urban elites.

The EU reflects all these tendencies....she is the sum of it's members....if the majority is following neo-liberal policies so is the EU...should a more protectionist, social movements get stronger, the EU will mirror that too...

What irks me is when people so lightly speak of the EU as some kind of dark overlord, some foreign, alien master....who alone decides and opresses and forces and what not, totally ignoring that it's the member states and it's democratically elected envoys who are making these policies in Brussels...not without bitching and fighting and negotiating and networking and all what comes with that daily political business...

Especially in an organization where every member has the same vote. Which makes the voice of an 80 million people like net payer Germany as exactly as important as the one of tiny Malta....

As long as the positives (economic and otherwise) outweigh the negatives (economic and otherwise) then Poland should stay in.

How would you define the positives? Not gaining money from the EU instead of paying into the common pot?
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Dec 2019
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

positive about the EU until 2008-09 when it went all in on backing private capital (ie private German banks) over social solidarity...

There is alot to criticize about the EU...especially it's Euro policies....agreed!

Somehow it get's surreal when one side blames the EU for being extremely capitalist/neo-liberal and the other sides sees a socialist dictatorship aka Gulag coming right up...

She can't do it right it seems! :)

Poland should remain a member as long as the positives outweigh the negatives (which will be coming).

Do you mean by that "as long it stay a net receiver"? Should Poland leave when it's economically able to become a "net payer"?
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Dec 2019
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Do their names really matter?


Otherwise you are talking about foggy conspiration theories....everybody and their grandmom has them...but that is nothing REAL!

Not the best base for politics btw...

The EU is still too wealthy by a wealth accumulated by past generations to die like that....

You know, "wealth" is not something that springs first to mind thinking about a "socialist paradise!

I wonder what these "local national awakenings" are truly after if it's not the wealth and the freedoms of modern Europe...I wonder why you wish this to die...