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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 31 mins ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 7517

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23 Jan 2024
Life / remember that old guy on here [69]

Women don't care about men's feelings or needs.

Women don't love men. They love things.
22 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

Perhaps He did...

If that was God's intervention and a miracle, everything is God's intervention and a miracle, hence, nothing is as miracles must by definition be something special and, therefore, rare.
22 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

There was no need for it.

God would have prevented his dastardly plan from being carried out. In fact, God can make a bullet do a U-turn and kill the bad guy when he likes the target.
22 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

There was a big occult

I could never be part of any occult or religious sect with some a-hole as the "guru" because not a single person on this earth is superior to me from a religious point of view.
22 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

Many of my prayers go unaswered - including my prayer to have lunch with Satan. That would be so much more fun than with Jesus or JP2.

I guess even Satan doesn't like me...

Yes, from the pits of hell. That explains it

Can you imagine how much fun Hell must be?

Heaven is where fun goes to die. You can't drink, swear, see p*rn... Even the speed limit is 5 mph to discourage driving.
22 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

where they claim that Jesus used hate speech and so on.

The problem with Jesus and his fake miracles is the many dead kids whose parents decided to pray rather than take them to the nearest ER.

It never occurred to these morons that they can pray while their kid is being treated by the guys a lot smarter than Jesus. We call them licensed physicians or doctors.
22 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Does it matter where they were ?

Yes, it does. US soldiers in Syria are there illegally and can't complain when they get shot and killed.
US soldiers in Virginia are there legally and that is why nobody is trying to kill them. Duh!
22 Jan 2024
Language / I love the word Kurwa [26]

You are an amazing mind reader...That's exactly what I meant but was too ashamed to admit.
22 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

This proves the superiority of atheism as a total rejection of anything supernatural. The believers are caught up in the dilemma of what to accept and what to reject that is "spiritual".

Atheists have it straight: If it's supernatural, it's super bullsh*it some a-holes invented to control and manipulate.

I guarantee you that there were no atheists among the 900 who died in Guyana in 1978.

Gnome worship is problematic,

Dog sh*it on the sidewalk is more problematic to me than gnomes.

Milo, where are you?
22 Jan 2024
Language / I love the word Kurwa [26]

It reminds me of where I came from and why I moved as far away from "my people".
21 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Where were those US soldiers? In Virginia or Syria?


Of the 48 countries on the list, four contributed troops to the invasion force (the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland). An additional 37 countries provided some number of troops to support military operations after the invasion was complete.

48 countries was not WW3. Iran hitting US troops in Syria is WW3. Makes perfect sense...
21 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

The US is not going to have 600,000 dead soldiers again to avoid using nukes. It used nukes to prevent another 100,000 US deaths.
A real WW3 will be nuclear because WW2 was nuclear or will not happen...
21 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

they defending their country from an invasion.

Iraq defended itself from an invasion Poland took part in. Poland's justification for invading Iraq was less compelling than Russia's is today.
21 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Russia invaded Ukraine directly and the war would end if Russia ended the invasion.

The war wouldn't start if NATO didn't slither up Russia's rear end...

A war would start if Mexico and Russia formed MRATO.

I will let you guess who would start it. Here is a clue... We started one in Iraq on just a rumor. That was enough to send 500,000 US troops there...Funny, wasn't it? An oops war...
21 Jan 2024
Language / Is it possible to master the Polish language fluently for a non-Polish speaker? [120]

This must be a PF record:

That is to say, if I understand it correctly, that the Britons wear pants upon their heads; as said, British pidgin is not my mother tongue, and since I have never been to the misty Albion, I probably also have some misconceptions about your traditions - after all the communication and the mutual understanding between cultures and even the intracultural awareness of the one's own sources, one's one essence often remains very limited today, as one may clearly see upon reading almost any British book on culturology.

Could you repost it and make it suitable for seniors with short memory issues?
20 Jan 2024
UK, Ireland / Polish engineer and family found dead in village. [26]

Never a cause behind anything.

...unless the cause is a white guy...
Other than that, I thank you for this post.

an old antisocial homosexual loner.

I will remember this one...
20 Jan 2024
UK, Ireland / Polish engineer and family found dead in village. [26]

the guy had mental health issues and a recent crisis.

Why are we talking about this freak? How is this news?

We have a president with mental health issues and nobody in Europe shows any concern that instead of flushing the toilet he might push that big red button...