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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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15 Jan 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

guys. Guys? You don`t follow.

Just take popcorn and look what happening.


People of Crna Gora, of most of former Yugoslavia are Serbians. To Serbs, Yugoslavia (ie SouthSlavia) was compromise so that Slovenians can feel free, after we Serbians liberated them and they were able to form state first time in their history (name of Slovenians first time appeared on map in name of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians- first name of Yugoslavia). Then also, Yugoslavia was compromise to Austria, Italy, Germany and Rome who created Croat nation out from Catholic Serbs. And our foes forced us Orthodox Serbs to subjugate and accept cutting of our ethnic being, to accept formation of new nations from Catholic and Muslim Serbs.

More then 1/3 of state populace in Crna Gora is on the streets for almost month already. Every day people demand protection of Serbian Orthodox Church, peoples Church that joined Christianity with our pre-Christian costumes. Every day people demand unity of Serbs. Crna Gora Serbs revolted and will move entire Dalmatia in revolt. Crna Gora Serbs are just first to rebel. Its flame that will spread from within, from people, from brothers to brothers. Our Catholic and Muslim Serbian brothers already joining to Orthodox Serbs and many from other parts of Dalmatia (and other regions of Bosnia-Herzegovina and false Greater Croatia) will yet to join and unite voice for formation of United Serbian States.
14 Jan 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Kuchi, Serbian highlander clan in Crna Gora coming down from mountain to the Church in Podgorica >>> coming to protest against dictator Milo Djukanovic that oppose unity of Serbs, they singing song about Christ and Kosovo (holly land to all Serbs) >>>

Looks like he does not even recognize Montenegro's independence.

Its not Montenegro. Its Crna Gora. People there are Serbians and proud of it. They themselves don`t wish to be separated from Serbia.
14 Jan 2020
UK, Ireland / Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland? [150]

Boris accepts reality. Collaborating with Islamic league in destruction of Yugoslavia, Germany destroyed EU. Now Britain giving up and save itself, France tries to profit from disaster of EU and Germany,... well, Germany made its last mistake.
14 Jan 2020
News / Poland and USA vs Iran and the EU [38]

Poland and USA vs Iran and the EU

Well, more USA returning to its historical mission `to fight for ideas of freedom within humanity` more will Poland straighten ties with USA. Its even natural because Poland represent cradle of democracy, even older in that sense then Greece of antiquity. You know, when western Europeans still used hands to eat, Poland had something what was `Sarmatism`.

Now, as for Iran. Well, the moment Iran attacked Serbians in Europe, on Balkan, Iran attacked Polish interests. Just back then USA administration collaborated with Iran, Saudis, Turkey via the Islamic league. EU (read Germany and western Europe), NATO, Vatican, were all involved in that collaboration. Germany, with blessings of Vatican, forced idea of Nazi Islam in the region and therefore, over solidarity with Germany, entire NATO and EU were involved. So, German satellite puppet state of Croatia in alliance with Bosnian mujaheedines attacked local Orthodox Serbs and started Civil War in former Yugoslavia. But non could absolutely control Islamic mujaheedines and they broke alliance and attacked local Catholics and even moderate local Muslims.

Bosnia was hell on Earth in which Serbians stood alone. No wonder Italian Lega Nord praise Serbians for defense of Europe. Speaking in local terms, Serbians defended Polish traditional interests in the region and that is access to warm seas of Europe. If anybody else control Slavic areas of Adriatic, Poland is cut off from warm seas of Europe. If Greater Croatia controls it, actually Germany controls it. If Muslims controls it, Islamic league actually control it. Serbians are independent enough to balance its own, Polish and Russian interests in the region. Even to balance interests of other circles from USA, western Europe and Asia. Entire Serbian history is history of it. That is why Polish hero in Jagilonian mission in Serbian despotate, Zawisha Czarny of Sulima and Garbowo died defending Serbia against Ottoman Turks.

Now is different. USA of Trump don`t collaborate with Islamic league. US is great again.


Iran Guard's Former General Says They Were In Bosnia Disguised As Aid Workers

Qassemi ..... visited Bosnia in the 1990s to train Bosnian Muslim fighters against the Serbs while wearing the Iranian Red Crescent uniform.

Qassem Soleimani was in Bosnia


"Of course I was, but a long time ago, in 1993 and 1994. Wherever the Muslims need help, I am there."

14 Jan 2020
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Sermatian finest rule US NBA >>> Serbian Nikola Jokic in Denver Nagets >>>


Mike Maloun of Nagets: ``Sometimes is just impossible to stop Jokic.``

14 Jan 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

It's a country

A country? Kosovo borders? What borders? Ask China, Vatican, Russia and greater deal of humanity that Kosovo state does not exist.

Plus, that what you call Kosovo does not function or when function, as Czech President Zeman said ``function as terrorist narco mafia Muslim caliphate``.
14 Jan 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]


Look what was Dalmatia originally, as Roman province >>>


And look how is form of that Roman province similar to former Yugoslavia >>>


One and same people lived in that province. Actually, even surrounding Roman provinces were populated with same people. It was by Roman logic `Divide and Conquer`. Bulk of it is even today zone of one and same language, Shtokavian Slavic dialect, ie Serbian language >>>

13 Jan 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

My lady, from the resistance of Sparta to the Athens (Greeks) and to the Persia, and even before, via the revolt of Spartak (Spartacus) against Rome and all to this very moment, it is the story of Sarmatians from this region, from Balkan. Story of my people. Ultimately, of your people.

Story of Sarmatian finest, where exist last one that still use Sarmatian name as name of state and name of people - Serbia - SRBIJA

And we are coming back to reclaim! To the maddening fear of the foes!

Israeli PM Netanyahu was first to show respect and admit this truth and told that openly to our back then PM Vucic, to the world after all. Jews were first that stop to lie about our past. We will remember this to Jews and thank them and repay.
13 Jan 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

God blessed Crna Gora!

Glory to Srpska Crna Gora! We waited for YOU highlanders and YOU arrived! And it is so natural that you lead the way and revolt of entire Dalmatia, that revolt start from Crna Gora. Revolt! We are with you! We coming back to our shores and sea! Come, its hard but so noble to be Serbian. For dead and for alive Serbians! For Dushan The Mighty! For Njegosh! For Serbdom and for Slavdom! For Christ and for Svetovid!

Awakening of Serbs of Dalmatia started. It begins with Crna Gora where people these days, invigorated by their Serbian spirit, openly protest against pro-NATO anti-Serbian dictator Milo Djukanovic >>>> All started when Djucanovic issued law to reduce Serbian Orthodox Church and people revolted. Now even Catholic and Muslim Serbs joying to Orthodox in solidarity >>>>




Again,it states quite clearly that Croats and Serbs, although closely bonded, were seperate peoples

Separate peoples of one and same Shtokavian Slavic dialect? One and same language? Separate peoples? Separate because Vatican, Austria, Italy and Germany want so. But, after all, people of what is now Croatia already awakening. They all know they are Serbs. Its just that ustashe ideology that holds many deluded. But just wait ...

There is the morning of Sarmatians to come!

You Serbs and Croats were originally Poles....... please bow down to your ancestors instead of preaching to them. ;-)

Sorry man. After Ice Age, our people migrated from warmer to colder climate, from Balkan to Baltic. Ancient name that our ancestors used for oldest Polish ancestors was `LEDJANI` /LED-JANI/ > /People from the frozen land, people that went/moved to ice, cold, north/. Its in our epic poetry. Its fact. Place is described (designated as what is now Poland) and people of place named.

After all, Poles do have legends to be of Sarmatian origin. Poles remembered.

BDW, on ancient maps, Baltic was named as Serbian ocean /Oceanus Sarmaticus/. Even now there live Kashubi who call thyemsleves Serbs. Then after them live Lusatian Serbs. All the way from Baltic to the Adriatic are Serbs, ancient Sarmatian backbone that gave life to entire Slavdom and Europe. Entire Europe is covered with reminders of name of Serbs,.. rivers, place-names, mountains...
10 Jan 2020
Polonia / Package sent to Serbia has been stuck at WER Warszawa for 3 weeks. [14]

Show respect on Polish post service, people. Put cross on yourself. Reprimand yourself. Polish post service is beacon of light of Polish public services. When somebody send something on Kosovo, Polish post redirect that package to Serbia.
3 Jan 2020
News / Polexit? Almost half of the Poles believe that Poland would be better off outside of the EU [548]

Poles, get the f*** out of EU before isn`t too late. EU leads to imperfection and impurity.

Serbia and Croatia were roughly of equal wealth in 1989 - croatia is now. 4x richer.

Serbian economy is much better already. And have in mind that Serbia suffered western European, Islamic league and USA economic sanctions and embargo for many years and was even openly assaulted and suffered damage of 200 billion US dollars in infrastructure and economy. At the same time Serbia, country of 7 million people, accepted 1 million refugees from other parts of former Yugoslavia that were involved in Civil War.

What still holds Croatia not to sink entirely is annual revenue from tourism in Dalmatia that is on level of 8 billion eur.

See, Dalmatian regions already seek to secede from Croatia and re-join with Serbia.
9 Dec 2019
Life / Describe Polish people in few words [13]

At least in their minds Poles are free. Contained but free. Crucified on cross to praise the cross and while on cross to spit on Svetovid. Still, I telling you cross is not the problem but greed of few Italian and Greek families that rule over Sarmatians (ie Slavs). Christ is great enough to love Svetovid. Only love in Christ I feel. See, it is greed of western Europe, of Greaks and Italians who says that Christ and Svetovid don`t go hand in hand. They speak so in order to hold down us Sarmats (ie Slavs). But They go. In SLAVA custom They go hand in hand. Then the Israeli PM Netanyahu, in Israel, say how Jews and Slavs had contacts in time of Roman Republic, in 500 BC. Speak so on the contrary what speak those who hold us Sarmats down.

Now, is it shame to talk of it what hold Poles? In era of Internet? No, its not shame but its forbidden. But not on this forum. Obviously.

Thank God for that. For I am here to announce you how will Poland and Poles arise never to fall again. Never again house of slavery. Never!

But truth must flow.
8 Nov 2019
Polonia / Poland, Germany, France, Spain or Greece? [35]

No sh** with Poland. Just heard that Poland severely punished French energy company Anzi to pay 40,3 mil eur because company failed to complete documentation for Nord stream 2.

See, Poland do have backbone.

source, of course > b92/biz/vesti/svet.php?yyyy=2019&mm=11&dd=08&nav_id=1614678
7 Nov 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Except behind them was Kosovo. Where the Serbs still terrorized the local population.

Considering we are on Polish forum, good to be reminded that Polish parliament of that time initiated independent investigation about facts in the region. So, Ikonowich and Sierkowska traveled to Macedonia to talk to Albanian refugees that fled there from Kosovo. All Albanians told them that they escaped from NATO bombs and not from Serbs.

Comment of right winged Catholic Jan Lopuzanski in parliament of Poland, in case with NATO bombing of Serbs was (citation): ,,Today NATO bomb Serbs, tomorrow would bomb Poland.``
7 Nov 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Besides no punishment that the eu can threaten poles with would be worse than having terrorism, no go zones, and tons of people

Exactly. That is crucial. Nothing THEY unleash on Poland can`t force Poles to obey. When THEY come they will face fierce resistance. See, this reminds me, when massive mujaheedine force, back in 1999, attacked Serbian army outposts on border with Albania, local commanding general Nebojsa Pavkovic, said to soldiers: ``Behind us is Serbia. Our people, mothers, sisters and children. No retreat!``


Photo during `Koshare battle`; defending position of Serbian army vs. mujaheedines supported by NATO, French legion of strangers and regular Albanian army >>> source>

Stood bravely Poles. Protect, defend Poland!
6 Nov 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

the EU isn't really that scary

Yeah, just an average pandemonium.

Polish forums did not die with a bang, but with a whimper of Serbian nonsense

One thing we know. This forum isn`t section of CNN.
6 Nov 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

You heard them, brate Vesko. Poles are now in utterly deluded, bribed and lethargic state.

But I begins to understand why Zeman, Duda, Orban and that brat from Slovakia want Serbia so desperately in EU and in Visegrad. Serbia would secure them easy way out of EU when comes to departure. I mean, can anybody sane imagine Germany and France try to prevent Serbia from leaving the EU when Serbia say enough and wants out? Big bear (China, too) from the east would roar and they would all cover themselves with their own ears. Then, knowing us Serbs as very complicated people, we would extend our protective umbrella and we would do all what is possible and impossible to bail other Visegrad members out from the EU. And Germans would then push to keep at least parts of Poland within EU. It would come to clash.... hm, who knows, maybe that`s the plan. I think, Germany would be one who would lose parts when comes to pushing.

I think it will probably collapse under the weight of its own contradictions by then...

By then would even our brother in Christ Pope of Rome and his apprentice Patriarch of Constantinople, pray that EU collapse.
6 Nov 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Poles will still stay in the EU for the freedom of movement for the foreseeable future though.

Even when other Visegrad members leave EU?

It is what the people wanted.
Serbs have no divine right to rule.

Its how EU`s official propaganda want you to see.

There was no democratic process prior to secession. Germany (EU), among other things, cut off political dialogue and Civil War started- Serbs were attacked.
Internal borders between former Yugoslav republics within Yugoslavia were drawn by communists. Those borders were never defined prior to formation of Yugoslavia. Only Serbia and Montenegro existed as states before Yugoslavia and other regions were lands of mixed populace where Serbs held majority in some of their historical regions (and Serbian army liberated all those regions from hostile non-Slavs). EU took it as state borders.

Yes, I blame EU and western Europe. They acted immorally and violated international laws. They also violated Entente powers agreements with Serbia (that was in alliance to them) prior, during and after WWI. They decided to act against Serbs, because they wren`t and aren`t able to control Serbs. Its all about that. Moment EU don`t control you, you are enemy.
5 Nov 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Some Poles may wish to leave, but as the UK's experience has shown, that is not so easy.....

To Britain it is possible. To Poland it won`t be possible. I mean, peacefully not.

What on earth are you babbling about?

I point to way how EU was involved in dissolution of Yugoslavia and partition of Serbia. Not only that key EU powers were involved most directly but they involved EU mechanism itself. Then forced USA and NATO to follow them, too. They then mobilized mass media propaganda to their own selfish aims in the region. Media provided excuse to deal with Serbs that defended themselves, region and principles for peaceful dissolution of Yugoslavia. Media also provided coverage for all kind of ops that involved collaboration with Islamic league, transport of mujaheedines and logistics to them, settling them in Bosnia. They sponsored local Nazi movements such are Croat ustashe and El-Mujaheed Nazi-Muslim unit in Bosnia and also terrorist Albanian Muslim movement UCK. Not to say that EU and western Europe inventing whole new nations when it suits to their interests, change map of the region. EU in fact committed mass genocide on Serbians and all Yugoslavians.

Etc, etc, etc.

Point is. If EU is capable for all this then what is the difference between EU and Nazi Germany? I see no difference. EU is the most terrifying regime on Earth right now. Think about it. And what Poland can expect from such an evil conglomerate on the long run. Only suffering and segmentation. Especially in situation of complete chaos that obviously occurring.

Let me just conclude and time will give many more answers.

Important is to know why EU done all this? Answer is - to satisfy selfish expansionistic interests of several western European countries. For that. For just that EU project is sent to damnation. Hopes of Europeans in vain. That is why Europeans must seek alternative.

And, my friends, crucial thing is to understand that EU committed crime against world peace.
4 Nov 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

EU ruling establishment and western Europe proved for what are they capable. Quite equal to Hitler and Goebbels. Nobel prize winner nicely unmasked how it function.

So now they keeping Poland stimulated, while increasing pressure to drag Poland (and certain regions of Poland) deeper within. Still, Poles awakening. Even golden cage is just cage. But it already may be too late. If Poland try to escape, easily may face destine of Yugoslavia. Maybe not but, for sure, it would be tried.
4 Nov 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

If Poland is seduced to stay long enough within EU, cancer would go to metastases and partition of Poland would be necessary outcome. Poland would be stuck in the middle of disintegration within EU, Germany in particular and in Poland itself. So, instead to profit Poland will be among biggest losers because of EU collapse.

Poland already failed to offer proper alternative to its populace. People are still in large pro-EU. Tales about Intermarium (Central-European Union) are past. Poland even barely cope with Visegrad countries. Poland is more and more isolated (and, I must say, only actions of Serbia force Poland to act).
4 Nov 2019
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Non would ask Poland what Poland want. Poland would get ultimatum when comes to Polexit.

What is this now? You are silent.

Sure, you know I am right. You know greed would push false friends of Poland onto madness of grabbing.

But let me tell you. Poland won`t be alone. Great battle will yet to happen for every peace of Sarmatian ground. Not that they won`t reduce Poland but they will be forced to give back to Poland and to Slavic world.

When THEY come we will f*** them hard and systematically.