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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2013
Threads: 76
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From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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7 May 2012
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

A month ago, Zbigniew Ziobro, leader of a newly formed conservative right wing party, Solidarna Polska

PiS is a bit extreme sometimes (or at least it's current leader) I've heard from many Poles that they like this party. Hopefully it will go straight to the top.
8 May 2012
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

I was talking about you and your incredible luck. :):):):):) Born with a silver spoon in your mouth? :):):):):)

No silver spoon. And not so much a coincidence since most Poles in the US are already pro PiS. I also come from southeastern Poland which is very pro PiS.
9 May 2012
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

I was talking about you and your incredible luck. :):):):):) Born with a silver spoon in your mouth? :):):):):)

Yes, that`s interesting. I have just thought that most US Poles` origin can be traced back to south-eastern Poland.

Are you really that stupid or you're just playing?? where are you getting all of this from? I just told you that it's not so much a coincidence when looking at Poles who come from a particular part of the country, your map even points that out.
12 May 2012
News / Presidential elections and debates 2015 Poland [472]

Do you know how psychologists call that mental mechanism you have just performed? :):):)

It's called you're retarded HAHAHA, Only proven by your insane ideas and assumptions... idiot.
13 May 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

According to the 'Guardian' (couldn't find the article in it's original English form) 57% of Poles consider their people the most attractive in Europe.

As many as 57 percent of Poles believe our nation by far the most handsome in Europe. Not only that saying that we are najładniejsi , it's still believe we have the strongest head for alcohol - according to a study by the British newspaper The Guardian . Puts us ahead in other categories - are the least liberal and ... the most tolerant.

The survey carried out by ICM Research on behalf of the Guardian in five European countries revealed what they really think about themselves Poles, Germans, French, Spanish and British. The study was carried out in each country on a representative sample of one thousand people . Questions covered both the citizens' views of these five countries , as well as their views on their own and other countries.

14 May 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Don't you see anything wrong with it when you guys compliment yourself instead to leave it to others?

There isn't a another nation in the world that bashes itself as Poles do. So for Poles to say that there must be some truth to it. btw it's no secret that Polish women are considered beautiful by most Europeans.

  • 2011 Miss Polonia finalists
17 May 2012
Life / Old Polish (Russian) Films [9]

Przeprawa/Pereprava (1988) a Join Polish-Russian production about a true story of a Polish and Soviet operation against the German army in the Lublin area of Poland.,1469 072158.avi%28video%29

To find the full movie you gotta look for it online, can't remember from where exactly I downloaded it from.

20 May 2012
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world!

Yes, Americans.

Wizard Americans are much more ignorant than Poles. Poles travel abroad much more frequently (49% of Poles been to a foreign country at least twice while only 20-21% of Americans hold a passport)

Younger Poles are well educated and curious about nations. How many Americans do you know that speak a foreign language fluently???
20 May 2012
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

Poles travel ( for vacation purposes) to these top 10 places : Greece (19 per.), Turkey (18,4 per.), Spain (16,8 per.), Egypt (14,7 per.), Bulgaria (5,6 per.), Italy (4,4 per.), Tunisia (3,3 per.), Croatia (2,9 per.), Portugal (2,2 per.) & Austria (1,9 per.).

Poles choose hot countries . Travel agencies do not complain.

The year 2011 closed travel agency with good results. More than 12 per cent . more reservations than 13 percent . more customers and by almost 15 percent . higher turnover - is to brag about.

Sami industry representatives are surprised . They estimated in an increase of 5 - 10 percent . Meanwhile, it turned out that Polish tourists willingly than a year before using the services of travel agents - gives "Rzeczpospolita" .

Ten most visited travel agency countries were Greece ( 19 percent . ) , Turkey (18.4 percent . ) , Spain (16.8 percent . ) , Egypt ( 14.7 percent . ) , Bulgaria (5.6 per cent . ), Italy ( 4.4 percent . ) , Tunisia ( 3.3 percent . ) , Croatia ( 2.9 percent . ) , Portugal ( 2.2 percent . ) and Austria ( 1.9 percent . ) .

If you look at the list of specific places where they flew Poles , in Greece were Heraklion ( Crete), Rhodes , Corfu , Chania ( Crete ) and Zakynthos . In Turkey chose Antalya, Bodrum and Dalaman . And the Spanish islands of Fuerteventura , Majorca and Tenerife.

Hardly any of the places are close to Poland. btw wages in Poland are 2.5-3 times lower, there's no excuse not to travel somewhere further.
20 May 2012
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

PennBoy, you're dumb as a bag of rocks.

I guarantee you I'm smarter than you are. Which school did you finish? lol

You live here and prosper (more or less) so show at least a little bit of respect to the country

That's what I'm talking about Americans can never take even the slightest bit of criticism about the 'best' country on this earth.

Most of you "travel" only because you can't find any jobs

Can you read? I said

Poles travel ( for vacation purposes) to these top 10 places

If only 1 in 5 Americans left this country that's ignorance about the world.

The only reason why we (as a nation) don't speak foreign languages is simple, almost anywhere we go, people speak English.

That's hardly a good excuse. No reason to be stupid just because someone else understands you.
20 May 2012
News / Polish baby boom, but not in Poland [40]

Well if the Polish embassy in London says 850 thousand Poles now reside in the UK it's easy to understand.
20 May 2012
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

So to you if one doesn't speak any foreign languages is stupid, right? LOL

Exactly LOL. Everyone should speak at least one other language. English most popular, so what!!?? You're in a foreign country appart from when you'll ask a local for something they'll be speaking in their own tongue, and you'll stand/sit there like a moron.
20 May 2012
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

You can't blame a busy shop assistant in Paris for replying to us in English when we ask for something in French but here in Poland they take it to an extreme.

I was just replying to the original comment of this thread about Polish ignorance. If twice as many Poles traveled abroad (for vacation ) than Americans, if 29% speak English, 19% German and 26% Russian as opposed to only 19.7% of Americans speaking any foreign language. The gap is even wider since many of these "Americans' are foreign born naturalized Americans and the stat for the US asks about speaking a foreign language at home, not just American born knowing a second language like it should. only 19.7 percent of those surveyed speak a language other than English in their households, according to the Census Bureau report.

In comparison, in the European Union, which is composed of 27 different countries and 23 official languages, 56 percent of Europeans speak a language other than their mother tongue, and 28 percent speak two foreign languages. This also could be due to the increase in the number of people who have immigrated into the country. During the past decade, more than 6.8 million immigrants have become naturalized citizens, according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.'
20 May 2012
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

Fluently Polish and English, some Russian (through friends) am trying to become fluent in it. (No I will not learn Spanish for the sole purpose of not making it easier for Spanish speakers in America, everyone else who came to this country had to learn English, so must they.)
20 May 2012
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

Your definition of "close" differs from mine.

You're right. Traveling let's say to some nice beach means flying thousands of miles to Florida or Hawaii, seeing wilderness flying or taking a cruise to Alaska.

Do NOT compare Americans and Poles.

I agree in general Americans do spend more than Poles do but Americans also make more money. The Germans by far spend the most while abroad.
22 May 2012
News / Der Spiegel: "Poles are now the masters of Europe" [49]

There are few such success stories as Poland's history after the change of it's regime - writes German weekly "Der Spiegel", which in the latest issue published an extensive article about Poland before Euro 2012, entitled "the miracle in the neighborhood."

According to "Der Spiegel" the symbol of the changes that took place in Poland, may be the National Stadium in Warsaw. "Built out of ruins and looking toward the future it is more than a building structure. It is a symbol. Through this superstadium Poland would like to show the world her new face, to prove that it has overcome the shadows of the past: the crimes of the Nazis, communist oppression and random time transformation of capitalism" - writes the weekly.

"Poles are now the masters of Europe"

Recalling the good economic indicators of Poland, "Spiegel" estimates, "Whatever falls out of Euro 2012, the Poles are already champions of Europe in terms of growth rates over the past decade."

"A country that sees itself as a pioneer and model for the east. Wants to be a force in Europe, wants to be for Europe and take it's place which it has always considered to be suitable for itself. We're back to being a somebody - it is said in Warsaw, Gdansk, Wroclaw and Krakow - a change that seems to be familiar to every German "- he added.

"Exemplary student and a naughty boy"

According to "Der Spiegel" the success of transformation in Poland is most evident when one compares it to other Eastern bloc countries - "for example, the authoritarian-ruled and plagued by human rights violations of Ukraine, the second co-host the European football championships." "Exemplary student and a naughty boy" - he writes, "Spiegel" of the two countries.

"Amazing" is according to "Der Spiegel" one more thing: "The beginning of the end of the longstanding hostility" between the Poles and the Germans, who can get close to one another, as has Germany and France done in recent decades - even though many residents on both sides of the Oder still think of one another in terms of the old stereotypes.

"Promised Land"

Weekly estimates also that "Ukraine has become to Poland what Poland was once to Germany." "Just as Berlin played the role of a generous advocate of Warsaw, now Warsaw is an advocate of good will for Kiev. Unfortunately, after the Orange Revolution, Ukraine is not necessarily the official wishes to continue to go to the West" - says "Spiegel".

"But people vote with their feet. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians living more or less permanently in Poland, the use of employment opportunities for low-wage sector (...). Many of those who return from Poland to the Ukraine believe that they had seen the promised land, clean, efficient and focused on the future "- writes the weekly.
25 May 2012
News / Der Spiegel: "Poles are now the masters of Europe" [49]

It's more like preparing the German taxpayer and voter for the Euro bonds - showing them that their money is (supposedly) well invested.

Probably true.

Even when I was in Poland (few years ago) I felt like almost everything was way too expensive, especially for the locals.

They must not remember the days of shortages in stores. Waiting 20 yrs on a list just to get an apartment, working for low wages and not being able to afford a car (any car) unless one was a manager or a director in a company. Or went to work abroad. (Germany, US, Libya, Iraq) and received western wages.
26 May 2012
News / Marion Barry insults Polish people calling them "Polacks" [33]

Marion Barry insults Polish people calling them "Polacks"

I've said it before on the forum many Latinos or Blacks don't know that the word Polack is offensive. They hear it said and think it simply means a Polish person. Besides who cares, Marion Barry is a ex crackhead with holes in his brain.
26 May 2012
News / Marion Barry insults Polish people calling them "Polacks" [33]

BS, are you saying they lack the basic knowledge on the very issue they themselves struggle with on daily basis even now in the US.

It happened twice. Once in New York I was chating with some Latinos and asked if they're Mexican one answered 'my friend's here are Mexican I'm Puerto Rican' I told him I'm from Poland he says' ohh ok Polack' I told him it's offensive like using the N word he says 'ohh I didn't know.' Another time also a Puerto Rican but here in Philly said 'my friend Tomek is a Polack' I explained it again he replied 'so how do you calls yourselves, Polish?? I replied yes. People who live in their own little ethnic communities don't really know.
26 May 2012
News / Marion Barry insults Polish people calling them "Polacks" [33]

There's your answer, little sarcasm for your ignorance, I would do the same if I was the Puerto Rican',

I think you mean his ignorance.. he wasn't being sarcastic silly, he looked shocked and worried that I might say something to him about using it. Do you even live in the States?
29 May 2012
News / Will EURO 2012 be a proud moment for Poland and its people or set back Poland 20 years? [86]

A rather good documentary.

Hypocritical British documentary. Go to Racism in association football on wikipedia the UK takes up half the page:

Most beatings (and killings) in Polish football are white on white. Like last years killing of a Cracovia fan killed by 20 masked Wisla supporters who butchered him with machetes.
30 May 2012
News / Anty-Polish v column is located in White House [88]

It is no surprise for me that this eventually has happened .

I agree. Like news anchors the President reads what his staff prepares for him. It's other people who post their own personal political views and resentment for other nations, the President was just simply ignorant enough to go along with it.
1 Jun 2012
Love / It is more fun to have sex in Polish than in English. Discuss. [27]

whereas I think I would now feel rather self-conscious and affected having sex in English, I find it strangely, or otherwise, far more natural in Polish.

So I guessing you're a native English speaker who has learned Polish?