The BEST Guide to POLAND
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From: Poe land
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Interests: Everything funny

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23 Aug 2010
Travel / Hard Candy - Krakow, Poland - reviews? [131]

Hyea guys. Just a heads up that I should have said earlier but it must have slipped my mind. In Krk all bars and clubs are obliged to display a "menu" or price list of the drinks they are selling in the bar. So always make sure that you have a look when buying, if cant see one, you can always ask at the bar for it ;)

One poster who com-lained in some forum said they used a trick with double menu cards. The normal one is displayed at the beginning, later replaced by higher prices one. I am not sure if it should be believed. This would be just too much.
23 Aug 2010
Travel / Hard Candy - Krakow, Poland - reviews? [131]

Think you are right. But are still thinking criminals have to be bounced out of Poland/Krakow.... An applause for people who know a final solution.

The Krakow police is practically helpless. The Latvian smart guys operate within the law of free trade and business: in a free country, everybody may demand ANY price for the goods or services they sell in the market.

They were kicked out of Riga, Latvia, by certain "undemocratic" moves of local authorities. I mean harrassing the business premises by inspections, raids etc.

If Latvian criminals are involved in the scam activities then I suppose it should be easily to dismantle their scam locations forever and to let them loose their polish passport/stay document? Or are they too dangerous to stop with scamming tourists?

They have found Polish partners who deal with the police etc.
22 Aug 2010
Travel / Hard Candy - Krakow, Poland - reviews? [131]

This is so unbelievable. I remember reading about such scams long ago, in communist press, which tried to prove how degenerated the Western capitalism can be.

I did some googling. It seems the problem touches foreign tourists mostly. The forums are full of complaints in English and hardly anything in Polish.

The articles throwing light on the problem started appearing last year. They say the scam is organised by Latvian conmen who moved their business from Riga to Krakow.

Even a half years ago the citizens of Latvia have a place in Krakow . Now the control of at least five . There are also increasing number of customer requests , mostly from abroad, who feel cheated in these clubs. Although badly it affects the image of our city , Krakow authorities can not solve problemu.Na if they intend only to warn tourists in the leaflets that come up at the airport in Balice. Riga City Council , where entrepreneurs from Latvia also engaged in the activities , were more effective. - Police controlled the premises every day , very carefully checked the license to sell alcohol , occupational health books , etc . - Says "Gazeta Krakow " Laila Ivana from the office of the city of Riga.

Let`s make a list of of scam bars:

Hard Candy on Szewska Street near Mc Donald`s
Saxon Club on Św Tomasza Street.
Flames on Florianska Street

PS. The girls who tempt tourists are not Polish or Russian, but Latvian.
6 Aug 2010
History / History of Poland in 10 minutes. Really worth seeing! [169]

Genial programmer Tomasz Bagiński made a film for Polish EXPO 2010 in China.

It lasts 8 minutes and is a great hit of the exhibition. Blockbuster which attracts crowds.

I like it though certain scenes should have written description of events because they are totally unknown to most foreighners.
Watch and check how much history of Poland can you recognise.
5 Aug 2010
History / Destruction of Ukrainian churches in Poland in 1938 [289]

Polish pre-war authorities, believing that it was possible to polonize Ukrainian minority, committed a grave mistake. After various acts hostile to Ukrainians, the Polish-Ukrainian relations became the worst in history and their tragic culmination was the genocide of thousands of Poles in Volhyn region.
10 Apr 2010
News / Polish President Lech Kaczynski and gov officials die in a plane crash in Russia [686]

It is like a bad dream. I still think I must wake up to stop this nightmare.

I wasn`t particularly fond of Kaczyński, but I had never wished him death.

In a way, the President, a great patriot of Poland, achieved a success - the whole world learnt about Katyn Massacre.

I heard about the crash in the morning, driving to work. There was the news on one radio station and then they started playing solemn music. I changed stations one after another and they were all playing music. It was a good moment for quite pondering, before all those commentaries flowed.

See the decor of main Polish news sites - everything is black and white.

The cause of the accident - thick fog over the underinvested airport in Smolensk, Russia. Because they don`t have special equpment for landing in difficult weather conditions, the Russian air control advised Poles to go to another airport, but to no avail. The Polish pilots tried to land a few times, at least 3, which is an unheard-of situation in aviation because after the very first futile attempt of landing a pilot should give up and look for another airport.

I can imagine the pressure that the pilots of Polish Air Force 1 were under. They were going to take part in the 70th anniversary celebration of Katyn Masacre, and the President just had to be delivered there. What is worse, they had taken off from Warsaw late, so they were in a hurry.

The pilots took a risk but lost.

See the computer simulation of the crash,1651578,0,1,tak-mogla-wygladac-katastrofa-podobna-do-wypad ku-casy,wiadomosc.html
8 Feb 2010
History / The restoration of Polish cities from WW2 destruction [123]

True and not true.

What can you say about this one?:


It was built before WW2. Not too beautiful.

Badly damaged,

but rebuilt.
Looking at it today, I think it wasn`t worth it. :):):)
8 Feb 2010
History / Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2 [339]

It brought some memories. That song too, almost forgotten. Very strong words. Still valid today.

Which song do you mean? There are two... Both have strong words and both are valid today.

Soviet Union fell but....................Poland gave the push.

It is an understatement. Better to say: a kick in the ass. :):):)
1 Feb 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

Na ja....but you wrote yourself that the majority of Poles were quite pleased with the invasion because of their fears of Germany.
That's not quite brotherly, freedom lovingly etc. at all.....

Poles still had German occupation in memory, and the year was 1968, 23 years after WW2 ended. Till today some buildings in Warsaw bear scars from the war and the Rising,

so what do you expect from people who lived in 1968??? Brotherly feelings? After 6 million victims of German folly? :):):):)
31 Jan 2010
History / Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2 [339]

Do you have a link to that event?


Also in Polish. It says what I already mentioned. The Soviet Union called off the troops in the last moment.

Secretary of the Central Committee Stanislaw Kania speaks to Jan Nowak-Jeziorański on the threat of Soviet military intervention in Poland in December 1980. Despite the differ positions of the two gentelmans when it comes to details, they conclusions are similar. Sufficiently many clear facts confirms that in December 1980 Poland stood very close to the real and direct threat of military intervention. Eloquent cover of the weekly "Der Spiegel "of December 8, 1980 - with a big sign" Aufmarsch gegen Polen " and a big tank with red star invading on the white eagle.

31 Jan 2010
History / Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2 [339]

You seem carried away by unnecessary emotions.

Please, cool off and read this thread in full.

Then, go to the thread I suggested and read it in full.

What is that Spiegel-cover about?

The would-be invasion of Poland by Warsaw Pact armies in December 1980. Everything was ready and tanks started warming up their engines, when the order came to cease the operation. Allegedly after US President`s warnings.
31 Jan 2010
History / Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2 [339]

East Germans. armed to their teeth, were ready and willing to invade too. Normal. However, they were grounded by Soviet Union leaders who didn`t want to make the situation worse. Instead, neutral Poles were sent. :):)

OK, I admit, that is a joke. :):):)
30 Jan 2010
Food / Poland's Patyczki (meat-on-a-stick) [33]

Meat on stick is tasty but you must be careful it doesn`t move any more:

But I never mind when stuff wriggles on my tongue. It is even funny. Ticklish.

f d f
26 Jan 2010
History / Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto? [625]

Security was said to be very tight so I was just wondering if sb can inextricably tie those books to an Auschwitz smuggle.

Definitely you need to read more stories and diaries about Auschwitz. There was resistance movement in the camp. Not only materials but also people were smuggled in and out. E.g, your compatriot, Denis Avey. You know how to use Google? :):):):)
26 Jan 2010
History / Can anyone from Poland tell me about Auschwitz and The Ghetto? [625]

Poland ghetto

Auschwitz children's stories collection published

The Auschwitz Museum has published a reprint of a collection of stories for children, compiled by prisoners at the death camp in World War 2.
The stories - Bajki z Auschwitz - were printed illegally by Polish prisoners working in the offices of Nazi architects preparing plans for extension of the camp. According to former camp inmates, about 50 copies of the little book were created, using stolen paper and paints, and printed clandestinely.

The finished books were smuggled out of the camp. Most of the stories were written or translated by Stanisław Bęć.
The book contains six stories altogether: "The adventures of the little black chick" which is probably the first ever children's story written in Auschwitz; "The story of the Hare, the Fox and the Cockerel" translated from the Czech; "Every Living Thing" describes insects, birds and animals found in fields, gardens and homes - also based on a Czech original; "The Wasps' Wedding" which is the only story that has survived without its illustrations; "The Selfish Giant" a rhymed version of the story by Oscar Wilde and "The Tales of the Learned Cat" a copy of which the Museum received in 1999.

This is the first book for children by the Auschwitz Museum Press, which since its creation in 1957 has published more than 400 titles of a total 8 million copies, including historical books, memoirs, albums, catalogues and guides in 20 language versions.

Proceeds from the sale of the book of stories for children are particularly to go towards preserving items documenting the fate of children at the death camp, and the so-called childrens' barracks at Birkenau.

22 Jan 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

many people need these myths


In my opinion the Poles like to believe in myths and Marchen,it is part of their psyche,so better leave them like that.

Not only Poles. Also Germans, Russians, Americans, British, French etc etc etc .

I'm reminded of the fight that took place in '68 in northern Bohemia, can you tell me about that?

Yeah, you know....Poles in tanks...leading the fight since WW2...

Also upholding myths which paints one side only totally rosy is not helpful for any reconciliation at all!

Reconciliation is a good word to describe Czech and Polish political relations today. Yes, Poles participated in the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Polish communist leader Gomułka urged the harsh solutions with Prague Spring because he feared that free Czechoslovakia would fall prey to Germany, thus flanking Poland from the south, like in 1939 (German attack on Poland from 3 directions - north, west and south).

So, Poles became invaders and occupants. Like in Napoleonic times on San Domingo, they went without enthusiasm, but did their duty as it was expected of them.

Polish troops in Czechoslovakia. Poles "heroically defended" a few big towns against Czech patriots: Hradec Kralove, Pardubice, Olomunec, Trutnow.




Polish troops return to Poland after their mission.

Each Pole is a good soldier


The occupation was not too peaceful. Polish soldiers actively suppressed the Czech opposition, by tracking down illegal radio stations or printing houses. They also removed the anti-invasion graffiti on walls. They put pressure on local patriotic authorities which were reluctant to cooperate with true communists who started taking control thanks to the invasion.

Polish soldiers sometimes behaved like real occupants. When they went to local pubs and received unfriendly comments from Czechs, they could get really nasty and it often happened that they ordered a Czech man to drink beer from his shoes..... :(:(:(

The greatest tragedy happened when on 7 September, 1968, a drunk Polish soldier opened fire into the crowd of civilians, killing 2 and wounding 5 people on the spot, also trying to rape a wounded woman. The killer was sentenced to death, later changed to life, and finally left prison after 15 years.

Polish society`s opposition against the invasion was feeble. One must remember, though, that 3 months before the Polish authorities had cracked on restive students and intellectuals demanding greater freedom.

Nevertheless, during and after the invasion of Czechoslovakia the Polish secret police noticed many anti-government leaflets and graffiti on walls. Also a few intellectuals and writers sent a letter of protest to authorities. Some party members resigned from their membership.

The most spectacular act of protest against the invasion was the self-burning of Ryszard Siwiec.


Film showing Siwiec tragedy:
All Polish democratic governments since 1990 apologised officially to our Slavic brothers for what we did to them. Even General Jaruzelski, then a Defence Minister, sent an apology to the Czech.

...Wojciech Jaruzelski has apologised for the role his country played in the 1968 Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia. General Jaruzelski served as Defence Minister in August 1968, when 26,000 Polish troops joined the huge invasion force which crossed Czechoslovakia's borders.

Better late than never.

Now, I know that Poles tend to justify the Polish participation by usual: we were suppressed by communists, it wasn`t Polish decision etc etc.

But did it really make any difference to Czechs who saw Polish troops in their cities and towns? Or the Czech family whose members were massacred by a mad Polish soldier?

Czechs just knew that Poles occupied them and that`s what counted.

That is why I support the official apologies issued by Polish governments to southern neighbours. It wasn`t only evil communists, unfortunately, who organised the invasion against the popular will and without consent of the nation. The historical sources prove that most Poles were glad the invasion took place, they considered it lesser evil. For them it was better to have suppressed Czechoslovakia than German Czechoslovakia. Let`s remember that by 1968 West Germany hadn`t settled its former lands issue with Poland.

The sources in Polish:

Already August 23, President Svoboda interrupted the unified opinion leadership team and suggested a way out of the impasse, agreeing to go to Moscow for talks. There he was greeted with full honors. In the delegations were also gen. Dzúr, Gustav Husak deputy (one of the leaders of the Communist Party of Slovakia) and Bil'ak together with representatives of their group. Svoboda activists demanded the release of the internees and their inclusion in the talks. Soviet Comrades agreed to this and a crew of Dubèek led from August 24 in Moscow serious talks. It turned out that both President Svoboda and Gustav Husak sided with Brezhnev. The first of them wanted to head off the risk of armed conflict and avoid bloodshed. The second, moderate until this time, has taken his game for the Communist Party leadership.
21 Jan 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

I hope you don't tell me that Smok Wawelski, Syrenka, and Wars i Sawa are myths.

No. They were real stories.

The myth is about Queen Wanda who didn`t want to marry a German prince and threw herself into the Wisła River. She didn`t have a swimming license and she drowned.

See how mournful people carry her dead body and shed tears. It is a legend.

The legend says she was so beautiful.
See her beauty. Legendary.

The truth is rather banal. It was the German prince who didn`t want to marry Wanda because she was a mean, greedy, money and power-oriented old witch.

See her real "beauty." That was a fact!

Seeing no prospects for herself after being rejected, she decided to die.
