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Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]
When is this country going to get to grips with it's inner city deprivation and severe social problems and stop punching above it's weight.
Why are you out of the blue talking about the USA in a thread about Chechen matters? I don`t understand.....
And, highly possible, my so liberal and humanity-filled brain will be well mixed with my not so pleasant looking sh*t and that mix will be fried well with kerosene flames, if the guy in that building is lucky one.
Yes, soldiers` dilemmas. That is why I never wanted to be a soldier, although I am deeply interested in the history of wars. :):):)
And even if the guy is not so lucky, I would prefer to face (maybe, sometime in future) with judges of Hague tribunal rather than face with field tribunal of my own army. ;)
Again, soldier`s dilemma.
Believe me, I would always prefer to visit Poland as electronics engineer on a car... ;)
I visited Moscow in 1970s on a private trip as a small boy. We went to that giant department store near the Red Square, Univermag,and my parent bought me a small motorboat with a small electric propeller. It was one of my favourite toys in childhood. :):):):):)
What was your favourite toy?