The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by pawian  

Joined: 30 May 2008 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 226 / Live: 154 / Archived: 72
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From: Poe land
Speaks Polish?: Yes, but I prefer English
Interests: Everything funny

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3 Oct 2010
History / Prophesy - Poland from sea to sea. [57]

You are as romantic as Quixote, who was Polish, btw.

Well, that overrated satirist maybe be recognized by the world, but I don't really care what the world is thinking :) do you ?

I do care about Morożek because his sense of humour perfectly suits me.

More for you:

National agreement. Crisis!
3 Oct 2010
History / Prophesy - Poland from sea to sea. [57]

You propose and advocate Poland from sea to sea in different threads.
Have you ever thought how it could be done?
By economic power or militarily?
I hope you realise it is worthless daydreaming.

So, maybe another way? What about cultural expansion?

But how can you do it, if sadly enough, you reject Mrożek who is one of those few (a dozen?) Polish writers who are recognised and appreciated in the world because their productions are understood by people. Other Polish writers are not known because their art is good and understandable only for Poles.

Who are you going to put forward as a Polish cultural expansion bearers if you reject Mrożek and probably a few others? :):):):)
3 Oct 2010
History / Prophesy - Poland from sea to sea. [57]

Are the predictions of Queen Sabah (Sibilla?) still 'alive' in Poland?

I vaguely remember hearing about it a long time ago but I can`t tell any details.
It means: no, they aren`t. It is not a topic of public interest.

My question is what do you think about the prophesy ?

Simply speaking, it is worthless.
2 Oct 2010
History / Prophesy - Poland from sea to sea. [57]

You are really unique!!! :):):):):) Being a decent man, I won`t tell you names that should be addressed to you. :):):)):

I don't know you so, do not take it personally, however your position on many issues seems to be characteristic to that of the commolak!

It is a compliment to me. :):):):) I am a Gemini, always a mixture of various, often contrasting stuff.

More by Mrożek for your current mood: :):):):):)

This is White Eagle. He doesn`t play with us.
1 Oct 2010
History / Prophesy - Poland from sea to sea. [57]

My question is what do you think about the prophesy ?

Mrożek will answer you:

Our cultural expansion - Bantu tribesmen in Krakow folk hats:
23 Sep 2010
History / Digital reconstruction of Warszawa - Miasto Ruin - rebuilding the destroyed Warsaw [31]

Producing 'artistic impressions' when there are factual photographs simply encourages the (inaccurate) belief that Poles lie about history.

It reminds me of a letter sent to a Newsweek magazine in 1980s. A guy complained that the cover displayed a photo of real life jet fighters with bar codes drawn on their noses, as an illustration to tan article about armament sale. He accused Newseek of falsifying the reality.

I thought then: Nuts? :):):):)

Why make a recreation when the real thing is available?

Because we live in 21 century, that is why. Black and white photos were good for 20th century.

And why doesn't the film show the parts of central Warsaw that were demolished by Poles?

Because showing parts demolished by Germans already took 5 minutes of the film and they had a tight budget.
harry, don`t you understand such simple issues?

It seems to me you are trying to replace Constantine now....
18 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

They freed him. They gave clear signal - "we are your enemy". Why we cannot bomb Poland?

You should have written:

<< I made another moronic post. I gave a clear signal - "I am your favourite moron." Why can`t I just shoot myself but have to hang around the Polish Forums? :):):):):):):):):) <<
18 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

What? I said that Poland has great inner city deprivation and should not be wasting my taxes on arresting a Chechan leader in exile on the whim of the Russians - but should actually be doing something more worthwhile.
Such as demolishing and rebuilding it's inner cities.
I thought my opinion was clear Pwian.

I am sorry, it wasn`t because I have never heard about the problem of Polish inner cities before. I knew it was a typical American problem, though. I am really sorry for this incorrect interpretation.

Russia is demolished and rebuilt Grozny in Chechnya. Do you think it was great investment for my tax money? ;)

Yes, Grozny was nicely rebuilt, one can see it in films on youtube.

However, I read Russians`complaints about their government`s huge money for Chechenya`s rebuilding while most towns and villages in Russia are proverbial armpits and lightyears from European standards.

That is the cost of keeping the Empire alive and kicking...... You kept Chechenya but an average Russian has nothing from it, except for the good mood, maybe.

Do you agree to it or not?
17 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

back on topic, if you please

So, what were we talking about?

Adam Borowski, the honorary consul to the Chechen Republic in Poland told TVP television this evening that the "prosecution action taken against Akhmed Zakayev testifies to the fact that our standards of justice are closer to Russia than Europe."

Borowski noted that the same Russian prosecution documents have previously been sent to Denmark and the UK - both places where Zakayev has lived since his exile in 2003. Prosecutors in those countries found the charges against him groundless, said Borowski.

"This is a black day for Polish justice," he added.
17 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

When is this country going to get to grips with it's inner city deprivation and severe social problems and stop punching above it's weight.

Why are you out of the blue talking about the USA in a thread about Chechen matters? I don`t understand.....

And, highly possible, my so liberal and humanity-filled brain will be well mixed with my not so pleasant looking sh*t and that mix will be fried well with kerosene flames, if the guy in that building is lucky one.

Yes, soldiers` dilemmas. That is why I never wanted to be a soldier, although I am deeply interested in the history of wars. :):):)

And even if the guy is not so lucky, I would prefer to face (maybe, sometime in future) with judges of Hague tribunal rather than face with field tribunal of my own army. ;)

Again, soldier`s dilemma.

Believe me, I would always prefer to visit Poland as electronics engineer on a car... ;)

I visited Moscow in 1970s on a private trip as a small boy. We went to that giant department store near the Red Square, Univermag,and my parent bought me a small motorboat with a small electric propeller. It was one of my favourite toys in childhood. :):):):):)

What was your favourite toy?
17 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

What will happen if I will say "Yes"? What differences we'll observe if I will say "No"?

Well, I was curious. Were you ready to admit that Russian military should be tried before independent courts for their crimes in Chechenya?

You nicely evaded the question. Good work! :):):):)

Imagine that I'm tank commander and hear the order radioed to me - "red brick building, second right from the road, ATM launcher inside, destroy"....

You forgot to add the third option:

3. I may think: "What if the building is occupied by civilians? Should I press the button? .......
hmm.... if they are still there, it means they support the terrorists. To hell with them!" Then quickly select HE shell on loading system (if not loaded already), target well and happily press the trigger, praying that the guy in that building didn't manage to press their first.

Well, I'm officer (in reserve) of Russian Army, tank forces.

Hello, Velund. I am a teacher from Poland and my favourite subject is history. :):):):)
17 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

From the same source...

Ok, the Chechen terrorist Zakayev goes to Moscow for trial while Russian terrorists in their Russian military uniforms go to Hague for trial.


Why to Hague and not locally, in Moscow?

On April 29, 2004, a Russian court in Rostov-on-Don acquitted four GRU special forces unit officers of the shooting dead six Chechen civilians including a disabled woman. In the incident in January 2000, Cpt. Eduard Ulman's unit killed a civilian and subsequently extrajudicially executed five more with silenced weapons; the commandos then burned the bodies in the victims' vehicle. They were again found not guilty in a retrial on May 19, 2005; although the four admitted to the killings, the court ruled that their actions were not punishable as they had been following orders. The acquittals of Cpt. Ulman and his three subordinates sparked a public outrage in Chechnya, where rights advocates and many Chechens say Russian forces act with impunity. During the third court hearings Ulman and the two officers mysteriously disappeared

Chechen leader Akhmed Zakayev, detained today in Warsaw in connection with a Russian prosecution against him on terrorist charges, was released Friday evening after a court ruling.

The court ruling noted Zakayev’s refugee status in the UK, and said Poland, as part of the EU, must respect this status.

17 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

If there is criminals, can you give an examples of their crimes? Not the common words, but places and dates. I can see what is available in Russian speaking sources in Internet about this. But a bit later - leaving home tomorrow for a 3 week business trip and have no time right now.

Really amusing you can`t spare 5 seconds to type Russian war crimes in Chechenyaand receive a dozen of entries.
Check this:

You can read there about Russian and Chechen crimes, as well as European courts` rulings on Russian crimes.

And, of course, most "crimes against chechens" have a very similar level of documentation. They often solve their inter-clan problems by killing someone, and then show the photos of dead body to the world and say "look what russians do..." One shot, two bunnies hunted...


An excerpt from the entry:
* On December 3, 1999, at least 40 people fleeing the besieged Grozny were shot and killed by Russian troops, leaving only seven wounded survivors.

* In early December 1999, Russian troops under command of general Vladimir Shamanov killed up to 41 civilians during two-week drunken rampage in the village of Alkhan-Yurt, near Grozny.

* In several incidents during December 1999 and January 2000 in the Staropromyslovski district of Grozny, Russian troops killed at least 50 unarmed civilians, mostly elderly men and women.

And European court ruling:
17 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

I hope well documented personal participation of Zakayev in murder of two orthodox priests in 1996 (definitely, not armed forces) is enough to start thinking that something is wrong?

Who documented it? Russian special services?

Read this:
Yes, this is my testimony.'

'Did you testify that Mr. Zakayev ordered to kidnap the two priests?'

'I did.'

'Is that true?'

'No, that is not.'

'Why did you make this testimony?'

'I was forced to.'

17 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

I think nobody will ask your approval. ;)

I was talking to Marek and this is the matter between us. Haven`t you noticed? :):):)

If you want to join our discussion let me ask you: What do you think about the idea of tracking down and trying Russian war criminals? :):):) So that there is nice balance in nature, i.e. not only Chechens are put on trial?
17 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

I agree on one condition - all Russian military criminals who comitted war crimes in Chechenya, including levelling Chechen villages by carpet bombing, will be sent to independent European courts in Hague and handled in a proper way.

There is no excuse for killing innocent civilians - these are your own words which are correct.

Only then I can agree to Zakajev`s extradition and trial in Moscow.

16 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

Luckily, the government seems sensible...

Akhmed Khalidovich Zakayev has arrived in Warsaw to attend the Chechen Nation World Congress near the capital but will not face extradition to Russia, reports the PAP news agency.

Earlier today the Attorney General's office said that if the Chechen leader, who is wanted by Russian on terrorism charges, steps foot in Poland then they would be compelled to arrest him.

Interpol also has an warrant out for the arrest of Zakayev - who has lived in London for some years - which would force Poland to consider an extradition request from Russia.

But an anonymous source close to the government in Warsaw told the PAP news agency that the chances of Zakayev being handed over to the Russians "were zero".

In 1904 Piłsudski took part in anti-Russian terrorist attacks, fighting for Polish independence.
In 1905 he went to Japan.

If the Japanese had handed him over to Russians then, today we would consider it an extremely unfair treatment of the Polish fighter.

Pawian with your thinking Polish home army were terrorists as they kill german soldiers, you are wrong.

Of course, they were Polnische Banditen, weren`t they? :):):)

Ok, you are partly right. :):):)
16 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

The way they are going about it I do not agree but they are not first ones to use terror to fight for their independence.

Piłsudski, considered a hero, a creator of independent Poland, was a pure terrorist for some time:
In the fall of 1904, Piłsudski formed a paramilitary unit (the Combat Organization of the Polish Socialist Party, or bojówki) aiming to create an armed resistance movement against the Russian authorities.[43] The PPS organized an increasing numbers of demonstrations, mainly in Warsaw; on 28 October 1904, Russian Cossack cavalry attacked a demonstration, and in reprisal, during a demonstration on 13 November Piłsudski's paramilitary opened fire on Russian police and military.[43][45] Initially concentrating their attention on spies and informers, in March 1905 the paramilitary began using bombs to assassinate selected Russian police officers.
15 Sep 2010
News / Chechen Congress in Poland, Russia frowns [90]

Russia concerned over Chechen congress in Poland

Russia has conveyed its unease at the Chechen Nation World Congress to be staged in Poland on 16-18 September.
The Russian ambassador to Poland Aleksander Alekseyev warned suspected terrorists would be taking part.
"Russia has an extremely negative attitude towards such events," said Alekseyev adding that Ahmed Zakayev, head of the Chechen government-in-exile and who is accused by Russians of terrorism, will participate at the congress.

The Russian ambassador also confirmed that President Dmitry Medvedev will pay an official visit to Poland this year. Alekseyev said that Russia hopes the talks to be "very substantial."


Polish authorities seem to be intent on avoiding Russian anger.....

Polish arrest warning for top Chechen rebel Zakayev
Leading Chechen rebel Akhmed Zakayev has been warned by Poland that he faces arrest on a Russian warrant if he visits the country this week.

Mr Zakayev, who has been living in the UK since receiving political asylum in 2003, says he means to attend a Chechen congress opening in Poland on Thursday.

Russia regards him as a terrorist and has an international warrant lodged against him through Interpol.
Poland has been among the fiercest critics of Russian policy in Chechnya.
But relations between Warsaw and Moscow improved this year after Russia's sensitive handling of the Polish air disaster on [...]
15 Sep 2010
Travel / Unusual architecture - bulidings and structures in Poland [28]

Let`s collect all kinds of unusual buildings and constructions in Poland. I have found a dozen so far, and need more food for thought. Can you help?

Normally, a Catholic church in Poland looks like that:

See a Catholic church in Lublin:
13 Sep 2010
Travel / My visit to Poland - Likes & Dislikes. [137]

who you

The same to you.

I never found Warsaw attractive either but I am told,

As a born Krakovian, I find Warsaw extremely attractive.
7 Sep 2010
Life / What is Nowy Sacz like? [26]

Full of rundown buildings and beggars but I can't confirm that.

Not exactly.


See more:
1 Sep 2010
Food / Panga Fish (available in Polish stores); I'll never eat it again. Alternative? [68]

There are 7 points and I believe them all except point 7, coz I dont really care about multinationals....

Before you make such a declaration, why don`t you hear the other side too?

Here is a comment made by some professional fish trader under the article you mentioned:

The SKY IS FALLING. I've been in the seafood industry as a buyer, seller, importer and trader for 15 years in the United States. The EU has the highest standards in the world for illegal chemicals, compounds, and antibiotics. Last I checked, France is in the EU. Every load of seafood must be inspected, and a random sample from EACH lot must be tested in an EU-endorsed laboratory to detect the author's described poisons. If it possesses these poisons/antibiotics/chemicals, the whole load is rejected.

Get a grip on reality. The world's wild Pollock and Cod fishery has been severely over-fished, and its supply is wholly inadequate to meet the world's needs. Aquaculture is the only way to meet the world's needs. Vietnam is at the forefront in the fight to promote safe, eco-friendly farming.

Readers, please do your research to get the facts, rather than taking this one lunatic's propaganda as fact. What he/she presents as fact is far from the truth.