The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by pawian  

Joined: 30 May 2008 / Male ♂
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From: Poe land
Speaks Polish?: Yes, but I prefer English
Interests: Everything funny

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29 Apr 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

What about today?

By the way, horseradish sauce used to be called by the French in the nineteenth century, "the Polish mustard."

I call it Polish tabasco.

Leaves of horseradish

Why are you presenting leaves? Someone may wrongly think they are the main ingredient of "Polish mustard."
29 Apr 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

"Barszcz zwyczajny"

Wow, I know this smelly weed. Often wondered if it can be used in kitchen because it bears a striking similarity to dill.


So historically "barszcz" was green, not red.

It seems green borsch had many variants

, derived from the Polish name szczaw for sorrel. Due to its commonness as a soup in Eastern European cuisines, it is often called "green borscht", as a cousin of the standard, reddish-purple borscht soup.
28 Apr 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

The brownish/black ones are kominki! They might be called differently in other parts of Poland though.

Yes! We call them by their species name - lejkowiec dęty - Funnel Mushroom. Other local names are black boots.

Great as pierogi/naleśniki stuffing (boil them, fry with onions, add salt and pepper and mince).

They are not bad.

The creamy ones though, I see them often but never picked them, are they good for eating?

Yes, the best are pickled:
28 Apr 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

I haven't actually seen those creamy mushrooms in my life (now that I see what their down side looks like)

Funny, isn`t it? Those spikes, I mean....

erhaps I have seen these dark things but don't know them and never picked them

Yes, nobody does, that is why there is more for me and my family. :):):) After drying, we add them as spice to dishes, if that may help you.
28 Apr 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

when I was a kid gołąbki z blachy with a pinch of salt were a real treat.

I prefer gołąbki to other mushrooms, no matter how noble. Luckily, people are afraid to pick them, so I can be picky in the forest and choose the best specimen. :):):)

Did you teach your kids about mushrooms or did you leave that job for grandpa?

First, I taught myself about mushrooms as a young man, and taught my kids later on.

PS. What can you say about the next two photos?

i use these:
to make this:

It means you destroy great mushrooms by mixing them into a tartar sauce???

Outragoeus sacrilege!

Precz z mego serca!
28 Apr 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

I think it is better to learn from people who are in the know eventually

Will you trust those people ? Even experienced pickers make mistakes.....

Yellow - maślak
Green - gołąbek zielony


and I know why - because it is some kind of gołąbek -


Another set, gumishu and Short:
28 Apr 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

Is this a test?

Yes! :):):)

Did you pick them yourself?

No, my 10 yo son! :):):)

Zrobiłeś zdjęcie sąsiadowi?

No!! Sąsiadce! :):):)

W podkarpackim mamy do wyboru, od małego chodziłem na grzyby z dziadkiem.

Good. Tell the names, then. :):):):)

podgrzybek, kurki...

28 Apr 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

Go out more often and in no time you’ll be an expert too.

Enough to take a few good books with illustrations.

I usually pick (kozaki, prawdziwki, podgrzybki, gąski, maślaki, gołąbki, kanie, opieńki, rydze, kurki.)

Do you really know them? Which of them can you see in the photos above?
28 Apr 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

The Polish mushrooms are the world's best, and are hard to come by here in the USA.

Yes, due to excellent climate conditions and the most advanced technology of collecting and drying, Polish mushrooms are the best.
What do you think of these?:
26 Apr 2011
Food / Polish head cheese [46]

I eat really strange things, but I refuse to eat pig head. (though in US once I bought pig ears and tried to fry them but it was a disaster),

Hog head or Pig's feet and ears
Apple cider vinegar
black pepper
red pepper

Boil meat with onions, garlic, salt, black pepper, water and vinegar till falling off the bones. Allow to cool until able to handle with bare hands. Pick meat off the bones, discard bones. chop meat and cooked onions to desired consistency. Add vinegar, salt, black and red pepper, and sage to taste.

Pour into a large pan and allow to cool in refrigerator overnight. Cut in squares, serve with saltine crackers.

25 Apr 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

it will be off topic then...

Wrong. The question might be addressed to non-Poles, but concerns Polish food eaten by Poles like me.


any ideas? the previous one wasn'r clear enough...

It was clear enough for a person not necessarily endowed with outstanding intelligence. Those with really little intelligence should learn and try to improve it, by reading and interpreting such titles, among others.

PS. Remove the Poles and change food into Polish foods then
25 Apr 2011
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

Dear Moderator who changed the title of this thread,

Can you remove the Poles from it? It doesn`t concern Poles exclusively. Even worse, this thread is designed for non-Poles mostly.

PS. It is OK, I don`t mind, everybody makes mistakes from time to time.
24 Apr 2011
Life / Sexual culture in Poland [66]

Beautiful, indeed. What a pity the Polish language prefers to be "pawiem i papugą narodów".
24 Apr 2011
Life / Polish authors, books & literature. [95]

Jan Brzechwa, a Jewish Pole/Polish Jew, who wrote excellent poems and stories for kids.

23 Apr 2011
History / Old communist leaders still buried in Merit Cemetery in Powązki [20]

What do I mean by patriots buried in Powązki cemetery?

Warsaw insurgents - hundreds of graves with thousands of names:
Killed during the breakthrough from Old Town disctrict to Middle Town through city sewers.
Mass graves of insurgents and civilians murderd by Germans in seperate streets or houses.
23 Apr 2011
News / Raising Poland's legal drinking age to 21 [95]

In an attempt to fight alcoholism amongst the youth the government is proposing a controversial legal age of 21.

Stupid idea. They want to cut me off booze. But I will find my way to get it!