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Posts by PennBoy  

Joined: 7 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2013
Threads: 76
Posts: Total: 2432 / Live: 2325 / Archived: 107
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Tak

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6 Apr 2012
Love / 'Seks po polsku' - the sex lives of Poles: [45]

The Sexuality of Poles

Today we will look into the bedroom of the Poles. And not just the bedroom. Our sexual fantasies are becoming bolder, more persuasively put them into being and we are more satisfied with our sex lives - a theory confirmed by further reports analyze survey sexologists. More, perhaps not much more, but you can learn by observing a rapidly growing market for shopping and entertainment with the word "sex" in its name.

Magda, visits the swingers club regularly. Gladly poses for photos in front of the camera yet doesn't wish to talk openly about her sexual desires. Does the growing interest in the clubs for swingers, or who like sex in a group, may indicate a sexual revolution?

Just 20 years ago, the standard technique was missionary, face to face. Currently it turns out that about 40 percent of people have oral sex. -Says sexualogist Andrzej Sękowski

Paul - operating one of these clubs in Warsaw - says that this place is a success, and that he approves of this revolutionary approach to sex which is taking place.

- The subject becomes fashionable and popular by the fact that people are talking about sex openly expressing themselves and not because it's strange and incomprehensible - he says.
7 Apr 2012
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

Yes, Polak, is very derogatory, to the great Polish people, worldwide. I hate when someone calls me a Polak, and I correct them, by saying, I am Polish, not a Polak.

Well in the States I've noticed that Hispanics generally don't know it's offensive they think it simply means Polish. I've explained it to a few and they were shocked, asking 'then what's the right way to call a Polish person'?
7 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Do you know there are still many people of Polish origin in Eastern countries? Ukrainian students

I see.. Goncharova..Oleshko..Zmiyevsha..Davidenko....
I know there are many people of Polish ancestry in the east but these people are probably not them.
Ukrainian students who are gonna study in Poland.
9 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best?

Dr. Artur Bodnar from the Helsinki Human Rights Foundation

'We should be more open towards immigrants in our own interests, because we started out with workers and people who, in our aging society would pay taxes to support pensions and other social goals. It is for our benefit that Poland is a country where it is easy for immigrants to assimilate into our society, fit into our culture, learn the language, and not establish and live in minority ghettos. There are also many of such, for example, from the former Soviet Union, who are eager and willing to move to Poland and live here. This also applies to the Vietnamese and Chinese, who somehow are able to find their place in our fairly homogeneous social structure.'
15 Apr 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Well then I guess I should be happy that when I lived in Poland, everyone thought I was Polish ; )

I guess you should be lol..
Texas born Polish American Playmate Hope Dworaczyk...
22 Apr 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]


Many Nigerians in your neck of the woods?

You'd be surprised how integrated America's cities neighborhoods have become, more or less since the year 2000, even the better ones. When I came here in 91' African immigrants were very few, now there are many Nigerians, Ghanians, Liberians etc.

Queuing and basic manners are a foreign concept to them.

On the whole compared to Africa-Americans they are better behaved. But then there are people for whom it doesn't matter how polite their neighbor is. White or Black many don't want interracial mixing. Here's Muhammad Ali explaining it on a British show..
30 Apr 2012
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [441]

Racism in poland

4 AZS Koszalin basketball players were attacked and beaten by 15 hooligans. One of the victims Lamont McIntosh says that his teammate who was also attacked heard racist slurs.
1 May 2012
News / Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story? [711]

let's consider your buying power after all that work. in Poland, a good salary is around 3000zl/month net for most people

True. My friend who has a pretty good position in the company he works for and a doctorate makes 3400 PLN a month.

Well I knew many Poles who've been here in the States for years, were unhappy with the value of the dollar falling (prices rising) wages remaining the same and less work, took their savings sold their homes and went back to Poland and are happy there. The worst thing is a start, if people have money they can easily start and have a good life in Poland.
1 May 2012
News / Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story? [711]

unhappy with the value of the dollar falling (prices rising) wages remaining the same

Very true. If things don't change in the next few years, who the hell will wanna come here? Maybe some third worlders.
1 May 2012
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

Did you finish high school? Why don't you look at yourself first before pointing out Polish people, Americans can never take any sort of criticism of their country.. Because they are THE best in everything. Meanwhile European students know a whole lot more about the world and been to more places. (Only 21% of Americans hold a passport) Typical ignorance.
1 May 2012
News / Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story? [711]

insert any country.

I know..but were were talking about Poland.

middle class in the USA lives well compared to most of the world....they used to live better.

Used to. As long as the big corporations are greedy and continue to send manufacturing jobs overseas it wont change for the better.
1 May 2012
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

Have you been to America?

Yes I've been living in Philadelphia for 21 years, been to Boston, Chicago, Florida, Detroit etc. Didn't say all Americans but many are ignorant about the world, especially compared to their European counterparts.
1 May 2012
USA, Canada / Polish or American Education? [180]

Mind you the schooling system is much harder in America than say for example in Europe country such as London. LOL YOUR A FUCCIN IDIOT. You must be Polish. Maybe you need to go back to school.

HAHA other way around silly boy. The level is 3 to 4 grades behind Poland. Polish 8th grade grads know the same or more math, history and science than American high school grads. Only American universities are better and that's a fact (money)
1 May 2012
USA, Canada / Polish or American Education? [180]


You are truly an ignorant nitwit who gets his information from guessing and assuming. The OECD's comprehensive world education ranking report, PISA, is out. Find out how each country compares...
PISA Programme for International Student Assessment ranks Polish high school students 12th in the world, US 14th.. read.
1 May 2012
USA, Canada / Polish or American Education? [180]

The Finns have completely revamped their education system and have been flying up that table.

What was the reason for their success?
1 May 2012
USA, Canada / Polish or American Education? [180]

Finns have completely revamped their education system and have been flying up that table.

Same school same teachers teaching all students together.
Obviously it's working.
2 May 2012
History / The story about German- Polish reconciliation [194]

The story about German- Polish reconciliation

From the early 90s until the end of 2010 Germany has invested over 20 billion euros.

Germany has been also the main source of EU's structural funds flowing into Poland. Infrastructure being built, jobs created is enough for reconciliation.
3 May 2012
Genealogy / Italians in Poland around 1500-1600's [5]

Italians in Poland

Currently there are officially 4, 032 Italians living in Poland -
3 May 2012
USA, Canada / To move back to Poland from the USA or not to move back....that is the question [119]

Many people have moved back to Poland or went to other parts of Europe. I personalty know half a dozen people who went back and are happy there. The America we used to know the land of milk and honey is no more. Prices are high, wages the same as 10 years ago, good jobs are scarce. You can see the neighborhoods changing, getting dirtier, overrun by 'trash'.
3 May 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

Ain't true anymore, it seems

And it should be declining since there are no medical benefits to having it done, it's the opposite really. In European countries it's under 20%.
4 May 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

So you brought it up, citing it as your source for the 'fact' that American women don't like uncircumcised ones.

Yes and No. If she's never seen one before she might be kind of grossed out by it, but once she has sex an uncircumcised one it's more pleasurable. Heard the skin is an extra comfort.
4 May 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

Seems that US men don't like their local chicks anymore... :)

Hmm. Well there are many pretty American girls, far more than people in other parts of the world realize. The posters say the girls are snobby, most girls with good looks are. I think in general American women are easier to talk to and be with then for instance Polish, Polish women always gotta put their 'two cents in' and are more difficult.

That is not the topic of this thread. Don't make it to be closed for cleaning.
5 May 2012
Food / Miracle Whip availability in Poland? [43]

Miracle Whip availability in Poland?

Try Majonez Kielecki (Kielce Mayonnaise) similar in taste to Miracle Whip but better!