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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
22 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

No. Different mentality.

Oh please! Why not say: Different race? Better race???


But as I said before, you are a bonafide example of everything what keeps nationalists disunited and weak...why they will always lose against globalists and even leftists!

But be my guest, I'm for sure not suffering for it...

Once that is gone and different national interests come into play I doubt they will be so cooperative

They CAN'T!!!! Spike would never work together with german nationalists to make both countries better and stronger....he would rather cut his hand off! :)

No real opponent for the german and polish globalists and their organizations! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

Polish nationalism did not start two World Wars (out of 2 in total) and haven't created holocaust.

Lack of means, power and opportunity...if Germany hadn't been the most industrialized and technological advanced country of this age neither wouldn't had german nationalists been able to wreak that much havoc! But they had the power so they could!

Nobody cares about the nationalists of....say...Malta! Simple as that....but the spirit behind is always the same!

We good! - Everybody not like us bad! Needs to be fighted, deported, jailed, oppressed, killed! For the good of our people!
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

That's the crux of the matter, isn't it?

Nationalists also believe they have to fight for the best of their country.....they must kill all these "traitors" who want to destroy the proud nation...they must "cleanse" the nation from all these gadflies like gays and all those they don't deem to belong....

Only then, when the country is cleaned, the traitors are disposed of THEN the nation will be perfect and safe...something to be proud of...and everybody who thinks differently is naturally an enemy of this nation...
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

BB's view, as I understand it, is that a supranational globalist body is the best way to ensure peace and prosperity

This kind of cooperation not only benefits Germany....look at Europe BEFORE and can't say only Germany profited from that!

When you listen to...say....Weimarer + just know that would going to end with nationalists at the helm...for the bad of both countries. We would fight again! We would lose again!

The question is, does a supranational globalist political-economical regime really provide that in the long run?

It's nothing strange implanted from Mars on's us...we shape and direct it. But with all bitching and discussing and disagreements we should always keep in mind that we have no really a better chance.

That's what makes patriotes different....they want the best for their country! If a supranationalist body can provide that, then...hell yeah! :)

A nationalists hates other countries! They will always think "We against Them"!
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

...stop kidding around!

Look what the globalists build together and what nationalists build together....a few "talks" or a common torch march isn't going to cut it!

...and do you know why globalists are so much smarter than nationalists?

Because most nationalists I know of only want to destroy what the globalists did build...what made them so strong and powerful. Like the EU for example. They only want to stay the lone fingers, where everybody cares and fights only for themselves...they want to break up that powerful "fist"....that's enough for them. No better plans for afterwards....

Instead to do it like them, or to take become also that powerful...TOGETHER!

But that would be a totally different kind of complicated for most nationalists...bitchfighting with their neighbours is what they know best, why change?
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

Hitler came to power in January, 1933. International Jewry declared war on Germany already by March,

They might have read his plans in "Mein Kampf" ?

England continually provoked Germany and caused rebellions and uprisings of states through its developed espionage service.

Only when Germany became to strong...then England of course supported it's enemies. If France for example got to strong, England supported Germany's what "perfidious Albions" always do!
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

Giving up on Berlin as a capital would also symbolically mean breaking up with the Prussian heritage


Prussian heritage is goooood!!! :)

Not to forget it has been a repeated famous promise everybody knew of by the West for the East for as long as this division did go start the re-unification with a broken promise would had been a bad start!

And why Frankfurt/Main? There is no other city in Germany which embodies the cold hard money that enough for a capital? Would that be a good emphasis for the new Germany?

Dresden would had been better...all beautiful Gloria...a rich history....
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

The Basic Law is a great constitution, but I think a new document wouldn't go amiss.

Especially as it would be made for and with the two halves now....East-Germans just got "added" to the western Basic's nothing they have been really part of.

Drafting a new constitution would have taken years, and it would probably would not have been much different from the one we have today.

It probably wouldn't nor shouldn't be much different...but it would be a nice gesture to take the amount of time and effort...
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Feb 2020
News / Why is Poland so hostile against Germany? Do they realize how their reparations rubbish damages relations? [510]

Which use to be 9 million as taught in schools all of W Europe... And it's since been reduced...

Do you really care about the numbers? Why is that important? Does a million less victims really lessens the atrocity for the rest?

And shouldn't a real Jew-hater like you not be proud of that and be happy with a high number? Why are you trying to talk it down?
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Jan 2020
News / First Coronavirus case in Poland? [30]


The cases in Germany had been Chinese too...they should think of quarantining them the moment they leave a plane...all of them!
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Jan 2020
News / Poland economy is a financially drained economy of suppliers? [33]

LOT has paid for this disaster now let them profit from it ;-)

I'm all for it, as it means the personal get's to keep the jobs and bread on the table....who cares which corporation profits from it (as long as it isn't Chinese, but I said that already:)

yet Germany has signed deals with them to build North Stream I and II... even in spite of concerns of Poland and Baltic States

Yeah...well...that with North Stream develops slowly into a puzzle...nearly all in Germany are now against it...but Merkel! She keeps defending it...

Bratwurst Boy   
25 Jan 2020
News / Poland economy is a financially drained economy of suppliers? [33]

So you admit that money has nationality? :-)

Once China's economy isn't used by the chinese communist party for economical and political gains anymore I won't complain anylonger.

But as it is it's the age of the foundation and building of economical/political blocs and I would prefer Europe on top, thank you very much.

And that's also one of the reasons why the idea of Poland alone is so fruitless and senseless when the big blocs will divide the world between themselves. The idea that Poland could play an important role outside the EU, that it would have a voice which would count for anything is ridiculous.

For you and for Germany and all other european countries is the EU the only chance to be seen as equals, to still play a role in this new world. To wish for it's destruction is like the end of the once proud polish Commonwealth because of inner polish squabbles all over again. Only this time it wouldn't only be Poland that would be partitioned by the smarter unified victors!

And this is also the reason why the EU, no matter the inner squabbles, will prevail...there are today more sane politicians around than in Poland back then...

and digest this crushing defeat of acquiring a major German leisure airline

Could it be that you took the german take over of polish firms also as "crushing defeats"? Was that Grünwald and the partitions and the world wars all over again for you? Was that hurting your self-esteem? Is that the reason you begrudge the Germans it's economical power?

Is that it? Is that all? Is that the reason why you want Poland out of the EU? Why you want to destroy the EU? It would explain so much!

My my my...Spikey...I have good news for the future that will happen more and more. The more Poland rises up economically, the more money will be available and the more the polish economy gets connected to the other european economies the more often such deals will be made, all over Europe!

But that also is bad news for a Polexit....because the longer Poland stays in the EU and the more it get's interconnected inside the EU the higher would be the losses by a Polexit, especially the soon to be polish economical fat cats will not support you...they don't want their money cut by politics.

The money is globalist in the first place!
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Jan 2020
News / Poland economy is a financially drained economy of suppliers? [33]

Condor still has to pay the millions back it got from the german gov to help it survive (and so to secure the jobs) after the disaster that was Thomas Cook....or has LOT now to pay the money back?

Ah...update....found it:

...In a statement Condor and LOT, which is owned by PGL, said they would pay back the loan from Germany in its entirety....


I had to smile at this one though:

...Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, whose cabinet is nationalist, told a news conference on Friday: "Up until now foreign companies have been taking over Polish precious assets, now it is the other way round!" ....

Well...that's called Globalism! It wasn't an anti-polish invention by them EU neo-marxists!!! :):):)