The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Dirk diggler  

Joined: 9 May 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - B
Last Post: 23 Jun 2022
Threads: Total: 10 / Live: 5 / Archived: 5
Posts: Total: 4452 / Live: 1973 / Archived: 2479
From: A White Wonderland
Speaks Polish?: Tak
Interests: Professional kebab remover

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Dirk diggler   
17 Nov 2020
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

In Poland you have 1/3 of the country proudly displaying homophobia.

More like 80%+, 1/3 is LGBT free thanks to wise municipal administrators who don't want the anal brigades to brainwash even more children.


Regardless of what words you nitpick, the fact remains that the majority of Poles are against LGBT whether that's gay marraige, adoption, or even accepting a gay teacher, childminder, co-worker etc.

Most Poles don't like pedaly - that's a fact. Miesjca pedala jest pod butem!
Dirk diggler   
17 Nov 2020
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

But that scum shouldn`t be considered typical Poles. They are a pathetic minority.

Fact: over 80% of Poles are against expanding LGBT rights like gay adoption and 3/4 of Poles are against turd world immigration.

In fact, right now there's a bill to ban pride parades all together. Hopefully it passes, but even if it doesn't every year the fags will get beaten up and have bricks thrown at them. Most Poles don't like pedaly - miejsce pedala jest pod butem
Dirk diggler   
16 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

Jews only consider themselves white when they feel the need to teach us about white guilt and boo-hoo for black/brown people.

Jews are not Poles - never have been, never will be. They are two completely separate peoples.

Let us have democratic process in Poland where diversity is encouraged.

No thanks. Stats speak for themselves - most Poles don't want more diversity.
Dirk diggler   
14 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

do you support PiS or Konfederacja, Dirk?

Konfederacja more so in terms of ideology, but PiS in terms of actually winning elections on a large scale. 99% of Konfederacja's platform I agree with. They're killing it with the youth - polls show 20% of under 30's vote for Konfederacja.

polls show different results now

Yeah and they continue to show PiS in 1st and as usual in front of 2nd place PO - hence why PiS keeps winning elections and PO keeps crying that they lost

Dirk supports any rightwingers who resist LGBT, liberated women, EU enthusiasts, immigrants, abortion etc. So, PiS and Konfa match perfectly.

Not resist, fight against such trash. Not that LGBT, immigrants, etc. are all that popular even among more centrist and left leaning polls. Even PO realizes they can't push the multikulti and pro-LGBT agendas without losing a bunch of voters. Thank God I'm lucky enough to belong to a nation where 3/4 are against turd world migrants and 80%+ against gay adoption.
Dirk diggler   
13 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Why are you lying again?

Lying? Remind me who is the current president of Poland? Which party has the most seats n the Sejm? Which 1st place party is consistently 10-20+ percentage points above 2nd place PO? That's right...
Dirk diggler   
3 Nov 2020
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

What do you think about Russians or Ukrainians?

I work with a lot of Ukrainians but not too many Russians. Most the Ukrainians I've dealt with are pretty capable but from my experience don't do too well with a high level of autonomy and need to be guided along. They're not really the kind of people where you can give them general guidelines or tell them to do something and expect a good result - you have to hold their hand and walk them through it. The engineers and programmers are very capable and hard working, but the sales, marketing, social media, etc. tend to be par at best.
Dirk diggler   
2 Nov 2020
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

I don't think you can even register maluchy anymore... I was under the impression that the government wasn't allowing new registrations to phase them out because they're so unsafe..

At least the Polonez is somewhat safer. My cousin had one before he upgraded to a Corvette - quite a big jump. At the time (late 90's) he was one of only 3 people in Poland to apparently own a Corvette. Was probably the nicest car around especially in a **** hole like Walbrzych of all places.
Dirk diggler   
2 Nov 2020
History / Do Polish people in general dislike Russia or Germany more? [369]

Germans and Russians are both historic rivals for Poland - and it's like that even today. Difference is that Poles and Germans despite German aggression coming up every so often managed to somehow have an uneasy co-existence. It's not like that with Poles and Russians. A lot of Russians would still love for Poland to be a Soviet vassal. With Germans it's more geo-political and increasingly economic rivalry. Poland's clout is increasing while Germany's is still strong, but stagnant.

I've worked with just almost every nationality and I can say that the Germans are by far the most stuck-up and make way too many assumptions but they're also the most diligent and most competitive, even more so than E Asians and Indians.
Dirk diggler   
2 Nov 2020
History / Modern myths and legends about communist past in Poland [227]

Trabant was a POS... Wartburg was much better imo.

The best cars you could have in the PRL at least in the 80s were Fiat Mirafiori (very rare and super expensive), a diesel Mercedes, VW Golf/Jetta, BMW 3, and Polonez. If you had any of those you were ballin' - probably were a cinkciarz, corrupt PRL official, smuggler, gangster, and/or had people sending you USD's.
Dirk diggler   
21 Oct 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

If Germany was in danger, would France come to help? Give me your rationale.

Well, judging by the recent demographic changes in Germanistan, all they need to do is have an imam declare jihad and they'll have all the help they'll need.

A much better strategy than the United Kaliphate's decision to spend millions to try to attract muslims into the military. I mean these people actually released an ad with a guy taking off his boots during an operation and the rest of the squad guarding him while he prays. ROFL!!! You can't make this stuff up. I didn't it make it past ROTC but I know if my drill instructor ever caught me without boots anywhere but in bed he'd probably need vocal chord surgery.

Here is the video in all it's unintentional hilarity -
Dirk diggler   
21 Oct 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

Because they are playing the 'holier than thou ' act.

That's because they are. Unlike PO and the left who's ranks are stuffed with PZPR card carrying commies, PiS and the right aren't trying to kiss up the EU and Merkel, they're not trying to institute the anal agenda all over Polish schools, they're not agreeing to take in turd world migrants, etc. They're the only ones that are fighting for a Polska dla Polakow and that's precisely why the majority of Polish voters vote for right wing parties.
Dirk diggler   
21 Oct 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

The jews have sought to dominate Poland ever since Kazimierz Wielki let them in - the biggest mistake in Polish history - just read about the Boderheim plan, Mitteleuropa or even the works of great Polish patriots like the statesman and one of the architects of the Polish constitution Niemcewicz or the more modern books Judeopolonia and Judeopolonia II by Dr. Sczesniak.

Today it's no different. You talk about right wingers past affiliations with PZPR or PRL regime, but not a peep about PO or the left when the fact remains that there are exponentially more people on the left with prl and commie ties than on the right.
Dirk diggler   
21 Oct 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

No, most Jews left in 1968.

Poland was liberated of Jewish control during WW2, a lot of the prominent ones left in the late 60's and 70's, much of the remaining ones changed their names to sound more Polish and today are allied with PO and the left. People like Jan Gross, Michnik,Kasman Zambrowski (aka Nassbaum), Jasienica (aka Beynar), and the hundreds of other Jews who now have Polish names. Funny how so few of them are patriots and how many of them are internationalists who want to institute the same globo-homo-run-by-Shlomo agenda. If they have power you better believe that Poland will cuck just like Germany and pay hundreds of millions to "holocaust" victims....

Michnik was a staunch anticommunist since 1968

Really? Is that why he's so opposed to lustration? Perhaps it could be because his own and his families' past crimes would be exposed more so than they already are.

A great man, Poland shall remember his noble deeds.

Polish patriots despise him - he undermines Poland at every turn. He is nothing more than a typical internationalist jew work against Poland, not for Poland or Polish people. He despises Polish culture, Polish society, Polish traditions and especially the Polish Roman Catholic chuch.
Dirk diggler   
20 Oct 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

You didn't need to be in PZPR or some agent to travel to the west. Usually all it took was money, contacts, and/or leaving a family member behind. The authorities were generally okay with a single person traveling if their family remained behind. It was tougher when it was a young couple, unless of course you had a wad of dollars or knew the right people. Getting things done are not different today. We pretend the old commie ways are gone but really it's just a different, probably even more complex bureaucracy. Funny thing is if you go to just about any government office even abroad they still think it's 1980 - some of the old ladies have been working there since then.
Dirk diggler   
20 Oct 2020
History / Poland rightwingers` bonds with PRL communist regime [191]

Why no mention of jews' bonds with PRL communist regime and all the people they've thrown in jail and killed? Start with Michnik and his family...

For every one person in PiS or on the right that had some sort of affiliation with PZPR or the PRL regime you'll find 10 jews and those on the left.
Dirk diggler   
15 Oct 2020
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

Poles and Italians have worked together in Chicago since the days of Al Capone - and to today that continues in "the patch." Just recently a crew made up of Italians and Poles were busted after dressing like cops and ripping off cartel stash houses.
Dirk diggler   
15 Oct 2020
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]


I like how they call it "kwiaty konopi" almost like taking the term "flower" from English, before they called it nugs and buds when I was in high school and college. The container is similar to when I bought recreational out west, around here though I haven't been to a dispensary bc their prices are a rip off imo. But in Poland I'd definitely get a script to avoid issues with PL cops

It will cost you at least twice that much $400 to $600 at a recreation dispensary.

Yeah it's almost the same exact thing here.
Dirk diggler   
15 Oct 2020
USA, Canada / My grievances with the American-Polonia [54]


I don't think I could've summarized it better

Let US Polonia stick to their despicable ways on American soil, not in Poland.

ROFL Poland is more conservative than even than a good chunk of the Polonia thanks to US influence. The worldview and ideologies of Poles in Poland and Poles abroad especially in the USA isn't too different. We are mostly Roman Catholic, conservative, and don't follow all the bullshit with lgbt, migrants, tranny bathrooms, etc.

why Polonia aren't doing more to heal political rifts in America and doing more for others

Because we don't really care... Polonia lives in urban areas that are run by dem politicians. They just want to make money, buy a nice house, run a small business and complain how much of their tax payers goes to funding black people and others.

Stats show about 70% of Polonia are for Trump, about 30% for Biden.

So the answer to "reducing divisions" for most Polonia involves re-electing Trump.
Dirk diggler   
14 Oct 2020
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

How cheap is medical in PL? I can't believe it'd be cheaper than street. Here medical costs almost 2x street. $400-$500 an oz for primo bud?!?! gtfoh...

only thing worth buying from dispensary imo are carts and edibles if that's your thing since a lot of the carts sold on the street have vitamen e and other nasty cuts that can rly **** up ur lungs
Dirk diggler   
12 Oct 2020
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

They basically already are..Another Bloody Weekend In Chicago: 52 Shot, 14 Dead So Far

There's a lot more shootings up north now even in the old Polish areas. There's a big gang conflict going on now. That's why you have to be armed if you want to live in this city and survive.
Dirk diggler   
1 Oct 2020
USA, Canada / Obtaining Polish passport in the US? What do I need to do? [4]


I'd recommend going to the Chicago consulate - that's probably closest to Columbus - about 5-6 hour drive. And yes, you'll need an appointment especially now with covid. When I renewed mine I gave them some documents, 2 passport photos, answered a few questions on a form, paid some money (i think it was like $100-$200) and got my passport about 2 months later.