The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / Live: 2 / Archived: 30
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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1 Feb 2009

Really ridiculous that Polish girls are labelled like this in here. There are the way much many more wonderful Polish girls who work hard for a living... And if they find themselves suited with a non-white boyfriend, why so much ignorance and animosity towards them? ----------I feel that this is the thoughts of the stone age.

Its so unmanly to label the girl a slut just because she loves someone else and not you. I feel that this thread was not started by someone concerned about the accused promiscuosity of Polish females....but a deeper wound created by one who probably went off happily with some other human of a different skin tone.

This thread does not do justice to:

1. The white men who are not just white...but more important men, and even more importantly good human beings.

2. The Polish woman's integrity

3. The non-white man's respect and integrity.

At the end of the day... its a thread where I guess I posted too many...

Go ahead, criticize...but its living miserable and primitive to think the way most people here are involved in thinking.
1 Feb 2009

Are you putting me in the same sentence as mass murder Osama Bin Laden???

It means that everyone who dont find any guilt or regret in what they did, justify their deeds. Even Osama justifies himself.

Your view is blinded by your own beliefs

Not blinded. Its not biased. I believe we as human's are different than animals...we are to control our behaviours properly. Control, direct, educate our approach to life... and strengthen the society. This is very important... and its not repressing... Its a constructive approach...and human's are built for it.

I hate people who think they are above me because they believe they have a higher moral standpoint, or do I?

Its not a higer status... perfection is an endless journey....and perfection of man lies progressing in this path...not completing it. It cannot be completed.

You have gone forward a greater distance than many....i am also behind many who have been further....but we should walk forward...not backward....succumbing to our material lust and incompentancies.

Obviously you do!

Nope...its not personal. I've never been personal here...but misunderstood, by those who dont try to get that this is a place where we cross...

You like metaphors

Men make metaphors... and not become their slaves.

Good for you. I respect your view however...

I love all humans....i am against the weakness....not those who went a phase through it.

I am not against you. If I met you stressed somewhere....believe you me, if no one would...i would stop and give you water...

I know it might anger you now...and I stand firmly on one ground. But I hope you really could see the validity of this stance.

Have a happy life.
1 Feb 2009

Try getting out more and meeting people in future

I have studied religious doctrines since a good lot of time.

Plus... dont really bother if you are not serious on the Baha'i Faith. Its a world religion with adherents in every country. The most progressive of religions. How long have you been here anyways?...

And what the frick would you know about what Jesus said?

You completed highschool? (oh wait...ur gonna brag about your Phd. perhaps... )

Anyways... good night!
1 Feb 2009

any concrete facts or ideas to back up this ridiculous diatribe

If you cant see... then perhaps Jesus was right when he said..."They have eyes but cant see..."

I won't feel guilty for somebody else's disapproving view.

Oh I know you wont sir. You cant feel guilty... everyone got a point on thier deeds...whether they are on any scale of the misdeed meter.... e.g. even osama dont feel guilty of what he does I guess.

But I dont have a problem with you personal life... actually i know people who lead such lives... and i know people who dont. And I prefer people who dont....neither respect nor disrespect people who do.

Live your portion of life... while I do mine... and I make sure that people know, what a true kiss to your true love for the first time means, and what an eternal relationship means. I have belief in my belief... and this strength in enormous.
1 Feb 2009

sadly - we don't

You Dont. Doesnt mean that people in this world dont. Traditional is good till its not becoming stone age.

oh and one more thing, just to shock the hell out of you

Oh... you think these things shock the hell outta me... well keep thinking.

And really... what is different in you? A ship without a steer... goes wherever the wind blows. A little storm is enough to have it sailing towards nowhere!

Well let me tell you that there are women and men in Poland and in around the world who feel that there needs to be a steer. If the body is the horse, there needs to be the soul as the horseman to get life on the right track.

About judging... oh no I am not judging any particular person. To get your brain working correctly...its a forum where discussions are done, and views and crossed and analysed. People dont just come here to post their dreams and ideas....but also people cross and discuss those ideas, ideals and dreams and plans etc etc etc... thats why the thread just dont end up with one post... and it contains more views than one.

If my post seems boring to you... dont read it then. Go to you bar and get drunk...and say that the world is like the way you see it in your club i guess.

There are different worlds which exist in this same world. The world you live in is not the only world that exist. There is the world of those who value morals, family, love and commitment. There are people who value the correct use of the sex impulse. Yes, there exists a huge population in Poland who value these....Surprised? Fell from your chair?

look at yourself and think if you're the one without sin before you cast another stone

Well I am not a Christian. And I do not throw stones at anyone. But yes, I do have my point...and I do make it clear. Actually I work for it...I just dont sit and brag. Actually I have clubs and groups across Poland...since my early student years...with many such issues...moral, ethical, about migration and national interest.

People of other races are also humans. The good ones are counted out... but then what can one expect from people who are infested. They meet the infected ones and then infest the soeciety more with their infested thoughts, and later bring spiritual and physical dieseases to haunt the society. And when people with a moral stance stand and call for unity in thoughts, unity in action...these people brag for personal freedom and choice.

Well i respect the personal freedom....but the teaching or morality must stand on a higer ground over the sick and perverted ideas of immorality.
1 Feb 2009

Anyone who is promiscuous is a disgrace...whether man or woman.

About being with the non-white...i think its a thread influenced by a deep feeling of racism and unmanlyness. The person who thinks like this is lacking seriously in his manhood.

Plus the woman who thinks its feminist to protect these girls saying 'its ok as the men do it too' is being pathetic.

Plus the girls who do it...would do it with white men aswell. Would do it with anyone...because they are soul-less immoral people.

Plus... if they like a nonwhite man so much....they should feel free to marry him. Should be responsible... there are wonderful examples all over Poland. However for those who love to live under a rock dont know much but brag about their stupid and foolish sentiments and logic.
2 Jan 2009

I went very near India this time. I've been to Bangladesh....South Bangladesh on their vast beaches and an Island known as Saint Martins. I wish to visit that place too....but as a traveller I suppose.

But good luck to you both... Martinka and the Guest!

I heard its a vast country with many races, cultures, languages and cuisine.
21 Oct 2008
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [574]

Polish, born in Lodz, Poland. Living in Poland...

Well... i seem to be a part of the very switch board...then just being connected!
26 Sep 2008
Life / Famous / Iconic Polish Women [48]

1. Helena Rakoczy (Famous Gymnast)
2. Wislawa Szymborska (Famous Poet)
3. Irena SzewiƄska (Famous Athlete)

... ofcourse there are more.

Yes, they might not have turned the world around... but they have made great contributions towards firmly establishing the picture of Poland infront of the globe.
25 Sep 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

What do you think about Turks? terms of a nation... when I read your history...its full of Chivalry. Gallant men (many can even translate them as barbarians) conquering and reigning... Turks even before Islam, such as the Byzantine Empire ... and the Eastern Roman Empire... etc.

Turkey always remained a power block. However, its people whom I met are much violent and very untrustworthy.... but thats only those whom I met, probably you have good people back in your home.

Todays turkey, when asks for EU membership... the best I can do is to say 'Wish you all the best..' (I wouldnt go to give my vote though....neither yes nor no).
22 Sep 2008
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

Polonya Tatar Birlik is Turkish

Being Turkic doesnt mean TURKISH bluntly. The Tatars look mongol... their very personality is Mongol... and they came in Europe as a part of the Mongol Army.

I think its very naive of your calling them turkish... to even start with race...they are not turkish at all!
20 Sep 2008
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

They are from the times of the teutonic knights... and they allied with the mainstream polish people in the dark ages.

They are preety much mixed. Such a mixture... that calling them apart needs an expert polish eye :)

No relationship to Poles.

dont be so sure...

This is a flag used by the Union of Polish Tatars (Zwiazek Tatarow Polskich or Polonya Tatar Birlik), the foremost organization of the remnants of a once prosperous and influential ethno-religious group of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. From feared invaders in the XIII Century, the Tatars evolved into one of the most patriotic elements of the Polish nation. Treated with respect and equality, allowed complete religious freedom, they served with enthusiasm and numerous sacrifices their new fatherland. Over the years most of them lost their language and even the religion of their fathers by blending into Polish nobility and general population. Wars, partitions and border changes affected them severely, and today only about a few hundred thousand remain faithful to their tradition and Islam. But their involvement in epic struggles in defense of Poland, from the wars with the Teutonic Knights to fierce resistance against German-Soviet invasion of 1939 entitle them a special place in the society.

However, the Polish tatars are actually not all moslems. Many of them are Christians ... a big portion of them are very much crossed ... and are difficult to trace, unless seen with a very Polish eye.

These people are the most gallant members of the Polish Army. Have been the most prized possession. Their loyalty and commitment is reported to be breathtaking.

  • Polish-Tatar Flag. Another accepted flag of Poland.
20 Sep 2008
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

70/30 or even 80/20, unless you mean somebody who has a Tatar (or Mongol or anybody) GRANDPARENT ancestor.

friend... they LOOK like a tatar! That why I say... I can say from 10 hands away who is from the NorthEast of Poland! lol!

The way they talk, walk... look... allll is easy to trace! I am a native here....not many of the PF members can say that about themselves though
19 Sep 2008
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

i mean we do have a culture. and history. a very broad one

Your history has always been powerful... however your behaviour very weak.
19 Sep 2008
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

.Of course alot of Polish people have Mongolian ancestry somewhere down the line.My mother looks Mongolian,and she is Polish


Yes sir, there is evidence. Unless you have seen the Polish populace closely...

The North Easterns have a big percentage.. its not only visible but its even feelable :). The tatars as mentioned here... are on Mongoloid ancestry. There are semi-tataristic people (christians... but cross with tatar man/woman as ancestor).

The Polish Tatars however (Moslem or Christian) are more Polish than mongoloid (perhaps... 70/30 or 80/20). But still... the ancestry is there.

The whole of Poland... I would say... 60% of or population have some kind of Mongoloid ancestry... Due to the history we have with them... and their most obvious influences.

Good luck in your search
18 Sep 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

I mean the way they are generally a rough unruly... gangster thing. I dont want to mention these ignorant words dear friend... but look around for yourself. You will get the idea.
18 Sep 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

most ethnic groups seem to have a fairly negative opinion of black people in London.

I ... am not 100% in agreement. The black people from Africa, and seldom frowned upon by some unsure eyes of men here. Because of the 50cent culture usually being their brand. But, even that is changing, as we meet better people... buttt... :D ... it will take abit more time. I have seen dark people from other places...people dont find doubt in them...instead we go ahead and shake a hand... but... the very attitude advertised about afro people... are negative and demeaning I think.

I would say... I prefer to meet someone and spend some time before coming to a conclusion. And that conclusion will not be for all his nation :).
17 Sep 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

its just that there are racist Poles

very few. very.... few
13 Sep 2008
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

I dont see him finding a polish girl with his attitude.

Polish girl or not dear ... its a completely different matter.

See, I have been fortunate to meet some diverse people... some are more dignified than others, but basically are people you can smile at, and can feel good about.

However, the turks whom I met, or came across through various medium, have been strange. They seem to be looking at European women (and I mean stictly European) as objects which does not deserve respect. They laugh among themselves even... and its such a shameful attitude. I dont want to sound racist, because I am not. I believe that there are other very dignified Turks. However, I just dont seem to find one who would genuinely respect.

I fear to say, they find themselves higher to consider European women as objects of tease, use and throw away things. No other people I have come across have been VISIBLY so ignorant.

I apologise to any good man if he finds it offending (Turk). But this is the fact. Nothing to do. Your youth are displaying this ALL OVER Europe!!!

Sometimes I felt about a few men i knew... they failed to recognise anyone as human deserving proper view, other than themselves (and a few of their neighbour...only a few of their neighbours). They try to act as they are cool... but so much is visible.
13 Sep 2008
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

Though my local women are Polish... still... would like to say one thing...

Women are women... where ever they are from. When I was born, I didnt care which nationality my mother belonged to. I know I clung on to my mother... and that is such a pure love.

Beauty you ask? ... beauty is there where trust and respect exists. Beauty comes from the heart ... its eternal. Beauty never can die. Beauty creats love and love creats beauty. Such an aspect cannot be dependent on something so moral/finite/limited as physical fitness or facial attractiveness.

I feel women from each country are just equal when it comes to beauty. For a fortunate man, he can find true Love, through recognising true beauty. In the Bible it says that God is Love! ... hence I feel, whenever we can true love, we find God in one of His colors... and we know... God Is Beautiful :).

My salut to all the women who are beautiful.. from every country, continent, ocean and sky!


Turkish Delight

I read some of your writing. I dont want to think you represent the Turks. But, maybe unfortunately, till now the turks I met have not been sensible. Maybe I met less... in university i met 2, online i met a few... none have remained completely sane!

Why is it? There seems to be another problem... something to do with ignorance.
12 Sep 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

I think... its abit too stretched :). Ofcourse, the color contrast might be different... but not absolutely another race! We can mix and become something new.

And that will not happen in 2025... it might in 2500!