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Posts by Joker  

Joined: 17 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 2 - OO
Last Post: 15 hrs ago
Threads: 2
Posts: Total: 2271 / Live: 2265 / Archived: 6
From: Guess
Speaks Polish?: Sometimes

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20 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [235]

What would have happened had FDR t

This is 2024 get you head out of your yesteryear ass! FDR is long dead and nobody these days can remember him or even cares.. You live in the past!!

So, heres some current events!

Your Jewish right? So, what do you think about NY Jew Senator Chuck Shumer calling for new elections in Israel? Or dont you do current events?

He is now apart of the Hamas progressive caucus, are you still going to vote Democrat after most of them in Congress are abandoning you?

Laken Riley was just one of many killed by illegal aliens under Biden's watch.

And not one Democrat politician will mention her name, shameful to say the least!

Bidens migrant crime wave is spreading across America and the leftist media is doing everything they can to bury it..
20 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market Talk [807]

Hell, dolno bought a nice house with a stock I suggested to him.


, I sold a house


21 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market Talk [807]

Here read it for yourself.

It doesnt confirm anything except you trying to twist words around in your favor again.

You are the biggest compulsive liar in PF history hands down!
21 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

Have you heard this version? It's Rory's old band mate

No, I never heard this version, it gets kind of jazzy at the end:) He was an amazing guitarist, speaking of which, how about Gary Moore?

21 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

In my opinion. Thin Lizzy was the best Irish rock and roll band, not U2

21 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

My turn......

21 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market Talk [807]

We all know who the only Jailbird on this forum really is,

Just more of his mimicking bc he can think of anything clever or intelligent on his own. A one trick pony thats all.

We all know that you won't be going Jim

Why would anyone ever tell this idiot their travel itinerary. I have the stamps on my passport and know where I have been, which he doesn't, thats if he even owns a passport at all.

Only 1% of day traders make money.

Except for Jimmy , he never loses and is always on top! LOLOL
22 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [235]

The US needs Mexico as much as the latter desperately needs the US

So, walls dont work and neither does the Biden admin while we have a full blown invasion at our souther border.

Over 100 migrants break through razor wire, knock down guards as they illegally cross El Paso border in wild scene

Here are 2 videos you wont see on CNN, ABC and the rest of Lyzkos leftist media...Nothing to see here.. Now, lets get Trump on some BS charges!
30 Mar 2024
Life / Fresh water fishing in Poland [31]

I am enjoying free time as a Polish teacher

By drinking wodka all of the time, it comes as no surprise.

Only non-breeding sterile Carp

Pawian is an expert on all things Carp. He has one in his bathtub every December.
30 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

John Lennon must be rolling in his grave.
30 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

Oh dear Jerzy.... too much wodka again?

And that nasty language as well.

Hey, have you noticed the YT videos arent being deleted anymore??

huge problem with your English comprehension.

Cant this guy read today or what? It has to be vodka night in Poland! LOL

Here are some classic Brit heavy metal songs!

30 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

More British heavy metal!

After decades they still got it!

30 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

OZZY went for American guitarists for his solo career...

Randy Rhodes

Zakk Wylde

30 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

More classic British Blues Rock....Deep Purple

A pure classic...Even Novi should like this one..

30 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

But we are still waiting for @pawian's contribution.....

He doesnt know of any good bands thats why he is hiding.

Ill continue on with my British tribute tonight.... Ten Years After

31 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

This band is from Scotland but its basically the same thing as England. Its like driving up to

Bloody hell......

You cant forget about Maiden.... Fear of the dark!!

31 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

The Kings of Prog Rock...Genesis

The Knife kicks ass!!!

31 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

I like this band and to be honest I'm surprised you've heard of them.

Ive attended 2 of their concerts in the past. They have been around practically forever.

They always used to be something that unhappy teenage boys liked.

Its quite apparent you have a lot of mental issues for

Do you like Maddie Pryor?

This is what you fags listen too? LOL How about Judy Garland and show tunes? Hahahaha

Heres some more British Rock to finish off my tribute:)

31 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

Right now, I'm listening to Miles Davies.

I used to listen to Miles Davis and John Coltrain all the time back in H.S.

Also Jeff Beck!

31 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

Music group that we are members of....

Im sure, Ive posted all of these before....

Its time for some American Rock..... FREEBIRD!

Looks like the good ol days:)
31 Mar 2024
Life / Adopting a cat in Poland? [13]

cats only come to you when they want something...

Only when they want something to eat...... Its mostly girls and gays that own cats.
31 Mar 2024
Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world? [329]

Polish ketchup was almost as disgusting.

Polish ketchup is horrible. Anyone that uses ketchup on a pizza has never had real pizza. The worst pizza, I ever ate in my life was in Poland. They havent a clue...Froggggggggeettttttabbbouttttt it!
31 Mar 2024
Food / Polish Pizza !! The best in the world? [329]

To taste a proper pizza,

Were lucky all those Italian immigrants moved to NYC back in the early 1900s and opened up the now famous pizza shops. It spread like wildfire across the country:)

Chicago has the best pizza now!
1 Apr 2024
Language / Foreigners speaking Polish - examples. [61]

it's probably because they least expect it, especially from an American:-

That sounds about right. They usually were surprised and smiling, especially when you mispronounce words.

And you took full advantage of that...... LOL!!!!

I havent been to the Polish bars in years!

There are hot Polish girls all over Chicago. The best place to go is the supermarket for
1 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

Use the YT icon..

Now let's see that coward Pawian post some decent Rock or Soul

Jerzy scurried off as usual.

I bet they were great.

It was around 7 or 8 years ago, Awesome show.. Im going to see Joe Satriani and Steve Vai in a few weeks then Iron Maiden in October:)

2 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

That is the type of troll we get on PF

Still no song from Jersey......
4 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

No, you are the liar.Joker and I have been good friends for many years

Hes just throwing S-hit again and hoping it sticks, yet it never does. Apparently, he just discovered emojis as

Now, back to Rock and Roll School!

11 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Music Thread [802]

k Steve Vai was a good sport t

Ill see him tomorrow night with Joe Satriani:)