The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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Posts: 7522

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13 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

too close to r*SSia to live and poor infrastructure and human rights.

...but so far away from faggots...raj na ziemi...

looking for handouts

What can you possibly give me that I don't already have and a lot more...
13 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

It's perhaps the most diverse city in Poland and we're well rid of you.

"We"? You are just a new kind of Gypsie who has been everywhere but belongs nowhere...

As far as "rid of you"...You go it upside down...I got rid of Poland, Poles, and Polish. A trifecta...
13 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

Unlike Moscow.....

Muslims in Russia, like their brothers in the US, are good Muslims - to scared to act like the violent morons in the UK, France, and Germany.

A while back, I went to the mosque in Des Plaines, was given a tour, watched them pray, and felt I was among friends.
To my pleasant surprise, everything was in English.
13 Feb 2024
Po polsku / DyrdymaƂki o Niczem 2 [148]

Polskie forum...6 posts w ostatnim roku po polsku...hahahahaha...
13 Feb 2024
Off-Topic / Will German Farmers change the EU policy? [45]

the mainstream media in Poland does not show

Lying by omission - made perfect in Western "democracies".

BTW, even my cat noticed the same words and phrases used by TV stations in the "diverse" US. The latest one is "asylum seekers".
12 Feb 2024
Genealogy / Polish and gypsy traditions [64]

A lot is spent on wedding dresses and the reception.

Madoff spent a lot on his wedding dress, too.
12 Feb 2024
Genealogy / Polish and gypsy traditions [64]

"How much" calls for a number, not an essay.

Hey, open borders freak, name one country that benefitted from admitting Gypsies.
12 Feb 2024
Genealogy / Polish and gypsy traditions [64]

it's not too much to ask of society that we slowly and carefully help them

How much did they get from you?
12 Feb 2024
Genealogy / Polish and gypsy traditions [64]

hostility for centuries

Hostility for centuries always has a reason. Like Jewish pogroms.
Somehow we never discuss those reasons...

Have you heard about hostilities against Norwegians?
12 Feb 2024
Life / Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries? [190]

And since migration is of course happening

Nothing is "happening". Migration is a policy by the woke white idiots who are too scared to say no to the dark foreign garbage nobody needs.

that makes it incumbent on society as a whole to manage the situation.

How many migrants should Poland allow in?
12 Feb 2024
Life / Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries? [190]

Hence my stance, why would we willingly create trouble for ourselves, we have enough on our plate as it is.

Because weak people naturally want to be "nice" and are unable to say "no".

We are in the "yes, of course" period and everything is now fine - even men competing with women in women's sports as long as those men say the magic words: I am a woman. This is the level of insanity Western morons, with the US in the lead, promote as normal.

Anyone who accepts this crap will accept anything - including migrants being an asset. Objective truth is now hate speech.
12 Feb 2024
Genealogy / Polish and gypsy traditions [64]

They're a large and diverse group.

So are rodents.

There have been Roma in Poland since before the ancestors of many who consider themselves Polish.

...when they need something. Just as Jews...
12 Feb 2024
Life / Do colored immigrants in Poland function better than in Western countries? [190]

Smalll numbers of filtered African immigrants are okay

Is a small number of cockroaches in your kitchen OK? How about a small number of rats?

That "small number" bs cuts both ways: if it's so small that it doesn't move the bad needle, then it doesn't move the good needle, either.

Conclusion: keep foreign garbage out.
12 Feb 2024
UK, Ireland / Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland [282]

Stop it Rich!

I was raised a Christian and told that forgiveness is divine.

On top of that, some here told me that today Hitler would get life-no-parole rather than the death penalty. This tells me that I am not alone in hating Hitler less.
11 Feb 2024
Genealogy / Polish and gypsy traditions [64]

When say Slovakia tries to deal with Gypsies -

I like Slovakia more...
Poland needs Gypsies like you need tuberculosis.
11 Feb 2024
Genealogy / Polish and gypsy traditions [64]

So you need to know what group/caste you're dealing with.

No, I don't.
Just as I assume that all snakes are venomous and guns are loaded, I assume that Gypsies are thieves and that blacks are natural-born killers, looters, and irresponsible sperm depositors who fvck, walk, and dump the rest on whites.
11 Feb 2024
Genealogy / Polish and gypsy traditions [64]

Once a home was hollowed out they would get back on their wagons and move on.

Because Gypsies are natural-born thieves.
Still waiting to be wrong just once...God...please...just once...
11 Feb 2024
UK, Ireland / Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland [282]

that diversity doesn't work

Diversity is one thing. I would hate to eat the same thing every day.

Allowing black scum from Somalia and other human garbage in is insanity. Once they know what these scumbags do, it's a crime.

Western governments are criminal organizations, not "democracies".
11 Feb 2024
UK, Ireland / Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland [282]

How does it feel to be wrong about everything?

No, moron. I am genius and I am never wrong.

Your see, there is a difference between "Democratic" and "democracy". "Democratic" is just a name. See "Democratic Party". Just as my name is Novichok. No, I am not a chemical that can kill you.

Democracy, on the other hand, is a system that allows citizens to overrule their government. See Switzerland.

Got it, little boy?

Now...out to the nice to other kids...
11 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

I sleep like a baby. I am pis*ed off, not bitter. My prostate is history along with cancer 9 years ago.
That leaves "loneliness". With my dear wife of 54 years, two daughters, and four granddaughters it's extremely hard to be lonely - even if you want to be.

Political loneliness is another matter. No matter which group I join, I am among morons, leftists, Dem Jews, and open borders excusers. I hate my social life.
11 Feb 2024
UK, Ireland / Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland [282]

North Korea never claimed to be a democracy.
Western "democracies" lie that they are "democracies" because they allow ignorant mobs to vote every four years. In "communist" Poland, we were allowed to vote every four years, too.

Russia is a Russian problem, not mine since I don't have to pay for it. I have to pay to protect you, Euroholes...
11 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

So what is your problem?

I have two.

I love the US and I am sad to see it in a suicide mode.
I like Russia and am sad to see so many Russians die only because the US, the country I love, loves exporting wars at my expense.

See my problem now?

I am glad.