The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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17 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

It isn't.

Sodoma and Gomorrah were thriving cities if one was a pervert.

London and Paris may be great for tourists who like zoos and edgy sh*it. Locals are long gone...
17 Feb 2024
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

For this gift, you have to know if the recipient is a woman or a "woman".
17 Feb 2024
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

I gave my wife a perfume set, flowers and a stuffed hippo.

The message: you smell bad, have no idea how to decorate the place, and hug it when I am away with my girlfriend on my next "business" trip.
17 Feb 2024
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

Wives should be suspicious of husbands giving them gifts. The more expensive the gift, the worse the situation he is trying to compensate for.
Just before she had enough and left, my neighbor next door gave her a fur and a Caddy.

BTW, I am still waiting for White Hetero Man Day or just a pride parade. After all, it's the hetero men who create faggots so a simple thank you would be appreciated...
15 Feb 2024
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

Valentine's Day is stupid.

Gifts and flowers are for apologies when you do something really stupid and she hates your guts.

I am an angel so I have nothing to apologize for.
15 Feb 2024
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

If a girl gets a Barbie doll instead of new shoes, it is bad. If she gets all she needs and a Barbie doll, it's good.
15 Feb 2024
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

All that gift-giving was invented by and for poor people. Rich people don't need gifts. They want attention, not trinkets.
That's why rich women push the decency envelope. See Oscars and other bs like this...
15 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

The one you oppose so strongly on your Facebook page.

I never had a FB page and never will.
Whatever you are on, take less...

Anyone trusting any government is simply foolish.

...or a Euro-class bootlicker...
There is a reason why prostitutes score higher on the trust scale than the US Congress. When they promise a blow job for 20, they deliver.
15 Feb 2024
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

dissent against gender identity and sexual orientation in hate speech violations.

Thanks for this post, Crn3.

So Poland is getting to be as totalitarian as ever but some azholes here still believe they have freedom of speech... Unfuckingbelievable...

I wonder if Poles are going to take this sitting down?

Judging by the idiots here...they will...

OK, my apologies to the real Poles...You are the good guys and I still remember the events of 1970 even though I was already out.

It will be the Brits and other foreigners in Poland that will take it in the ass. They are the polite and obedient bootlickers no matter what...including their own migrant know...those "democratically elected legal representatives" can't ever be wrong... Where is my barf bag...
14 Feb 2024
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

One gift that will wither away and be forgotten about and another which will pack on the pounds and be a daily reminder.

Are you trying to impersonate me?

In our family, gifts are only for the kids. Adults get hugs.
14 Feb 2024
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

Valentines Day is a Hallmark holiday. The worlds greatest sales gimmick.

I priced myself out of that market by telling my wife how much I love her every day.

It prepares men to get used to parting with their money in a relationship.

I never buy my wife gifts. 30 years ago, I bought her a set of kitchen knives. I thought she was going to stab me...I learned my lesson. You want it, buy it, and leave me out of it...
14 Feb 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

Is it because they don't trust their own government

Because all governments lie. Some lie more...

Western govs lie since nobody was ever elected by being honest. The other way not to get elected is by telling voters you are planning to spend less.

Those sealed files from decades ago, with everybody already dead, are not helping, either...
14 Feb 2024
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

Morgan Freeman got it right, there shouldn't be any month set aside for anything or anyone.

That sucks, man...I was hoping to be wrong at least once and thought it would be now...No such luck...
14 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

You don't have to pay any taxes ...

Not true. I am on the IRS hook even on the moon.

any country without you

You are full of maf - a green, smelly, and repulsive crap.

BTW, it is because of guys like me that the US is what it is and why it is invaded by useless human garbage at 10,000 scumbags a month.
14 Feb 2024
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

I will celebrate black, Hispanic, faggot, NY rats, women's, and other such days, weeks, and months when they celebrate white hetero men.

After all, everything worth having that is not a baby was discovered, invented, constructed, or made possible by white toxic masculinity that instead of doing dishes decided to discover, invent, and construct at considerable risk to their money, health, and life while being told by the wives that it won't work and that they should spend more time changing diapers and playing with kids.

Luckily, they didn't listen...
14 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

What are the best countries to live in?

South Pole.

No blacks, Gypsies, migrants, looters, LGBT clubs, sidewalk feces, traffic, rapists, Muslims, riots...
14 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

He would but then he sees "jon357"...Oh we go again...That feeling like you want to puke...

A person being non-chalant

Did you read Post 93?

I think it was totally brilliant.

Isn't fit to share any wisdoms, cause he has none.

I need to be paid to share wisdom.
14 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

Phobia is a irrational fear

Fear is fear. Irrational or real it's still fear. To the person who fears, irrational vs real is a distinction without a difference.

Faggots use the term homophobia to shame, not as a diagnosis. The correct term that truly reflects how many normal people feel about the perverts would be homohate or, in milder cases, homodisgust.

There...Thanks to you I just created two new English words. I want a Nobel Prize in lit.

hey, you and Joker find a room,

I have an idea...Next time we go shooting, join us and be a target...Them paper targets cost buck fifty each!
14 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

why are they dictating policy?

Because 98% are scared to death to be called "transphobes".
!% like me is not because we are retired and impossible to fire or cancel.
13 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

U R absolutely gagging for it....

No. What I am doing is mocking this LGBT sh*it to death.

Still better than Poland, despite their own problems.

Baltic sea stinks with rotting weeds.
13 Feb 2024
Travel / What are the best countries to live in? [161]

He thinks about nothing else, doesn't he...

With all the pride colors everywhere...even 8-year-old kids say "stick it up your ass".