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Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]
If just one party could come up with a pro democracy, pro economic growth and anti EU policy,
Good luck with that. Here is a survey about EU. 89% pro. Even 77% of Konfederacja voters are pro EU. Seems like such party wouldn't have a big base:,498696.html
Lenka, Delph and Jon357 most likely will vote for Biedron in first round.
I am a left winger but Biedroń doesn't get my vote. He annoys the hell out of me. I expressed my disappointment in Left choice multiple times. Nothing will beat Ogórek as a candidate but they still messed up.
My vote in 1st round goes to Witkowski. No chance for him but it's the first round. 2nd whoever goes against Duda (well, besides Bosak)
full and complete bans on anyone entering public life if they've been in the PZPR
Seriously? That is so stupid I can't even describe it... How many generations back should we go?