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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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From: Polska
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Books

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28 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

This is amazing. Apparently few voting stations are running out of ballot papers!
No matter the result* - I'm crazy happy that more and more people bother to vote.

*Although I will be even happier if Duda will be defeated :D
27 Jun 2020
Life / Who's the best looking (and acting/singing) celebrity in Poland? [32]

Is her type rare in Poland?

No. Although of course she puts a lot more work into her looks then an average girl.

I can't believe I discuss Doda and on PF of all places...:)
I must be losing my mind because of all that voting silence
27 Jun 2020
Life / Who's the best looking (and acting/singing) celebrity in Poland? [32]

For myself she's just kind of cheap and vulgar..

Also self centred, going from one temper tantrum to another, with awful manner of speaking. She disappeared from main pages of gossip columns for quite a while now. Whether it's because of all the lawsuits or she decided to move into the shadow I don't know
27 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

farmers selling fruit and veg from the street stalls in cities

Depending where and who.
In my town I had a local stall that did go to wholesalers but very local like 20 km radius. And on targ you had sellers from specific farms. I even know a family with a farm and the son was going to targ and sold the produce.
27 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Legit. My sis got a phone call that she came to contact with confirmed case so she and her household have to do quarantine. She should have her results in 10 days (it is kind of funny that the test results take almost as long as the quarantine).

If they got a message yesterday they could still do it but today is too late.
26 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

Their fruit tea won some prizes too. Expensive doesn't always mean better. More often than not it's just overpriced.
I try to read labels more often now as few times already I noticed the store brand had better ingredients then the 'original's ones
26 Jun 2020
History / History of computer markets and piracy in Poland [5]

how Poland went from cash only to plastic in a very short period of time virtually completely bypassing checks..

I saw check book once in my life and that was only because of my mum's work.
Generally that is one of the very few good things about having a 'catching up' economy- you can skip few steps.
26 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

Me too. But that might have been due to the familiarity
26 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

If just one party could come up with a pro democracy, pro economic growth and anti EU policy,

Good luck with that. Here is a survey about EU. 89% pro. Even 77% of Konfederacja voters are pro EU. Seems like such party wouldn't have a big base:,498696.html

Lenka, Delph and Jon357 most likely will vote for Biedron in first round.

I am a left winger but Biedroń doesn't get my vote. He annoys the hell out of me. I expressed my disappointment in Left choice multiple times. Nothing will beat Ogórek as a candidate but they still messed up.

My vote in 1st round goes to Witkowski. No chance for him but it's the first round. 2nd whoever goes against Duda (well, besides Bosak)

full and complete bans on anyone entering public life if they've been in the PZPR

Seriously? That is so stupid I can't even describe it... How many generations back should we go?
25 Jun 2020
News / Should Polonia and expat Poles lose voting rights in Polish elections? [85]

only postal votes received by Sunday are counted so many thousands of Polonia will miss out

That was known. Actually in some places it was supposed to be Friday. Don't see why those who want to vote should miss out...

Polonia that will miss out is the Polonia in places that don't do even postal voting (I think Chile is one of them)
23 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Whoever heard of this designer? The author of this article had a bit of a problem. According to them TVP had an interview with a designer praising Agata Duda style. The only problem one heard about him,dramat-agaty-dudy-jej-styl-w-tvp-chwali-projektant-ktorego-chyba-nie-ma
21 Jun 2020
Life / Is Polish church involved in politics too much? [137]

I said many times that church is shooting itself in the foot. Political is dirty. Getting involved with it puts church in a bad position. Especially if they are endorsing those in power .
21 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

Not surprising really. Lots of customers plus little space (compared to Auchan for example) equals quick turn around of stock.
For a proper shop my choice went to Kaufland
20 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Korwin-Mikke spoke about it and said that more or less "women shouldn't be forced to give birth to disabled children"

Well Bosak has dramatically different opinion and let's be honest- he is the candidate and the future. Korwin- Mikke is an old pr*ck and will be gone sooner rather then later. Not to mention his usual grace...