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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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23 Jun 2020
Life / Is Polish church involved in politics too much? [124]

RC Church in Poland of being engaged in politics more that it should.

The church as an element of spiritual life in a state has its place in politics. It's not a problem. But you should underline its local, not global.

I mean, you say RC Church. Why not PC (Polish Catholic) Church? Rome is here a symbol of oppression and subjugation. Why giving it a reclama? Why not force sovereignty?

I can`t imagine we Serbs say Constantinople Orthodox Church in Serbia. It then wouldn't be Serbian but something foreign. Even in its name. And I am interested in the spirit of Serbs and Slavs, of my ancestors, not in the spirit of Constantinople and foreign ancestors, something global. My God is MY thing. Why would MY God be global God?
23 Jun 2020
History / Why could some Czechs dislike Poles/Poland? [25]

Czechs are decent people and Slavs and can be reasoned. You Poles are lucky to work with them. Just don't fix something that isn't broken.
21 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

My dear dear and noble Polish brethren, parliamentarian, and local elections are finished in Serbia, this evening. Presidential elections are in front of you in Poland but know this. After this elections in Serbia, Serbia is stronger but Poland is also stronger. Our mutual cause for united Central Europe is closer.
19 Jun 2020
News / Tesco abandon Poland [66]

Poland should better balance betweem circles of interests.
19 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

why the ranting on brat Lewandowski's conections to Serbia or brat Biedroń's links with Biedronka

If brat Ironside asked such a question I would understand. He is strictly in his info segment and becoming hostile when receive info from another segments. But you, dobri brate, its surprise.

Look. People here told me brat Biedron is behind Biedronka. Now we analyze him. If by any means you can establish link between brats Lewandowski and Biedron, it can help a lot. I am curious how strongly are connected magnates of Poland and Polonia. If brat Biedron don`t have connection even to Polonia, how he can hope to become link to magnates of other Slavic countries. See? That is how we concluding is brat Biedron fake or real possibility.

So, can you remember that brat Biedron ever mentioned Polonia and in which context?

Nah , you are a lobbyist for Russia.

Ah, always vigilant brat Iron. But you have a point. If Russia is capable to control elections in USA, as Obama and Hilary says, imagine what Russia doing in Poland. One is never careful enough.
18 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

For once..... I agree with you

For once? You know that Crow knows.

I told already. World is segmented on info segments, in sense that people that live in one segment, on a given teritory, receive only limited amount of info. Can't you admit at least to yourself that Serbia belongs to teritory that is intersection of much more info segnents then Poland?

I just follow signals.

Biedronka will be the beacon that unites slavdom!

Possible. But follow signals. Did Biedronka invested in Serbia already. It did not. So? In other words, Biedronka did not step out from smaller segment of info where is Poland and still did not enter in Serbia's, bigger, info segment.

Corey Lewandowski did talk to Serbian inner circle magnates, then he invested and invest. So he made deal. Did Biedron made deal with Serbs? Well, maybe he did if in contact with Corey, with Polonia. But he did not invest in Serbia and we don't see signal. Now, you may say why we need signal? But for major event we need signal. How else to influence masses of people. People follow signals.

No major event in Slavdom without Serbia. Its result of intersection of interests in Serbia. Same reason that Serbs receive more information then Poles.
18 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Yes, they named the chain after him. Everyone knows that.

Then this could be signal that magnates of Poland stand behind Biedron. This is how Trump came to power. Trump himself is a businessman. Not on the level of magnat that belongs to the inner, richest, circle but, suitable enough to be supported. At the same time, it does not mean that he represents the sole interests of the richest. No, it just means that magnates only support politics that one needs to pursue. If it is in their long term interest they are very capable to play in the favor of a small man.

I mean, it could be that. But, one cant be sure.
17 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

thanks to Poland The US can put pressure on the EU, Germany especially, ...

Why would Poland want to exist as a client state? Why not balance, its own policy and partnership with all? As a client state, Poland is only predestined to be strongly in the hands of the Vatican. Look how the Vatican triggered the destruction of Yugoslavia and separated Catholic Serbs from Orthodox. Learn. Escape them.

They probably put Poland in a dangerous situation and then saving Poland.

I personally look forward to Poland of the new Commonwealth and Sarmatism.
17 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Dobri brat Korwin Mikke is famous. Practically symbol of Poland. I hope he takes some money in politics.

BDW, do anybody speaks of brat Tusk during the elections? What is his influence on Poland`s politics?


You know, brat Tusk is in constant contact with brat Vucic. These two Serbs have plans for all of us.
15 Jun 2020
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Good then, there are normal Brits, as I like to say. Let us reset our relationship and finaly coexist as friends. We are all aware EU, Rome and third Reich are source of problems in Europe.
15 Jun 2020
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Poles and Serbs had contacts over Slavdom, even at a time when God still didn't had plans to make Russia powerfull state. So, lets not involve Russia in your personal failure.

But you are lucky one. Anglo world cramble and you may find that by being Slavic you have certain advantages. Especialy when Vatican betray you once again and offer more globalization. See, same that Vatican did for Catholic Serbs. Instead to serve them, Vatican used them. Not to say what Vatican done to Orthodox Serbs. Same what Patriarchs from Constantinople. They are all the same. Only Slavdom means life in freedom. Russians are about yet to learn that and wont bs about being 3rd Rome. You Poles will also learn. Disguisting not to know who you are and what is foreign thing.

Poland have elections on a day dedicated to Svetovid, 28th Jun. May spirit of ancestors guide Polish choices.
15 Jun 2020
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Any-ho, have I said something that is not true?

I remember you said you are Catholic first and Slavic secund. And I am sure you yourself don't believe that. But you said it. Because it was convenient to say. Probably because you think its lesser evil to be Catholic then being Slavic in Anglo world. Man, they subjugated you.
13 Jun 2020
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Poles are targeted for only one reason: because they are Catholic.

No. They despise you as you are Slavic. That first. Then they add to it whatever suitable.

Such a stance is in their culture. They have word `slovenly`. It means `untidy` and `dirty`, 2. `messy` and `dirty`, 3. `messy`, `dirty`, or `not careful`. They see you are Slavic and they say to themselves `Sylvio is slovenly`.

You should know that Hitler admired to Anglos how they dealt with native Americans. Oh, slavery and racism in US was a great inspiration to Hitler. There origin his thinking of higher race. And don`t think Anglos were against Hitler. No, not their magnates, those who financed Hitler and Musolini.

You are a liar and a troll

Will you please stop ruining this forum with constant cutting off peoples opinion, darling.
10 Jun 2020
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

Talk talk. And don`t here spread negative emotions. We Serbs have our projects. It was easy to Germany and Vatican to manipulate and at the same time trade with Russia when Serbia was very weak or out from the map of Europe. Now is different. Russians consult with Serbs about crucial projects on Balkan-Baltic line. Its very important internal thing in Russia. Even Hungary is involved in our mutual projects.

And don`t worry. Russians knows who killed millions and millions of them. They would never forget and they have memory like elephants. German state is a criminal killing machine.
10 Jun 2020
News / Britain - problem for Poland and Poles? [117]

In a serious conflict with Russia

Its absolutely against Serbian interest and it won`t come to that. I guarantee that to you.