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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
Threads: Total: 8 / Live: 6 / Archived: 2
Posts: Total: 3335 / Live: 615 / Archived: 2720
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Many and varied.

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20 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Now the Swedish Church is called IKEA. And the real Church often looks like cinema, has caffeteria and lobby - anything to attract the missing followers. I even saw free donuts outside a church in Göteborg. They were giving them after the mass to those who were comming out of the building. Nice marketing.

And spirituality is where?
20 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

The problem is that the Church does a hell of a lot of good in Poland as well - but all the good work is ruined by the minority.

Whjy is it ruined? Personally i feel that the church does mountains of good and attacks on it are largely unjustified.

This isn't an attack on the church to begin with, so why call it that?

But it is! Not by the priest of course but by Gazeta Wyborcza, i wonder could it be because so many of its top brass are jewish ex-communists with a bone to pick with a church?

The question that this thread begs to ask is why Gazeta Wyborcza assaults the church with such iron consequence and such mindless agression, why every critique, every minor episode instantly becomes a major article in GW.

Communist heritage of Gw?
20 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

Accusations of this priest aside its alarming that GW publishes so many articles that in effect attack the church, i wonder why do they see the need to attack the Catholic Church so much?

what a silly title indeed: Father Director!

Why? He's a priest and a director of a large radio station, i'm curious how much more anti-christian you can become?
18 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

More due to the fact that hygiene and feeding conditions in the Red Army were atrocious, many of the Russians cought by the Poles were already hungry and ill.

Poles provided meals of approximately 2000 calories per man per day which is adequate but the state that the russian soldiers were in meant that many of them would die, especially since most polish doctors were at the front treating polish troops.

In short russian claims that Russians were killed/starved/mistreated are a fat lie meant to counterweigh the many russian crimes on the Poles during WW2 Katyń being the most famous of them.
18 Dec 2010
History / Old Polish Flag [17]

Yawn, its a flag from Greater Poland uprising, if memory serves its in Wrocławs arsenal so no its not his "family flag"
17 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

But do you understand how ridiculous you sound by claiming Poltava as a Russian city

Why ridiculous? It was at the time inhabited and developed by Russians who also contributed to its current form, just like Poles built Lwów Russians developed Poltava.

"In the United States Viktiuk is included in the category of "50 people in the world that shaped the second half of the twentieth century." Well, but you are the expert, right?! ;)

Who the hell is Viktiuk???

UPA had around 400,000 people in 1944

UPA had 20.000 active members and some 40.000 supporters in 1944 making it a rather small organisation.

UPA wasn't blessed by huge British support which Poland received in form of weapons,

Which is why instead of fighting enemy soldiers like Poles did Ukrainians fought unarmed women and children heroically torturing entire villages to death.

If you are interested in a normal dialogue, then step up like a man.

You mean we're supposed to play along with you making up fictional ukrainian history or presenting some obscure small time and rare ukrainian achievements as world scale successes that happen all the time?

Here's the truth for you mate, Ukraine has no scientific, cultural, military or political achievements, trying to reinvent your history wont help here.

Thats why Ukraine celebrates UPA who were a bunch of war criminals, thats your only military achievement of the XX century, sure they mostly killed unarmed Poles but when your nation is so poor as far as heritage is concerned you're not picky, even if for every 1000 civilians UPA murdered they killed one german soldier sh*tting in the woods away from his unit thats heroic enough for ukrainian historians:)
16 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Well, Sok, this is total bollocks

Glad you like it Alex.

you imply that being pro-Polish is a necessary condition of being a great writer

Not at all i imply he's a boring writer who became famous, he is also anti-polish but thats not relevant as far as his heavy pen is concerned.

Why do you and others on this forum consistently equate an enlightened spirit of enquiry with propagandising for the other side?

Nice phrases but case in point Gombrowicz consistently and without any logic or reason dragged all things polish through mud, he's hardly enlightened, rather a nasty prejudiced twat.

There writes a man who looks upon his world without prejudice.

Except Poland, Poles and all non Jews for whom he had loads of prejudice.
16 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Witold Gombrowicz was a Gentile and an atheist.

Learn your history, he was a Jew and said so himself.

Calling this great Polish writer a Jew is very stupid.

His mother was a Jew, his father was a Jew and he himself was a Jew, he was also rabidly anti-Polish which he admitted as well.

Gombrowicz was a rather troubled individual and being a great writer is arguable, even by scholars, famous yes, great? Not neccesarily, he was definitely anti-Polish.

Symon Petliura
Yurij Kondratiuk
Hryhorij Skovoroda
Mykola Hohol
Panas Myrnyj

No one knows them outside Ukraine Nathan, they're hardly famous.

Same with everything else, Ukraine is still a wasteland of civilisation no matter how you stretch it.
15 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Has this really changed since the time it was written?

Question is was what written true or Gombrowicz personal opinion, Gombrowicz was an anti-polish Jew, to be specific he was a practising zionist aka religious Nazi so his opinions hardly matter.

It does say volumes about you however that you quote a famouns anti-polish writer (a great writer yes but personally massively prejudiced against Poles being a Jew himself) with such satisfaction.
14 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

give him a rest for couple days or posts at least. Please. I read his resent posts and they different to his usual. Looks like he actually read others posts. Something has changed.

Little b*tch needs to be held accountable for his words, i see him making wild statements left right and center but i've been to Ukraine plenty of times, got pics, links, juicy info to share.

Its p*ss poor, dirty, dangerous and has no cultural life worth mentioning, western ukrainians look up to Poland as an example to follow, eastern ukrainians hate Poland as a "historical opressor" all ukrainians have a serious identity crisis on account of not having national history and they're something like 40 years behind us economically and about 100 years behind us civilisationally (if not more).

Poles drive used western cars 3-6 years old, Ukrainians drive used polish or russian cars 15+ years old, also quite a few roads aint paved, its a sh*thole.
13 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

Ukraine has plenty of culture

Like what? Got any worthwile composers? World renown writers or scientists that you want to mention? Ukrainian nation is a cultural wasteland.

Then again, I've been there several times - when was the last time you were there?

Four months ago and i've been there a grand total of 11 times, got family there too, you sure you want to discuss Ukraine with me?

No sovereignty

None at all, they're a russian protectorate.

No money?

No, their GDP is about 55% of the polish one except that they have over 10 milion people more so no money.

I saw plenty of money going around in L'viv two months ago. Where's YOUR Mercedes, peasant?

I did not, what i saw were used polish cars that remember 80s and 90s, i havent seen so many Fiat126P or Polonez since i was a kid.

Got any more ignoramus trash you want to share with us?
13 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

But the border between Germany and Poland was flat, fertile grounds - perfect for invading. Poland also had a hell of an indefensible border with Germany. So - anyone with sense should have seen that the situation was hopeless in terms of traditional defence.

Actually there was a sensible plan of withdraw to the great rivers which could and would prolong the war by months, however french assurances made sure Poland would not do that, also after Czechoslovakia there was fear that Germans would just take the emptied area and stop.

What's not obvious about the Munich Agreement and the British apathy towards another war? All common, public knowledge at the time.

Quite a lot really, after Munich views shifted, Hawks won in both UK and France, what Poland did not and could not know is that both hawk factions would, against all military logic sacrifice Poland to purchase a few months.

Seemed to work fine for the Chinese against the Japanese in WWII.

China is the size of Western Europe.

And - the sheer effort required to actually exterminate Poland by the Germans would have required manpower well in excess of what they actually had available.

No they would not, it doesnt really take that much when its professional military vs civies/insurgents and Germans and Russians between them had more then enough, their combined militaries outnumbered Polands able bodied men.

I make the point that the Soviets would not have invaded a country that wasn't beaten. Stalin was a smart guy

Yes they would, they had 400.000 men on standby and further 350.000 men in reserve, the only difference was that should Germans actually lose than the Red Army would've invaded Germany as well.

By looking at a map and looking at who was unfriendly towards Poland. Lithuanians, Germans, Russians, Ukrainians and Czechoslovaks all hated Poles.

Lithuanians, Ukrainians and Czechoslovaks were a non factor, Lithuania and Ukrainians in Poland were too weak to consider them as viable allies, Czechoslovakia was in a hopeless strategic position so it too was useless despite having relatively good army.

The only viable allies were French, British or bending over without a fight.

but can you imagine the UPA on the Polish side?

30.000 dudes who were only good for murdering civilians since they had no training or disciplines? So you're proposing that Poland, which after a full mobilisation had an army of 1 milion 200 thousand men ally itself with murderous ukrainian fascists just because they have 30.000 unwashed militias? Good thinking Napoleon, got any more gems of strategic thinking for us?

UPA was militarily worthless, so were ukrainians as an ally.
13 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

But by 1939, Poland was way behind Germany. She also didn't have the numerical advantage of Russia.

Numerical advantage didnt matter so much, the border between Russia and Poland was swamps, huge forests and rivers aka it was defensible, it was featured substantial defensive installations and Poland did have a milion men under arms unlike say Finnland.

Competing with one power isn't enough when you're surrounded by enemies - and even with the problem of enemies from within.

And whats your gibberish about? You claimed Poland was overconfident i countered that untill early 30s Poland could reliably steamroll Germany and defend against Russia and when it lost that capability the high command realised it early on so no Poland was not overconfindent, when it was confident it was based on real factors.

And? Poland shouldn't have relied on allies who frankly were far more interested in themselves than Poland

Thats obvious today, back then it was not obvious at all, especially since the treason was carried out via backstage agreements hidden from Poland.

Bear in mind that history shows guerilla warfare to be terribly effective in terms of causing havoc among the enemy.

Against enemies willing to exterminate your nation? Got any more brilliant ideas to share with us?

The Russians only invaded once it was obvious that Poland had lost, anyway.

Poland lost the moment Germans invaded however the russian invasion shortened the war by a good month, perhaps more.

Strategic sense would have dictated looking at Poland's isolation and realising that the only country that could help Poland was Poland.


I really, really, really cannot figure out why Poland placed so much emphasis on help on two countries that had previously shown mass indifference towards Poland and her independence.

Because that was the only hope Poland had and since it was desperate it went for desperate measures, the only other option would be to attempt and become Hitlers satelite but thats an even more desperate step.

For what it's worth, the whole "western betrayal" thing seems to be a big excuse for Poland's poor performance in WWII.

Again mate please shut the feck up and start asking questions, someone who has no knowledge of history like you really should not talk.

Poland with only 50% manpower and some 10% equipment of France and UK combined faced with war on four fronts against three separate nations fought only a week shorter than the combined forces of France, UK, Belgium and Netherlands and you call that poor?

The battle of Bzura saw the combined forces of some 650.000 men fighting, there were only four or five larger battles in WW2 all of them in Russia, Poland did not perform well but it was head and shoulders above western militaries (who admittedly performed horribly throught the war).
13 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

It's not hard to see that Poland had a high opinion of her army in the 20's and 30's.

Thats because in the 20s and 30's Polands army was 3rd in Europe after France and Russia, Russia became competitive only by 1933 and Germany became on par with Poland in 1934.

As long as the industrial race didnt kick in Poland had an army that could reliably compete with any european power out there so whats your point?

Also i take it back you're not anti-polish just fcuking ignorant.

he same army was more or less routed within days by the German one - so that says "overconfidence" to me.

Again polish battle plan said outright, 2 months of war and its over, polish army was not routed at any point prior to russian invasion so not only was Poland perfectly aware of its weakness on the eve of the war but you sir are so unbelievably green its horrible, stop with the stupid statements admit you're an uneducated troglodite and instead of saying "this or that happened" start asking "what happened then" and we can have a conversation.

The whole "Western Betrayal" thing is interesting, because the Communist propoganda was responsible for really hammering it home. Anyway, Poland should have known better than to rely on allies who were located nowhere near them and had no realistic way of getting to them. Their problem, ultimately.

Again an idiotic statement by you that denotes that you're 2/3rds an ignorant idiot and 1/3rd a prejudiced anti-polish prick.

France had a straight and completely undefended road to Berlin (unless you count 200.000 troops with 300 artillery pieces between them as defence) and England never landed a single tank in France prior to BEF.

No. What Poland should have done was pour what little money there was into ensuring that every man and woman in Poland was capable of fighting a guerilla war against any invader.

Again an idiot talks, you know what would have happened? Germans and Russians would just exterminate all Poles, period.

But they certainly could have allowed belief in divine intervention to cloud their thinking. The fact that they choose to fight the Germans man to man says a lot about their overconfidence at the time.

Why? France had every means of ending the war then and there' strategic sense dictated it would, no one expected France to betray Poland so unreasonably.
13 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

I still blame the Miracle at the Vistula for Poland's overconfidence and subsequent humiliation.

There was no miracle at vistula, it was a strategic and tactical victory planned and carried out, a miracle implies divine deliverance while Poles kicked the sh*t out of Russians through superior tactics, strategy, intel and higher morale of the common soldier.

Also i stress how anti-polish you are you little arrogant twat, at which point was Poland overconfident? Polish war plans in 1938 told outright that Poland could fight 2 months against Germany and up to half a year against Russia, both were valid.

A tactic is a tactic. In this case, it was an exceptionally smart tactic. It wasn't honourable, brave or in anyway ethical, but it worked. In fact, the psychological harm is still felt today.

And its quite clear that you approve of it and admire it you little bastard.
12 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

I don't think anyone is in any doubt that if the chance arose for revenge, Poles would murder the Russian intelligensia without a second thought.

The only people who're in no doubt are anti-polish twats like you.
10 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [164]

I can fully understand the natural fears of Poles and Ukrainians

No you can not.

but their self-proclaimed expertise is laughable.

Which is why Poles were right as far as russian policies were concerned, every single time throught history?

Sorry Sean but you know zip, the only way you can maintain any sort of a discussion is by escaping into your silly conspiracy theories or retreat into liberal bullcrap.

Personal trip now Seanus but its needed, you're one of the truly likeable decent people around here, enough that i would never go as far as to insult you despite all the utterly stupid things you write however.

You are not polish, you do not understand the polish reality and you do not understand or feel for Poles, that much is clear, yeah you might have a polish wife and polish kids and live here for X years but planet Poland is still a completely undiscovered country for you, totally.
8 Dec 2010
News / "To understand Poland you must understand Frederic Chopin" (Stratfor Friedman) [49]

The increase in economic output more than makes up for it.

I need to research it before i pick up the subject.

Look at Germany Sok.

My point is nobody likes to give money away, least of all people who hold them.

What is it! First he berates Poles for giving up economic and political sovereignity as being members of a german led EU

Essentially, his point and a good one is that there's different kinds of dependancy, i'm happy that Poland is a german client (which it is) the way its happening now, you pay us good money, we bend over in a lot of matters we normally shouldnt and its a good deal, the question he poses, albeit in a rambling manner is what happens when/if Germany stops paying but demands Poland keeps letting itself be f*cked.

Well..then the future looks bright! As Sok said there will be only 38 million Germans soon anyhow...:)

65 milion german citizens to some 30 milion Poles, we're both losing pop at a same rate the problem Germany has its much farther beyond the return treshhold and then there's the Turks.

Right now we are stuck in the middle.

Which is somehow bad?
8 Dec 2010
News / "To understand Poland you must understand Frederic Chopin" (Stratfor Friedman) [49]

You're also the primary welfare giver, EU costs you more than you make on it for some time now.

Only if they mess it up...doesn't look like it now.

Spain, Greece, Ireland, yeah it looks like EU is slowly going south.

More crap!
He likes to swallow in misty descriptions...what does he mean with "surviving".

Economic and political sovereignty.

As for the US bits i absolutely agree its hogwash.
8 Dec 2010
News / "To understand Poland you must understand Frederic Chopin" (Stratfor Friedman) [49]

That what I mean...there is personal bias and whishful thinking and then there is objective evaluatation.

Absolutely but i still agree with him in many points and i'm nowhere near as biased as he is.

That you declared Germany dead for as long as I have known you is no secret either.

Dying, physically, you're going to lose over 15-20 milion Germans and gain 6-8 milion Turks in the next 50 years, how do you call that if not dying?

Of course you will like those parts of Friedmans "analysis" which fit you where you will deny others.

You didnt even read his arcticle BB jump down from your high horse, he claims Germany can and will have all the power as EU goes south which can be bad for Poland, i completely agree.

That's also only wishful thinking and personal bias. Don't mix them up!

What? Do i wish for EU to fall apart, Poland stop getting the money and Germany revisiting its genocidal tendencies? Your helmets cutting of the circulation BB...

The guy essentially says that if EU goes down which it seems to be than Germany will survive since it has the economy to give it a large margin error, at the same time Poland between Russia and Germany and developing is going to be caught naked in a sh*tstorm, whats not to agree?
8 Dec 2010
News / "To understand Poland you must understand Frederic Chopin" (Stratfor Friedman) [49]

I don't have a problem with Chopin...but with Friedman! ;)

He's not stupid, his analysis of EU, german and polish situations is spot on, however i dont believe we could benefit from an alliance with US, US is unwilling to invest money in us regardless of how much Friedman masturbates over our so called friendship.]

The Germans and Russians are not monsters at the moment, nor do they want to be. But as Chopin makes clear, what we want to be and what we are are two different things, a subject to be considered in my concluding essay.

Awesome quote, and true.

Well Sok, you can't have it both ways....he is wrong on the EU and Germany too!

Which bits according to you is he wrong about?
28 Nov 2010
History / Vikings in Pomerania (near Gdansk area)? [19]

against East Frankish Empire (nowadays Germany) imposing Christianity on them.

As well.

. That's true, but rather not Polish tribes, which were nominally Christian at the time,

Key word is when.
28 Nov 2010
History / Vikings in Pomerania (near Gdansk area)? [19]

does anyone know if there were Viking settlements near the Gdansk area?

Nope, they invaded from Gotland untill Pomeranians invaded them back though.

Vikings could have also played a role in creating Polan's country and its expansion (at least as mercenaries but maybe in a similar scenarion as in Kievan Rus)

A tad less creative history, Prussians and polish tribes were warring with Vikings from Gotland, Adams map is that of political influence, not settlements, there might have been some small settlements but if they were archeology failed to uncover them thus far.
27 Nov 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

People like Sokrates see history from one side. He is likely fuming that the Lithuanian govt require Poles to use Lithuanian versions of their names.

Heck no i just want a new PC and can't afford one at the moment, if we kill all Lithuanians there's bound to be some spare computers.

You really take everyone seriously all the time dont you Sean?

Anyway Lithuanians are asking for trouble, i can understand their fears because they fear Poland and all things polish like f*cking black pox but its time to move on, either they want a friendly neighbour or we really do start a diplomatic war, last time they tried it it didnt end well for them.

We dont want Wilno we're just asking they treat our people the same as we treat theirs, with respect.

If I were a Lithuanian, I wouldn't be best pleased.

If you were a Lithuanian i'd murder you on the spot, thats what we do.