The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 15 mins ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 11643 / Live: 3898 / Archived: 7745
From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
21 Apr 2021
Genealogy / Silesian, old Polish heritage? [49]

Nowadays they go to german church ironically.

Do you know what german church? A church where german is spoken or rather a protestant or lutheran church or something?
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Apr 2021
Genealogy / Silesian, old Polish heritage? [49]

Ja genau! :)

But for a german tongue its easier and not to forget, its a nod to our shared history because back then as my family lived there it was Breslau.
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Apr 2021
Genealogy / Silesian, old Polish heritage? [49]

Silesia has a colorful and distinctive heritage....multi ethnical and rich...but I doubt any independence will re-gain what two wars and decades isolated behind the Iron Curtain destroyed.

There is a vision of building something new again, because the East German border region didn't fare much better. But with now nearly open borders, together in the EU, and many Poles settling there already maybe in time....who knows!

(My grand-family stemmed from in and around Breslau)
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Mar 2021
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

When Germany is Central then Poland is too....because:


Prussia is looking intense, and surrounded by Hanover, West Prussia, Pomerania, East Prussia, and Schleswig-Holstein
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Mar 2021
History / Why is Vatican traditionally on German and not on Polish side? [65]

Why should the Vatican work for Germany in the first place, Crowie?

Only the south of Germany is nominally catholic anyhow, the bigger part is protestant (no natural ally of the Vatican) and an even bigger part couldn't care less about religion at all....

Who exactly are they working for? To what goal?
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

look how they fared in skyrim.

Everyone wants to be Nordic....they just have the better PR....but they are only a few people in reality, most of Europe doesn't look like them at all.
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

What the hell is "Dinaric"?

....a european sub group, like the Nordics.

Even as I would put the Bavarians more into the alpine sub group!
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

Germans consider themselves Northern,

Depends where you ask....the Bavarians see themselves surely not as "northern aka prussian", and the Ossis see themselves as "mittel" as possible....and the Wessis would wonder why you don't call them western Europeans like the Frenchies...

And if you mean "northern" as in scandinavian then that is an error generally I fear....the Scandinavians are their totally own category, no German would put himself into it.
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

Thats what the CIA factbook says about Central Europe:

Regions of Europe:

Central Europe according to The World Factbook (2009)[1] Encyclopedia Britannica and Brockhaus Enzyklopädie (1998):

Central Europe according to P. Jones (Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography). Many Central European countries and regions were parts of the German and the Austro-Hungarian empires; thus they also have historical and cultural connections.
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

how bout for one countries running it or the elite or ruling vlass of the world of even the eu such as merkel

.....well...Merkel grew up behind the Iron Curtain you think of her as an eastern European?

thst refers to polish people as central europeans. that even a topic with Hollywood movies????
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

nobody in america even knows what central europe is

....that is hardly a criterium and why should it be?

People here in central Europe feel strongly about it, that should be enough....

And where do you start? East Germany had been put behind the Iron Curtain too, but would you put it into eastern Europe because of that?
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Feb 2021
News / Germany eyes Poland's economic miracle [12]

A nice and interesting read! :)

...Germany and Poland, Wasinski believes are becoming the industrial center of Eastern Europe, capable of developing value chains that are "beneficial for both partners."

I really hope that includes East Germany!

*fist bump* :)
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

Only a few posts ago you proudly declared your DNA comes from Africa even though you prefer not to be called African.

Well...not only mine! Yours too... But neither I nor you would call themselves Africans. So why should the Jews who live here since 1000 years?

There are not many Jews left who would identify as Germans today btw...but if they do I welcome them. And I would never dare to tell them what they should or have to be!
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

"You lot" ? :)

As far as I know the jewish people group themselves as sephardic and ashkenazim....maybe you confuse these things?

...Largely expelled from the Iberian Peninsula in the late 15th century, they carried a distinctive Jewish diasporic identity with them to North Africa, including modern day Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt; South-Eastern and Southern Europe, including France, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Turkey; the Middle East, including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran; as well as the Americas...

Whereas the sephardic Jews have a widespread diaspora in North Africa the ashkenazim are as european/german as they come...

...Ashkenazic Jews or, by using the Hebrew plural suffix -im, Ashkenazim[a] are a Jewish diaspora population who coalesced in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium.[20]...

They have been living here for over a Millennia...about 1000 years...and you call them Africans???
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

What exactly has been anti-Polish? That german Jews don't saw themselves as Africans?

...I just think you should let the Jews themselves identify as what they want, not deciding for them...that goes for everybody actually!
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

So I asked you to further explain this. You can't.

Maybe you reword your question again for me? I have no idea what you are going for....

That a german jewish doctor by the name of Heinz König who earned an Iron Cross in WWI should identify as African? Seriously???
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

So how does this work if according to you Jews are Germans and German DNA is African in origin but at the same time you and Jews don't call yourselves African?


Thanks for admitting they fought for Hitler and their Third Reich


I don't know where you learned your history....

Nazis denied Jews their Germanness (kind of what you are trying to do), so they weren't even allowed to join the forces after 1933.
Bratwurst Boy   
18 Feb 2021
History / Malinowo: Polish-Nazi Supression? [447]

I don't hear any native European call themselves African, and still that's where our ancestor DNA came from...partly that is....

The Jews in Germany identified as Germans, they fought in Germany's wars for Germany, they died for can't get any more German than that.