The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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29 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

You heard that EU preparing ultimatum to my country? I say its alright. Why pretend? We know what is EU. A thing very far from normalcy. And we know how finished Austro-Hungarian ultimatum to my country. Parallelism is obvious.

Now, when THEY move, Poland should enter tripartite talks with Ukrainians and Russians about real borders of Ukrainian ethnic state and all the rest goes to Poland and Russia. And then make sure that Germany don`t have influence even in Ukraine.

And people! Hey people! I hope you people don`t have all your money savings in eurs. You can`t be that moronic.
27 Jul 2020
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

Let all those places fall on their face

True. In turmoil that will occur after fall of EU, they will fall in the hands of Poland. Visegrad will follow. If Poland is wise. Same is with Serbia and countries of former Yugoslavia and even plus some more countries. It started to happen.

A Polanified Ukraine, and Lithuania - the rest is history.

Dobri brate, why not be realistic. Be satisfied with western Ukraine. Plus, all that what we mentioned above and plus when Germany started to crumble and it will considering their suicidal policy.
26 Jul 2020
News / Poland adds Latin to core curriculum to help pupils understand foundation of Western civilisation [13]

And plus what about Poles and other Slavs in Poland who do not trust to Vatican and wouldn`t like their children to learn Latin? I am sure even most Catholic Poles wouldn`t like Latin as something that is must. See, its not just learning some language. Its politics. Its oppression. Its forcing Rome`s influence on those who don`t wish it. Its the matter of entirety of Slavic culture and civilization. And Rome denied right to existence to ancestors of Poles. It even denied existence of independent Poland. Organized genocide on Slavs. If not for Gavrilo, back in that 1914, Rome would still prefer Austria and Germanics. Always prefer them.

Don`t give them more then they didn`t already take from you anyway, Poles. Preserve light in your souls, so you can meet you ancestors when your time comes, with dignity.
26 Jul 2020
News / Poland adds Latin to core curriculum to help pupils understand foundation of Western civilisation [13]

Could it be really just a way of getting priests/nuns more hours in schools

Not just that. It is way too simple for Vatican. Much better to earn money and strengthen influence in a same time what again lead to more money.

Idea is that Poland (tax payers) finance priests/nuns/monks to learn Latin. Then Poland (tax payers) pay them (ie Vatican) to learn Latin to Polish children.

Imagine what life have those 800 residents of Vatican. And they are usually very evil people.
26 Jul 2020
History / Polish Museums and Selective Forgetting [10]

I am curious is there any museum about Roman and Teutonic genocidal crimes on Poles and Slavs in general? Non in history killed that much Poles as Rome did.
25 Jul 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

wanted to keep the conversation going!

This problem can be easily solved.

but's it's in Germany, under western laws and so they have to suck it up! :)

This is how Hitler, who admired to Islam, sow it and desired. All in EU so remind me of Hitler`s desires.
25 Jul 2020
Life / Is Polish church involved in politics too much? [124]

If we speak of Polish Catholic Church, we have to agree that isnt involved in politics enough, in comparision to, for example Vatican or Catholic Church in Croatia and some other regions. Why this have to be said? Simple. Catholicism would have more human face if Polish Catholic Church is more involved.

But nobody in Catholic world ask Poles anything. Vatican have more projects with Germany and with German satelites like banderists and ustashe, proven Nazis, then with Poland. Actually, even work against Poland. Why ask Poland anything? Why, realy, when Poland acepted pasive and servitude role. Just better kick Poland and contonue with projects.

All to satisfy greed.
24 Jul 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

Poland stands now without any mayor allies that would support them.

Poland`s situation wasn`t better in last 700 years. Minimum.

And Slavs (ie Sarmatians), were not this strong in last 2000 years. Minimum.

Only if suicide intent prevail Germany may try something.
24 Jul 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

I guess, you prefer to be surroundedby hostile countries Crow?

What choice one have if others decide to steal his history, his people, his soul, his culture, his resources. What one can do if others decided to erase him. What if can`t reason them. Its not his choice. No choice in it. One can only stood and resist and hit back, make sure that no matter many lost battles, at the end, he win the war they gave him.
22 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

It will go to Poland. Guaranted. Things develop nicely against Germany and satelites like banderists and uatashe.

Angela and Ursula are so crazy. Pray Poles for their good health.
21 Jul 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

So, now the question is: will PiS proceed with their controvercial reforms against European law, risking the loss of funds?

What funds? Look Serbia. Isn`t member of EU and best economy in Europe.

What is with you Poles? You afraid to be independent?
20 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

Let Ukraine be Ukraine!

Just like that? Because you like the idea? That state never existed as state of Ukrainian people or nation. Slavic tribes there were even before God had plans for Greeks or Romans oriented on what is now Russia (ie in past, read- Scythia/Sarmatia Asiatica, nomadic Sarmatians) and Poland (ie in past, read- Sarmatia Europae, sedentary Sarmatians). Russians even were formed as ethos from within Slavic tribes of what is now Ukraine. Only later, with foreign influence (but after all, no matter which influences), appeared unique traits that led to formation of Ruthenians and Ukrainians but, never had their own states. In the meanwhile, even Serbs from Balkan, refugees who retreated from Ottoman Empire, formed two of their own regions, states, there.

So, I even don`t know how western Europe even dare to think of meddling in Ukraine. Its such an idiotic for them to meddling that I even can`t find proper word to describe it. By the God, even eastern Germans were Slavs less then 300 years ago. Are you all mad on west of Europe? You all were Slavs in past. Now you don`t wish to be Slavs, its alright but, why meddling in Slavic world?? Its madness.

And when we are at it, why non speak of Ruthenian state? Why only rights to those who feel Ukrainian, with all due respect on them??? Are you all people here on forum deluded and stupid and dishonest and crazy? Not a single word on Ruthenians here.
19 Jul 2020
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

Polish Chief of State Józef Piłsudski surreptitiously ordered Żeligowski to carry out the operation, and revealed the truth several years later.

What we know it could be his political maneuvering, compromise with some circles. He maybe never ordered such a thing to Żeligowski. And, after all, to whom he revealed anything? Who is that witness?
19 Jul 2020
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

The EU is Hitler's dream

Actually, of those magnates behind Hitler. Magnates of Vatican, Germany, UK, USA, and France. EU is nothing but revival of dream where Austro-Hungaria and Germany wanted to create a merged and united state. Fortunately, happened Gavrilo and in case of EU, they made a mistake and moved against Yugoslavia.

The UK and their secret Pan-Germanism. Two world wars were staged to hide that the UK and Germany are the same entity

It was business for the UK and the USA. They didn't like the idea but they entered in it the same way they entered in the destruction of Yugoslavia and partition of Serbs.
17 Jul 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

People think "good PiS"

Time of PiS yet to come. IF PiS play well on more and more important questions such are - sovereignty, deflection from EU, stronger Visegrad, Serbia and above all, Ukraine and especially western Ukraine. This will all also be followed with more contacts with USA and Russia.

So how I read and understand political scene in Poland, I do expect Duda and PiS to start more openly speak of Lwow and western Ukraine, during this new Duda`s mandate.
14 Jul 2020
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Wow Crow and Bratwurst Boy have been here for 10+ years!

Yes, I grow up with this forum and Mother Poland, a greatest Slavic country from Baltic to Balkan, was always here for me. Similar is with Bratwurst Boy. Good Slavic soul in imperfect German body. But I got impression that he seeks to escape germanization.