The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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22 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

Hey, Paulina, read maf's post and wise up.

yes, if he transitioned fully

How does one "transition" fully vs partially?
Do missing breasts on a girl make her a boy?
What has to be removed from her body to be fully "transitioned"? Breasts, ovaries, and vagina? Or is there more...
Does a woman need a prostate gland implant to be a man?

I love discussing insanities.
22 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Or just maybe they don't see the point in having a mindless conversation with a total stranger.

All men love politics.

In the US, we speak freely - especially to strangers. In Europe, you don't because you are either bootlickers or afraid.

In the US, teen girls look straight at me and say hi. In Poland, nobody makes eye contact, including at checkouts.
22 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

that's how you avoid having a serious, adult discussion on difficult topics.

Try me. How about transgenderism...
Do you think a man can be a woman and compete with women in sports?
22 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

They caught a terrorist bomb-maker trying to get in this week.

Bomb-makers are not a big problem. It's the 8 million useless garbage who are not bomb-makers.
I actually like bomb-makers who kill Biden voters - the guy who let bomb-makers in without our consent.

only to be halted by the.....wait for it....Wall.

When they are at the Wall, it's too late. They should have been shot before they stepped on the US territory and said the magic "asylum" word.
22 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

Because it is treated by feminists as a civil right rather than a critical medical procedure. Like a right to vote. Or a right to free speech.

They even call it "abortion rights". Really? When something is a right, there is no cost involved and participation may be 100% without harm to others or the tribe.

Abortion on demand and without medical necessity does not meet these requirements.
I can't walk into an ER and demand an amputation because there is no medical necessity to amputate my healthy legs. They would lock me up in a psych ward.
22 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

No it won't and we hate that fake stuff in Europe.

You hate it because you are not good at it. I hate dancing so I don't.

There are many ways to casually interact. From looking at the other person to a hi and a nod, to have a nice day.

Yesterday, a cashier at Lexus said: Here is your key, dear. I said: Did you just call me "dear"? I really like it. Can I call you sweetie? She gave me a big smile.

Yes, I could have just taken the key and walked away. That's what I would do in Europe.

Another case...In front of a Walmart store, there were girls selling cookies - 5 bucks per box. I had only 4 singles. I walked up and asked: Do you girls know how to sing Macarena?

Yessss!!! And off they go...OK, here is four dollars for the song. Give the cookies to the next person.

Did I have to do it? No. Would I do it in Europe? No. That's why I am here, not there.

Sometimes I feel like America and Americans were created for me. Perfect fit. The US ruling mob is a different story.

The beauty of American small talk is that it is 100% natural and a great practice how to be witty suddenly.
21 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

I know that you like to take things to the ad absurdum level,

I like doing it because this is how you test idiotic ideas. Like abortion, migration, LGBTs, and sh*it like this...

At the center or when the numbers are tolerable, everything that is sick and perverted works well and looks good. Even arsenic is harmless...
21 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

You may as well be playing roulette in Vegas.......Jailbird

Only 1% of day traders make money. Only very few mutual fund managers beat S&P.
The only people who make it are insiders and pump-and-dump crooks.
21 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

As far as that American "have a nice day", it's not going to change one damn bit how your day will go.

It's meant to say - pay attention now, morons - that I see you, and recognize you as a human worthy of my attention - if only for a couple of seconds.

So, take your Euro aloofness pretending to be depth and shove it up your ass.
21 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

In my opinion they are just more reserved with strangers or people they don't know.

Because they are afraid.

We, Americans, are not afraid and it shows immediately in the way we interact. That First Amendment is amazing...and no Euro-style hate speech rules...God bless this country...

That is why some of the best conversations I had were with perfect strangers because we both knew we would never meet again. Some of them were over an hour long.

Americans are special and in a very good way. You can ask a guy sitting at the next table sipping coffee or beer if he would like to join you. It's that simple.

The benefit of talking to strangers is that you can say whatever you want with zero risk. Not so with "friends" or family.

Just like here...
21 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

are you one of those sexist, selfish a-holes who are too lazy to let go of that "division of roles in marriages" and wish it was preserved? :)

No. He is a modern man who can breastfeed as well as any menstruating person.
21 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Shut up, Novi.

Wise up, Torq.

What did I say that is not true in #423?

how their acquaintance with "credit" went.

Credit =/= a loan. In my entire life, I didn't pay one dime in CC interest.

CC charges can be reversed. Cash payment cannot.
21 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

I don't like what you wrote. It sounds like trolling.

Fits my definition of "troll": the guy you don't like.

Wrong definition...
21 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

The point is physical activity can take your mind off of depressing things.

Sure beats getting drunk.

My favorite cocktail is adrenaline and dopamine - both organic...

the sudden death of someone you loved very much...

Marriages rarely survive the death of a child - especially if the death was preventable.
21 Mar 2024
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Nothing works as well as a critical generalization to start a good argument.

Overall, my experience in Poland is that they are almost all thieves and liars.

...who can't put a sentence together without two or three kurwa's...

BTW, I quoted the above to show you that I read your post in its entirety.
My reaction: I trust every single word of it.

So, unless you are a woke azhole who thinks that men can be pregnant and should be allowed to compete with women in women's sports, we will be very good friends here.
21 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

It can be amazingly therapeutic.

...not if she had to compete with women that have penises.

You have to admit that this invention didn't come from the USSR or Russia. I guess you were not that creative...

I remember how the West was freaking out about dopped-up Russian and East German women athletes. Then, American ingenuity went to work, the US has women with dicks and balls.

Can you match THAT, Bobko?
20 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

I have no clients, liar, just friends to make suggestions to.

Bullshit! Friends advise friends in private. In return, friends thank friends privately.
You and Dolno are narcissistic exhibitionists.
20 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

Anybody who says I am better than you by birth or marriage should be shot on the spot.
In this respect, I like Russian Bolsheviks, the 1917 version. Other than that, they were idiots.
20 Mar 2024
News / How will Polish-American relations change if Trump is elected president again? [339]

lots of dead Ukrainians

Ukrainians are dead because of the "support" of those who are not dead yet. Remove the "support" and the war is over in a week.

At some point in every war, support for the losing side becomes a war crime. Ukraine is past that point and is now just a slaughterhouse.

No, Russia will not stop and leave just as the Sun will be round and yellow for a very long time so don't give me another bs one-liner with Putin and Russia in it.
20 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

we have far more power than Americans to vote out those we don't want and vote in those we do.

One more time...How you elect your "legal representative" means crap because they are not legally obligated to do what they promised.
Instead, they are allowed to lie and do the exact opposite on their first day in office. That's your "democracy".

Memo to bootlickers: We were allowed to vote in "communist" Poland, too. We even had two parties - just as Americans have now.

Your system is an illusion of "democracy" but as long as you and other bootlickers are happy watching Europe being overrun by darker scum...

BTW, do you, Atch, know anybody who asked for more refugees in Ireland?
20 Mar 2024
Life / St Patrick's day in Poland [272]

Who are you to tell me which boot I can lick and which ones I can't ?

See a doctor. In the meantime...FO.
20 Mar 2024
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

I like tipping stocks that make people a little extra income.

And I like giving people advice on how not to be woke azholes.

Memo to woke azholes: Want a baby? Get a woman because men cannot ever get pregnant, no matter how many times they hear "GFY". public service...

I like tipping stocks that make people a little extra income.

You are lying. Stock advice goes like this:
Buy X at A or less. Sell X at B or more. Stop limit at C.

Your posts brag. You also revealed what your client did. Inexcusable.