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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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From: Polska
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Books

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14 Dec 2020
Work / Teaching English in Poland - better opportunities for an American? [20]

And even though they are all so lame they still don't want to hire your sorry as*. Tough :)

going to hire someone who actually speaks, writes, and more importantly knows how to teach proper English, not slang.

Obviously he didn't even look through textbook or he would have known kids are being taught stuff like that
14 Dec 2020
Work / Teaching English in Poland - better opportunities for an American? [20]

there is actually a profession called being a linguist

Really genius? Wow, you expanded my horizons LOL

What I was getting wt is they expect you to be a linguist

Kids in Polish high school would tell you the difference between has occurred and had occurred. How did you expect to teach kids that know more than you do?
5 Dec 2020
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

I don't see it as "messing" with someone's private life in such circumstances

She's getting straight into their most private affairs. She is not her friend, not even a colleague.
Now imagine the wife knows about the cheating and stays with him anyway. It may be extremely painful and embarrassing for her to have a hotel employee tell her such stuff.

If I were the owner I would expect my employees to have the 'I don't see anything' attitude as long as there is no crime or felony.
24 Nov 2020
Life / All Things Christmassy in Poland [326]

Polish Christmas Eve dinner is supposed to be lenten, which means no meat,

True. In my home adults wouldn't eat anything till the dinner, kids were allowed some food but definitely not meat. My favourite was to "steal" few potatoes cooked for the potato salad
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

The fetus is destined to be a human being

Not always. Pregnancy is not equal to having a baby. And the less advanced it is the more chances that something will go wrong. And while I completely support women who choose to give birth to a baby that will die few hours after birth I also understand that some may choose not to risk their health (mental and physical).
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Yes that should be the punishment for those who root and leave

To be fair I have bigger with problems with fathers who stick around when they shouldn't (the same goes for the mother).

To be honest I think it's ridiculous that you can't get sterilised in Poland. That should be one of the Strajk Kobiet points.
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

America again............

Seems like it, some jest don't have anything to say about Poland.

sterilization for her and castration for the bums

Illegal in Poland

Demonstrations are over

Missed that one:
Where did you get that info?
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

the girl had intercourse with a dozen men the week she got pregnant.

And in fact was usually a teenage girl that had sex with her sweetheart who turned out not to be so sweet. And even if you exclude that- that name was about premarital sex. You don't need DNA tests to know the guy is sleeping with the girl
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

I'm also in the "safe, legal and as rare as possible" camp...

I think any sane person is.

Some married men actually leave their wives you know.

It makes me laugh when I hear that as some kind of insurance...And why would I want to be with the guy that doesn't want to stick around?
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

this whole idea of the drunken f.cuk and the nasty whorish woman using abortion as birth control is, in relation to Poland,a myth.

Because it makes it easier. Kind of 'they brought it on themselves etc.

The best thing any Polish government can do for the church is to limit its activities...

Of course but there are some who still don't see it. In the end it will be the church that pays the price
21 Nov 2020
Life / To Poles: some food for thought [31]

You count only genetics. You forgot that t
,if alive, they would have been teachers, mentors, role models
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

The problem with abortion is that almost no one is consistent.

True but that is exactly why the compromise was so important (even if I didn't completely agree with it). It opened a Pandora box.

In my dream world there wouldn't be any abortions and in my a bit less than dream world a women facing such decisions would have available all sorts of helpful info: geneticists, hospice stuff, psychologists, financial advisor... That in panic abortion is not the only way she can see.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

if a parent drops an unharmed newborn off and hands the child over to someone, that parent will be free to go.

One can either leave the baby in the hospital (after signing forms) or leave the baby in 'okno zycia' with nuns. Both are ok as far as the legal system is concerned. Later on one has to actually go to more 'trouble'.

early on few if any restrictions with restrictions kicking in around the time of natural viability.

To be fair I would like to cap it all at 12 weeks but sadly the medicine is just not there yet.

Maybe if you have spend that time writing your arguments instead of ranting about people you disagree with you could have any chance at getting your message through.

Why? Why can they take that decision away from another person?

Because to survive the fetus needs the women body and in the process can influence her health. As soon as the science will allow for the embryo to be extracted and grown outside of the women body we can say that it's only about the fetus. Up to then someone has to carry and give birth.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]


Wow, you dropped your suicide argument so quickly it might have broken the speed of light :D

do people with birth defects deserve to live?"

Of course they do.
Women also deserve the right to decide whether they want to carry and give birth to a child that will die right after birth or will know nothing but pain.
21 Nov 2020
Life / All Things Christmassy in Poland [326]

I'm not sure what a popular Christmas day meal is in Poland

In my home is basically repetition of Christmas Eve meal. In the oastmy grandma would do separate dinner but my sister and me convinced mom it's pointless as we all love the dishes from the day before most.
21 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

At the same time it it is true that people with such disability are capable of feeling happiness,

True, many can lead quite happy life but there are also those who seem to be unaware of any such thing, incapable of interaction...

Loving care makes all the difference and that's why parents of such kids often pray their kids go before them.

I think one of my worst nightmares was always pecherzyca (the disease that creates blisters on the gentlest touch that later break etc. It would be hard to handle to give your kid all that pain every day...

My mom's friend had a heavily disabled kid (dead now) that required physio. She couldn't do it. She couldn't stand the crying and screams of pain. Thankfully the husband stuck around and he did it.

Another one of family friend wasn't so lucky- the guy went to a younger model. She won't have a life
20 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

This one is quite funny to me:

Police visited a 14 year old because he passed info on Facebook about planned protest, threatened that if he goes there he will be charged as organizer and they passed the info to his school and family court,79cfc278

And it's funny (although in a sad way) that there are people that don't get teenagers that badly