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Poland's post-election political scene [4080]
There is no love lost between young Poles and Tusk
Really? Quite the opposite, as PO lost their way after he left, partially because he could speak their language and Kopacz couldn't.
Macierewicz is viewed by many young people as a Polish romantic, a knight crusading for the downtrodden and underprivileged and totally committed to Poland's defence and security.
Er, Polly... could you *please* try and stop posting such propaganda? Macierewicz is loathed by huge segments of society, with 57% calling for his dismissal. Most young people see how he put an unqualified boy in a prime position and lavished him with money and privileges.
In PiS everyone is posted where they can do their best for Poland.
Really? So why have PiS filled up endless positions with cronies rather than the best person for the job? I mean, if they were to do their best for Poland, a nurse should remain a nurse and shouldn't be appointed to the board of large state-owned companies, right?
I just wonder what excuses you're going to come up with when PiS lose power.