The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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31 Oct 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

I can tall you one thing. I watch Croatian media from time to time, just to satisfy curiosity (its same language and easy to follow). Nazi clero-Catholic ustashe there are so proud with Poland.

I have impression that I entered twilight zone or that I died and expirience hell.
30 Oct 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

PiS will now lock people up starting today for demonstrations?

So PiS is now brain dead. Pollitical oblivion.

but they have brought it on themselves by themselves.

Not by themselves. By the Vatican. Let us point to the source of problem. Its not Catholicism. Or Christianity or Christ. Never believe in that. Vatican is a problem.

But it is only our own fault that we chose them to rule the country

But you didn't know they are corrupted by the Vatican who always tend to weaken Poland and keep it backward.
29 Oct 2020
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Woman do have right to choose. In the nature of Slavic woman is to be free. Always. In all times.

Poland should calm and refuse fanatical dogma of the Vatican.

If continue like this Poland would betray Jagilonian and Piast path.

I just learned. Clero Nazi Catholic ustashe from Croatia support anti abortion laws in Poland and restriction of rights of Catholic and all other woman in Poland.

This is historical crossroad for Poland.
29 Oct 2020
Genealogy / Are Sorbs Polish? Does anyone know about Sorbish enthnicity? [62]


Poland goes in direction of Belgrade. Too many Serbs, too many Poles in Poland that country resits gravity of Belgrade.

Not Moscow, not Warsaw. Belgrade will show the way. And won`t be rule of Constantinople or Rome/Vatican or London. Belgrade knows what is best.

Corey Lewandowski knows why he leads Polonias investments in Serbs. He knows where is center of our civilization and where is wealth. Now things would come to normalcy again.

At the moment when was assassinated in France in Marseilles in 1934 by Nazis and Vatican, Yugoslavian King Alexander of Serbian Karadjordjevic dynasty, had Polish eagle as tattoo on his chest.


Yugoslavia had same anthem as Poland and ruling Serbian Karadjordjevic dynasty was raised to power in a deal between back then Poland`s emigres in France led by Prince Czartorisky (influenced by Mizckiewich) and Russia`s Romanov dynasty.

Slavic foes fear Serbians. They knows that Serbs bringing balance and they fear us because they fear to lose control over Slavs (ie Sarmatians, true natives of Europe).

Two Serbs, Tusk and Vucic


@Mr Grunwald

Where would Poland? Are you crazy?

Belgrade and that`s it.
29 Oct 2020
Genealogy / Are Sorbs Polish? Does anyone know about Sorbish enthnicity? [62]

Yes, sad. And why not?

One answer that and one came to the genesis of many Poland`s problems. Why Poland don`t have bigger influence within Slavic world, in Europe, world. Why number of Poles have complexes to be Poles. Why Poland don`t have capacity to attract Belarus, Luthuania, Czechs. Why Poland don`t have a sense to condemn Vatican`s genocide on Serbs. Why is Poland within EU and don`t have its own conglomerate around itself. Why is Poland a Poland and not a POLAND.

Now even woman are legally beaten, etc. Etc, etc, etc.

We abandon ancestors and then we test ourselves how low we can fall. At the end one finish with glorification of some foreigners and some foreign ancestors, annulling itself totally.
29 Oct 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Konfederacja saying that german anarchists are pouring over the border and joining the protests.

They do?

Hopefully they get a good beating.

If on me I would send cavalry police and dogs on them. So they remember if even they are able to remember anything after the day in Poland.

It's stupid to protest now.

Covid or no Covid, life goes on. Don`t molest woman in Poland and no need for protest.
29 Oct 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

I do can imagine how Vatican declare - 'Time is to get rid of Polish woman'.

Statement would be absolutely in accordance with historicall tendencies of Vatican.

You think fanatics wouldn't take it seriously, you are wrong.
28 Oct 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Polish women have more b@ll$ then Polish men.

I agree. That what Polish woman told me, Polish man never did.

These hooligans guarding churches are a joke.

Truly sad. I mean, truly. How low Poland can fall. I hope that is maximum. Vatican in deal with Austria and Germany commits genocide in most bestial ways on Serbs (1 mil.) and Polish Catholic Church don`t have public opinion on that.

I mean really don`t have opinion. If not for pure simple empathy on kin Slavic/Serbian people then as empathy for the kin Christians. If not even that then at least because that same Vatican with those same Germanics allays plot against Poland, too. Now genociding Serbs is strategically speaking nothing but weakening of Poland. But, no, Polish Catholic Church is silent.

NOW. What NOW? To move against Polish woman?

I telling you Poles, f*** Vatican and f*** it hard. That way you would even defend Catholicism. Decent Catholicism, from those pervs who using and selling Poland for centuries.
26 Oct 2020
Life / Is Polish church involved in politics too much? [124]

Polish Catholic Church never criticized Vatican for too clise ties between Vatican and Germanics. Never. That make them trraitors of Poles and Poland. And what we Serbs can expect then. Where are we on the list of priorities of Polish Catholic Church. Nowhere.
26 Oct 2020
Genealogy / Are Sorbs Polish? Does anyone know about Sorbish enthnicity? [62]

East Germany

East Germany will return to Slavic world from which they were cut off by Romes/Vaticans and Germanic schemes. Its just the matter of time when would people there decide to give up from western Europe and Germany and separate. Only in full return to Slavic culture they would save themselves.
26 Oct 2020
Genealogy / Are Sorbs Polish? Does anyone know about Sorbish enthnicity? [62]

Are Sorbs Polish? Does anyone know about Sorbish enthnicity?

No, they are not Polish. They are Serbs, same as Poles.

Just, to tell it that way, Lusatian Serbs are older populace then what is Polani populace, originating from that ancient ancestral line from Balkan on the Danube, when people after Ice age was finished in slow migration along the river nets reached Baltic and then moving left and right populated other areas of Europe and not only Europe.

Who are Lusatian Sorbs - Lužički Srbi - TURN ON ENGLISH SUBS WHEN WATCHING


Who avoid to see this will remain srupid till the end of his life.

See what grinding power of Poland.
25 Oct 2020
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [134]

They did it and you are definitely right about Serbs. We underestimated situation. We underestimated their necesity to control us at all costs. We underestimated their savagery.

But they regrets already. Now they losing entire Slavic world.

For example, who could sane in Poland think seriously of Vatican as protector of Poland and Poland's interests, as real center of Christianity? Non.

I remember during EXIT music fest here in Novi Sad.

I sow Italian parents kissing their children in the lips and mouth, to express their warm feelings to them, closeness. I actually sow that many times when I traveled all around the western Europe. But, that time I sow on the street of my city I couldn`t resist and I simple told them not to do that. Man became hostile, insulted me. I then told him to fu** himself, how is that utterly discussing and sick to kiss his own and any child into the lips. I lost nerves and told many things to him. I fu*** his fu*** backward and savage culture and told him that his child needs to be protected from him. Then fortunately, I went on and removed myself from that situation, telling to myself to look for my own business and calm.

Was he right Irone? Did he had right to kiss his child into the mouth?

Its not quite on our topic here but, well, it helping to have complete picture of what is western Europe. Very sick culture. Incest is usual thing there. That is how things begins... by kissing their own children into lips. Where is church to prevent it? Church? No time for things like that. Church planing genocides.
25 Oct 2020
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [134]

And genocide Vatican imposing on Serbs makes things right and prevent us from fall into error? is that it?

That`s what you told me now is same what some priest told to some your far ancestor, centuries ago, before gave signal to some Teutonic knight to put him to the sword. Then your other ancestors started to think and realized truth in those words. Same of them even became that convinced in those words to start killing their other kindred in order to help them they too realize truth.
25 Oct 2020
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [134]

Familial ancestors are included in that too.

And those from before Christianity. Those first speakers of that Polish language you speak and Slavic language before that shared with other Slavs who we aware of belonging to the same civilization, to be kin with each others.

That is why we Serbs preserved SLAVA custom within Christianity. We didn`t walk on all four before Rome and Constantinople. On the contrary. We were advanced part of world, for those times, before God even had plan for Rome or Constantinople.