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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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14 Apr 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

I loved my life in "communist" Poland. Nobody ever said that I could compete with girls in weightlifting if I only said: "I am a woman". I also didn't run the risk of finding a penis on the women I dated. For this, I had to go to America and wait a couple of decades...until the level of stupidity reached the bottom so low that even the Supreme Court robes couldn't define a woman.

No nig*ers looting stores, either, with cops just standing and watching...

Or kid snatchers...I was able to go from Radom to Warsaw without any adults and on my own when I was 9 - all the way from Zeromskiego 59 to Aleje Jerozolimskie 99.

I guess I was too ugly for the LGBTP scum...
13 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

In Australia today/yesterday a man began attacking people with a knife,

I thought that in fascist Australia, one has to apply for a permit to defend himself from a loon with a knife and wait until it comes in the mail...

Anything about the cop? Was he charged with premeditated murder or at least fired for the use of excessive force?

The DEI rules require fairness so he should have dropped the gun, called 911, and asked for four social workers - all females, each different race and sexual orientation or gender.
13 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]


Amish, Gypsies, Japs, Muslims,...the scum we can live without in the West...
Memo to morons:

Jews =/= Israelis
BLM =/= Mossad
13 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

which is why you try and ignore them.

The article doesn't offer much beyond son shoots mother.

Was he intoxicated?
Did she say "I am home"?
Did he have a license to own a gun?
Is he sane?
Any criminal record?
Does his gun have a light to help ID target?
Did he ask: Mom, is that you?

None of this is in the article for a very simple reason: Because the shooter was black.

If the shooter was white, we would know the color of his underwear by now.
13 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Real life doesn't work that way.

That's exactly my life: my wife, me, Mr Smith, and Mr. Wesson. Kids are grown and gone.

I wonder how many kids or other family members have been shot when parents mistake them for an intruder.

You should wonder how many times armed homeowners prevented a crime by merely showing that they were armed. The estimates are from 500,000 to 3 million cases a year but those are seldom reported to the police and when they are, seldom make it to the pages or the air.
13 Apr 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Germany is Russia's strategic partner

That's disgusting. I wouldn't buy a used condom from those Nazis. Forget oil and gas...You should be ashamed...

BTW, not "is". It's was. I am assuming that Germany, Poland, and other freedom and democracy-loving NATO countries are not buying anything from the evil Russia.

You know what Russia does with the money you pay? I was so shocked...Russia buys drones that kill freedom and democracy-loving Ukrainians. I am really upset with you guys...
13 Apr 2024
Life / Jewish culture in today`s Poland [158]

Cut the crap, Jew apologists...

How many Jewish parents said:

Oh, so you are planning to marry that nice Christian girl...We are soooo happy...We think you should convert to her religion for your marriage to be a happy one and last.

Try fvcking zero. Few groups discriminate as much as Jews.
13 Apr 2024
Life / Boys acting and dressing feminine, girls acting and dressing masculine - transgender teens in Poland [272]

if such is mandated by the local standard, that's where

I wasn't stupid to tell the guy with a ponytail why he wasn't hired. Fvck standards. I have my own.

to dress as they wish so long as said attire is not offensive to anyone on the basis of religious, ethnic or social background.

That's why we need the Ministry of Approved Body Smell and Arts with a 9-person committee to prevent ties. God forbid we would leave such matters in the hands of a free marketplace...
13 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Well, healthy societies are gun-free.

Did I mention that the healthy unarmed European invaders were scalped and fried for dinner by the natives?

This told the rest of the European illegals to get armed or at least shave their heads. Hence, the "gun culture".

Also...With a gun, I have options. Without a gun, you can only beg for your life. Personally, I like shooting more than begging. I don't speak Spanish.
12 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Hey, jon, I have an easier one for you...I have been here for like 50 years and haven't seen a single house with a "Gun-free zone" sign on it. That includes rabid gun haters like you.

The question is: Why?

BTW, there is a sign for every occasion in America - including "we love faggots" - but no "Gun-free zone" signs to show how peaceful, friendly, and progressive the homeowner is.

You want to take a stab at this, jon?
12 Apr 2024
Life / Boys acting and dressing feminine, girls acting and dressing masculine - transgender teens in Poland [272]

An executive order issued in a New York county that will ban transgender

I love the order. I don't like the terminology...

There is no such thing as "trans-gender" just as there is no such thing as trans-race or trans-sage. Hence, there is no such thing as a "transgender woman". The correct term is:

Azholes pretending to be women and laughing their balls off while getting the winner's trophy because stupid women decided to participate in this bullshit we call inclusive women's sports.

BTW, I am very proud of this definition. I wrote to for Novipedia.

Cause children are being mutilated...

Short and to the point.
Add one more: Because girls are losing scholarships and medals to the fvcking trans freaks...