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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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5 Dec 2020
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Woman Handball > Serbian girls won over Netherland in Denmark / European Champinship >

5 Dec 2020
Genealogy / Belief of Sarmatian descend of Szlachta in the Renaissance is not entirely wrong, but not quite right either [4]

Sarmat is original name of people (I mean Greco-Latinized version of name). Some original forms of original Sarmatian name you would find in names (how they call themselves) of Lusatian, Kashub and Balkan Serbs and also other local forms- possible also corrupted by foreign influence- Shwabi, Swedi, Spaniards. Other names ("Indo-European" or "Eastern Hunter Gatherer) you mentioned are political constructs. Not scientific. Political.
4 Dec 2020
Genealogy / Belief of Sarmatian descend of Szlachta in the Renaissance is not entirely wrong, but not quite right either [4]

no Sarmatian descent among the Szlachta of the Wielkopolska region - and there was instead a huge Norman and Germanic

Your crucial error is to think of Sarmatians as of people with identical haplogroup. Its so naive. At their maximum Sarmats lived from British islands, over entire Europe, Eurasia, Near East to the Ind river. Even if you exclude mixing with outsiders it is IMPOSSIBLE Sarmats to have same haplogroup on such a large inter-continental space.

Do you understand that? All Europeans are Sarmatians in origin. All are genetic Sarmatians who once also shared their Sarmatian common cultural and linguistic heritage. But there is the trick. Only Slavs remained Sarmatians in every sense. In genetic, cultural and linguistic sense. Only Balkan, Lusatian and Kashub Serbs, from all Slavs, still using local versions of once original Sarmatian name. Other Whites remained only genetic Sarmatians but abandoned their direct cultural and linguistic connection to ancestors. Indirect cultural/lingual connection exist but not direct.

Or to tell this way. People is one thing and nation is the novelty. See, Slavs are still people. They are as were their ancestors. Non-Slavic Whites aren`t same people anymore. They are now nations. They just originate from Sarmatian people but they are something else now. Not new people because they still have Sarmatian genetics. They are new cultures, a nations that originate from Sarmatian people. Most probably exactly that fact explains their atavistic hate on us who remained Slavs ie Sarmatians. As long as we live, live fact that non-Slavic Whites abandoned their ancestral original Western culture, while we who are still Slavs ie Sarmats did not. We remained traditional, true, original.

Pardon. Name of Shwabi, Swedi, Spaniards (possible even some more national names) are also local versions of Sarmatian name. Possible corrupted with foreign influences but as far as I know also could evolve naturally that way due to distance from cultural core and isolation. Those Sarmat names are still in use. Interestingly, name remained but culture and direct connection to ancestral language are lost. And shockingly, those who using them even don`t understand that they bear name of true native Europeans, their original ancestors.
4 Dec 2020
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

Just because something terrible and wrong eventually led to nice results doesn't change the awful status of the original misdeed.

Well, soon would happen Islamic Caliphate. Go then convince Europeans and Slavs (ie Sarmats) not to do anything hostile. Be Christian in a wired way as you obviously see fit. When we Serbs are hit, we hit back. We then even mourn that we were not first to hit. I think Poles, Kashubs, Lusatians and our other brethren are similar.
4 Dec 2020
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

But, it was him who moved chain reaction of events that led to return of Poland on the map of Europe. England, Vatican, France, USA had other plans. I mean if you expected help from Vatican, from all of them. They did not come. Gavrilo came. Mizkiewick and Czartorisky waited for Gavrilo to come.

Few quotes of Gavrilo. Let he speak for himself >


* ``I am not a criminal, for I destroyed a bad man. I thought I was right.``

* ``There is no need to carry me to another prison. My life is already ebbing away. I suggest that you nail me to a cross and burn me alive. My flaming body will be a torch to light my people on their path to freedom.``

* ``I am the son of peasants and I know what is happening in the villages. That is why I wanted to take revenge, and I regret nothing.``

* ``There is no need to carry me to another prison. My life is already ebbing away. I suggest that you nail me to a cross and burn me alive. My flaming body will be a torch to light my people and all Slavs on their path to freedom.``
4 Dec 2020
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

Gavrilo was a student. AH was occupational force in his country that when entering in Bosnia first commited genicide on Serbs. So, as Serbian patriot Gavrilo killed leader of occupational force. No he didin kill inicent like terorists do his target was leader, the Ferdinand.

Gavrilo is hero by all means. Scream of his people. He did more for Poland then the Vatican ever in history of Poland - Vatican relations. Vatican actually have tendency to get rid of Slavic Poland and especialy wanted Serbs of Poland and Europe to extinct. Gavrilo ruined all those plans by his saceafice and Poland now live with hope to regain full independance.
4 Dec 2020
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]


Well said. Let brat tell. Even I celebrate 11th November. I burn the candle in Church having in my mind prayer for Poland and Gavrilo.

How we know Poland must be reformed?

Simple. Poland by the Sarmatism would have monument to Gavrilo and would celebrate internal differences protected by house of Poland. But Poland by the Kanopisht pact have other monuments and tend to reduce internal differences.

1 Dec 2020
Genealogy / Finding my Polish father who I never knew existed [15]

Good that you finaly decided to find your Polish father. It is great shame that you waited for so long. You know, its not easy to create a child. Its an effort and love.
30 Nov 2020
History / 'Battle of Britain' won thanks to Polish aces !! [158]

'Battle of Britain' won thanks to Polish aces !!

Sure. Just go Google casualties of western Europe in both world wars and casualties of Slavs and you would understand what was plan. So yes, according to plan, Poles died for Britain and in every opportunity. Britain and western Europe are more fatal to Poles then Corona.

Generations of my people also grown up being proud how many of us died in ``alliance`` with Britain. THAT naive we aren`t anymore.
29 Nov 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Either the rules change or the whole euro idea collapses....

Nothing can save the EU. Its founded on wrong principles and for wrong purpose for ell except to those who created it.

But, speaking of Poland. Only change that will save Poland and Slavic West is restoration of Balkan-Baltic wealth line, that exactly ancestors of same those Italians destroyed in the past so they can hold entire Slavic world in subjugation.

There is the reason Britain ababdoned EU and there is the reason Poland is still in the EU. Something hold Poland no matter that pressure increasing and would be only bigger.
28 Nov 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Poles say a big YES to our European Union

Earlier in past, due to great fear, Polani said YES to Rome and abandoned alliance with Kashubs and Lusatians. Later on Polani said YES to EU, too, while they continued to kicks Kashubs and Lusatians. Today Rome and EU kicks Poland, as they always did, while Polani still continuing to kicks Kashubs and Lusatians.

So, Polani, its maybe time you to reconsider. What about behave as sane?
26 Nov 2020
News / Women`s Party in Poland - a good means to end Women`s Hell ? [62]

Sestra Anja Rubik support liberation of woman in Poland >




"We Are Only Free When Everyone Is Equal": Anja Rubik On The Abortion Rights Crisis In Poland

A woman's right to choose is the litmus test for a healthy and progressive society.

Woman of Poland!
25 Nov 2020
History / Poland-Turkey relations WW2? [14]

You know, by some linguists and sources, those 3 milion Gauls genocided by Caesar in what is now France were Polish speking Polani Slavs (ie Sarmats). Central line from Balkan to Baltic were Serbs. Polani, descendants from that Central line, populated Eastern and Western flanks, those empthy areas after glacial ice melted.

Essentually, without Roman genocide and linguistuc chaos, Western Europe would be Poland.

And yes, most of those 5000 Sarmatians that was transfered to Britain were Polani (confirmed by genetic science), led by Sarmatian noble and pack of more Sarmats from Dalmatia. See, Southern tribes were exhaused in war with Rome and then tribute in cavalry was paid by Northern tribes. You know, there are sources that shows how Southern tribes demanded this tribute from North and North complint. It was so because mega Sarmatian magnates were on South (even involved in rule in Rome), in urban, often stone cities, while North was rural. Not to say that Northern tribes directly originated from Southern and there was hiararhy that had to be respected. What South demanded was law.
25 Nov 2020
News / Women`s Party in Poland - a good means to end Women`s Hell ? [62]

my hands were full and she just stood there

Man, you was tested.

Maybe she was just interested in you. You lucky one

They dont want real equality.

And why would they. They have certain argument between their legs. Love them.

Eh, this world is beautiful.
25 Nov 2020
News / Women`s Party in Poland - a good means to end Women`s Hell ? [62]

Marta Lempart, She a loon, dumb as can be.

sestra Marta Miroslawa Lempart? She is most present figure from Poland on local TV here these days.

She is loon to you? You are loon dobri but crazy brate to insult sestra Marta like that.
25 Nov 2020
History / Poland-Turkey relations WW2? [14]

And other organs, too!

We know they have heads. They are ritually burred/placed in grave under the legs of sultans. Serbian peasants from around Golubac saved body of Zawisha Czarny during the night and body of King Wladislav was retrieved even during fatal battle. So, only heads are missing.

Telling you, if on me, I wouldn`t share a nut with Turks if they fail to end that humiliation of Polish heroes and nobles.
25 Nov 2020
History / Poland-Turkey relations WW2? [14]

Give heads back! Let Turks first give back heads of Zawisha Czarny and King Wladislav Warnenczyk that they cut-off!

I wouldn`t give a single apple or nut to Turks if they fail to retrieve those noble heads.
24 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

This would be consistent with every woman's desire to be on teevee

If I am asked, I would promote virginity until the marriage. For man and woman.

Paralel with this, I would educate on pregnancy prevention. Phisical and chemical methods.

Then, for married people, I would suggest KAMA SUTRA and all kind of sexual experiments. Orgies included.
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

includes the idea that some women will make bad choices) but I'm also in the "safe, legal and as rare as possible" camp...


RC (and misguided supporters) never learn. Most Polish people aren't interested in enshrining catholic dogma into civil law

Will be better with PCC. Church would more care for people, woman included.

Of course but there are some who still don't see it. In the end it will be the church that pays the price

And some others criticized me here because i mentioned Church, while we all know, Church discriminate woman. EVERY Christian Church, while before Christianity woman had much bigger rights in society of our ancients. They could be mothers when they wanted and abort when they didn`t want, they could be wives, they could be trained warriors (shield maidens), they played their role in religion duties that were not reserved solely for man, they could be healers, they could educate others, they could walk naked same as man, etc, etc... they could be and do all that. Then came false Christian morality, while we all know that in fact came control of peoples freedom. And other modern religions are similar.

Freedom to Polish woman!
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Things are actually very simple. We speak of basic freedom.

Society can intervene only with education, financial incentives, etc. But basic freedom is basic freedom. Non of us wish law to regulate our basic freedom, what should we do with our bodies and life.
23 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Shame on you all! Racowie shall protect woman of Poland!

My personal opinion on abortion does not matter but the opinions of millions do

Let us ask woman of Poland on referendum. Let them speak for themselves. Shall we, as a decent man, be that sane and honest?

I, as a man, wouldn`t like state to order me what to do with my sperm. Let woman decide on their eggs.