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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 3 hrs ago
Threads: 4
Posts: 7541

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16 Apr 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

(fluid no borders

When all vessels are connected, the levels are identical no matter how hard anyone tries to make his higher.
Communism at its very worst.
Making one country out of Sweden and Somalia would be the ultimate in insanity. Yet, white Swedish morons brought Somalia to Sweden because white woke pussies can't think.
16 Apr 2024
Life / danger of animals during hiking in poland [21]

Interesting to know that I have that much power over you...

So do rats and cockroaches..I wouldn't live where they congregate...
16 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

There is definitely a syndrome in psychology that describes this

As I said before...Ofer a legal and practical solution or shut the fvck up...Then take your psych wisdom and shove it up your ass.

While you are trying, how about this:

Would you pull the trigger to protect your wife from rape and murder? The two scumbags who broke into your house already raped and killed your daughter.
16 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

What's your hobby?
Arguing with leftist scum. The problem: they don't last long. One question and it's over...
16 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Knives are used to murder people.
Conclusion: Knives should be banned. When you want to have a steak, you call 911 and an officer with a knife will feed you.

A question for anti-gun Euro pussies:

Would you pull the trigger to protect your wife from rape and murder? The two scumbags who broke into your house already raped and killed your daughter.
16 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

You are more likely to use those gun against yourself, your family, or your family uses it to harm itself. Facts matter

Hey, moron, using your statistics I should never have a car because statistically I could get drunk, speed, and kill somebody.

The problem with your idiotic statistics is that I don't drink, don't speed, don't play with my smartphone, don't eat, and don't drink while driving. Both of my hands are on the steering wheel and my eyes are on the road. Always.

FYI, my guns never jumped out of the nightstand and went on a killing spree, either. The only risk is that some azhole will steal them from me while I am away and do just that. Tough shyt..

He can also steal my car, get drunk, speed, and kill a family of four. Not my problem. People die every day...

Statistically, I am already dead so I can't have a gun accident.

What an idiot...
16 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Gun nuts like to fantasize about how they'd use their guns to heroically defend their families against intruders.

Euro morons fantasize. We don't. We own guns the same way we own kitchen knives and lawnmowers.

Not to kill people with.

Hey, stupid, I never bought a gun to kill anyone. Nig*ers buy guns to kill people. Talk to them...

So if you love your family and want to keep them safe, you should throw your gun away immediately

Even cops get hurt with guns like Glocks.

Normal people buy guns with manual safety and keep them unchambered with safety on. For additional safety, the mag is near but out. Got it? Only idiots buy revolvers when they have children and keep them loaded.

Leaving aside how statistically

Good move because I don't give a rat's ass about statistics but since you mentioned statistics, let me give a quick lesson on this subject...Now, pay attention...

1. The probability of my home being invaded in any given year where I live is X, not zero.
2. I value my life at infinity.
3. Multiply X by infinity to get the amount of loss if I die during an invasion.

See the problem or is your Euro pacifism interfering with the logical side of your guilt-ridden German brain?

As a test: Would you pull the trigger to protect your wife from rape and murder? The two scumbags who broke into your house already raped and killed your daughter.
15 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Now Novi, was that necessary ?

That's my natural reaction to azholes who play stupid games with me. When I am asking a simple question, I expect a simple answer, not some cute crap to annoy me. My gun question was justified and simple to answer.

And you think easy availability of guns would lessen that?

Hey, stupid, domestic violence doesn't need guns. Fists and kitchen knives are more than enough. How about suffocating a woman with bare hands or a pillow? Are hands and pillows legal in Poland? How about telephone cord? Are phones legal?

What a moron...
15 Apr 2024
News / Will Poland as a NATO member be drawn into the Israel/Iran war ? [151]

Poland was, NATO wasn't.

Who gives a shyt what they were there as? They were...


The strength of the Polish forces decreased from 2,500 (2003) to 900 (2007); Polish casualties number was 25.

The only involvement was several years later training the Iraqi Army.

Hey, did you notice that number 25, you damn liar? People don't die while playing teachers...Also: The Iraqi Army didn't need 2500 Polish instructors. The US needed soldiers with guns. Duh!

God Merciful, give me more patience to deal with these idiots...Amen.
15 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Hey stupid, why do you think that repeating inane questions is more likely to get you an answer?

I will repeat it until I get the answer from somebody with brains. Clearly, it's not you so you can ignore it.

BTW, that BS of yours about civilians and guns was beneath even you.

So one more time: A cop is a civilian with a handgun and badge...many of them worse shots than civilians without badges who visit gun ranges regularly.

Memo to the defenseless Euro bootlickers and Lyzko: Cops are body counters, not your defenders, morons...By the time they show up, you are already dead. See Sydney massacre.

In that mall, if just one good guy had a gun...maybe the body count would be lower...

Back to my question:

Why do Polish cops who carry guns carry guns?

The answer: They have guns to be safe while arresting the guy who murdered you because you didn't.

Was it so hard, azhole?
15 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Nobody here is advocating for that except several American posters

Americans are not advocating anything. I am asking questions to see if you, Euros, are able to think.

and mine does....

So what is your plan when you are upstairs and two azholes are breaking your front door?
14 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

In 30 years in Poland I have never come across such a thing.

The Genius of The Year Award will not be yours this time. But you do qualify for the Avasive Azhole of the Year Diploma.
But don't feel bad. Here is my entry:

In 60 years in the US, I have not been murdered even once!!!

I win.

But for your info my plan would be to get the kids out of the house before I would even consider confronting intruders.

There are two Avasive Moron awards still available if you choose to apply...I will vote for you...

No, idiot, you will not "get the kids out of the house" because you are upstairs and the two drugged-up azholes are by the front door trying to break it, get in, rape you, kill you, and if the kids are old enough to testify later they will be murdered in cold blood, too.

What a fvcking idiot...

My plan is none of your business.

You don't have a plan because you are a woman. Only men have plans since planning involves predicting, Women can only feeeel...right now...They leave the rest to male adults.
14 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Promote??? I am just asking about your plan...

It's 2 am. Two drugged-up scumbags are trying to break the front door.
You wake up and nudge your husband...

What's next? In steps...1, 2, 3...One line of text per step...No statistics...No essays...


14 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Just give us a break with trying to promote it for Europe.

Show me one post here that tells you to change your gun laws.

While you are looking...

Just for fun...It's 2 am. Two drugged-up scumbags are trying to break the front door.
You wake up and nudge your husband...

What's next? In steps...1, 2, 3...One line of text per step...No statistics...No essays...

14 Apr 2024
News / Will Poland as a NATO member be drawn into the Israel/Iran war ? [151]

They weren't planting that flag on top of the museum,

At least you recognize planting as offensive.

I will side with anyone who hates foreigners. Including my black brothers and sisters in Chicago who were told that they had to vacate their social centers to make room for the "migrants the White House squatter needs to win in November.

Poland should get involved in the Iran-Israeli conflict.

Poland got involved in Iraq so what's the difference?
14 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Memo to gun-hating pacifists: Don't like them, don't get them.

Just for fun...It's 2 am. Two drugged-up scumbags are trying to break the front door.
You wake up and nudge your husband...
What's next? In steps...1, 2, 3...One line of text per step...No statistics...No essays...

14 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Millions of other families have kids still living at home.

They should not have guns. In the US, the Constitution permits, not requires.

Obviously victims of accidental shootings are just collateral damage to you.


Just like car accidents. Some drive while sober. Some drive while drunk. Your solution: ban cars.