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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
Threads: Total: 8 / Live: 6 / Archived: 2
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Many and varied.

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6 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

I think it's a combination of many things. Liberum veto, which lead to parliament losing any sort of legislative or decisive power


he King and his crew were stripped of any power, too, so basically there was really no one to rule the country.

Again rubbish.

The second big factor would be extremely conservative society and lack of any innovation

Even more rubbish, Poland was the most tolerant and open minded nation with advanced law regarding such issues as divorces, as for advancements? The first artillery book Artis Magnae Artilleriae pars prima was written by a Pole and remained the basic such book for 200 years, the second or third european university was built in Poland and so on and so forth.

Poland between XV and XVII centuries developed tactics which shaped european warfare much in the same way as later Sweden would, the innovative tactics and strategy, the use of artillery and fortified mobile camps, gun teams, stormtroopers et cetera.

Poland for most of its history and especially reinessance was one of the most innovative, tolerant and advanced countries, what it lacked was industry and cities but thats a different story.

The problem with your post is you, you're an ignorant moron who has an opinion but no knowledge to back it.

Frequent wars weren't unheard of at the time, many countries had many ongoing wars.

A country wide 25 years long conflict with multiple enemies two of whom can be classified as european superpowers, yes it is unheard of.
6 May 2011
History / Where did the power of Poland vanish to, since... let`s say, some 300 years ago? [180]

Poland's power was lost in enormous wars with Sweden, Brandenburg, Wallachia, Cossacks, Tartars and Muscovites between 1650 and 1683, by the time of Battle of Vienna Poland while still powerful was in an advanced state of decay.

So, what could be main reasons for weakening of Polish state?

Fighting an enormous war for nearly 30 years, losing 1/3 of the population.
5 May 2011
History / The restoration of Polish cities from WW2 destruction [123]

Entire towns were seldom demolished because of the German origin but rather forfeit due to

Thats a lie i'm sorry, people needed homes , nobody "forfeited" them.

and later destroyed

Not a single town was destroyed by Poles.

Some lost their old town entirely after the war, like Jelenia Gora and Legnica

You're an idiot none of cities you listed lost their old town, not even partially.

others were damaged to rebuild Warsaw, like Brzeg, Nysa and Wrocław.

And these actually did lose their old towns and more so you can stop talking now.
1 May 2011
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]

Hats make you awesome, its a fact acknowledged by Darth Vader and Catholic Popes.

Sok, what do you know of JPII?

I know he is not amused:
1 May 2011
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]

Are you maybe extremely paranoic??

Self rape by satanist kids is serious business.

Rape must be through penile penetration btw.

Then they probably rape each other and then blame it on priests.

What was his most endearing Catholic feature?

Awesome hats.
1 May 2011
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]

Sok, stop the nonsense! Children cannot do that and you know it.

All it takes is for little Timmy to squeeze a thumb up his arse and scream rape, personally i think those little perverted brats need to be put down.

Priests have been caught out before and their name is often synonymous in parts of Scotland with such heinous deeds.

Even if some priest raped a kid show some understanding k? He COULD have killed him.
1 May 2011
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]

Sadly the subject of the covered up child abuse scandal will feature once again in the news

Fact, children rape themselves then accuse priests because they're anti-catholic.
1 May 2011
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]

Oh that's just too tempting!

I'm tempting you then, point out, to me a stupid Catholic the fairy tales that i was misled to believe in.

This thread has been knocked off track too far already so I won't bother.

There's only so much to say about beatification, you either agree with it or you dont, or you dont care.
1 May 2011
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]



There are so many religions as people.

Not really no, a religion is a specific belief system for a group of people, for example if you've been christened into a catholic order than you're a Catholic.

Baseless invention of the church bureaucracy.

Maybe, maybe not but i think you can agree that it is a very high form of recognition and i'm of the opinion that JP II deserves it in the fullest.

ook at yourself - you are a hyper-devoted Catholic and it is most colorfully expressed in your posts

Not at all Nathan, i've been to church 2 times this year and one of those was a friends wedding, i had a period in my life, over five years long when theology and philosophy were my interests so while not a devout Catholic i know what Catholicism for example is all about.

you are a part of this blind herd that goes in the opposite to the barking direction.

Whats blind about being a Catholic? We believe in a benevolent God, we believe in equality, freedom and loads of other good things.

More made up fairy-tales than a simple rational logic.

Could you please point out the made up fairy tales you claim we believe in?
1 May 2011
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]

There are serious problems with the definition of "religion:"

No there are none, the problem is that you're an uneducated ape attempting to have an opinion about a subject you're aboslutely clueless, thats what happens when toilet cleaners attempt nuclear physics.

Also regardless of a religion, JP II was a great and a powerfull man, he'll be remembered next to such figures as Mahatma Ghandi and for that alone he deserves recognition that sainthood brigs with it.
11 Apr 2011
Love / Simon Mol - would he have been so "successful" in other countries than Poland? [121]

You'd have to attend their meetings, they're ******* aliens from outer bloody space, its incredible how outlandish the Green Party is, tbh yeah in every country where there's a similar thing to our polish nutjub covenant he'd be as succesfull, and yeah there is a mental hospital like that in every country.

why hasn't there been even 1 case like Mol's ( both modus operandi and scope ) in any of these countries recently?

There has been multiple such cases, in Belgium its actually a regular issue just because YOU dont know any doesnt mean there wasnt any.
6 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

And that same sideshow taught Poland a lesson in how to win wars.

When?! When did ukrainians win a war with Poland in the last 300 years? When did Ukraine win any war?
6 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

You forgot to mention that they died behind the barbwire


So, nothing prevents we of saying the same about those 20000+ Poles in Katyn. I feel so sorry about their fate, but they...they just died, nothing more.

No they were murdered, Russian POVs were ill or wounded and died, not because they were malnourished or mistreated but because their woulds and illness overcame them despite adequate care provided by Poland.

On the other hand polish officers in Katyń were murdered by the Russians, thats the difference you trolling twat.
2 Jan 2011
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

The Poles who defended the Ukraine in 1920,were not likeable enough? I just don't think the Ukrainian population, had enough time to get to like them?

Ukrainians wanted to carve out a country out of the polish soil, Poles showed them its polish way or the highway, there was not going to be any alliance.

I don't think Ukrainians realized, they were facing slavery/extermination, in the spring of 1920?

They did, they just lacked national level determination and organisation, they were an indolent mob.

The last thing the Poles wanted,or needed in 1920, was Ukrainian mistrust.

Ukrainians were a non-factor, they did not have the military or national coherence to matter, they were just a sideshow.
29 Dec 2010
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

We have big noses and massive cocks.

Oh well, this guy must be Polish, right? LOL

Is that even real?
29 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

I thought Grodno fell to the Bolsheviks in July,1920? Never realized a Belarussian Division held off the Bolsheviks, till late Sept.1920?

I'm sorry i confused it with Lwów,you're right of course.

Looking back on this idea,it seems visionary?

Yes and no, the idea was smart but Lithuanians were not ready nor willing to participate for a variety of reasons.

And,wasn't the public mood in April/early June 1920 Ukraine, reported to be something similiar to, suspicious apathy towards Petlura government,and the Polish political/military presence?

Absolutely, Ukrainians didnt like the Poles much period, it didnt matter that they faced slavery/extermination at the hands of communist, those Poles who defended Ukraine were just not likeable enough.

oviet policies directed towards the Ukraine from 1921 till 1931/32, suggest the ideal of Ukraine was considered valuable?

Only as far as gaining the farmland, people were expendable.
27 Dec 2010
Life / New born baby traditions in Poland [26]

Be original buy a dildo.

Also no buying stuff before its born, if you're not close family thats bad luck mate.
27 Dec 2010
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Listen to Wildrover kiddies he's got a good hunch.

1.Lukaszenko is needed by Belarus its not ready for democracy.
2. When it will be ready it will frag Lukaszenko.
3. Poles arent all that mistreated, our media makes an explosion out of a fart.
26 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

I am not sure how the Belorussians were treated

Belarussians were The most ferocious defenders of Poland outperforming even the most elite polish units, Grodno never fell, the belarussian division earned the nickname "Iron division" for a reason.

These people were treated as equals by Poles, given all freedoms of a polish citizens and since they didnt want to carve a country for themselves out of polish lands there was no conflict, consequently they were treated very harshly.

I noticed on this discussion thread, there has been some dismissive comments directed at the accomplishments of the Ukrainian nation.

Speaking of 1919-20 war, Ukraine failed to establish an army, the later sellout of parts of Ukraine by Poland is in part because polish elite became dissilusioned with Ukraine.

Ukrainians were seen as valuable allies before the war but their low performance and the indolence of the greater mass of their peoples convinced polish elite of the worthlessness of Ukraine as a potential ally, being useless Ukraine as an ideal got discarded.
25 Dec 2010
History / Tuchola in Poland - roots of Katyn? [220]

I can hardly imagine better documentation than Isaac Babel's novel "Red Cavalry".

To be specific, he was an officer in the Konarmia of Semion Budionny, i have both his novel and his memoirs here at home.

Soviet mounted armies were unbelievably barbaric towards Poles, Ukrainians and Jews alike.
20 Dec 2010
News / A devestating verdict on the Polish church [279]

pparently Swedes reached the age of reason and don't fall for those tricks so easily.

You believe life without faith or a higher deeper purpose is reasonable? Searching for God or the greater good is a "trick"?

is also higher and the priests may be real shepherds too.

You mean like MacDonalds sellers? Sorry mate to me your age of reason reeks of dark ages and barbarity, thats also why so many Swedes convert to Islam, with no answers provided by their own culture they choose an alternative, a poor one but still an alternative.

Sweden and Western Europe is increasingly becoming a moral and spiritual wasteland, sorry if for more your age of reason is a pit full of mindless soulless animals.