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Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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26 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Gun crime in Europe is far lower per capita than the US

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Urban black thugs in not America. It's Africa.
Look at Post 2646.
Thank you again, Crn...

Hey, Tacitus, read what maf wrote:

The overwhelming majority of those who have guns (98 % or so) are responsible non-crazy people who are conscious of safety issues and are never involved in crime or other irresponsible behavior.

Those who are in favor of gun control are actually concerned primarily with urban gangs (overwhelmingly black and/or latino) but can't say so publicly because of fears of racism, so they try to justify gun control by attacking rural whites whose gun ownership very rarely involves serious problems.

Thanks, maf...
26 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

True to the old communist mantra: "Workers of the world, unite!"

I said that I love communism. I didn't say that I love communists.
Just as I liked immigration but only for my benefit. Once I was here, I wanted all immigration stopped.
Consistency is for idiots. Hypocrisy is good.
26 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Without a gun, maybe he'd just tie you up and get on with his job.

...or maybe he is a nig*er or on drugs and will kill you for fun or to eliminate a witness.
Once he is done with you, he and his buddy will rape your wife and murder her so she will not testify at their trial.

If a burglar sees that you have a gun,

He won't because he will be shot first. My gun is strictly for self-defense at home. That's why I have a gun on every floor. I never carry it outside.

BTW, genius, if being unarmed is such a great idea why is Z asking for more guns? How about just letting Russians invade Ukraine?
Compare which is better - dead armed or alive unarmed? If Ukrainians didn't have guns, 500,000 of them would be alive today.

Your posts are embarrassing...
26 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

The statistics are very clear on this.

When my life is threatened, I don't give a fvck about statistics. I need that gun just as much as a cop whose life is on the line. No difference.

Without the Nazis, there would not have been WW2 period.

BS. In 1939, the Nazi party had 6 million members of all ages. Assume 1 million men of military age and fitness. Germany could not go to war with Europe and the USSR with 1 million soldiers.

It is the only right and safe thing to do.

No. Cops are not next to me to protect me. They will be in my house in 11 minutes - if I can even make that 911 call. By the time they arrive, I will be dead.

Only to yourself,

My safety is my damn business and so is my decision to have a gun or not.

but this whole gun thing seems irrational to me

Bootlickers find many things irrational. Like free speech and the sacred right to self-defense - the most fundamental of all rights. A right to live...

Now, I am not an unreasonable person...If the US government confiscates all the guns and knives and provides the death penalty for owning them without a license, I will consider giving mine up.

The longer I am here on this forum the greater my contempt for Euros.
25 Apr 2024
Language / Extremely Hard - Polish the hardest language to learn [226]

I never denied this so no admission of anything here.
It is my default language no matter where I am. In Polish delis, and restaurants, here and in Poland.
English >>>>>> Polish.
25 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Whereas civilians with guns are statistically more of a danger to themselves or others.

Me being a danger to myself is my damn business. Since I never carry a gun outside my house, my gun is not a threat to anyone.

At home, my gun is a threat only to those who kicked my bedroom door in. Then they will die.
I don't need years of practice for this scenario.
Without proof, the vast majority of Americans are exactly like me.

The idea that some trembling azhole would prevent me from getting a gun is as preposterous as some restaurants in Europe removing pork because Muslims don't eat pork.

Relying on cops for self-defense is stupid and disgusting. The message is: I am a fvcking coward so I want you to kill the sob for me currently busy slashing my wife's throat.

This aligns so very well with the Euro attitude regarding NATO aka the US. At least you are consistent as azholes.
25 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Hence we have a well-armed police force.

BS. Your police, just like ours, is to protect the system, not you. You are just a peg the system needs function.
In the US, cops are not legally required to respond to 911 calls. When they do, on average, they come in 11 minutes. By then, everybody in your house is dead.

Police officers may realistically find themselves in situations in which guns can be useful.

So do civilians. Please don't tell me that a cop's life is more precious than mine I will no longer be nice to you.

Here is a hint: People who spoke and thought like you gave us WWII

Here is a hint: WW2 was possible because of the German Wehrmacht. The SS and Gestapo would not be enough.
Also, "surrender boys" don't cause aggressive wars. German government started the aggressive war and would find me useless or gone to where I could not be reached.

Don't tell me that the German army was all draftees and didn't include volunteers.

If Germany only had the SS and Gestapo, there would be no WW2 and 50 million people would not die. It is the obedient bootlickers like you that made WW2 possible,
25 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

Weird logic.

Give me a weird counterargument.

Arguments from gun nuts in a nutshell.

Bootlickers like you gave us WW2 and 50 million deaths.

Memo to gun haters:

In a country without guns, guys with knives win.
In a country without knives, guys with baseball bats win.
In a country without baseball bats, guys with fists win.
A country without guys with fists dies from starvation.
24 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / Islamists and the Woke Left are uniting to topple the West [30]

The wall was already a clear sign of the defeat...

That was then and it was crude.

Totalitarianism has learned and now employs a more devious technique: shunning and unemployment.
That's why a candidate for the US Supreme Court refused to define a woman ten minutes after her promoters referred to her as the first black woman to sit on the USSC.
24 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

"Wait! I promoted communism before the invasion

Visit American and Russian universities and tell us where you saw more communists, fascists, revolutionaries, thugs, and other scum..

Really? Would you try to write against THE PARTY in China?

Is English comprehension a disappearing art or is mine really that bad? But since I am a loving and patient man...

K wrote: ... today we're more free and prosperous than we've ever been before 1989.
Me wrote: Everybody is. Even Russia and communist China. BFD.

Let me simplify this complex dialog even further...

Russia 2024 >>> Russia 1989
China 2024 >>> China 1989

I didn't say:

Russia 2024 = Switzerland 2024
China 2024 = Switzerland 2024

If you don't believe me, talk to any of the 814 Chinese billionaires with condos in HK, Hawaii, and Paris and a Bentley parked next to each.

BTW, in the billionaire race, the US is behind China with just 800. Yes, I know China is 5 times bigger... so don't go there...

better to work with Moscow than against it.

What a brilliant idea...That's how I was able to leave the prison called Poland in 1966. I had a a revolutionary and rot in prison or be nice and GTFO. I flipped a coin and here I am.

We will try to locate and liquidate every single one.

Don't forget those Western volunteers...Kill them first and send bills to their families for the bullets.
24 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

So, you did nothing because that "freedom" wasn't that important to you. Smart...

today we're more free and prosperous than we've ever been before 1989

Everybody is. Even Russia and communist China. BFD.
24 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

What is so hard to understand about that?

In Europe, they are subjects, not citizens. Only the King's goons can be armed to protect the King, not you or me.

f you don't want a gun

This bootlicking way of thinking is beyond perverse...

I choose to be defenseless so you must be defenseless, too.

Euros are not repairable. In some weird way, the war in Ukraine will be good for them.
24 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

you don't understand people have different views

Did Russians agree with the communist rulers? Did Poles like theirs from 1945 till 1990? Both countries had elections.
What made you decide that Western ruling class would give up power? Because they are trying to be nice?

Who do you think rules the US? The top 100 or 330,000,000 below? If elections mattered they would be illegal.

Why every damn Polak turns out to be a naive moron?
24 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

No. The ruling class made that choice for you. In Poland, they chose to limit abortions. Western Europe is flooded with migrants because the ruling class so decided.

Don't try to make powerlessness into a virtue. We have a name for this mental disorder. Look up "Stockholm syndrome"

when you have no way to defend yourselves again.

In feudal hellholes, only the King's goons can be armed just in case the subjects may have unauthorized ideas.

That's the only reason why only cops can have guns in Europe. Nobody gives a fvck about safety or they would close their borders a long time ago.
24 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

The freedom is paramount, every other concern is secondary.

Don't use big words you can't define.

I lived in unfree Poland and didn't give a rat's ass about "freedom". My problem was empty shelves and my laughable salary.
24 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [678]

There's no reason for any civilian...

BS. If cops have a reason to have guns, you have a reason to have a gun. The reason: to defend yourself. Duh!

Now, if choose not to defend yourself, don't get a gun. Simple.

In Sydney, they chose not to defend themselves and they are dead now.

Is every Euro a mindless moron?
24 Apr 2024
News / Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [360]

Compare that with the outcome of true Nazi rule!

As I said a while ago, not everything Hitler and Nazis did was bad. Stalin was a dictator and a very bad person but made the Soviet Union into a superpower.

WW2 is proof of how powerful Germany had become after the defeat in WW1. It took the combined forces of Britain, the US, and the USSR to defeat Germany.

that should learn some respect.

Give me one example where I was disrespectful to the Americans and the Russians here...