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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

You are a fan? I have read about people who believe democracy has come at its end and should be supplanted with a lottery of citizens like you and me who then get to decide...

I'm not sure with that...I prefer experts on a job...professional politicians are better experts than I could be, I guess....
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

....he:) The AfD will build the wall keep the immigrants out West-Germany still invites!

Generally....a strong AfD will challenge the freedoms the german federal system allows....could be interesting when Berlin says and wants something and the AfD Länder say just "Nein"...
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Are you really asking how change happens?

Yes? You said it can happen....but with the party influence as it is I don't see it happen...

That's democracy for you

....that's why!

That could very well mean that the AfD will take over the whole East in time....becoming THE Ossi party....what then?
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

And change really can happen.

How so.....the inner party system is democratic.....that means more numbers = more votes.....for example the CDU regional association of North Rhine Westfalia is alot more powerful than the whole CDU of East-Germany....they will never allow Ossis to decide anything...the Ossis just don't have a chance to play any role in any West-Party....they don't have the numbers and also not the connections build for decades in the West since WWII!

Maybe Merkel could have done something, but she was so not-Ossi during her whole 16 years....
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Encourage a healthier political outlook

How so?

The AfD has become the only german party where the Ossis have the say....

The CDU, the SPD and the GREENS have their most numerous regional associations all in the West....of course....because of the Teilung. That means it are always Wessis who have the say in these parties, who set the topics and decide outcomes...Ossi's don't play a role in these old, grown associations, all democratically understandable.

Laschet or Scholz couldn't care less and Baerbock doesn't even get the naming right during a photo-op.

Whereas the leaders of the AfD also stem from the West but the most numerous regional associations are now all in the East, meaning the Ossis decide now in the AfD.

The only party who could boast the same was the SED-leftover "Die Linke"....and she ist dying now, along with her old voters!

It didn't work very well in the past when Wessis tried to "encourage a healthier political outlook" in the East....
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

especially the increase in votes for the greens, and the poor result that AfD got

The GREENS had potential to become the next big peoples party with 25% and more, they had the support of most of the german media....the AfD had not and still has become the next big peoples party in East Germany, supplanting the LEFT and in parts even the CDU and SPD.

Winning and losing is relative it seems....

What is the West going to do with an AfD ruled East? Further ignoring it or further berating it? A party only for Ossis similiar to the Bayern-Party CSU only for Bavaria?
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Right now there are rumours he still didn't even accept the reality of his loss.....the mood is against him, he might not survive much longer....the knifes are out!
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

women can't walk around without fear of being "culturally enriched,"

You know....why don't you leave that to the women?

They have half the votes in our countries...there is a reason nationalist/anti-immigrant parties are not very attractive to them, at least not as others. Somehow the raping muslim immigrant is not as seen as such a problem by them. The actual elections in Germany are the proof. Especially the multikulti big cities with lotsa immigrants vote rather left. Find the error!

"Putin save us!"

One of the things that disqualifies them for serious discussions and subsequent election success....

If I were you I would ask myself what it is exactly what stops people from supporting me and voting for me even as I only want to save them all! Why those I want to rescue (women etc.) see me only as dangerous nutters nobody sane wants to be seen with!

Maybe re-evaluating these points would bring you forward....

Start thinking Dirk!
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

One picture says more than 1000 words......Habeck (the GREENS second till now) and Lindner (FDP) all smiles.....Baerbock (the GREENS first till now) and Laschet (CDU) frustrated:

Bratwurst Boy   
27 Sep 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

I pray that Russia, preferably with the help of China, repeats 1945 all over again.

The Russians can't even liberate themselves.....

Interesting that you chose the side of China in that conflict though....I guess you won't get far with it. Like the western commies during the Cold War.....loser!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Not really....normal....some have more to say than that Baerbock mangled the election her "second" Habeck's star could go up. He is now widely seen as the better choice for the top postings (and is seemingly already best friends with FDP Lindner)...

Very difficult dilemma for Poland

CDU deserves a few years in the opposition, after 16 years of Merkel the party is burned out to a shell....

To put some faces to the numbers:

Together the GREEN and the FDP have the most votes....more than the CDU or the SPD....if they find an agreement they can choose whom they want to go into coalition talks with, who after successful conclusion will then become Chancellor...
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

For enemies of Nordstream the GREENS in the gov would be a better hope though....

SPD is pro Nord Stream:

"Who blocks Nord Stream 2 blocks early coal exit"

Merkel's CDU was pushing the project....
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

FDP and your opinion of why the youth voted for them! :)

Well...split between Greens and FDP would describe it better. But since for months the medial record only played the "green youth" and the "left youth" song it comes at a surprise that 21% of the youth voted neither left nor green...but quite conservative at their first after-Merkel election!

So they are the deciding factor wether we will see CDU or SPD having a chancellor?

FDP and the GREENS....that's why both have talks with each others first....together they have more votes than the SPD....everything is open right now! The scale could tip either way....

@Bratwurst Boy
Youth? Listening to mainstream media? When they use Tik-Tok, SC or spotify? xD

Interesting, future of eastern Europe and which way Germany will go depends on it
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

The youth or the FDP??? :)

A tiny party but probably now a "kingmaker".....I'm not sure what Lindner wants, only that he wants to be part of the power as he left the coaltion talks explode 2017 already!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Interesting observation.....the Greens with all that medial support got barely 14%......the AfD was shunned everywhere and got still nearly 11% and took over Saxony and Thuringia from the CDU....not that much difference!

I would put the Greens and the CDU into the same loser corner!

Surprisingly many youth voted FDP.....that nobody expected....and the Left is dying. The real dying old SED-core voter can't be replenished by some idealistic west youth....their goals are no longer the traditional class war but wokenism!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

The Left won't even take the 5% hurdle...

And the AfD consolidates itself as the Ossi-party....
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

The election in failed-state-Berlin was totally chaotic and maybe even fishy.....I wish all these immigrated anarchos would go home and make their chaos there (and vote red there too)!

That's third-world-like-embarassing! 🙄
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

......okay......then probably another grey mouse called Laschet!

I'm not that exhilarated either....a "Neuanfang" that is not!
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Who will become the new Chancellor?

Probably a grey mouse called Scholz.....
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

meant as a test since I know everything.

Still....IMHO it is boring to surround yourself with likeminded posters. It's like talking to a mirror...

If you are interested in real discussions you should look out for different opinions....then take them apart with facts....try to convince them....try to see things from their perspective....avoid to demean them because that's mostly the end of any fruitful exchange...and you will have alot more fun, promise! :)

PS: I don't think I changed that much?
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

I hope you can see the level and the intensity of my German patriotism from that run-on sentence above...

Yeah...I see you waving the german flag through my web cam! :) you will tell me you support the german FuĂźballmannschaft....

Do you Germans at least keep records where these a-holes came from

German citizens are probably one of the most documented people (outside of a dictatorship)....the duty for papers of any kind for every occasion runs high.

But for foreigner it depends...the older ones came invited during the West-German "Wirtschaftswunder".....mostly southern Europeans and Turks....they and their descendants are as well documented as native Germans by now.

The newer ones? Not so much!

The problem with many immigrants nowadays is that they come from regions where that isn't so orderly. Often papers get lost (they say, even as they manage to hold onto their expensive smartphone somehow)....more often they just lie to get in the "asylants of the month Germany is sympathetic to" group hoping for better chances to be accepted.

So, that brings us to the current most annoying conundrum of the german immigration policies - even if someone has no chances to get legally accepted, even when he becomes a criminal, without a real documented country to be shoven back to (always assumed said home country wants him back in the first place) he has to the worst case for infinity...supported by the teeth grinding german taxpayer!

....and you talk about some future, heh:)
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

Well, as a Chancellor of Germany you need to at least try to include ALL of your citizens....that makes for some curious word contortions from the top brass like:

"The Islam doesn't fit into Germany - but Muslims do"

Most people can agree with just doesn't make much sense!
Bratwurst Boy   
3 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

There is again a misunderstanding :)

The question in that survey was loaded, because it wasn't about demographic stats but more about the feeling/opinion about muslims and their in: Of course belongs Christianity to Germany.....but does Islam?

Merkel thinks so, but two thirds of the Germans don't! Only 5% agree fully (survey from 2021).
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Where are you from? [59]

(even though most of my people come from Germany)

True? :)

Serious question: If there was such a survey in the US as in Germany recently...what do you think would the majority say, does the Islam belong to the US?