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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
6 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

how do you think it will change now?

I really don't think they will go through with it.....there must be something in our basic law against dispossession by referendum. Not to forget you are talking about Leftists here...whenever have Leftists be able to make anything work??? They are ever always full of promises, needing other peoples money (or homes in this case)!

The last time Leftists offered cheap housing the people were forced to live in totally run down, broken, dirty homes.....till they run away for capitalist homes....

....the same Lefties btw....who can't even organize an open and fair election should be tasked with something like that??? I don't see it working, sorry...

Wouldn't it make the rest of the country love it's dear Capital City even more?

That is all so embarassing! *facepalm*
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

....not to mention that Berlin is totally broke and the whole of Germany would have to pay for it!
Bratwurst Boy   
6 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Give....I can find only some news from 2019, as one Berlin Senator Geisel (not AfD) said it would be a great sign for Berlin to host the Olympic Games again in 2036....hundred years after 1936...
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Germans are too busy trying to dig up

Well...if they do it's all thanks to your woke USians....

A student-run Minnesota newspaper, The Concordian, had suggested a "white-washing" of the composer's legacy, citing descriptions of the composer as having a "wide, thick-lipped mouth, short, thick nose, and proudly arched forehead"....

Well... thank you! What would we do without you....

On the other hand I find the idea of Jesus looking like a typical middle eastern Arab much more logical than the caucasian projection hanging in most churches....
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Oct 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Scholz is the male-Merkel.....only her "Raute" is still missing.

It doesn't matter anymore what is CDU (once seen as conservative) or SPD....the leaders have become exchangable....the party programs alignable...

There is hope that the CDU will find it's true conservative core again during the coming 5 years in the opposition...with Merkel gone for good!

wish to note once again that the German concept of being conservative

I'm not so sure about that Lyzko....the biggest difference is the two-party-system in the US compared to the x-party-system in Germany.

Trump had to infiltrate one of the two parties in the US to make a political career....I read he once tried it with the Democrats first (donated even billions) before he found a better way in with the Tea Party inside the a Republican he became and influenced this party like nobody else did.....he had to change the Republicans and he did!

In Germany Trump could and probably would had founded his own party....a new one from scratch and would had started what we call the "march through the institutions"....similiar to what the AfD is doing in Germany since their foundation 2013. Or Macrons "La République en Marche" in 2016.

That doesn't mean that people generally have different opinions about's just that politics/conservatism works differently in our countries.
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108] I think I will re-watch the final from 2014 in Rio again....

'night all :)
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

There are people for whom the german flag and also the word "patriot" is probably "Nazi".....but for most it is not!
(These people HATE Fußball and the german Mannschaft winning....because that makes for 80 million flag waving patriots in an instance:)
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Your sarcasm is duly noted and a total fail in this case.

That wasn't sarcasm but serious!

I don't think that when I would immigrate into the US or Canada would get the kind of support like in Germany.

That's the main reason we attract mostly the have-nots from all over the world in the first place, people dream of Germany where they believe they get showered with free money, and gifted with houses and cool jobs for nothing....whereas the people with money and education go elsewhere!

You excuse, if not defend, yours.

Yeah...I'm known for agreeing to everything that happens here, I would never criticize my government! (THAT was sarcasm!)

That's the difference.

You would probably end up in jail....running around with a WMD....not a good idea...
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

and the welfare bums later

I thought only Germany gives out welfare to immigrants...
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Government asks German residents to drive lorries even if they never have before

The government has asked thousands of Germans residing in the UK to drive lorries to assist with the HGV shortage, even if they have never driven one before.

A letter was sent by the Department for Transport, signed by transport minister Baroness Vere, asking Germans who live in Britain to "consider returning" to the HGV driving sector.

The letter states: "Your valuable skills and experience have never been more needed than they are now.....

Oh boy! I just HAD to.... The Return of the King
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

That looks like a 'lesser evil' answer.

"Lesser evil"? Immigration is not necessarily bad...Poles for example have immigrated into Prussia/Das Deutsche Reich/Germany for centuries....half of the Rhein-Ruhr with it's mighty Coal and Steel industry has been powered by Poles...who later became bonafide Germans....half of Berlin has somehow polish roots or connections, polish sounding names are totally "german" today...

The whole US is the best wouldn't exist like that without massive immigration from Europe.....

I can't see anything "evil" in that! What I don't like in Berlin are the african drug dealer from the Görlitzer Park....or the muslim Clan families who rule the organized crime...we truly can do without these "enrichments".

BS. Make parts you need outside.

Yeah is what it is....there is no point in discussing that...

Experts warn that even with immigration, Germany's workforce could dwindle by anywhere from 2 to 10 million by 2060, according to Germany's Federal Statistical Office

What happens now is a war for the "best" immigrants....a war countries like Australia or Canada are winning and Germany is we get mostly the sheepherder and they get the best educated academics... hope is the technology!

The question, BB, is do YOU want them and why?

If a robot earns me my comfortable rent or a Pablo or Julio....what do I care....but someone has to!

I just doubt a Mohammed or an Ismail will be able to....

Again not what you want to hear? Sorry!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Do you want more of them?

I would prefer immigrants from Europe....people who are closer to us culturally....with a similiar education....Germany is in dire need of additional workforce since the homegrown demographics don't look good for the future.

But to import a muslim sheepherder with only two years of koran school under his belt is not helping! He will not be able to integrate into our way of living and also not fill some of the many vacant work places...

I guess the technological advance will have to save us...again....the one which makes human work redundant!
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Let's see....leftist Scholz can't be worse than the "rightist" Merkel-CDU and the desaster that was 2015....
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

will expand refugee rights,...

I doubt that.....

That migrant-question was actually a non-topic in this election....the only two party's who want to officialy "expand refugee rights" and even have that in their programs have been the GREENS, who massively underperformed with not even 15% instead of the dreamed 25% to everybody's surprise and the LEFT who actually didn't even made the 5% hurdle and only got "in" for some fine print in the law but who is otherwise now declared dead!

No gov who isn't suicidal will "expand refugee rights".....

And the main topic of the GREENS has been the climate...and not refugees....actually that program point might have cost them alot of voters!

And this: please tell me what would actually happen in terms of legal actions

Nothing! As long as someone can wave with a law...and one of the famed UN at that...he should be safe.
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

I try to explain some "Germany" to you...when you only want affirmations for your already formed opinions you better "ask" Dirk....

Are you actually really interested in what I or Tacitus have to say?

Fits to the german elections....."How to revive a social democratic party":
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Why would sane Germans want more immigrants of any kind in Germany?

There is no majority for that.....most Germans agree with the principle of asylum....but the way it is handled right now has less and less supporters.

Germany needs to become a modern immigration country. But for that we have to be able to choose our immigrants....not being forced to take in everybody who makes it to our borders without the ability to send him back. That's a mocking of the asylum law...and every future government will need to handle that...that's why every election slogan (beside the GREENS) was "2015 must not be repeated!"
Bratwurst Boy   
1 Oct 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

But how long will this last?

Depends if they want to be know how it goes..."After the election is before the election!" :)

It completely leaves out complicated yet pressing issues like our pension system

...that's because the pension system is one of the default lines showing the deep split in the AfD....Höcke's fraction wants generous pensions but only for Germans, the Staatsbürger-Rente....the Meuthen fraction (the old wessi AfD) actually doesn't care how the poor old live.....he wants to do away with the legal age old insurance.

I foresee a split in the near future....these fractions are as incompatible as the Realos and the hard core Stalinists in the LEFT!

and that point is simply no longer relevant to most voters.

I totally disagree.....the article in the SPIEGEL about the "poor refugees" gain with surety in the shortest amount of time the most betweeen 95 to 99% totally negative and even hostile....and this medium is not known for it's conservative or nationalist or rightist followers!
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

"National socialism" leaves still a certain taste in many German's palates....

And even if for the AfD would mean more isolationist policies (EU/NATO etc.), even working against european friends and partners....that way is risky and potentially desastreous for Germany....history waves wildly from the sidelines!!

Most people don't want to risk that....been there done that....didn't work!

"Germany first" and "Germans first" sounds good to people who have nothing left to lose anymore....the "white trash" as Hillary put it so nicely (in earlier time the target group of the LEFT). But most Germans are still to well off, living actually still quite the good life in this long as it stays that way the AfD will never gain much.

But they don't really have to. Especially in the immigration policy alone her existence is a big club to beat the government parties over the head with....the stand on immigration and subsequently many of it's policies have hardened since 2015....

The AfD doesn't need to become powerful to have influence!
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

German party's have their party program....

But it with caution....the AfD is split along national-socialist (nearly leftist strong state only against foreigners) and quite western-liberal lines with as less state intervention (and welfare) as possible.

Which side wins in the end decides the outcome....
Bratwurst Boy   
30 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Thing is the AfD changed alot since the was founded more or less as a professors party, by academics criticizing Merkel's money policy.

Till now it had several leaders (Bernd Lucke, Frauke Petry) who left already (and started their new projects).....the party continued to change personal and goals....the current election only hid the rift inside the AfD only barely.'s impossible to say what the AfD would do since I foresee another division first....who knows who gets to lead the leftover.....

I would watch the Höcke-Fraktion....this is the strongest and most radical fraction and has just won Thuringia....he plans a policy in the national socialism direction (Germans first).....which could become in time very successful if he doesn't get verboten (or thrown out) first.
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Sep 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Like BLM and Antifa here.

Yeah....well.....thanks but no thanks!

This kind of stupidity will never get you anywhere.....ask BLM and Antifa...(or german radical leftists)...still firmly at the margins of society!

Or at least screaming obscenities

Maybe we Germans as a people are to old for that sh*it?
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Sep 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Well....that myth is just destroyed by the obedient country would have a much better vaccination-quota! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Sep 2021
Polonia / Possible Green Surge in Germany [118]

Green is like a watermelon, green on the outside and red inside.

There is hope though.....the recent election proved it. Germany isn't by nature a leftist country....the more the other parties put the environment on their lists the less reason to vote Green/Red....

The voters are there, there is traditionally a wide "green" streak in the population, the environment is important to many....but please without the red/woke crap the Greens come with as a unit. It is actually impossible to vote for the Environment and not also vote for genderism, women quota, "system change", mass immigrations and what not.

The Greens had truly all the medial support and still they didn't even made it to 15%.....maybe that's the ceiling for green/red, it won't get any better.

If the established parties are smart they could take at least 10% of those also over with real environmental policies without all the leftist/woke ballast....
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

Experts on dishing empty promises and platitudes?

Na be honest....they say stuff they think the electorate (we) prefers to hear....maybe we are that stupid!

Maybe its true: "We get the gov we deserve!"
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Foreign news in Polish media [108]

...having your Head of State decided by the birth lottery

Isn't that alot like a...erm....monarchy? ;)