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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 21 Feb 2024
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11 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Donnarumma is a legend :) Well done, Italy.
10 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Yes, it's not England vs Italy tomorrow, it's England vs Earth :)

Hopefully UEFA's referees won't turn it into England vs Common Decency, where common decency loses... again.
10 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

A trauma?

Well, I don't know and I don't really care, as long as Italians wipe the floor with them tomorrow.

The only thing that worries me is UEFA and their referees... :-/
10 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Some people can't lose - the defeat brings out the worst in them. In case of England, apparently, it is victories that bring out the worst. A sad spectacle.
10 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

"People have tried to invade us", coming from a guy whose fellow countrymen invaded and enslaved half the world. What a cheek!

Physical violence, spitting on children, laser beams into goalkeepers' face, and now cheap chauvinism on top of all that. How sad to see once proud England turning into a xenophobic, hatred-filled sh*thole. Oh, well...
10 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Hate to quote myself, but...

they will be fined some peanuts money (50k euro or something) and it will all just blow over

...and today's news:

UEFA punished England for the behaviour of their fans in Euro semi-final. English FA was fined 30k euro,nId,5350762


According to Danish media, Danish supporters were assaulted and spat onto before the game during which English "fans" booed the Danish anthem, verbally abused Denmark's supporters and repeatedly tried to blind Schmeichel with laser beams.

30k euro for that... and Hungarian FA was fined 100k for racist chants, and three games at home without supporters. UEFA is a joke.
9 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

My passport says I'm British and my name says I'm Polish.

Yes, that's the story of our nation. I spent three years in Ireland myself, but could never leave Poland permanently - I'm too addicted to this country. :)

guys with the bigger frame to team up and compete against each other

Nothing wrong with that but they should take off all those tons of medieval armor and play rugby like men.

A sport for wusses - all that protective clothing and helmets, lol! Rugby - now that's a game

Exactly! I wrote my response before I read yours. :)
9 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Not "da".....I think that's russian

I think Romanians use "da" as well.

American football

American football is kinda like grape-nuts, neither American (it originated from European rugby) nor football.


8 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

If you have enough, you can buy a football team or at least follow your favorite one in your own private jet.

Hmm... or you can buy a rival team and lead them to an epic downfall. You've got a point there ;)

*off to watch Śląsk Wrocław in Conference League qualifiers*
8 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

I can think of only three things more important than football in life: God, family and fatherland (for obvious reasons, so I won't explain).

What else could be more important?

Job? Yer havin a laugh... maybe if you are a Nobel-prize-winning scientist whose discovery can change the world, rock star or a top Hollywood actor. Maybe...

However, 99,9% of people in the world have menial, boring jobs with ZERO effect on the world at large (no matter if they are a street sweeper or a medium company CEO), from which they dream to retire as soon as possible.

Career? What does this word even mean? People won't remember exactly what you did or even care one year after you retire, and in 10 years it will be completely forgotten (unless you're a famous writer, scientist etc. - 0,001% of people). Those who sacrifice their time, health and family relations for their so-called careers are only moderately intelligent (to put it mildly).

Money? Nope. Most "needs" that people in the first world have these days are not genuine but rather invented or forced upon them. If one has enough to support his family on a decent level then struggling hard to get more and more is nonsensical. After all, we only live for 80 years or so, so what's the point of wasting your life to chase after money?

Health? Yeah, right! I would be infinitely more healthy if I wasn't a football supporter (imagine supporting Polish NT!). I would have healthier nerves, digestive system and would probably consume significantly less alcohol, so that would give me a chance to extend my lifespan from approx. 80 to approx 83-84, but I would miss on all the emotions and all the drama, all the love and elation and all the heartbreak and hate. Not worth it. :)

So, yeah, the below list...

1. God (that's a question of eternity, after all, not mere 80-90 years in this vale of tears).
2. Family (close friends are counted in this category as well)
3. Fatherland.
4. Football.
(for atheists it's 3Fs - Family, Fatherland, Football :))
176 Health
177 Job/career
178 money
784361 posting on PF

... looks pretty accurate :)
8 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

OK, so this is a Londoners take on the game.

Living in a stable doesn't make you a horse. ;)

So, all you England haters


Football is the most important non-essential thing in the world.

What do you mean "non-essential"?
8 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Disciplinary proceedings opened

Yes, yes... they will be fined some peanuts money (50k euro or something) and it will all just blow over... until the next time. :-/
8 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]


I don't expect fireworks from a 36-year-old forward, but it will be interesting to see Podolski finally playing for his beloved boyhood club.

Anyway, I've heard that there has been a last minute change of the VAR referee for the Euro final...

8 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Łukasz Podolski signed a 1-year contract with Górnik Zabrze...

... it is not often that we see a world champion playing in Ekstraklasa! Welcome, Poldi. :)
8 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Yes, that will be the entire Europe's battle cry on Sunday but I'm afraid the result of the final has already been established.
8 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

The fact that the Dutch "referee" didn't even take 15 seconds to take a look at the situation on video replay is nothing short of scandalous.

As for the English "fans" - one of the wankers used laser beam to blind Schmeichel during the penalty...

... what a bunch of sorry *^%#$%.

Hasn't it always been that way?

It has but VAR has aggravated the situation even more.

How often are international referees disciplined for poor/biased performance?

Not nearly often enough.
8 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

I watched the "penalty" situation again today, with calm head.

Daylight robbery.

The VAR system was supposed to eliminate the referees' mistakes (or "mistakes"). It didn't. If anything it aggravated
the situation. When "the wrong team" has a faulty goal accidently awarded, then the VAR system is always there to point
out the mistake and cause the disallowment of the goal. However, when "the right teams" scores a faulty goal or has
an idiotic "penalty" awarded, then the venal referee can simply decide that he doesn't wish to see the video replay.

Absolutely disgusting. This is not football anymore.
7 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

I'm off to catch some z's. Hopefully I won't have any penalty-related nightmares. Good night.
7 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Farage is probably now talking on some British TV that it's all thanks to Brexit - "we left the nazi EU and look what happens - first major tournament final in 55 years!". *rolls eyes*

"...and the previous one was outside the EU as well! Coincidence? I don't think so".
7 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

...and 11 Italians playing against 13 English (11 + home crowd + referee). I'll probably find something better to do than watch this parody.
7 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Schmeichel is a great penalty specialist - referee couldn't allow the game to go into penalties. And he didn't. Well done.

*ironically clapping*

There should be something in football like video challenge in volleyball or tennis (let's say two challenges a game for each team).
7 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]


They aren't. They think they are the best and deserve it all (home advantage, no away fans, and "kind" referee). No embarassment there.
7 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

I wonder what the Brits paid the UEFA

It's simply a rich and influential federation, and they haven't won anything in a while...

They played all their games but one at home. As I said, ri-di-cu-lous.

Quatar anybody?

...and Russia before that. Logically North Korea and then Iran are next in line.
7 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Italians now...

They should refuse to play this game - no point. Someone decided that England is to win the championship, and referees will make sure that it happens.

Michał Listkiewicz - former international FIFA referee - is just saying on TV that there was definitely no penalty.
7 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

They play at home, with virtually no guest fans and they are getting vital help from the referee as well. That penalty was a gift to England. Scandalous...

What is this VAR system for?
7 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

NO WAY that was a penalty. Ridiculous :(
7 Jul 2021
News / Poland Sports News [998]

Yasss!!! Ya beauty! :)

Vi er rode, vi er hvide, vi er danske dynamite!!!