The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 2 days ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2063 / Live: 1987 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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28 Jul 2023
Life / The Pole is happy when someone else cries... [75]


I've seen Poles surprised at this a few times, but Russians that actually know history and read books - don't really joke about Polish military prowess. Poles - historically (important caveat) - are quite good at war despite their incompetent political leadership.

Also, you are not fooling anyone in the East about being peaceful for 500 years. We remember well how you were Napoleon's torpedo, or how you and the Ukrainians butchered each other in the 20s. We also remember how Poles were happy to be in the front when crushing the Hungarians and Czechs in the 20th century. Russians almost didn't have to do anything.

If Poles were as big as Russia, and as well armed, it would be much scarier for the world. So it is good Poland is inside her nice little borders. Russians are positively docile next to Poles. Poles are the Chechens of Europe lol
28 Jul 2023
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

in Polish "biesiada" is a long party with a lot of food and alcohol.

What to a Russian is a casual discussion, is to a Pole a long party with food and alcohol. Makes sense.

Why are you taking the thread off topic???

Yes, back to topic... I agree with you - how can I hate myself? However, objectivity demands we apply a neutral framework here.

I would say, for most of human history - being a Slav was not fun. We were so far on the periphery, that we never experienced the Roman or Byzantine Empires in the same way the French, Germans, or Spanish did. For ages we were being kidnapped and sold into slavery by Turks, Greeks, Tatars. We acted as a meat cushion for the rest of Europe during Mongol invasion. We missed out on all the benefits of global trade, due to being locked up in the puddle people call the Baltic Sea, and being bottled up in the Black Sea. For centuries, there was almost nothing we contributed to science or art, instead being used as faceless masses of mercenaries by European despots.

However, starting in the middle of the 19th century the Age of Slavs had come. Long in the shadows - the time came to take center place. Now, I would not trade being a Slav for an Anglo in a thousand years.
28 Jul 2023
History / Recommended Poland's history books [191]

Reading this book is embarrassing to be Polish. How much more stupid can you get!

Give some credit to your Polish ancestors... Geography and demography are fate.

America has two absolutely harmless and utterly peaceful neighbors - Canada and Mexico. Then, America has two incredibly powerful allies - the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. America is blessed with nearly every element to be found in the period table, and has enough energy to cover its needs for centuries. The climate is conducive to agriculture, across the majority of the country's territory.

Even a monkey would make a great country out of the USA.

Poland has historically been between three fires - a Germanic one, a Russian one, a Turkish one. Each of these powers, applied their hand to weakening the structure of Polish government. With rivers of German, Russian, and Turkish money pouring in to back this or that decision, can you really blame the Magnates for putting Poland as secondary in their list of priorities?

A Russian, German, or Turkish prince could offer many times more money than any Polish king could. People are weak and greedy creatures.
28 Jul 2023
Life / The Pole is happy when someone else cries... [75]

Poles are a very violent and warlike people, so it does make some sense that they enjoy the wailing of innocents. It is probably some remnant of the Teutonic occupation, which makes them so cruel.
28 Jul 2023
Life / Are Polish Women very promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees? [197]


In glorious and civilized America, truck stop prostitution flourishes. Rather than something nice like "Tirowki", they are called the decidedly unglamorous name of "Lot Lizards". I hope in his next life Lyzko can be a "Lot Lizard" at a Flying J in West Virginia, and carry on his sociological studies from that vantage point.

Also in the moral capital of the world, hundreds of thousands of people stream their assh0les to strangers over the Internet for money. But here we are, discussing Poles trading sex for butter.
27 Jul 2023
Love / Connecting with GAY MEN IN POLAND [55]

...and where have you been these past 530 days? What type of behavior is this, to leave me and Velund to defend the Russian nation whole?
27 Jul 2023
Love / Connecting with GAY MEN IN POLAND [55]

Gay life in Moscow and SPb is quite intense

Moscow is the biggest city in Europe, if not counting Istanbul. St Petersburg is the 3rd largest city after London, or 4th if again including Istanbul.

Of course, whatever type of life in Moscow is bigger than Berlin or London.

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27 Jul 2023
Life / Are Polish Women very promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees? [197]

From Wikipedia article "Prostitution in Poland":

1) A memo from the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee (including Bolesław Bierut who was then Secretary-General), dated 23 November 1955, states that in 1949 there were 4,000 sex workers in Poland, in 1954 1,700 and that 6,000 had been arrested.

2) Data from the Ministry of the Interior, dated 9 February 1957 refer to 1,500 workers in the six major cities.

3) After the fall of the iron curtain (Żelazna kurtyna) in 1989. Changes in Polish society included increasing tourism and trade with the West, acceptability of foreign currency and expanding hotel business, all factors conducive to the growth of the sex trade. Although liable to a large error margin, estimates of the numbers of sex workers were 7,267 in 1962, and 9,847 in 1969. Sometimes referred to as "Servants of Venus" (Służebnice Wenery).

So let's assume Polish bureaucrats were hopeless liars, and that they purposefully underestimated the number of prostitutes in communist Poland by 5 times.

Poland's population in 1969 was 32.5M people. Half of them were women, or 16.25M people. Taking my 5X assumption in hand, that there were actually as many as 50,000 prostitutes, that still ends up being around 0.3% of Poland's female population. If you go by the actual statistics collected, it is 0.06%. So Paulina is being quite generous with her percentages.
26 Jul 2023
Language / I love the word Kurwa [26]

when she says kurwa something inside of me lights up.

My soul also lights up when I hear kurwa. This is strange.
26 Jul 2023
UK, Ireland / Not Gay: Making Friends With Polish Men In The UK. [17]

Do you want to meet a single Polish man?

To do what? I will remind you - the topic of the thread is making friends with Polish men. I suspect you are speaking about drilling a guy in the ass, which is off topic - because this thread clearly states it is "Not Gay".

you dont know that it is for your safety

It is a fantasy to think you can get by thinking others are more concerned about your safety, than you yourself should be.
26 Jul 2023
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Do you have any stereotypes about them? Let it all out, please, with no restrain

Stereotypes about Slavs:

1) Uncomfortably direct
2) Prone to spontaneous bouts of melancholy
3) Largely lazy in comparison to all neighbors
4) Surprisingly hot-blooded for Northerners
5) Not very good with money
6) Interesting relationship between men and women.

I'm sorry if it all sounds too negative, but when I think "stereotypes" - I think negative.

Also, this Nathan guy looks to be a Ukrainian. Where did he go?
26 Jul 2023
UK, Ireland / Not Gay: Making Friends With Polish Men In The UK. [17]

Ok, please explain one thing why do you use the name " Polishhunter"

13 years on, I am very curious why this Indian man - who is not gay - decided to call himself Polishhunter.

Why is an Indian doctor - who is not gay - trying to to meet Polish men in the UK?

I will start putting "Not Gay:", at the beginning of all my new threads starting now.

polish men who come here are mostly into manual labours- i think thats why they are bit introvert

Finally someone has commented on this. I was always wondering why my Polish plumber is so pensive and melancholic. The act of tightening a pipe, sets his mind on the eternal.

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25 Jul 2023
Life / Are Polish Women very promiscuous towards foreigners and refugees? [197]

Thank you Paulina for your kind defense. However, I am trained in dealing with the pig, and require no assistance.

Pig - here is a lesson in statistics. The population number for those countries which you define as Russian (I'm sure), is about 300 million. So about ten times bigger than Poland. I'm very happy you ran a titty bar, as this completes my psychological portrait of you, but I'm not as certain about your ability to identify a Moldovan from a Ukrainian or Slovak.

The reason, as a Russian, that I feel we get more exposed to "your women are ******", is that all the ****** are assumed to be Russian. Most idiots don't know much Eastern geography beyond Russia. So the size of our country works against us in reverse.

In any case, this sentiment is most often espoused by those sorry little gnomes which could not ever be with a Russian or Polish woman unless they paid them for the pleasure.
25 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

Of course you do, all his political views come from a party that is funded by the russian state

Here - one has to say, proof. We have been hearing for years about Kremlin funded Marine Le Pen, Orban, Berlusconi, etc. All the opposition managed to present was loan agreements (which were repaid). If French, Hungarian, Italian banks are so afraid of their American masters that they will not lend funds to a leading contender in an election - I say I cannot blame those candidates. For Russians this is not charity as well obviously, but you have to be joking if you think a few million euros to Le Pen can move the needle in any way. She gets votes because there is a demand for her opinions.

By the way, in the previous election all the Russian money was on Fillon. Unfortunately he exploded himself with stupid suit scandal, and hiring his wife and kids. F*cking idiot.

In America this would not even be a question, since it's a free for all when it comes to money - foreign or domestic.
25 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

I meant it doesn't excist as monolitic block or a nation state. In other words it is more complex issue that meet the eye.

You are smarter than it seems at first glance :)

I'm joking - actually very much like your analysis.
25 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

Have a nice summer, people

It's a pity Kania has to check out after writing a post like that :/ Wishing you a good summer!

But yes Amiga, I think you've made a mistake aligning yourself with Pawian here. The Christian impulse behind the initiative is noble, though perhaps misguided. This is why I'm not so angry at Pawian, but more focused on the other nonsense that has appeared here.

I'm not against apologizing, but drawing false equivalencies. When it comes to Ukrainians, we have some very similar complaints against them, and they use the same arguments against us. Except, instead of oppression since the 11th century (as Pawian writes), they club us on the head with the Holodomor which they claim was purposefully engineered. All I have to say about that, is that Russians are some sh!t engineers, because the Holodomor ended up killing more Russians and Kazakhs than Ukrainians.
25 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]


In Russia nationalists are toxic. They don't seem to understand that Russia's path to greatness was through it being a melting pot of peoples, where nobody was above anybody else. We solved how to contain a large Muslim population, without compromising on our values - in a way that is much better than whatever the West is trying. We have important politicians and big businessmen from national minorities, which contribute enormously to the well being of the Russian state. We have Jewish, German, Polish-blooded scientists that add to the good name of Russia through their research. And so on, and so forth. If we really want Russian nationalism to flourish, we may as well live in Muscovy as you people suggest.

The Russian idea has to be bigger than Russian blood. Don't want to sound too pompous, but Russia is also an idea.
25 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

Now you're the one being an idiot

No it's clear you are the idiot if you casually admit to consorting with Ukrainian nationalists. I don't even hang out with Russian nationalists, whom I consider idiots, let alone those vampires.
25 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

if the AK commanders could forgive the UPA commanders who participated in civilian massacres and work with them

Are you an idiot?

Militaries serve the citizens of the country in which they were raised. The moment a military begins to imagine itself bigger than the interests of the country, it has to be purged and broken.

Two degenerate commanders making an alliance of opportunity, is to you more important than the killing of 6 digit numbers of your compatriots?

Edit: Read about this daring attack. Hilarious.
25 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

Who said I was talking about AK? You know nothing about cursed soldiers, it seems.

Where did "Cursed Soldiers" come from? The biggest organizations, such as NZW (Narodowe Zjednoczenie Wojskowe), WIN (Wolność i Niezawisłość), and NSZ (Narodowe Siły Zbrojne) - were primarily made up of AK fighters. For a brief time the AK existed in parallel, but afterwards those organizations carried the flag.

When the hunt for the "cursed" men started, Gomulka said - "Soldiers of the Armia Krajowa (AK) are a hostile element which must be removed without mercy". I think everyone understood what he meant, if even the nomenclature was not entirely correct.

Equaling UPa and AK and their actions? Are you a cretin?

Look, as I said already - this gives me no pleasure.... but there is no equivalency between what the Poles did and what the Ukrainians did. As much as I hate the AK, Cursed Soldiers, and every other manifestation of Polish nationalism - they largely fought honorably. Google their biggest actions.

In the so-called Battle of Kurylowka they attacked, and routed an NKVD regiment. In another instance, they attacked an NKVD camp located in in Rembertów on the eastern outskirts of Warsaw - liberating the Polish political prisoners incarcerated there. You really have to be reading some Pawian-style sources to find anything even remotely similar to Volyn (and even then, at a 100X reduced scale).
24 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

What your take?

You made it sound like you had some kind of privileged information, when in fact it was pretty banal facts. However, I do think your take is broadly accurate. You are not making things up, I'll put it that way.
24 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

It doesn't have to be Ukrainians.... russians hate everyone who isn't them

Oh boy, so tiring...

Russians hate everybody so much, that we helped half the world decolonize - many times at the price of our own blood. We hate everybody so much, we let an empire we built on our blood go for free - East Germany, and all of you lot included. Hate everybody so much, we gave away all the innovations of our medical, engineering, and space communities amassed over decades for pennies - to the world's poorest peoples.

You really are boring, and your post is not on topic.
24 Jul 2023
History / Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first [337]

To Russia, Ukrainians are brothers. To the warmongers in DC and London, Ukrainians are useful idiots or simply tools.

No joke - this makes me depressed.

But then some French guy said, "All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers."

Some other smart guy said that "Civil wars are the worst, because they pit brother against brother".

Go figure. I am not equipped to understand, all I understand is that civil wars are especially nasty, and despite all brotherhood the savagery becomes much more intense than when fighting a stranger.