The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by guesswho  

Joined: 17 Mar 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 22 Jul 2011
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23 Apr 2011
News / Raising Poland's legal drinking age to 21 [95]

Poland doesn't have a serious drug problem like the US many kids didn't even try Marihuana.

yeah that too. Besides, we both know how easy it is to buy alcohol in Poland. Unless they'll do something about it too, nothing will ever change.
22 Apr 2011
News / Raising Poland's legal drinking age to 21 [95]

Raising Poland's legal drinking age to 21

Great idea. Way too many young alcoholics there (I witnessed it myself). I realize, my opinion won't be very popular on PF :-)
3 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

I agree, but Slavs are always in-between, neither good, nor evil.

and I believe that Slavs or any other ethnic group can't be good or bad, Nathan, PP and guesswho can.
3 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Without determining one's origin

it's not what I was talking about. Of course it's good to know your origin but what I meant earlier is basically that it doesn't matter where you're from as long as you're a good person.
2 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse?

Why even think about it Nathan, as long as you're a good guy, who cares?
13 Mar 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

There are plenty of people who love Germans and Germany, so why let the expression of one person ruffle your feathers?

very true. When I was in Germany, many Germans were talking good about Poles and I've also met many Poles who were talking good about Germans so I don't think that there's much to worry about.
25 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / The proper behavior an American should show when visiting Poland [159]

In order to gain respect remaind them how much US helps Poland sending bilions of US dollars to Poland and how Americans freed them from German ocupation during WWII.If invited for a drink yell "Nasdrovyaaa" loudest you can and adress all the old women per "babushka".
Basically just be an American.

You really believe that we're all that stupid grubas? (not a question, I know your opinion).
You said you live here so you should know that about 98% of us don't care about Poland (not in a bad meaning of it).

A good advice for chattynettie is to at least try to avoid all political and history topics as you guys are "experts" anyway and unless one will be saying what you want to hear, you'll start with ridiculing one and if that ain't gonna be good enough, you'll continue with your insults until you're gonna eventually satisfy yourself.

Now to chattynettie, don't worry about what some of the posters here are saying, you'll find many nice people in Poland. It seems like this forum has gathered the creme de la creme of smartasses, the type that you won't be meeting in Poland very often.
24 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / The proper behavior an American should show when visiting Poland [159]

If offered a drink accept one, do not say no thank you. Polish people are fantastic hosts and to refuse is very insulting.

true, especially when it comes to alcohol

Don't make a big reaction to the lack of deodorant (mostly older generation), it just is how it is

very true

Do not expect people to speak English, this is not an English speaking country.

agree, however English is the most popular language in the world, it would be smart to learn it.
You'll have less problems with younger people (quite a few speak some English).

Rather read a bit and try to learn a few basic words, people will be much friendlier.

always a good advice no matter what country you go to.

Do not expect shopworkers to pay you any mind, they wait for you to show interest in what they are selling. My first few years here I was appalled at the last of
customer it just is what it is.

yep, very bad customer service (like almost anywhere else in Europe).
24 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / The proper behavior an American should show when visiting Poland [159]

From my personal experience American tourists in Europe seem to think everyone around them is intrested in their conversations.

what a bull. Another America expert. Different culture, not better and not worse, just different.
Why the hell you guys always believe that just because one behaves differently, he's automatically an idiot? I lived in Poland (and other European countries) for a while and I think that some of your behavior is odd too but I just take it the way it comes. It's just another experience in my life.
22 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

Many organizations fight to prevent opening such a place. Animal shelters consider not letting Asians adopt dogs and cats.

I have a faith in you Poles, please show the world that you're better than them.
Cats and dogs were always people's best friends, don't allow this to happen!!!

16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

Alan Watts once remarked that American Roman Catholics are really Crypto-Protestants. Could it be that some Polish-Americans on this forum are Crypto-Germans?

whether Catholic nor Polish-American, sorry (more options please, lol)
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

but your ancestor's four or five generations ago were a quite possibly Polish!

do you really believe it and if so, what makes you believe it?
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

It's because of historical experiences

you mean like Katyn etc? I personally don't think that the Russians are better than the Germans when it comes to be Poland's "good neighbors".

You know what people say about believes.

true, it was a huge mess and it is still in a way but that's another story.
All this still doesn't change the fact that he was a German. Not that I really care but I'm just tired of some people twisting historical facts. It's a same like I'm against calling concentration camps Polish.
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

He said that about himself. Wiki source.

Jane, funny, anytime I used wiki as a source, it wasn't accepted on PF. Besides the same "wiki source" as you provided also provides the information that he was a German.

also taken from wiki:

"Modern Nietzsche scholarship does not believe in the legend of noble Polish ancestry"
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

It's only natural for him to say he's Polish.

This is what I replied to. I overlooked your previous statement.
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

If i lived in Russia for most my life i wouldn't mind it, just like i wouldn't mind being called American now.

but in his case, he was clearly a German or can anyone of you provide facts that he was a Pole?

I was just replying to MediaWatch's comment that no German would ever want to be Polish, which is total bs.

I know why MW said it. It's because of the known sentiments between the Germans and the Poles. Tell me, how many Poles (I mean real Poles, not those of a German origin) do you know who say that they feel German? It's most likely the same the other way around too.

It's obvious you aren't familiar with Nietzsche's style

I can provide many more sites stating that he was a German. I want you to provide just one stating that he was a Pole, PP.
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

Penn, c'mon man, you know I like you and I respect your Polish patriotism but let's call things by the names. You were born in Poland and you feel Polish, right? How would you like it if someone will call you one day a Russian? Why can't we all just accept certain facts without getting crazy about it? Let's just all stay by the historical facts instead to follow our preferences.

It's a fact of life that the Germans have probably the biggest amount of famous people in the entire world. Look, I don't have any problem to admit it even though you know how much I love my country, why is it so tough for the Poles to admit it too? I understand that most of you hate the Germans but still let's stick to the facts.
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

He belongs to the world.

but we have his writings.

you guys are being ridiculous. Unless, you can claim someone to be Polish, everyone else is a world citizen, especially if one was obviously a German. Earlier someone came up with a thread about Columbus being Polish, tomorrow it will be George Washington and Winston Churchill.

I guess, this will never change, one can have fun with you guys and talk about many things but never about the history.
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

those so claimed despise the sorts of people who go about claiming.

how do you know how he felt about himself? Since there's no other proof but the fact that he was born as a German, he's to be seen as such, don't you think?

Following your logic, no one is to be claimed by anyone at all but this is not how it works. Black is still black and if you're born Polish you're Polish etc...(unless it's known that you claim to be someone else)
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

but claiming a thinkers like Schopenhauer, or even Fahrenheit, for a nation such as "Germany" is really pointless

OK, following your logic, whoever achieved something really big, is not to be claimed by anyone, right?
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

beside the German-speaking majority the city

you see, this is exactly what I'm talking about, even in times where Danzig was in Polish hands, the majority of its people were Germans and the language was obviously German too.

Look, it's the same with Poland during the partitions, Poles spoke always Polish and deep down inside of every Polish heart, those territories even though officially not present, were always Polish too.
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

Have you ever heard about Pomeranians?

Have you heard about Pommern? What are you trying to say? Are you disagreeing that the language spoken in Danzig was German?