The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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21 May 2022
Life / Top 5 things I like about Poland [56]

French colony.

...where Polish troops joined the locals in their fight for freedom. :)

Seriously, European Christ simply won't do (the Irish can have this title) - we are the Christ of Nations (all nations).
21 May 2022
Life / Top 5 things I like about Poland [56]

Have you heard of Polish troops defending Africa?

Remind me again - where is Tobruk located? ;)

Not only Africa, but also Haiti...

So, Christ of Nations, without limiting our salvific mission to Europe only, would be more appropriate. :)
21 May 2022
Life / Top 5 things I like about Poland [56]

My Top 5:

1. Uniqueness.

A unique bland of strong Latin civilisation, where ethics is the source of law and individuality and personal freedom are the vital parts of ethos and identity, with Slavic heritage; strong patriotism with roots in multicultural past (we were the first major multicultural melting pot in Europe) and respect for other nations and cultures (remembering, of course, the obvious superiority of ours).

2. Attractiveness to foreigners.

Of which this forum is the best example (ethnic Poles living in Poland are a tiny minority here). Our culture has always attracted foreignes - we had large minorities from countries as distant as Scotland or Netherlands but they didn't remain minorities for long, they all assimilated into the Polish nation, accepting our language and culture as their own.

3. History of being a benevolent, kindhearted empire that never travelled overseas.

From the 15th to 17th century, Poland was constantly expanding its territory through unions and wars, mostly eastward, bringing the light of civilisation and Polishness to backwards eastern peoples. By 1634, when it reached a maximal area of almost 1 million square kilometres, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was an empire ranging from the Baltic Sea to the Pontic-Caspian Steppe, incorporating the majority of today's Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, but also Latvia and even parts of Estonia.

Our expansion was stopped by an evil tribe, which name I shall not mention here, that until the present day brings war and destruction to its neighbours. How differently the world might look like if this evil nation didn't stand in our way 400 years ago. :(

4. Sense of honour and fairness.

I can think of only one country in the over 1000 years of Poland's history that could claim to have been treated unfairly/betrayed by Poles. I'm not going to mention this in detail because it's a painful card in our history, but it's a single instance and a lamentable exception. Apart from that, Polish conduct was always honourable and chivalrous: we kept our alliances, were generous towards friends and merciful towards enemies. This always makes me proud.

5. Overall greatness.

To cover this point I would need to write a book; it's waaay beyond the scope of a short forum post. All things considered, Poland in its entirety, when fully and properly understood, represents the peak of what human race should strive for, hope for and fight for. This fact is often obscured by trivial things and visible only to the trained eye and soul, but well worth the effort to study and cherish.
21 May 2022
Feedback / Is it Polish forum or foreign forum? [159]

No, I suppose you don't. I can only recommend the works of Feliks Koneczny - among others the two volumes of "Polskie logos a ethos" - for those who would like to understand the meaning of liberty to Polish identity in stark opposition to deeply ingrained serfdom and need for a tsar in case of Russian heritage.
21 May 2022
Feedback / Is it Polish forum or foreign forum? [159]

The point is, among other things, Gumishu, that the most vital part of Sarmatian heritage and ethos is the love of liberty - free, unbridled souls, that's who Sarmats were. So, who are the real Sarmats? Poles, with our love of freedom and unwavering defiance? Or maybe Russian sovoks - with serfdom in their blood - or their Serbian balkan clones?
21 May 2022
Travel / Best places to visit in Poland [87]

I'd like to go to Poland in a few years, does anyone know the best places to go for first time visitors?

Definitely Gdańsk. The greatest place in Poland!

We are used to Russian visitors - for many years we had a no-visa open cross-border movement with Kaliningrad District and many Russians came here for shopping and sightseeing. I don't know much Russian but on many occasions I managed to communicate with them in what I call an "overall-slavic" language :D

I don't know why they stopped the visa-free movement - maybe someone didn't want the Russians to see that Poland is an ordinary European country, friendly to visitors and with no russian-eating cannibal hordes roaming the streets. :)
18 May 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Nie pisałem o szybkim zakończeniu wojny, tylko o szybkim zwycięstwie Rosji - czytaj uważnie. Gdyby tak się stało, to Niemcy dogadaliby się z nimi błyskawicznie, a dla nas byłby to najgorszy scenariusz.

Teraz, po trzech miesiącach walk i ogólnej kompromitacji Rosji, ten smutny cyrk właściwie mógłby się już skończyć, ale jeżeli jeszcze potrwa, to będzie to o wiele gorsze dla Rosji niż dla Polski.
18 May 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

bez Putina można by otworzyć sklepik NS2 znowu

No tak, najlepszym scenariuszem dla Niemiec było szybkie zwycięstwo Rosji i równie szybkie dogadanie się z nimi co do dalszej współpracy. Tak się jednak nie stało, więc kolejnym marzeniem jest śmierć Putina lub odsunięcie go od władzy i szybkie dogadanie się z kolejnym rządem Rosji udając, że to wszystko była wina strasznego Vladimira. W interesie Polski natomiast jest żeby ta wojna jeszcze potrwała i spowodowała jeszcze większe osłabienie militarne i ekonomiczne Rosji oraz ich trwałą międzynarodową izolację. Szkoda, że najwyższą cenę za to wszystko, jak to zwykle bywa na wojnie, płaci ludność cywilna.
10 May 2022
History / PRUSSIA - Former Vassal of Poland later occupant | Nowadays Germany? [33]

and I found a good friend in Danzig

... a Danziger and a Breslauer will always get on well ;)

I would hate to lose him and having to fight him!

Exactly. Aggression and territorial acquisitions are overrated - it's better to have friends everywhere and feel at home wherever you go, but I'm afraid we are losing our russian readers here, we might as well be talking in Arabic :)
10 May 2022
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [471]

Niestety, to jest konieczne żeby była obsada ambasady

Należałoby po prostu wydać zalecenie dla obywateli polskich opuszczenia terenu rosji do jakiejś konkretnej daty, zaznaczając że po tym terminie zostają tam na własną odpowiedzialność, i po tym terminie zerwać wszelkie stosunki dyplomatyczne, odwołać naszych dyplomatów i wykopać ich. Skoro ropy i gazu już od nich nie bierzemy, inna wymiana handlowa de facto już nie istnieje, to po co utrzymywać fikcję? Jak zmądrzeją, to będzie można pomyśleć o przywróceniu działania ambasad.

nie Polacy go oblali tylko Ukrainka

Oj tam, zaraz "oblała". Nie przesadzajmy - po prostu wykonałą specjalną operację farbowania. ;)
9 Apr 2022
Travel / Your best memory after visiting Poland [41]

Even better: to see how a country that accepted 2.5 million refugees doesn't have any huge refugee camps. Show me another country in the world where refugees are accepted on a mass scale into people's apartments and houses to live with them. :)

Good time to be Polish and a lot to be proud of.
28 Mar 2022
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

At the risk of stating the obvious, but maybe not so obvious for our foreign friends, the example sentences I provided above by no means exhaust the meanings of the respective "preposition-pierdalać/pierdolić" forms.

For example, apart from "hit someone really hard", "przypierdalać" can also mean "pick on somebody" ("Nie wiem o co chodzi, szef się do mnie ciągle przypierdala") or "podpierdalać" apart from "steal" can also mean "grass someone up" ("Ta gnida podpierdoliła Staśka na policję i zabrali mu cały sprzęt do pędzenia bimbru"), and I could go on, but to even touch the surface of the topic would probably require a book. We are dealing here with immense lexical depth.


Don't be discouraged if you are unable to grasp everything written here. Fluent use of "preposition-pierdolić/pierdalać" forms would indicate an unusual level of fluency in Polish, very rarely seen in foreigners. Especially for English speakers it might be difficult, since words like "withfuck", "atfuck", "tofuck", "fromfuck" etc. are a lexical impossibility in your language, with a possible exception of "outfuck" ("John outfucked Mark during last summer holidays by sleeping with 7 girls, compared to Mark's 4"), but I'm not entirely sure about this one.

One should also mention, again at the risk of stating the obvious, that "preposition-pierdolić/pierdalać" forms are usually not considered elegant and should rather be avoided in formal letters, opinion essays or, in general, academic writing.
27 Mar 2022
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

I know that "wypierdalać" and "dopierdalać" and "opierdalać" all exist, as does "spierdalać"

Yes. We can also mention "odpierdalać" (as in "Co ty kurwa odpierdalasz?"), "napierdalać" ("Zbyszek napierdalał całą noc na Playstation i teraz jest niewyspany"), "przypierdalać" ("Nieźle mu przypierdolił"), "wpierdalać" ("No nie, Andrzej wpierdolił całą szynkę :-/"), "zapierdalać" ("Ale zapierdala! Chyba przebiegł te 100m poniżej 10 sekund"), "podpierdalać" ("Cyganie podpierdolili Ruskim czołg"), or "przepierdalać" ("Ten debil znowu przepierdolił całą pensję w kasynie"), to name just a few.

Come to think of it, there are very few prepositions in Polish that don't form a distinct meaning with "-pierdalać".
24 Mar 2022

friends with China

Friends with China? Are you kidding me, Pawian? China is looking at Siberia like a fat American kid is looking at a hamburger. Question of time.
24 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Happy Birthday, Rich! [71]

I want pancreatic.

Nope, sorry. Testicular is more painful, so that's a better choice for someone who wishes that millions of Polish civilians die by nuclear weapons.
24 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Happy Birthday, Rich! [71]

How do you know its his B-Day?

He posted his degree diploma, with his birthdate, in old "Dyrdymałki" thread.
24 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Happy Birthday, Rich! [71]

So, the day has finally come - you are 80 today. It may sound like a lot but you know what they say: 80 is the new 40. :) It's a beautiful age and, in accord with old Polish tradtion, we wish you STO LAT!

Have a good one, you annoying old fart! ;)

Rich blowing :)
21 Mar 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [148]

Mogę się zalogować do Dyrdymałek tylko z komputera służbowego (którego właśnie używam). Moje domowe komputery są niekompatybilne z Dyrdymałkami od kilku dni - nieważne jaka przeglądarka, jaki tryb, Linux czy Windows - po prostu nie mam dostępu do tego wątku.
15 Mar 2022
Love / What do you think of Polish girls? [40]

You're right, it is a "bottom" level.

Yes, everybody is making a tit out of themselves in this conversation.
7 Mar 2022
Life / Thank You from the U.S. for being so kind to refugees. [14]

Border Guard informed yesterday that our border was crossed by over 1,000,000 Ukrainian refugees. The rest probably went to Romania, Slovakia and Hungary but we don't have exact data from those countries.
7 Mar 2022
Life / Thank You from the U.S. for being so kind to refugees. [14]

The world has never seen such a humanitarian tragedy in such a short period of time - the number of refugees who crossed Polish-Ukrainian border now exceeds 1,000,000 (one million, in little more than a week!). Poland is doing what she can, but the rest of the world has to do their bit to. Here's hoping...