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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 32 mins ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
10 Feb 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

Has nothing to do with socialism.

It is a mainstay of socialism.....after all no socialist country managed without it!

PS: NationalSOCIALISM!!!
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Feb 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

As far as I have read cooperatives can work very well in a market system, meaning they can be as effective and successful in a democratic, capitalist system as a sole-owned's the in-efficient one-party-rule system common in socialist systems which puts a damper on just doesn't work...the economy doesn't work and hence even cooperatives have no chance in such a failed system!
Bratwurst Boy   
10 Feb 2022
Off-Topic / Socialism in 21 century? [96]

An authoritarian dictatorship has proven in modern history to be the most efficient administration - Germany, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc.


That is your opinion only....
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Feb 2022
History / Why did Hitler call Poles Half Jews? [98]


The Nazis made alot of ugly cartoons about denigrate and humiliate them....there they did not look hair, black eyes, long noses...there exists a jewish stereotype and it isn't white (european at least)!
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Jan 2022
History / Why did Hitler call Poles Half Jews? [98]

And Jews fought like that for Israel. Fortunately, they won.

I always wonder why they didn't fight like that Europe....seriously....would the Holocaust have been even possible with the Jews really fighting back?

About 6 Million people....mostly led to the slaughter like lambs....without resistance...even as they have must known what awaits them...
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Jan 2022
Polonia / What about the Poles living in Germany? [65]

It's not even shared by a majority of Germans.....the GREENS got not even 15% of the votes in the latest elections.

And with the ever rising prices for energy this number is have to belong to a certain class of people to be able to afford being a world-climate-animals rescuing goody-two-shoes!
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Jan 2022
Polonia / What about the Poles living in Germany? [65]

It looks like madness.

....trying to rescue the world/climate....they say....

If it works all out in the end...great...if will all end in blood and tears!
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jan 2022
Polonia / What about the Poles living in Germany? [65]

When the gas flow stops because of russian war in the East the latest...

(We still have nuclear plants, just shut down)

Is this something announced

Of course not yet.....our Greens just joined the gov with the promise to go all renewable....that was before the cold realpolitik knocked though....

And in my experience realpolitik always beats any ideology! And right now its:

"Nuclear plants = Realpolitik"

(The whole EU sees it that way btw....Germany is in that question quite abit isolated)
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Jan 2022
Polonia / What about the Poles living in Germany? [65]

Dependence on Gazprom will only grow.

At least the nuclear power will make a comeback in Germany....I guess....also because of Russia's shenanigans!
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Jan 2022
History / The reasons of Polish pride? [112]

Do majority of Germans still hate Slavic people and want to eliminate them?

Bratwurst Boy   
27 Dec 2021
Language / "Putschke" - Please help me figure out a nickname my grandfather called me [30]

Found something similiar...."patshke"


v. "1. To fuss or "mess around" inefficiently and inexpertly. 2. To dawdle, to waste time."

Example Sentences

"This recipe involves a lot of patshke."

"She's been patshkeying around with that model airplane all day."

"The project is almost due; I can't potchkey with it any more."

Sounds that like something your father would call you?

PS: Patschke (and Putschke) are german surnames too....
Bratwurst Boy   
26 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

In the end, us civilised people will always back the Germans well ahead of the barbaric, murderous Serbs.......

Regardless of who is right? Really Milo?

Germans had their barbaric phase too.....You don't even trust and dislike us because of our can't possible dislike the Serbs more.....for what?

All that venom against that country....why? Just because of Crowie?
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Okay...."Deutsches Reich"....that works for me too! :)

HRE in german: "Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation" or HRRDN....much to long and clumsy!

For those who pay them more.

All of them? Who should that be?

Can't you make some real arguments with facts behind instead of these short unproven slogans....I would prefer to discuss such things....but how can we discuss such sentences? It's impossible...
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Heiliges Römisches Reich as in I Reich!

I prefer "German Empire".....I'm not that hot on all things Rome historically, heh:)

They don't~!

For what are they working then?
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Empire (HRE).. What was it called?

Holy Roman Empire

You don't give much credit to those Poles don't you?

Nun ja....listening to some of you they are seemingly only sleeping there in the EU parliament....doing nothing at all to stop the Germans from domineering....don't they work for polish interests?

But then, they are in different EU parties...their interests might differ....

Do you have more infos about them?
Bratwurst Boy   
24 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]


Polish deputy PM says Germany wants to turn EU into 'fourth reich'

Yeah....I can see these Nazis.....

On the Law and Justice list: (ECR)

Adam Bielan
Joachim Brudziński
Richard Czarnecki
Anna Fotyga
Patryk Jaki (United Poland)
Krzysztof Jurgiel
Karol Karski
Beata Kempa
Izabela Kloc
Joanna Kopcińska
Zdzisław Krasnodębski (independent)
Elżbieta Kruk
Zbigniew Kuźmiuk
Ryszard Legutko
Beata Mazurek
Andżelika Możdżanowska
Tomasz Poręba
Elżbieta Rafalska
Bogdan Rzońca
Jacek Saryusz-Wolski
Beata Szydło
Grzegorz Tobiszowski
Witold Waszczykowski
Jadwiga Wiśniewska
Anna Zalewska
Kosma Złotowski
Dominik Tarczyński - since 1 February 2020[2]
On the Spring list: (S&D)

Robert Biedroń
Łukasz Kohut
Sylwia Spurek (independent)
On the European Coalition list:
Civic Platform (EPP Group)

Magdalena Adamowicz
Bartosz Arłukowicz
Jerzy Buzek
Jarosław Duda
Tomasz Frankowski
Andrzej Halicki
Danuta Hübner
Ewa Kopacz
Janusz Lewandowski
Elżbieta Łukacijewska
Janina Ochojska (independent)
Jan Olbrycht
Radosław Sikorski
Róża von Thun und Hohenstein

Democratic Left Alliance (S&D)

Marek Balt
Marek Belka
Włodzimierz Cimoszewicz
Bogusław Liberadzki
Leszek Miller
Polish People's Party (EPP Group)

Krzysztof Hetman
Adam Jarubas
Jarosław Kalinowski,_2019%E2%80%932024
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Your idea of democracy is not democracy at all.

Yeah well.....*shrugs*....there are of course London democracy is done differently (poodle wigs:) than in Washington too (only two parties).....alot of that is due the history. After the defeat in WWII West-Germany got itself a most modern, updated variant.

But similiar in that they are no dictatorships and an endless one-man rulership who jailes, beats and kills every opposition...also in the EU parliament they get elected/kicked out every few years....majority rules....everybody can take part as long as he adheres to a few common basic know...such stuff....

Where is my idea of democracy not democratic?

In case you are truly interested:

....Elections to the European Parliament take place every five years by universal adult suffrage, and with more than 400 million people eligible to vote, they are considered the second largest democratic elections in the world after India's....[1]

While European political parties have the right to campaign EU-wide for the European elections,[5] campaigns still take place through national election campaigns, advertising national delegates from national parties. ...

But's yet only similiar....the still rather loose integration doesn't allow for more:

...No other EU institution is directly elected, with the Council of the European Union and the European Council being only indirectly legitimated through national elections.[4]...

It think that in a future "inner core" integration will have come so far that the whole government will be electable and accountable to it's citizens, as it should be!
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

The primacy of EU law isn't supposed to be challenged.

It can be challenged anytime....there are different party's and factions in the EU...most are in alliances with likeminded.....if Poland and Hungary get no sway then it's their lack of networking and building of support and alliances. Maybe they are just that isolated with some of their positions. In the EU you also need to find a majority to get things done your way. It's similiar with any democratic parliament (including corruption)...don't blame "the" whole EU for lack of a members success!

If you are truly interested:

Bratwurst Boy   
22 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

They probably thought the same thing about the Warsaw Pact.... in 1988....

If the EU would start building walls to keep us IN, you would have a point.

As it is we need walls to keep people annoying as that might be as a benchmark if an institution is successful or not it doesn't point exactly to it's looming demise!

The inner core is very vulnerable to lots of things

The EU has already changed alot in recent years....wall building against mass immigration for example had been unthinkable a few years I read that the EU is planning to support nuclear power....with the help of german EU politicians (Von der Leyen herself btw.) who belong to Merkel-Party CDU....a total setback for Merkel and the Greens anti-nuclear power-policy....

I trust in the EU that she is adaptable, she is already proving to be able to!

will inevitably impoverish any non-manufacturing economy

Every nation has manufacturing and non-manufacturing regions....where the wealthier support the poorer regions.....that is impossible in the EU as it is now, but the "inner core" will be able to do that for it's members too.
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

When it will blow in your face

I doubt I (or you) will be around if that happens....the EU is good for some more decades! The global political necessities now and especially in the future will demand that.

And as history shows the EU as it is will rather fizzle out....starting probably with a slow but steady split into an "inner core" with nations willing to go further and an "outer core" with nations which will not.

Now just think about which voices will be stronger on the world stage, who will be heard and who will be ignored....

PS: When your people later belong to the latter, because of decisions made by people like you, don't blame the Germans again for your own shortsightedness and the consquential difference in power and influence! Of course the inner core of the EU will have more of all of it, Poland would again be only a bench sitter, politically and also economically...

Who should be ashamed then?
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957] fear germanisation but want us to become a military big boy again??? Man, I can hear the cries of joy from our neighbours already...

Remember? As we met first back then I posted german jokes to convince you we Germans really have at least a bit of humour! :):):)
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

But I vehemently disagree with you on The EU.

Thing is I don't believe you disagree on the EU or on the point of a union generally, you often post here as a proud Brit, I never have you seen criticizing their empire, their union.

Your problem are the Germans only....and that is another topic altogether!

Berlin still wants to control Europe.

Been here recently? I wish Berlin could control Berlin....we Berliners would be perfectly happy with that....but its not happening....Berlin is a failed state!

Your image of the Germans lives alone in your head, and it is incredible difficult to discuss with a prejudice, a cliche, a non-existing stereotype, a fear. Maybe we should leave the EU out of our future discussions. Our disagreement isn't really about the european union....

How long before The Eu collapses?

It's the run of time I think....all Empires go through a kind of evolution.....usually they don't end with a poof but rather fizzle out. It's all true what you and Cojest say....they become to big, to bloated, to corrupt, to bureaucratic...the inner differences to big, the leadership to weak....all true.

But you know what happens then? After a time a new Empire/Union will be founded...sometimes even in the territory of the old one....a new name....a fresh spirit...fresh enthusiasm...again and again and again....

The advantages are just to big to ignore! time the EU will collapse, but I truly think for the upcoming centuries she will be Europe's only way to stay on keep in the play with the real global big players...not to be overrun and become a used hasbeen on the world stages, depending on foreign powers and their whims!
Bratwurst Boy   
20 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

you here only unifications as if it was something good on its own.

Because it is?

Unification = bigger, stronger, more powerful, more influential than every region for itself alone

It's not exactly rocket science....even economically weaker/less developed countries have a bigger voice just because of their size and population.

Size is Might!

(And I don't even start with technological development, industrialization and all that where Europe leads....that power unified, pooling its resources, could take on anybody and everybody anytime!)
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

That will never happen.


What else are you afraid of?

French is surely not a Lingua Franca in Europe....or else I would speak it! :)

Firstly, I am only British born and my ancestral history is exclusively Polish.

Then why do you defend the Brits? Their history is as bloody, oppressive, agressive and dominating as you keep accusing the Germans that the Pole speaking?

Germans tried to emulate the Brits and failed

Erm....definitely NOT!

We had our own Empire (HRE)....lasted even longer....nearly 1000 years, thank you very much. IF, then the Brits emulated us, heh:)

The Hanseatic League worked well idea of an economic union across THAT was german dominated! Still...extremely successfull...lasted over 300 years and made many traders can still even today see along the coastlines the traces of those times...(and Poland was part of it:)


you should stop observing Germany through your polish WWII eyes, that must give you a distorted and inherently wrong view. German history is much more than that, so much more....and frankly, since the Germans under Arminius kicked roman asses at the height of the Roman Empire, starting their end, I find it truly hard to call them losers! :)

2000 years if history Milo....good and bad and downs....won some, lost some...truly bright spots, really dark ones too.....and the newest chapter isn't even written yet!

Good night:)
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

It is Germanisation.....

When all start speaking German as Lingua Franca of the EU, then you could start speaking of Germanisation....

You Germans still want to dominate Europe.
And as history has proven, you will fail again

Now that is all in your head....and frankly, I don't know where that comes from?

You have to decide at one you need/want a losing Germany? And what about the other Europeans?

Would you prefer an EU without Germany? What should happen with Germany?

And as history has proven, you will fail again.....

PS: You had an Empire and lost it....has history now proven too that you are a loser?
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

We are one island with a.long history of unity.

But it didn't start out peacefully for you either, didn't it...not to mention losing big chunks over time...and I heard there is "talk" in Ireland and Scotlang now too...;)

It's like the EU in reverse!

Nah, Germans are crap at that!

Totally agree....that's why we stopped trying! :)

You will fail again by trying to do it peacefully.

What is wrong with peaceful unification?
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Dec 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

English and French were the.most important languages before America even existed.

Yeah....and before that it was German....and before THAT it was what!

I would like to keep English (it's also most easy for Germans since it started out as a germanic dialect) interest in learning Mandarin....

The strongest state Gemany ever built..... the EU was started Germany just lost WWII, was totally destroyed, still occupied and partitioned....that must have been some magic at work here! ;)

(Or we are really those Übermenschen!!!:)

They did it peacefully.

And that is the problem with it in a nutshell.

You prefer we try it with our armies?

If you can't see must be blind..... Or German.....

Is a unification generally you have a problem with *cough UNITED Kingdom cough Commonwealth cough* or do you just don't like especially Germans doing it? Like winning Football World Championships? :)