The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Lenka  

Joined: 17 Nov 2009 / Female ♀
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Posts: Total: 3526 / Live: 2659 / Archived: 867
From: Polska
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Books

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28 Aug 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

idea of delivering a healthy baby and giving it to some desperate Americans rich enough to cover all the expenses is pretty good

And somehow we still have orphans in this world, wonder why.
28 Aug 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1090]

Yes, World Championship.
Poland won.

A surprise in the other game.

France- Slovenia. Thought it will be straight, easy win for France and for now it's 2-1 for Slovenia
28 Aug 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1090]

USA won 3-0. But Bulgaria did put a fight.

Poland- Mexico is painful to watch. We are playing bench and still second set 25- 14 for Poland
28 Aug 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1090]

From games today:
Brazil-Japan. Japan lost
USA-Bulgaria- USA had a good start with 2 sets but Bulgaria is not letting go and may still win.
Later Poland- Mexico, Poland should win easily
28 Aug 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Or lobby. And protest.

Society doesn't exist somewhere outside of women. Women are part of it and may fight to see the change they want.

I didn't see any increase in birth rate since the law got stricter...Quite the opposite.
28 Aug 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480] have more abortions

Or simply safer ones.

Having the right to abortions doesn't mean a women will do it.
28 Aug 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Solution: more abortions.

Not more abortions. A right to abortion.

Not the same thing you self proclaimed genius
27 Aug 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1090]

Serbia won. Was clearly better team but the spirit and getting out of ashes was definitelyon Ukranian side.

And you guys take your crap to the political threads.
27 Aug 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1090]

Just started:
Ukraine vs Serbia.

It seems a lot of Polish fans supporting Ukraine :)
26 Aug 2022
Life / Orange Flex without plan [8]

Yes but with the added bonus of being able to make and receive calls with it...

Lyzko, read the thread
26 Aug 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1090]

I bought a pass to watch all the games on stream channel.
Go Poland!

Interestingalso to see how Poland will cope as a host after championship games have been taken away from Russia.
25 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [783]

I'm buying a pass to watch all the games o stream channel.
Go Poland!

Interestingalso to see how Poland will cope as a host after championship games have been taken away from Russia.
24 Aug 2022
History / Communist memorials in Poland [50]

In my home town one of the parks was a cementary in the past. All the remains were dug out. My mom remembers seeing the works going on in there
24 Aug 2022
Life / Why Polish singers are not popular abroad? [95]

@ Pawian
Please don'toffend Sara. Doda won her fame more with her breast and b than talent.

She could have been good but chose a path of cheap 'controversy'

Hopefully Sara has more brains.
24 Aug 2022
History / Communist memorials in Poland [50]

Since I was a kid I was taught not to walk on graves, not to step on them or walk over them, because that's disrespectful

Me too. I then made an adjustment for cleaning the grave etc.
21 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [783]

made some mistake

Really believe it? So he somehow managed to miraculously avoid two obstacles? Sorry, I'm not buying it.

If Australia wants to act like it did, then it doesn't need to be hosting a grand slam event.

It's up to the different bodies to decide. If they decided It's OK the players either comply with that country's rules or stay away
21 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [783]

He did not do that.

Didn't his application state he didn't travel while in fact he did? (I didn't follow the whole thing, just remembering hearing things here and there.

And I don't believe he was granted exemption fair and square.

I don't support how Australia dealt with the virus but it doesn'tmatter on a case of a foreigner visiting.
20 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [783]

Lying on his visa was not breaking the rules?
20 Aug 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [783]

For me it's about him breaking rules that that country had in place. If he was set against vaccine, great, don't go there.

Just another celeb that thinks rules are just for others
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Baptism of Poland was a political decision.

When you are proud of great Poles accomplishment do you exclude non Catholics?
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

group based on faith would be treated 100% the same as a person that is within it.

And once again: being Polish is not equal to being Catholic.
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]


According to studies in school classes groups tend to get antagonistic when minority reaches certain numbers ( don't remember the numbers). It doesn't matter what the groups are, it's simply power.
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Complaining about how world powers do what they do etc, what they should do etc.

Most people act that way. Nothing specific.

And how your rumblings connect with the fact that they been treated differently because of religion?

Can you explain me why Lutheran, Tatar, Orthodox or Calvinists have no problems with Poland and only Jews?

Big part of it is numbers. It is proven that groups react differently depending on the minority percentage
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

What a drivel.

Poles act as if whole planet is given to us in safekeeping

Can you give me as example because I never in my life noticed that
16 Aug 2022
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

Sorry but I do not consider being Catholic as a prerequisite to being Polish.

And even then not being part of the group shouldn't mean being treated like sh*t.

Imagine if for example you wouldn't be treated equally because you weren't born in Poland and are not on native speakers level of Polish? What thongs should be different for you? Maybe joining your beloved army? After all you weren't born in Poland so that is fishy...

Just a point- I don't think that way it's just an ilustration