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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 18 mins ago
Threads: 29
Posts: 1375

Speaks Polish?: yes

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29 Jun 2022
News / Strange object over Poland's Silesia [27]

High on my list of places to visit when I will be in Poland

Why? Is there anything else interesting there apart from that odd memorial? Booooring...

You better come to Gdańsk, so I'll abduct you to a good knajpa for a glass of something stronger :)
28 Jun 2022
History / What makes you feel Polish? [167]

Polish antisemitism's about as old as the Church in Europe itself.

As old as the Church? Really? That's why persecuted Jews from all over Europe were running away to Poland? That's why Poland before WW2 had the largest Jewish population in Europe? Interesting...

Those Jews must be some sort of masochists - running away in droves from enlightened, tolerant countries to backward, anti-semitic Poland.
27 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

I wish Lewy would stay

I doubt he will. They negotiated with Haaland and hence refused to extend Lewy's contract - he wanted one till June 2024 but Bayern thought they could get Haaland, so they totally ignored Lewy's agent's questions about the contract, even though most of the first team regulars already had their contracts extended by then. Lewandowski is one of the best players in the world and he was treated like a youth team junior. He knows that in Barcelona he will earn less than half of what he was getting in Munich, and he still wants to go - tells you something about how pissed off he is.

This Salihamidzic guy is a disaster. I wonder how much more damage he will do to Bayern.
27 Jun 2022
Feedback / "Ignore" option for certain posters [58]

i have strzelec35,novichok,crow,gregy741,crnogorac3

I only have strzelec35 and Paulina on the list so far.

Give it time Torqi! :)

You know I'm patient, BB, but even my angelic patience has its limits. :)
27 Jun 2022

@Paulina & Pawian

Sorry, I refuse to be drawn into your little world of hate. I can fight the Russians - and I will, if Russia ever invades Poland - but I will not be drawn into hatred of all things Russian.

And no, I don't think Russians - even those who support the war - are "nazi angels of death" or whatever. Enjoy your little spiteful kind of self-righteousness, I'm done with you.
25 Jun 2022

he wasn`t so fascist after all

He was when it suited him and wasn't when it didn't. A shady character in any case and I don't appreciate being compared to him.

That is the penalty for fraternising with bad people.

Bobi's not a bad guy. Some of his views need to be somewhat adjusted but it will sooner be done in a civilised manner than with a constant stream of abuse.
25 Jun 2022

So why did other fascists hang him in 1943?

Not hanged but shot and not in 1943 but in 1944. He saw the war wasn't going as planned, so he tried to switch sides. Didn't work they way he planned.

No. I will tease you a little more. :)

*rolls eyes*

If you really must. But I don't find it amusing.
25 Jun 2022

Reminds me of Galleazo Ciano

Nonsense. Ciano was a fascist and, regardless of whether he had any warm feelings for Poles (maybe it had something to do with Poland awarding him Order Orła Białego in 1938), he was clearly on his Third Reich's allies side in the war, whilst my support for Ukraine is evident, so your "analogy" fails.

Now, f*ck off.
25 Jun 2022

I wonder why some people care that much about me being on friendly terms with Bobko.

As far as the war in Ukraine is concerned, I am firmly on the Ukrainian side, as can be clearly seen from my numerous posts. As for my friends, I shall reserve my right of choice in this regard without asking anyone for permission or approval. End of.

@AntV *high five*
24 Jun 2022

Kania is really suffering from a mental breakdown


Although, when I think of it now, I did suffer from something resembling a mental breakdown when I allowed hatred and aggression to get the better of me. I won't let that happen again.



Get a grip of yourselves, people - nobody here is an executioner and nobody is a dictator. We are a bunch of random people from all over the world, discussing things on a tiny, obscure, technologically outdated internet board that nobody apart from us gives a flying f*ck about. Just to put things into perspective.

Anyways, screw you guys, I'm going to sleep.
24 Jun 2022

Kania is exchanging pleasantries with Bobko even though he knows

You're a woman, so I forgive you for not being able to understand male friendship. If Bobko and I end up in opposite trenches one day, he in a Russian uniform and I in a Polish one, the time for pleasantries will be over. But until then nothing restrains us from recognising certain positive qualities in each other and acknowledging them. :)
24 Jun 2022

Kania, your fraternization with RuSSists here is sickening.

There are no "RuSSists" here, Pawian. Only two Russian guys who came here, to a Polish forum, to talk to us and present their point of view on the war, Ukraine and sometimes life in general. :) We can either treat them in a civilised manner or continue with the verbal abuse. I choose the former. Sue me.

But I forgive you

*breathes a huge sigh of relief*

RuSSists to take control of you

Only God and my wife control me. Who does it to a greater extent I am unable to say. :)
24 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Funniest stuff said on PF! Please post the funniest convos, remakes, responses, name calling or whatever. [93]

They even named a book of it after Galata.


Now think about the Chinese and Indian universities

I will worry about India and China when they produce their Augustine, Shakespeare or Einstein. Hmm... or maybe they did but it hasn't been translated. When I think about the amount of literature that must be published every year in Hindi or Mandarin... 0_0
24 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Funniest stuff said on PF! Please post the funniest convos, remakes, responses, name calling or whatever. [93]

even Yerofeev, is inaccessible without the Bible, Kania

Is any great literature really accessible without the Bible? And I am impressed indeed with your core curriculum :)

Still the best

I certainly agree, although some modern translations are quite all right (NKJV and ESV are my favourites). The closest Polish equivalent to KJV is BG/UBG (Uwspółcześniona/Biblia Gdańska) - based on Textus Receptus and, especially in New Testament, practically equivalent to KJV. Be careful though not to confuse UBG with NBG (Nowa Biblia Gdańska) which is one of the weirdest translations I have ever come across.

And it doesn't mention Serbia anywhere.

What? I thought it started with: "In the beginning there was nothing, only God strolling through the streets of Belgrade".
24 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

... a drink in one hand and Middlemarch in the other. And you would be able to read the book twice before the game finished.
24 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

Watching soccer is torture.

Try watching cricket :)

It's a completely different and foreign approach.

For us the entire idea of drafts seems very odd. And the fact that a team cannot be relegated or promoted from/to NHL, NBA or MLB is also a strange thing to Europeans.
24 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [737]

If Bayern accepts Barca's offer of, say, 45 mil, does Bayern get the 45 mil?

That's the idea.

If so, what does Lew get?

From what I've heard 12 million euro yearly salary (plus bonuses) and undisclosed signing-on fee.

Is there a free agency in footbal: a player's contract expires and then he's open to sign with any club

Yes. Most players signed by Ekstraklasa and Pierwsza Liga teams are free transfers but in better leagues it is also quite common. Lewandowski was a free transfer when he came to Bayern - his contract with Dortmund expired prior to the move.
24 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Funniest stuff said on PF! Please post the funniest convos, remakes, responses, name calling or whatever. [93]

do i know you ?

You knew me under a different username and loved me with all your heart. I am the epitome of polishness, so they keep my clone in Sèvres as an international standard of a Pole.

You will figure it out.

But now excuse me - your mom has just called me to check her plumbing, and as a good Polish plumber that's exactly what I'm going to do. :) See you.

Anyway, so many people from the old days no longer here: Nathan, yehudi, ender, z_darius, Sasha, 1jola, isthatu, wildrover, Seanus, bzibzioh, Sokrates... espana's return brings back so many memories. :)
24 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Funniest stuff said on PF! Please post the funniest convos, remakes, responses, name calling or whatever. [93]

It is funny to watch people fruitlessly try to learn the rules of the forum after 3-7-10 years of being here.

Guilty as charged.

But, hey - this is a Polish board (at least in name) and mods are the authorities; there has to be some resistance and defiance towards the official authorities or it wouldn't be Polish at all!

Crow always manages to strike perfect comedic timing in his response

Also, he sticks around for years on end, despite endless stream of abuse he's getting. Fair play to him :) If all Orthodox Slavs are that resilient, then we better start peace talks with Russia now, ha ha. :)