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Joined: 16 Nov 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Feb 2022
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17 Apr 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

One more lesson on the Polish ways. Nearly 30 million Poles are eligible for voting but usually only about 50% take part

That's good. That way only those who are interested in politics are taking part in voting.

Obviously, there's some room for improvement - traditional Athenian (Greek) democracy worked because only 10% of Greeks (elites) were taking part in elections. What we've got now i Europe is Ochlocracy, a ruling of half-wits stupified by the system of mandatory "education", mass media and entertainment industry. This system works in producing idiots in large numbers, an ideal left voters.

Fortuantely, those who support Konfederacja Korwin-Braun-Narodowcy are very disciplined voters and will be present in voting polls.

74% on a respect scale for teachers is not so little?

Have you read a recent NIK report that over 10% of future teachers had problems with passing Matura? Basially a teaching career is chosen by those who are unable to learn more desired (and much better paid) skills and paths of career such as medicine, architecture, programming, engeenering
6 Apr 2019
History / Unforgettable quotes about Poland and Poles from Polish and world`s history and culture [99]

I think the most proper Polish is spoken in Lublin Voivodeship

Polish when spoken by simpletons has that "shhhshshhsh"

Do I have to tell what's an Englishmen opinion about Scottish English? So don't be so judgemental, especially since you're not a native Polish speaker.

* Don't get me wrong, Scottish-En is funny but I personally like it :-)
4 Apr 2019
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

.338 is heavy duty, packs a stronger punch and has more recoil. But I don't mind when a gun "kicks me". I think I'll have to test them both, preferably side by side, before making the final decision
4 Apr 2019
History / Unforgettable quotes about Poland and Poles from Polish and world`s history and culture [99]

@pawian, That's a bit childish behaviour you know. And you are a teacher, an educator am I right? :-)

At least use a better quality techniques. If I may suggest, I would advise you to read "Psychomanipulacje" by T.Witkowski.

And no, the Cardinal didn't use the word patriotism, but nationalism. He wasn't a man who wouldn't choose his words wisely.
4 Apr 2019
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

You will have to find a group that will invite you in and it will cost 20,000 zl. when all done

Yes @dolnoslask, somewhere between 15000-30000 PLN depending on the extra equipment, but money is not a problem. I'll especially invest extra dough in superb hunting rifle [sztucer], there's no saving money on that. I was thinking Blaser R8 .308 winchester calibre.
4 Apr 2019
History / Unforgettable quotes about Poland and Poles from Polish and world`s history and culture [99]

I've got a juicy quote for you all so you won't drown in self-flagellation of this thread :-)

"Work in the spirit of healthy nationalism. Not chauvinism, but just healthy nationalism, that is, love the Nation and serve him."

~Stefan Wyszynski, a Polish Cardinal, called Primate of the Millennium, who stood against Nazism and Communism.

PS: Don't be deceived by a lack of words such as "Poles" or "Polish" in the quote, since those words were aimed directly to Poles.
4 Apr 2019
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

I've never once heard anyone say they want them.

I do want them. And I will apply for hunter's licence once back in Poland. That's the fastest way to get a permission for a rifle under current strict gun laws.

Sadly has a gun crime rate many times higher than Poland or the U.K.

Well, in the UK a knife crime is on the rise to the point that even ASDA has announced that they will not sell kitchen knives in their supermarkets...

Actualllly not true. Less guns available, they are harder to get = higher price. All that together means that less criminals go that way.

Sure, in border-less Schengen Zone it must be a huge problem to saturate black market with illegal guns.

"552 weapons and more than 44 thousand pieces of ammunition were secured in 2016 throughout the country - informs the Central Bureau of Investigation Police. In most cases, it was illegally imported from abroad.

CBŚP emphasizes that the number of weapons and ammunition secured in the past year was record-high."
4 Apr 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

children being taken away from their mother

You are commenting on an article that you clearly didn't read [again]. Typical @delphiandomine :-)
4 Apr 2019
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

@pawian, you seem to be very focused on school shootings - I know, it has a strong emotion trigger, which turn on emotions and switch off the brain - to which I would like to remind you that in Europe we don't have them.

And not because we don't have a guns, since in Switzerland, for example, half of citizens have a gun. Same in Finland. And only around 1.5% of Poles have them...

Yet we have a lot of other situations where regular citizens could use weapons to defend themselves and the other around them.

Those who intend to use weapons for a criminal purpose are not discouraged by strict gun law regulations and they will get weapons anyway. They often even prefer to get illegally since they don't have to provide any form of ID when buying them.

A strict gun law only hits a law abiding citizens who would wish to be armed for self-defense purpose.
4 Apr 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

"Russian, who took his three children from Swedish foster family, is detained in Poland"

In communist times Poles often seek refugee in Scandinavia, not it is the other way around and political refugees are coming to Poland from a "free liberal world"
3 Apr 2019
Law / Weapons laws in Poland. Carrying a concealed handgun? [918]

If anything, those mass shootings reminds me that if every decent citizen had weapons on them at all times those situations could be prevented or minimized. Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.

I still remember the footage from London Bridge attacks when defenceless guys in a pub tried to fend of the terrorists by... throwing beer glasses at them.

During my last holiday in Poland I went with my uni friends to relax in a local shooting range. The whole business seems to be very busy. Young Poles seem to be very much interested in weapons.

Yes, there are some vocal hysterical people indoctrinated by a liberal press which are against owning guns by a regular citizens. But this mindset will quickly change with a recent introduction of voluntary territorial defense units [WOT] which makes young patriotic people accustomed to guns.
3 Apr 2019
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

the thing is here, you see, that 'life threatening situation' is wide open to individual interpretation, by different doctors. Like in the UK.

It sure is.

I've recently read an interesting story about Emilia Wojtyla, a mother of a future Pope John Paul II. When she was pregnant with him, she was advised by a doctor to have an abortion because "neither her or her child would not survive a childbirth".

She have decided to take that risk and have a child. She didn't die and gave birth to a healthy boy.
3 Apr 2019
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

So in certain circumstances you're fine with killing:

I simply illustrated what's the current legal situation regarding abortion in Poland is. And it is allowed when the pregnancy is a result of rape or in case of life-threatening situation for a mother.

Abortion-on-demand, on the other hand, looks more or less like this:

"Look honey, we had some fun the other night and now you're pregnant. We have to kill that baby because, when born, it may decrease our standard of living"

Non-sentient clusters of cells.

Nah, I still think that you're more than that but there's some room for improvement :-)
3 Apr 2019
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

*Just to be clear by most cases I mean those excluding rape or life-threatening situation (because it is so easy to predict what the main line of defence will be in this case :-)
3 Apr 2019
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Why don't we be honest about the abortion? Pro-abortion "pro-choice" activists are often hiding behind some phoney excuses while in most cases their motivation is simple:

We want to be able to kill defenceless human beings because it is easier than controlling our sexual lust. And we want to have sex without consequences. As simple as that.

Like Robert Gwiazdowski, lawyer and an economist, said: "woman had a choice when she spread her legs" :-)
2 Apr 2019
History / History of two Neighbors: Poland - Germany Interrelations [283]

This seems to be a suitable thread for this subject:

What are you opinions about Rammstein - Deutschland music video?

It has been watched 20 million times in the last 5 days, yet the YT comments are disabled.
2 Apr 2019
History / Unforgettable quotes about Poland and Poles from Polish and world`s history and culture [99]

He doesn't impress me

Interesting and inspiring doesn't always has to be impressive. And the real measure of intelligence is not producing a publicly acceptable statements. Most of the time is quite on the contrary.


That depends what you mean by a "good way". That man for example has predicted a financial and structural problems of ZUS a few decades before it started to be visible to a general public. Many narrow-minded folks even now don't believe that there is a problem ... :-)
2 Apr 2019
History / Unforgettable quotes about Poland and Poles from Polish and world`s history and culture [99]

I pick myself those ideas which JKM shares that I find interesting and inspiring. We don't have to accept everything uncritically. Let's leave that to a totalitarian-minded people which can't think for themselves :-)

Let's take Churchill for example. I think that he was a grim character and, ultimately, a loser who put the final nail in the coffin of the British Empire.

He didn't deserve such an appraisal which he receives in Britain.

Yet, he has produced a handful of interesting, inspiring and thought provoking quotes.
2 Apr 2019
History / Positive portrayal of Poles in world`s cinema and TV [18]

I almost forgot this old classic "To Be or Not to Be" [1942]

80 year old film and still funnier than most contemporary "comedies"

It's even available on youtube
2 Apr 2019
History / Unforgettable quotes about Poland and Poles from Polish and world`s history and culture [99]

A monkey is a much better voter than a socialist. Statistically speaking, if we assume that there are two options to choose from: the "A" and the "B" - the monkey is voting randomly, so its wrong 50% of the time. The socialist, however - is always wrong.

~ Janusz Korwin Mikke, Polish politician, leader of Liberty party. European Union MP
2 Apr 2019
Work / Diversity in Poland especially in workplace [90]

Women in the workforce is hardly news

This kind of [gender] diversity has been naturally and effectively achieved in Poland a long time ago. We have a very smart women in Poland and they've achieved their position thanks to their skills and hard work not socialist "positive" discrimination programs.

"Poland is leading the way with the number of women who hold managerial jobs in the EU, second only to Latvia."
1 Apr 2019
Work / Diversity in Poland especially in workplace [90]

however as in most places there there are department managers who recruit people they feel most comfortable with

How dare those blood-sucking capitalists employ who they want and feel the most comfortable with? :-)

How come they are not ashamed to employ those who are the most suitable for the position instead of, first and foremost, taking into account affirmative actions [which also goes by the name of a "positive" discrimination] which are completely incompatible with Polish socio-economic reality?

There's no problem with diversity/minorities in Poland? Then we should create the problem first and then solve it in a way that will create even more problems! The good 'ol socialist way :-)
1 Apr 2019
Work / Diversity in Poland especially in workplace [90]

@Iwonka, When it comes to sex and age diversity I think we don't have problem with that in Poland.

Unless we take into account pseudo-science which defines gender as fluid and non-binary :-P
1 Apr 2019
Work / Diversity in Poland especially in workplace [90]

@Iwonka, I have nothing against immigrants from other EU countries and from countries with similar cultural and religious background.

I'm against making Poland some failed 'multikulti' experiment playground which I've witnessed in the UK and which we all are witnessing in Western EU.

When it comes to Indians as long as they come to work on temporary work visas, like most of the Ukrainians right now, I'm fine with that.

Anyway, once Konfederacja Korwin+Braun+Narodowcy get into Polish parliament they will regulate those matters and they will be much more strict than PiS is (or ever was). They've already have 5 MEP in Polish parliament and they're growing in popularity.
1 Apr 2019
Work / Diversity in Poland especially in workplace [90]

Do the international companies all of a sudden forego diversity tactics

When there's no diversity diversity tactics are impossible, right? And they are not in the position to dictate rules to Polish government nor to the Polish nation. They can only operate within Polish law.

diversity is key or needed in these companies to make them function more effectively

In that case they wouldn't invest in Poland, yet they do. In fact Poland is a top FDI [foreign direct investment] destination in Europe*.
