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Posts by Spike31  

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3 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

That's interesting. Even those opinion polls which were made for and quoted by gazeta wyborcza are giving Konfederacja 5.6 % of votes in the upcoming elections.

So it is safe to assume that Konfederacja has more than that, especially since S.Michalkiewicz has revealed a letter to MSZ about act JUST 447 which the government would like to keep in secret before the elections.,114884,24711556,najnowszy-sondaz-do-europarlamentu-pis-wciaz-na-prowadzeniu.html
2 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

I have plenty of marketable skills but I couldn't just pitch up in Australia or Canada - And neither can you

I don't know about your skills and work history but I had job offers from outside of the EU and outside of Europe. And even now when I'm not actively seeking for a job I'm still constantly getting a new offers on my email and LinkedIn profile. Most employers offer to take care of all the legal paperwork necessary to start work ASAP.

So all the paperwork can be delegated to the future employers and long as you present value to the company.

It's the same as in case of Ukrainians in Poland: they're not part of the EU yet 1.5 mln. of them work legally in Poland.
2 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

As a Polish taxpayer and a British taxpayer alike.

I, like many others, would have a right to work in the UK regardless of the existance of the EU. The decisive point here are skills and work experience not regulations. You see, the system of work delegation has existed long before the creation of the EU and it will remain long after its collapse.

"The EU is a monument to the vanity of [socialist] intellectuals, whether it fails is certain only the total damage is unknown." Margaret Thatcher
2 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

rightists and nationalists spit on the EU and at the same time relentlessly suck all benefits from it

All I can only think about is what percentage of my tax money was wasted on that insitution. To have all the real benefits all we need is a free trade [EEC] and Schengen agreements. The rest is just a social engineering and political indoctrination. The EU as a political entity was established in 2009 with Lisbon Treaty.

Sorry, but nationalists can`t create anything positive.

Nationalism, in fact, created whole nations and civilisations and their cultures which is a very positive thing.

Nationalism has also helped many cultures like Irish, Polish, Czech, Scottish, to survive foreign invasions and oppressions.
1 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

We are talking about Poland in or out of the EU which is going to remain an entity for a long time.

That's a mental slave with learned helplessness talk.

No, we can do so much more than that. We can re-shape it - that's what leftist were doing for the last few decades transforming EEC into the EU bastard - or we can destroy it from within and create a new trade agreement on its ashes.

Every institution, especially such an inefficient one as the EU, can be dismantled or shaped into new form. All is needed are favourable social dynamics and capable leaders who will steer social emotions into the right direction. I believe reshaping it is a waste of time so it needs to be abolished and a simple free trade agreement (like EEC) without all that ideological polyp should be created in its place.

No amount of media indoctrination will stop it once people realise that they loosing more, in terms of money, personal freedoms, cultural integrity, than they gain from such an institution.
1 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

You forget about custom tariffs on import into the EU.

Read it again. Carefully. I said that European free market [EEC] predates the EU by half a century. The EU is like a leftist tumor which has grown on EEC (European Economic Community). It's possible to have a free trade in Europe without neo-marxist penalnty which is the EU.

Of course not. Poland would never achieve Norway status in travelling if out of the EU.

Just because you have some form of inferiority complex, which is evident in this statement, doesn't mean that it cannot be done.

First of all: 50% of those funds needs to come from a national budget. That's what almost made Spain go bancrupt. They've started to build highways to nowhere, ghost airports, and other massive projects which were pointless from economical point of view.
1 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

No I am pro Europe.

I'm also pro-Europe. That's why I'm againt the EU which is in direct contradition to traditional European values.
1 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

I'll point out few things which were omitted:

> Polish GDP could grow faster without EU extensive regulations and beaurocracy. Free European market is possible with the EU: it existed since1957 [Treaty of Rome] as EEC when the EU wasn't even [ill] conceived yet.

>Freedom of travel is a part of Schengen agreement. Countries like Norway are not in the EU yet they are still in Schengen zone.

>Infrastructure projects this one is my favourite since for each project that was "founded" by the EU there are another few which couldn't be realized because of EU rules and restrictions. We can only see what was built and done but we cannot see how many projects weren't even started thanks to the EU beaurocracy.
1 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

I will save my vote for when a party emerges willing to share and act upon the truth.

You won't have to wait too long since Konfederacja is about to emerge as a 4th political power in Polish politics
22 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

If I no make mistake the first regularly operating nuclear power plant was built in Russia.

And to be perfectly honest let's not forget that the nuclear technology was stolen by Soviet security agency from the US :-P
22 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

@Ironside, I wouldn't say I like him, but I like the fact that he is here sharing his views on this forum. Without such a voice some people would think that Germans have actually changed. He say what many of them think but only few dare to say out loud.

Another thing is that on regular german speaking forums, where free speech is tamed, he would get banned instantly so he can shine here where there's no PC :-)
22 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

This Weimarer boy is golden. If he didin't exist it would be necessary to invent him. Sharing so openly views of your German idiots, hailing from slowly decaying Germany, who still believe they are something special on PolishForums :-)
21 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]


Yes, @BratwurstBoy, it is a confimation of common border between Poland and Germany. Yet, it has nothing to do with war reparations.
You obviously don't think that this would stick in the international court, do you?

The reason why there's no bilateral Polish-German treaty is due to our difficult modern history which prevented Poland (and Germany too) for almost half a century to conduct independent international realtions. Now there's a chance to regulate it properly.

Again show me your seriousness and ask Moscow for reparations...

It's not wise to pick up a fight with two strong opponents at the same time (as you should know by now). It's better to deal with them one by one. It is also wise to pick a fight in the most appropriate moment and place when you have a chance to do so.
21 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

That's very nice. That's great that Germany solved the reparation issue with the US, the UK, France, Netherlands and Denmark.

Now, stop playing naive and show me the copy of the same agreement signed between Poland and Germany.
20 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126] wouldn't be the first time...this topic pops up regularly....

I asked for links to government sites with photocopies of sufficient documents not wiki pages. Since you had this "325 rounds before" you must be very well informed in this subject.

Im 24 years old.

And I'm a 35 year old Polish man who served in Polish army and empty words from German boys don't impress me even in a slightest.
20 Apr 2019
News / Petition for War Crimes Reparations for Poland [126]

But reparations have, especially if there has been compensations and subscribed treaties about it...

I'm sure you will provide links to those "subscibed treaties"? So far even the government of Germany cannot oficially produce sufficient documents
20 Apr 2019
News / Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow [235]

why trust universal free healthcare

There's no such thing as "free" healthcare just like there's no such thing as "free lunch" or a "government money". Taxpayers are paying for all of this at the end of the day.
19 Apr 2019
News / Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow [235]

Iwonka, I think the best way to verify the teachers is to let them be evaluated by parents (and their wallets) of the school children. Nobody else cares as much about the future of their children as their parents. Why should we trust some bureaucrats from MEN instead?
19 Apr 2019
News / Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow [235]

Teachers, like any other groups, should be evaluated by free market. Do we have "national" or "public" restaurants or grocery stores? No. Yet, the quality of the food is satisfactory, and the more you're willing to pay for a restaurant - the better the service.

Once the restaurant lose it's reputation with clients it goes bankrupt and the competitors takes over and the system works well.

And eating is one of the most basic human needs, so why would we make an exception for an education?
18 Apr 2019
News / Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow [235]

You must be a humanist then :-) Nothing wrong with that. Society needs them too, maybe not in a such vast numbers.

And thank you for sharing your extensive knowledge about IT with me. I'll take your advice and downgrade myself to junior dev from now on and I'll ask my "boss" to pay me 1/3 of what I'm making now :-)
18 Apr 2019
News / Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow [235]

Now now, do stop telling fibs. It actually does very poorly compared to public universities.

In terms of what? Out of all of my high schools friends who went to public Uni's even as famous as UW or WSH that I'm still in touch with I've got the best paying job and the most in demand skills :-)

Public Uni's may be best place for "humanists" or some future unemployed sociology adepts yet for IT technologies you go to private sector
18 Apr 2019
News / Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow [235]

@Iwonka, I can assure you that Polish-Japanese Academy of Information is not one of them :-)

It scores good results when compared to public schools, even the most famous, and heavily subsidized, ones.

So in this case you don't "pay to pass" (which is meaningless because the job market will quickly verify your skills) but for well equipped IT classes and courses crafted for proving student with useful skills and not just teoretical knowledge which happens very often in public schools .

In the US the top Uni's are private and I hope that we will achieve the same results in Poland.
18 Apr 2019
News / Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow [235]

Shows again how much you "know" about Poland :-)

Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology is one of the top Technical Universities in Poland
18 Apr 2019
News / Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow [235]

Who then determines whether or not a teacher is "great" or "average", Spike?

A parents of school children would decide who is great or not so great voting with their wallets.

That's been suggested before and dismissed as unworkable.

That worked for the most part of the history of Western civilisation.

I myself studied in private Uni (worked part-time and paid for it myself). That's to that I don't have to strike and hold school children as hostage because I got paid for my skills by satisfied customers on a free market.
18 Apr 2019
News / Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow [235]

In the meanwhile there's no money for teachers, nurses or the disabled.

I believe that's not the issue in private shools where teachers get paid according to their skills and their results. So instead of looking for "governement" money for pay raises for tachers en masse we should change the education system.

Parents of a school children should vote with their money. This way great teacher would make great money, average teachers would make average money and bad teachers would have to re-train or upskill or lose their job.
18 Apr 2019
News / Schools in Poland to strike tomorrow [235]

How about giving 500+ to any salary?

Kaprys, much better idea would be to not deducting those 500PLN from salary in taxes in the first place.

It's a huge waste of money and resources to first take it away from citizens, then run it through beaurocratic machinery, and then give it away as "government money". Each 500+ costs us 600+.

Government doesn't make any money. It is our money and they only distributing it as they wish.
17 Apr 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

One more lesson on the Polish ways. Nearly 30 million Poles are eligible for voting but usually only about 50% take part

That's good. That way only those who are interested in politics are taking part in voting.

Obviously, there's some room for improvement - traditional Athenian (Greek) democracy worked because only 10% of Greeks (elites) were taking part in elections. What we've got now i Europe is Ochlocracy, a ruling of half-wits stupified by the system of mandatory "education", mass media and entertainment industry. This system works in producing idiots in large numbers, an ideal left voters.

Fortuantely, those who support Konfederacja Korwin-Braun-Narodowcy are very disciplined voters and will be present in voting polls.

74% on a respect scale for teachers is not so little?

Have you read a recent NIK report that over 10% of future teachers had problems with passing Matura? Basially a teaching career is chosen by those who are unable to learn more desired (and much better paid) skills and paths of career such as medicine, architecture, programming, engeenering
6 Apr 2019
History / Unforgettable quotes about Poland and Poles from Polish and world`s history and culture [99]

I think the most proper Polish is spoken in Lublin Voivodeship

Polish when spoken by simpletons has that "shhhshshhsh"

Do I have to tell what's an Englishmen opinion about Scottish English? So don't be so judgemental, especially since you're not a native Polish speaker.

* Don't get me wrong, Scottish-En is funny but I personally like it :-)