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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Berlin, Germany
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Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
5 Jul 2022
History / Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective [94]

Who were the slaves? And who were the buyers?

As a pagan you didn't live as a eco, free, firendly guy

Nah.....I'm not a lefty Hippie at all....I just have something against all that religious conversion....all people today fearing a muslim takeover....well, they are the modern pagans, heh:)

A REAL European is/was a pagan....everything else had been imported from far away places...the Middle East no's not native to Europe, to Europeans, never has been....just saying!

(but more of that and the Admin removes us)
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Jul 2022
History / Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective [94]

However pagans being pacified and converted


it was the royal coat of arms of the Piast dynasty. The first rulers of Poland). did the Piasts became the first rulers? Were they an influential family before already? Elections? That would be an interesting extra chapter....
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jul 2022
History / Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective [94]

Have you lost your mind or do you just hate him?

I guess it's because English isn't his native language either so he uses words and sentencens and expressions which make it easy for another non-native like me to read and understand...I liked it! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
4 Jul 2022
History / Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective [94]

End of Chapter I - Written by Kashub1410 - in the early morning of 04.07.2022 CE

A good read! :)

(it is unknown wether the word slave derives from the slavic word "słowo" meaning "word"

Could it have something to do with the reason why the germanic people back then were called "niemcy" meaning mute? That would make much more sense than "slave"!

I still love the visuals of the Teutonic Order (not their politics!), even as I must say that Christianity was brought quite forcefully to the pagan Germanics back then too. Who could forget the massacres (beheadings) and enforced mass relocations of the Saxons!
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

the main goals of denazification (de-banderization) and demilitarization

....that sounds so not like a re-unification of a brother-people, as you stated before!

We know how that looks like.....the fall of the Berlin Wall 1989.....or even Hitler riding into Vienna for the Anschluß.....just compare the pictures then with Ukraine now and you see the differences!

Exactly. Hence action in Ukraine.

Well Crowie....without that invasion in Ukraine NATO would be still lying low....fighting for every Penny...asking itself what that all is about....and not even think about any enlargement in the Baltics, no encirclement of Russia at all....

Get the order of events right!
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

Take Chechnya. Changes came. such an extent that Ukrainians will give up, like the Chechens did.

My personal analysis: Nobody in the West gave a flying f*uck about Chechnya (as unfair as it is), the situation couldn't be more different in Ukraine.

If Putin thought he could handle Ukraine as he did Chechnya, well...that was a horrific miscalculation.

Just look at NATO.....never been bigger....never been more unified.....never having more money and modern weapons....never been more popular in the populations.....and soon Russia is really encircled, with NATO at all fronts.

The from the Kremlin sold reason for this war that NATO came "to near" has developed into a joke!
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

.....sometimes I just fear many of them don't think that far....never try to put themselves into their enemy's shoes.

The Russians have always prided themselves for not giving up to the german forces in WWII, for not giving in....keep on fighting with all means available! The civilian resistance has become legendary.

But now they believe other people, Ukrainians, will just give up....lay down belly up and become brave subjects to a hostile, foreign, brutal invader....WHY????

No thought about the "after", the much more difficult time when guns and tanks are not working anymore....they might win the war but definitely lose the peace....and that has never ended well for any occupier!
Bratwurst Boy   
2 Jul 2022
News / Poland, Western Europe and the USA - What if Ukraine disappears from the map? [78]

....what happens when Ukrainians keep rebelling against that? Don't stop fighting for an independent way or another....

You know how that goes....unending bad pictures for Russia in the global news.....a never ending resource draining, hurting zit on russian ass.....what then?
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Jun 2022

I wouldn't call it grievances.

How would you call it?

Obviously, there would be no boots on the ground. But:

And once Ukraine joins EU even such history as with Lwow can be shared....I know....but that wasn't my scenario! ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [739]

I doubt he will.

No, sadly he won't! He is now totally unhappy and even angry there...

I wonder how much more damage he will do to Bayern.

Ja genau! 🥺
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [739]

....but I wish Lewy would stay....Bayern won't be the same without him! 😥
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Jun 2022

In theory everything is possible, but that would be a very unlikely and wild scenario.

....but my question wasn't so much about the possibility of that scenario....hence my plea "to imagine"!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Jun 2022

It actually only needs ONE was the case with Hitler.....with Stalin.....with Mao....with Putin....and nobody could believe Germany becoming the Third Reich even 10 years before....not democratic, developed, intelligent, civilized was unimaginable! And Russia after Gorbatschow? We loved it! Putin was a nobody back then...a pale weak bureaucrat from the third line....

*knocks on wood* ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Jun 2022

It's difficult to imagine, to be honest...

Agreed! But not impossible....

I have learned from posters like Iron that there still exist polish grievances and resentments as in cases like would need a leader building on that, stoking it for a long time though....someone like Putin. Not an opressive foreigner but a national "patriot" helping Poland to get it's place at the "sun" know the drill!
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Jun 2022

That is a difficult situation,

Of course it must be very sure to act differently in the same situation to show such a righteous rage!

Not only be sure of one self but knowing that the whole people will do what is right in such a situation.

Maybe that's why people with a different history, who as a people have failed in such a situation, like Germans, lack this righteous rage and show more "understanding"'s also psychological.
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Jun 2022
Feedback / "Ignore" option for certain posters [58]

How do you put a user on "ignore". I can't find this option in the profile.

I tried to find this too Jon and I butted heads so it has all calmed down and I don't need it anymore....

Give it time Torqi! :)
Bratwurst Boy   
27 Jun 2022

In the same way as common Germans were overjoyed upon taking Paris in 1940.

Well....if "your team" is winning it's tough for any opposition....even if you have your own doubts....they are silenced by all the cheer around you....who doesn't like the "home team" winning, no matter if in the right or in the wrong.....

That too is basic human psychology! *shrugs*

Imagine for a moment Poland acting like Russia....invading western Ukraine for some historical reasons/grievances whatever....probably using the "Banderists" too as a kind of justification....getting some old territory/town back....

How many Poles would agree....would even cheer every success of the polish army....would you also so openly here disagree and fight the polish leadership?

Do you think the Poles as a people would try to overturn the polish government from the streets to end this invasion? Or wouldn't here too a majority agree or at least stay silent? What do you think?