History /
POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]
Switzerland, Central ? What about Italy then ? ;) For me Switzerland is Western.
Italy is south.Look every country bordering to Mediteranean sea is south Europe except France which is western.Mediteranean countries share common culture.You cannot tell France a mediteranean country because it belongs to western culture.Of course you can argue that the southern France has mediteranean elements but this is pointless.
Switzerland and Austria have similarities and commonalities.They are between mountains,so in western european mind they are located not next to the sea but central,so in central Europe.CR,Slovakia,Hungary also have no sea and have similarities to Austria,however due to history inside the iron curtain they were separated from common world with Austria and became part of the eastern Europe.
Russia is not eastern Europe.It is Russia.It is perceived as continent in its own by Russians and many foreigners.