The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Feb 2025
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2126 / Live: 986 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
23 Oct 2009
History / Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2 [339]

But you wrote you are a supporter of absolute monarchy.

One is not a stone, mood may change, one day a Smith another day a brown :=)

But im allmost for what Const said about democracy just that I like "noble Democracy" better.

Or more to say "educated democracy"
I wouldn't have anything against experts controlling the experteese.
Let the samrt guys rule, the other scum mob can just go and speak up something in the media and play opressed for what I care.

If just becaouse some huge mob of idiots makes my country volnurable for attacks I would make revolution and even bring socsialism to them for all I care ;(

But as I said I like "Educated Democracy" best, but if it is necessary I would also accept dictatorship. Hopefully not me I would most likely love to be some form of general or allmost highest commander, not THE chief ;)

But if it IS reqired what can one do...
btw Pawian thanks for info was nice reading :=)
Mr Grunwald   
17 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Witold Urbanowicz

Yeah I remember reading a little bit of it. The americans looked at him as an some kind of Guru or something, wich knew everything and everywhere (since he was good in noticing enemy airplanes)
Mr Grunwald   
15 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Face it,if "you" were that fookin good you wouldnt have been occupied until 1989 ...muppet....

Yeah I know Poland can just easily beat Nazi Germany, Soviet union, USA, Japan, China,Italy and Great Britain! Ooo we should have used all that power but we are pascifists! (LOL)

With your way of thinking alliances should have been abolished long time ago...
Mr Grunwald   
5 Oct 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Is this just me??

When i think about it your right! Everytime I am in Poland and some of my family is driving a car and park at the "parking building or underground" they get troubles getting out?!

For me it seems like easy since I just follow the arrows on the ground but they allways look after something that is written ! :S
Mr Grunwald   
30 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

They were both VERY similar

I tell you I know some things ;)

What does it say?

(Please not "Berlin in one week" or so....)

"W Tydzień! Berlin!" ?

I like "Zwarci i zjednoczeni, Zwycieżymy wroga!" much better :D
I got it as a poster in my room and "WARA" at my door xD
"WARA" all who wants to get into my room hihi :P

"To arms!".

"United and unified we will, We will conquer the enemy!":)

Same poster!
It was To arms! & United and unified we will defeat the enemy!

Wonderfull pictures! Many of them never seen! (pictures, I have seen most of the vehicles but thoose tanks :O)
Mr Grunwald   
28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Ooo 10TP allmost resembles a Soviet one!
BBTBr.Panc looks like a British one!
20/25TP looks like a German tank destroyer!
Oops sorry Nazi destroyer ;)
Mr Grunwald   
28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

If you find anything more I will be happy to look at them :=)
So that you won't think I am here just to babble and nobody is watching ^^

I wanna see more vote!
Mr Grunwald   
28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Somehow the same with "polish jokes"...Poles are eager to pin all their warts on Germans somehow....

Well Poles been more depressed knowing it was an American's fault!
Don't make them more depressed BB the goverment tries so hard that people won't sing Rota :=)
make people more depressed then they will just get the lust for conquest! ;)
Mr Grunwald   
27 Sep 2009
Life / Why are so many Polish People rude on the internet? [96]

Well after losing a football match Poles even attack Scandinavians for their German side of the language. It allways depends on the situation ye know.

with the 14ies, well in that age you either get mocked by mates teacher family or even an animal so when you logg on the computer your just an vulcano ready to explode!
Mr Grunwald   
27 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

You did
I wished it would
Others belived in it blindly since USA is "imperialistic"

But it didn't build...
I only see few directions left for Poland

-Commonwealth (a joining of several countries in central Europe I have no hope of getting Lithuania and Ukraine along it's just plainly impossible in my eyes)

-Germany (military ambitions aren't that high there anylonger while it's a good economic power)
-Russia (as final solution Russia may become an alternative since it's a huge marked and Russians generally don't look at Poland the way Westers look at it)

-dividing alliance (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Turkey and maybe some balkan countries)
Mr Grunwald   
24 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

but, with North korea acting up, do you suppose poland will gather up some troops
and help out the united states if we need you?

Somehow they did with the invasion of Iraq and still got bi$$$slapped for it!
I think they wouldn't used a penny for USA if they got invaded by N-K (But if it was Russia it would been maybe an other story)

Although i agree with him. You go ask Norwegians they wouldn't have much confidence in NATO but USA itself if Norway got invaded!
Mostly becaouse of the oil! So USA saving Poland? I doubt it also other countries next to it? I doubt it!
Mr Grunwald   
24 Sep 2009
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Oh I am so gonna enjoy it. It annouys me how Norwegian farmers demonize wolfs and Bears for killing their sheep. Do it as the larger bear does. Put up fences and guards! We have the technology!

Back to the topic.

Ooo I love Poland for it's excistence! :=)
ha! First time heard that one hmm?
That was what most Polish people in all centuries tried to do!

Ahh pierogi... I miss pierogi! I gotta find a pierogi shop in Norway!
Mr Grunwald   
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

Ahhh go chase a reindeer. At least we weren't burning a candle if front of Adolph's picture like most in Scandinavia.

Like most?!

Do you call a max of 30 k people out of 4 million to be MOST?! Bullocks!
Loads I may agree but most! That's lying!

Especially in Norway there were mostly Fascists not Nazis! Just people mixing names!
More probably pictures of Quisling then A Dorph
Mr Grunwald   
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

Oh yeah, some kid in Iceland has the crabs tonight, surely the US put them in his underwear. News at 11:00.

Well you occupied it in WW2! SHAME ON YOU! :P

hmmmm ,I can understand your agony at being betrayed. In that way you can now feel Russians who felt betrayed when agreements / promises of MUCH larger magnitude & significance were blatantly disregarded fueling hostility in East Europe . Trust me , I mean no offence, but this act 'which you call as betrayal ' is only a correction of a muc bigger betrayal .


I don't care about how Russia or the folx controling it or Russians feel like...
They may feel so much betrayed as much they want! Their dipshit!
Mr Grunwald   
9 Sep 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

soon you will be

Had one of thoose once. Wrecked it since my dad just hated it
Guess the reason lol
"It looks too german, your not a Wehrmacht soldat!"
just wierd :S

Back on Topic please...
Mr Grunwald   
19 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

Some guy must have misunderstood Sweden to be Poland. Please learn to read and learn Geography
Mr Grunwald   
19 Aug 2009
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Hitler was probably right when regarding the Polish question

I think you ment it as a joke but it really hurts me when someone writes something like that.

It's like saying "oh I wish Hitler were smarter so that he actually did invade Britain and made them all slaves for their anti-Hitlerism"

Your not funny
Mr Grunwald   
6 Aug 2009
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [133]

How many people die each year on Polish roads - does anybody know what the stats are?

Oh my I remember allways when I am at my dad's work. Allways some cars crashing becaouse it's a cross. when you hear the iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii from the halting then everyone Oooooooo! Then it's a crash or not. If not then everyone ooooh. But if it is then OH YEAH!

Sons of ******* they deserve a crash in a while :D (Ofcourse if we hear that someone died later we all feel sorry for her/him.

1. Worst thing ever! When I was born in Norway I got my personal number and final. While in Poland I don't get in while I am born and I got to get loads of numbers for everything and nothing!
Mr Grunwald   
21 Jun 2009
Love / Polish Pet Names For Girls. [156]

On the other hand if you were to translate the English way of saying "Hunny" to your gf or bf ... that would sound very weird in Polish

Miodeczko? Miodzio? Miódku? Use your imagination :=)
Mr Grunwald   
5 Jun 2009
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]

you never, ever hear jokes about Germans in Poland.

Mr Grunwald   
7 May 2009
Genealogy / I'm polish and have a darker complexion - WHY? [78]

Dark skinned" Poles are not necessary mixed with anything (especially Central Americans ). Damn, we're not Norwegians...

actualy most sami lives in Oslo and there has been Tater/gypsies here too
Also from the 70's an huge immigration from the middle-east. Now Poles "invades" Norway too :)

Also Sweeds&Danes&Norwegians are used to mix with each other :)

But in general I got your point tho ;)