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26 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

I only wrote you expected more. Frankly, didn`t you?

I expected Konfederacja to get into the EU parliament (when most "opinion" polls gave them no more than 1-3% up until the last week*) and they delivered.

Now I expect them to grow and to absorb most of those 4% that Kukiz had.

*it's time to start holding those institutes legally accountable for delivering manipulative information
26 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

The most interesting question now is what PiS does with Konfederacja.

Like in a Hungarian scenario "Fidesz/Jobbik", PiS will have to accept that there's a party on the right side

Konfederacja will help PiS to stay firmly on the right side and to listen to the conservative electorate instead of looking for a mythical "centre voters". They would also correct their foreign policy. Any move towards centre by PiS would give Konfederacja new fuel to grow.

A scenario in which PiS would be unable to rule without coalition with Konfederacja after autumn elections would be an ideal scenatio for Poland.
26 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

@delphiandomine, as much I like to hear from your mouth insults thrown at those poor excuses for politicians from KE/PO like Kopacz and company, those were exactly the most recognized faces in the coalition.

And the elections to the EU Circus in Poland, which are treaded much less seriously than Parliamentary elections, are in fact a popularity contest not a competence contest.

That said, despite all those efforts and forming a "large coalition", losing the EU elections was in fact a TKO and a red card before the most important Autumn Elections.
26 May 2019
History / Why do Polish people hate to be called Eastern European? [121]

@pawian, you wrote so much nonsense that I don't even know where to start...

As much as I love Russians

So you love Russians. How many Russians do you know in person?

I met quite a few of them in Poland and even more of them in London (they moved to the UK disguised as Latvians, Lithuanians...) and I wouldn't say that I love them but I know how to deal with them in person.

Which brings me to the next point: the only way of effectively dealing with Russians is from the position of power. Any other approach is seen as a sign of weakness by a regular Russian. So yes, a mutual respect is possible only when both sides take hard line. That's how they are wired and that's how they've been conditioned for centuries.

When it comes to politics, obviously that kind of relations with Russia is something that only a strong conservative government is capable of. Even the US, the superpower, got slapped by Russia when they had a weak, incompetent, liberal president Obama.

And now, connecting Polish nationalist with some kind of pro-russian stance is an aberration shared by both tribes: PiS and PO followers. Polish nationalist have pro-Polish stance and in Polish interest is to cooperate with those who will bring - economical, political or any other - profits to Poland. Something which Viktor Orban does succesfully for Hungary.
26 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

@delphiandomine, I'm afraid you don't have an idea about Polish politics.

KE/PO has thrown everything they've had. And they also had overwhelming support of the mass media (excluding public broadcaster), newspapaers and celebrities, not to mention EU politicians (including "the president of Europe").

Yet, it wasn't enough since they lack true elites and are unable to produce any coherent political idea and all they are mentally capable of is:

a) non-constructive criticism not only of PiS or other political parties but also the very foundations of a true European civilisation
b) copycatting dumb ideas invented by even dumber EU left wing groups and politicians and trying to implement them in Poland

They got about 6%. Only. You counted for more. :):)

You're trying to put your own words in my mouth. Point me to the post where I said that. I'm pretty sure those were your words
26 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Not really. They ran with almost no programme

I couldn' agree more. Their only program was: "we're against everything that PiS does and/or says" and "we want the power and priviledges back now!". KE/PO voters didn't vote for KE, they vote against PiS.

I can say a lot of words of criticism about PiS, yet when compared to PO/KE/Nowoczesna/Wiosna they are few levels above them.

Even with Konfederacja, they've actually lost compared to the 2014 result.

Konfederacja has shown that the truly ideological and conservatist right can unite and that it can also score the results which will guarantee parliamentary seats. Many potential voters won'tbe afraid of "wasted vote" syndrome in the future.

I predict that for the next 6 months until the next elections they will grow and absorb Kukiz 15 voters and some of the most conservative PiS voters.
26 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Estimated [record] turnout: 43%

Estimated results:

Prawo i Sprawiedliwość - 42.4 procent
Koalicja Europejska - 39.1 procent
Wiosna Biedronia - 6.6 procent
Konfederacja KORWiN Braun Liroy Narodowcy - 6.1 procent
Kukiz'15 - 4.1 procent
Lewica Razem - 1.3 procent

If KE lost even the EU elections they will get even worse beating in Parliamentary elections.

My predictions from 3 days ago

My prediction is: the higher the participation, the worse overall results for KE.

26 May 2019
Life / Rural Poland Heritage [39]

Johnny you will find it hard to meet a Pole under 30 who has never been to McDonalds

You're writing it like it is some kind of "measure of civilisation"

How many McDonalds have you got per square mile? Uuu, so many? It must be a very civililised country ;-)
25 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Wrong again. Europeans could and did in fact vote for him

Beaurocrats [politicians are elected, beaurocrats are appointed] of European Commission, of which Juncker is a president, are not directly elected but nominated by the European Council (of which itself is semi-directly elected...) and then approved by the EU Circus that is a Parliament in Strasburg, which itself breaks many democratic rules*.

* (with english subtittles)
24 May 2019
Life / Rural Poland Heritage [39]

You forgot about the fact that most villagers have their own houses [no rent] and a piece of land which brings them their own food and/or additional income from selling raw products to markets.
23 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

@pawian since it costs nothing let's predict the future :-)

My prediction is: the higher the participation, the worse overall results for KE.

Just a few months ago there was no issue of KE scoring less than PiS in the EU elections and it was only argued how many more votes than PiS they will get. Now they're excited when both results are equal. And PiS is afraid that Konfederacja will take "their" votes from conservative voters.

Since there's EU circus in Strasburg has no real power, because decision are being made by [non-elected] European Council, those elections will serve mostly as a PR event before autumn elections in Poland.

And now let's wait and see.
23 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

First of all, 40% or more who are going to vote are not 1/3

Declarations and actions are two different things. But who knows, maybe they'll really storm voting stations like there's no tomorrow and we will see 100% turn out like in communist times? :-P

Meanwhile, I'd suggest that you would check and compare the statistics for the EU elections in Poland:

Year 2004 20,9%
Year 2009 24,53%
Year 2014 23,83%

With Parliamentary elections in Poland:

Year 2005 40,57%
Yeat 2007 53,88%
Year 2011 48,92%
Year 2015 50.92%
23 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

@delphinadomine, you're getting too much excited about the elections to the EU Circus which won't attract more than 1/3 of the voters in Poland. A reallly important elections will take place in autumn.
23 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

"These populist, nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own countries," Juncker told CNN.

Thank you mister Drunker for your kind support.
22 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Long live free Poland! Down with fascist nationalists! F....k you! I only hope you won`t gag me

You are becoming melodramatic, @pawian Or is it just a pre-election paranoia? :-)

If fact, it is the left side which would like to gag any opposition and ostracize those who are not sharing their views.
22 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Yes, they are mostly males who lack proper education and are unemployed or have menial jobs.

Well, given it was true - and it's not, that would only mean that the current system is bad and it is alienating young and energetic males from contributing to Polish economy and society. But I understand that you only wanted to insult them [us] and not to look for a real answer.

I can clearly see that you are lost because instead of fighting with your imaginary enemies that are easy to dismiss and ridicule you have to face young eloquent people and very reasonable ideas and political solutions which they share.

It is easy to observe in public political debates a huge difference in knowledge and an intelectual potential between young national-conservatist politicians like Konrad Berkowicz, Slawomir Mentzen, Krzysztof Bosak and a young "elites" of the left.
21 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Here's an interesting public opinion poll for, bear with me, gazeta wyborcza.

35% of young Poles age 18-24 wants to vote for Konfederacja.

By far the most than for any other political party in Poland. 25% in a wider age group of 18-34. The future is bRight.
20 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

@Pawian, you switched you opinion quickly from: "Konfederacja doesn't have a chance to get into EU Parliament" to "I hope they will get at least 10%". Ach, the power of public opinion polls :-)

Obviously, the main purpose of the EU Circus elections is to flex muscles and to gain political popularity. The real power comes with autumn Parliamentary elections in Poland.

We don't know the results yet but let's speculate a bit.

PO will get more % of votes in the EU elec. than in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Partly because countryside PiS electorate doesn't care about the EU parliament elections at all, but they will mobilize for autumn elections.

Your hopes and calculations are quite far-fetched. If Konfederacja canibalise Kukiz 15 completely, PiS will have no other option that forming a coalition with Konfederacja who will gain expotential political power thanks to being the only political force that PiS could effectively cooperate with.

Basically PiS will have to grant a few important seats to Konfederacja leaders and agree to some "radical" (in their opinion) postulates such as deregulation of economy, laxing gun laws, much more independent foreign politics, tighter grip on immigration from outside of Europe and more..
20 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Konfederacja/Kukiz are gaining from PiS being perceived as weak on restitution claims from the USA.

A voice of reason from you, @delphiandomine warm up my heart :-)

'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!' Luke 15:3-7
20 May 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Historically speaking Austria was penetrated by GRU and KGB residents to a level not seen in any other Western country and they were very passive and never expelled any of them. So I'm not very surprised by this turn of events.
19 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

I criticized Germany for many things and political decisions but I never questioned importance of free economic exchange between Poland and Germany. That's what our relations should be restricted too. When it comes to politics and social matters, Germany is a bad influence.

I thought that "liberals" were always pro-choice, was I mistaken? :-P

I repeat: "[taking] all the parts that works without any parts which aren't necessary for harmonic cooperation between nation-states of Europe. Those unnecessary penalties are leftist ideological distortions which are omnipresent in the EU." And not needed at all.
19 May 2019
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

Polish national traits are creativity, individualism, stubborness, contrariness, respect for family values, heroism in times of crisis
19 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

Correction: we want all the parts that works without any parts which aren't necessary for harmonic cooperation between nation-states of Europe. Those unnecessary penalties are leftist ideological distortions which are omnipresent in the EU.
19 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

What most Poles want are the things which are [falsely] associated with the EU like Schengen zone free travel agreement, free trade which was started by European Economic Community and existed long before the EU was even created.

A work needs to be done to make Poles realise that.
19 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

I think they were really clear about it during the last party congress in Warsaw. They want Poland out of socialist driven EU, yet there are two factions: one - which I support - wants to destroy the EU from within to eliminate the threat of ever expanding socialist federation and the other one want Polexit which is a half-measure in my opinion but still better than remaining in the EU.

We don't need the EU.

For free travel we only need Schengen zone which is independent from the EU structures.

And for free trade we only need single market ie. EEC as established in Treaties of Rome in 1957 long before the EU was even a dream [or rather a nightmare].
19 May 2019
Life / Political correctness in Poland [210]

About political correctness in Poland.

This track was played in all major radio stations and on TV back in 2005 and it was completely normal :-)
19 May 2019
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

a few videos about Israel and Migration but no clear list of what they believe in.

A one minute video which says more about what [and who] they represent than most political parties says during the whole election campaign.