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Speaks Polish?: little

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22 May 2008
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]

From my conversations with Czechs they like Slovaks while Slovaks dislike Czechs.It is a strange relationship.Basically Czechs are viewed as cold,cunning and lacking morals while Czechs view Slovaks as their little brothers in a picturesque,agricultural country.Many Slovaks like Hungarians though.

The Slovaks have neutral opinion about Poland or positive.The Czechs think of Poles as economically undeveloped and reminding of their own flaws.They cause a confusion in the identity they want to have.Czechs are heavily anti-German,very deep rooted feelings here and do not bother to show their attitude.

It is to notice that 90% of Czechs are atheists while 90% of Poles are catholics.This causes a kind of mutual dislike as Czechs view Poles as strict,not liberals,inflexible while Poles may view Czechs as funny,unreliable etc.
21 May 2008
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Lets see what nationality you think i look =) lol


You look very polish.Typical polish.The same look can be found in western Ukraine and eastern Czech Republic.
2 May 2008
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

How many polish girls have plastic surgery on their noses?I predict there are very,very few.Polish girls do not need cosmetic surgery.(nor nose,nor breast augmentation).They are gifted by nature.
28 Apr 2008
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

I think most Euro nations are known for having big noses (ie French, Italian etc.).

Actually slavic and aryan nose tends to be small.(There are exceptions but there are causes for that).
What is definitely longer are the semitic noses.They are common in Jews,Armenians and have influenced the shape of noses of mediteranean people.Nazis in Germany used with accurate results the method of measuring the nose index to spot the persons of semitic origin(Jews) who tried to pass out as Germans.The method proved simple and almost flawless.

There is no method to spot the slavic nose by measuring only nose index.You need more parameters to define it.Also nose on some Poles may look longer due to certain slavic features of splachnic cranium.Had they different facial characteristics,the same nose would look symmetric or even small.

In mediteranean countries slavic nose is interpreted as small nose and used as a rouch sign to identify possible slavic origin(in contrast to native bigger meditaranean nose due to semitic(aka arabic) local influence.
11 Apr 2008
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

Colour is not important.For example the Finns are far lighter than the Hungarians although they have common ancestry.This is because the Finns migrated to the North where the sun shines less.

What is important is the facial characteristics like nose shape and analogy to face,cheeks,frontal bones of splachnic cranium etc and the body characteristics like waist to hip ratio,length of legs etc.

All these folllow a common pattern in slavic folks while the colour differs,that is Serbs are for sure darker than Poles because the sun shines more in Serbia than in Poland,however all other features carry a great resemblance and you will see it in praxis when you try to differentiate the serbian from the polish girls.You will be surprised in many occasions except when you meet the typical polish face which is prevalent only in Poland and some areas of western Ukraine.
11 Apr 2008
Love / Do Polish date Spanish people [50]

Polish girls distrust italian guys and maybe spanish ones.I do not know why.They are relieved when you tell them I am not italian.
20 Mar 2008
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]

I think the Czechs dislike Poles because they regard them as strict and traditional while Czechs are generally more liberal,like bohemian attitude.
13 Mar 2008
History / Sarmatism in Poland [119]

Vikings and their Ukrainians allies captured Consatntinopol


I did not write where the word Slav came from.Probably Slavs called themselves like this.I commented how it came to mean the slave.
12 Mar 2008
History / Sarmatism in Poland [119]

They are from a medieval Latin word Sclavus and its slightly later form Slavus

I think the Byzantines first called them Sklavinoi in the 6th century.A lot of Sklavinoi were captured in the wars and sold as slaves,so the name Sklavos came to mean the slave.
3 Mar 2008
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

The 2nd from the left standing is polish for sure.Also the one sitting next to her,touching her with the arms.(the first from the left with the hat).

I am not sure about the blonde sitting,first from the right.I would tell she is not polish.
14 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Actually Swedish made a lot of money selling raw materials and industrial products to Germany during the war.They also made a lot of money after the war because of lack of competition to their products since most industries in continental Europe had been destroyed.

The Swiss still get benefits from the nazi deposits.(some gold of jewish teeth removed in Auschwitz still lies in their banks).
9 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Why is the Jewish lobby powerful?

Because they have IQ 105(the Ashkenazi) which is higher than most american minorities.So many of them enter universities and get highly valued degrees and positions of influence.
9 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

I have noticed that Poles get along with Ukrainians quite well.Other forces made them collide.Ukrainians do not accuse Poles either.
I remind what the SS Oberfuhrer of Ukraine Koch said:My greatest success will be when every Pole has only one wish,to kill as many Ukrainians as possible and when every Ukrainian strives to kill every Pole.
9 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Instead she is fixed on Ukrainians who were the victims themselves for so many centuries and didn't even have their own country until recently.

Tones down.A dirty story does not need to come to light again since both parts have agreed so.
9 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

how is that related to happiness?

Because Slavs are easy going and loose and like to party are more friendly and happy than Germans.
Yes,Poles are more individualistic than other Slavs.However they have a bigger sense of community than westerners.
9 Feb 2008
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

I will tell you the difference.Germans are organized,Slavs are more natural.Germans like to build,Slavs like nature.Germans are aggressive,Slavs are peacefu.Germans are individualistic,Slavs value collectivism.Germans obey to law,have certain rights and obligations,Slavs are family oriented people with not so many rules.Many differences.

For example a polish family may give you a room to stay.No german family will give you any room unless you pay.They have more formal relationships.Slavs are generous,Germans are stiff.

In behaviour Germans are strict,Slavs are easy going.Germans are cold,Slavs are more emotional.