The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 33 mins ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2128 / Live: 988 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
24 Mar 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

A/Some Lithuanians have made post stamps of Piłsudski side by side with Hitler and Stalin

Half a million Lithuanians were victims of Soviet crimes and 200 thousand Lithuanian Jews experienced Hitler's work

While Piłsudski...
He considered himself an Lithuanian and was quite positive towards the Independence of Lithuania as a national state itself (Wilno,Vilnius is an other matter :))

Also Polish state or Poles have never done any genocide on Lithuanians, while pro-German Lithuanians did hunt Poles and Jews alike.,451390_Pilsudski_jak_Hitler_i_Stalin.html
Link above |
Mr Grunwald   
24 Mar 2010
Life / Are foreigners welcome in Poland? [275]

To any foreigner, you are welcome!
As long as you behave like you have behaved (normal)
Don't think your in the center of the universe because in Poland, everyone knows about Copernicus work :)

To any of those first posts at first page
I wore a Polonia Warszawa T-Shirt over half of Warsaw when going home, (a lot of tramwaje) I only had a comment "if you weren't that young I would beat you up!"

I was like 13-14 at that time

people are nice :)
Mr Grunwald   
20 Mar 2010
History / Historical Polish parades [42]

Not after WW2 as they were commmies lol
and to the pre WW2 not likely either as Poland and Great Britain had animosity in stuff like sending Jews to Israel or creating a Jewish state (Polish nationalists helped to train&equip Jewish Zionists so that they could be shipped to Palestine)

nd other stuff too

Although in parades after 1989 I can't remember any Britts taking part of them. Weird enough Germans did :o

After 4:30 there is a French Foreign Legion (don't know if it's Polish members or sent to represent France) + a German contingent ( a clear shock of Germans wanting to participate in a POLISH parade :)) + Lithuanian contingent + Slovakian contingent + an Ukrainian at the end
Mr Grunwald   
16 Mar 2010
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

Most Poles are schovenists :)
Rascism isn't much the deal really as through commie times USA was portraited as full with Blacks and having peple descriminate them and etc. More about the origins of "blacks" I think

Mr Grunwald   
13 Mar 2010
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

Polish people want everyone to feel sorry for them and they love to cause drama and cry on others shoulders about there problems.

I can't get to sleep...
Ta da dam
*walk over to Larry Socha and put his head on his shoulders and starts to cry*

When are the polish going to learn that Poland is not at the centre of the world :)

Last time I checked Poland is in the middle of Europe (with Germany) and Europe is the world for me anything outside it is unimportant :p
Mr Grunwald   
12 Mar 2010
Off-Topic / To ALL IMMIGRANTS ("expats") to Poland on this forum... [124]

No such a thing sir.You either Polish or Norwegian

I don't like this guy, im mixed with so many different nationalities and I chose 2 people like him are still not pleased I mean like WTF!? 1 Norwegian parent + 1 Polish parent Ive learned a mix of both cultures...

I can't chose between a parent..

You guys(and gals) need to leave PL!GO HOME!

Your not Polish! Your hospitality level is down down down somewhere and has breached the border named zero! Your on minus!
Mr Grunwald   
12 Mar 2010
Life / Polish (in comparison to English and Indian) have amazing culture [71]


Brilliant simply brilliant!

Are you quite sure you wanted to say that?

Hahahha! Same question

oh, how sweeeeet! Thank you!

Sorry I can't share my experience as Ive only met one which I have been in an relation with.
Although I don't find Polish girls/women shy at all
Mr Grunwald   
8 Mar 2010
History / Is There A Polish Foreign Legion? [35]

Yeah, forget what I said. The Poles actually fooled the Swedes into going home by putting signs up telling them there was football match on TV (then the Poles went to drink some more warka).

good boy

Where did this regiment operate then...? did Poland colonise Africa as most other nations did...?

They tried, but some operations went down caused by lack of dollar$
It was an trade "union" or "deal" with Liberia making it de facto an protectorat, can't remember if it went into reality or not tho.
Mr Grunwald   
7 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

During Poland's communist era the USSR used Pan-Slavism as propaganda tool to justify its control over the country. The issue of the Pan-Slavism was not part of the mainstream political agenda, and is widely seen as an ideology of Russian imperialism.

Polish as pan-slavists? Poland mother of Slavs. wtf?

Crow: you are some kind of freak amongst your nation, because all others are looking to RUSSIA. I would be more proud to be born Serb than Polish!!!!

Crow this Kreaturo is the reason why most Poles have a real careful approach with pan-slavism
Mr Grunwald   
13 Feb 2010
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

In 25 years Europe will be run by mullahs, and the irony is that the once German nation is likely to die sooner than Poles they wanted to exterminate.

If they get to occupy Poland I BET they will leave Europe for good (or Poland at least) LOL

and ofc to the topic!
I dearly hope German-Polish relations will improve just like under Vienna we will be brothers in arms again!
Mr Grunwald   
10 Feb 2010
History / Is There A Polish Foreign Legion? [35]

how many foreigners fought for norway during world war II? Probably none since germany had oslo by lunchtime and the whole of norway in like three days. we will just say there wasnt enough time for them to enlist.that was the reason. maybe the blood does run thick and the norweigan foreigners were pascifists too.

hhahaha, Ye keep thinking like that lol

A few years ago there was talk in Poland of setting up something like a foreign legion.

Ty Polonius3
Mr Grunwald   
6 Feb 2010
History / 'Battle of Britain' won thanks to Polish aces !! [158]

content removed

in BoB Poles helped alot with their small contribution, I don't want to think how it would been if Britain REALLY did stand alone. The morale of the people is quite important too remember!

Hitler wanted the surrender of Britain mostly not to invade it, he didn't have enough transports to do it neither the superiority in the air. Hence why BoB was important.
Mr Grunwald   
4 Feb 2010
History / Is There A Polish Foreign Legion? [35]


The very idea of foreigners wanting to fight for Poland!! But your right.. probably nobody join it anyway /sigh
Mr Grunwald   
4 Feb 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

Well lets bring it home a bit, Norwegians tried to wipe out the indigenous Sami culture.

I know, and many Norwegians don't really /care
I am really ashamed of it, I think of the Sami culture very highly

Still proves my point that... not many Norwegians know FULLY what the Sami people went through...

Who were about to shed the shackles of yet another dictatorship? As the Poles wished to do also?

The internet wasn't available the communication between nations wasn't that good, and nobody knew that much about what happened in ww2 like we know today.

Also Poles looked at Germans, Germany as evil imperialists (think of the propaganda from the commies with the NATO imperialistic countries etc). You know what propaganda can do to a person ;)

The times was right after WW2 :p
Mr Grunwald   
3 Feb 2010
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Polish people are rude, plain simple
"Get out of the country you ******! you come here your gonna get KUR**ED!

Get's to bring the correct information into someones brain quite fast I say.
Wish my fellow countrymen were like that :/
Mr Grunwald   
25 Jan 2010
History / Is There A Polish Foreign Legion? [35]

Hey guys, what's your comments about a foreign legion for Poland?
I think it would been a great idea
Mr Grunwald   
25 Jan 2010
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]

That's why Poles love so much Ukrainians, Belarussians or Lithuanians. Because they separate us from you :))

Shhhh!! Don't tell zhem zhe secret!
Mr Grunwald   
22 Jan 2010
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Many thanks!
I will make a snow statue for you in my garden if you like :p
Mr Grunwald   
22 Jan 2010
History / Polish historical myths - to break or not to break them? [257]

And we are talking about the killing of native Americans, which Europeans/Americans did do.

SeanBM as others have inclined they don't know the FACTS they know the myth only!
All of American except for the immigrants were born in America! Just ask any guy in America where he was born! xD lol
Mr Grunwald   
21 Jan 2010
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Erm...Gruni? Who cares??? ;)

Nobody as useal...
Do you have a Vodka?
Or soda it all good
(Please don't offer me either Coffee or beer)

Its stupid if Poles now start. It would be ironic

They have started allready (NATO)
But if it is sincere and how long it will last. Mmm :)
Mr Grunwald   
20 Jan 2010
History / Question on Poland's szlachta clan admission [26]

I suppose it would been possible, back in the good old days 1 had to bring some family members (2 maybe) to court (maybe) and testify they were in family with that person or from the same heritige.

Although if someone joins the family it should be possible to knight that person as a member of a noble family then. (think first nobles weren't nobles at birth)

So logiclly there should be a chance for that, but I am not sure myself :)

Most of it are only theories from my side
Mr Grunwald   
20 Jan 2010
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

also that English is a germanic language...

Even if I do have Germanic roots, have a native language wich is more German then Norwegian really I am still not german nor will I ever be im Norwegian/Polish in my soul and nobody can change it even if they test my blood and it shows 100% German roots I still say:


Roots may give some sentimental duudli daddle and interesst of reading it up. But it won't change any intellectual beeing.
Mr Grunwald   
20 Jan 2010
History / Yalta Conference and Poland [78]

"Ummm...erm....okay guys...we better cave tank has crashed three times on me on my way here...we have no chance and you can't trust frenchies anyhow....let's go home..."

Oh he would lost his recognition in a second lol