The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Ozi Dan  

Joined: 22 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Mar 2015
Threads: Total: 26 / Live: 2 / Archived: 24
Posts: Total: 566 / Live: 78 / Archived: 488
From: Australia
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Martial arts, fishing, reading, the Napoleonic wars, my missus, Poland, cars......

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Ozi Dan   
1 Jun 2010
History / Poles and (Polish) Jews... Victims of war... and beyond [380]

It was for all ppl of all occupied territories equally dangerous to help Jews or to put up resistance.

Whilst it was dangerous, it was not equally dangerous, because only Poland had the penalty of summary execution for giving aid to Jews. I suggest you read Gunnar Paulson who compares and contrasts Poland and Holland.

Now off to bed again, you spoke two times, way too tiring for your 4 braincells. You need them to walk and shyte later on today, so they need some recovering.

Is there any need for this type of insulting language.
Ozi Dan   
12 Mar 2010
History / Is There A Polish Foreign Legion? [35]

Zaruski was certainly a great man and somebody the Polish nation should be proud of

He was indeed. Even in his NKVD mug shot his face still resonates pride and an indomitable posture. You see it in lots of these mug shots of Poles -they were beaten but not broken and I suppose these pictures were their last way of leaving that message for posterity.

For those interested, here's a link to a site showing Polish (and other) generals. I don't know why, but Zaruski doesn't show up in the list.
Ozi Dan   
20 Jan 2010
History / Yalta Conference and Poland [78]

My point is a simple one and one that many Poles overlook

Your point is in fact not such a simple one, and it is misleading because you've failed to give context (whether deliberately or through naivety) to Sikorski's postulation, as follows:

1. The 'pragmatism' of the proposed boundary was only theoretically pragmatic to all parties because it was made in contemplation of Poland emerging from WW2 as a sovereign and free nation, as well as on the basis that the USSR would leave Poland alone.

2 Ergo, Sikorski's proposed demarche was made on the basis that in return for territory a rapprochement with the USSR would be the consideration, along with Poland's sovereignty guaranteed (plus of course German territory in compensation).

3. Your bald assertion, taken at face value, suggests and presupposes that Sikorski would give away territory dear to Poland in exchange for no consideration from the USSR - this is, to say the least, far fetched.

4. A parable? I'm not getting on with my neighbour so in an effort to heal the rift I propose to give my neighbour my vehicle in exchange for my neighbour leaving me the heck alone and not trying to steal my stuff. I tell my 'friends' of my intentions. I become incapacitated and my neighbour takes it from me, when my 'friends' are watching, and also takes my house, rapes my wife, forces my children into servitude and steals my grandad's war medals. My 'friends' later justified the transaction by saying I told them I intended to part company with my car anyway thus the result was inevitable - they just 'forgot' what I expected in return but didn't want to step on my neighbours toes. Realpolitik doesn't make it right. Puts a different spin on it, doesn't it Sjam.

The 'reality' you suggest was not a consequence of Sikorki's proposal, nor was it 'inevitable', nor a justification per se, but don't let that get in the way of your arguments.

Troll lesson no.1 ....... Why let facts stand in the way of a good arguement ;-))))

Indeed. I've found that one should exercise caution when saying these types of maxims lest the obvious occur. I've got one too however - people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones :-))))))))))))))))))))))

if you keep poking a dog with a stick eventually it's going to bite you.

Aarrghh me hearty - wouldn't the more appropriate metaphor have been poking the parrot with a cutlass?

Pray tell, in all seriousness, what you mean by poking the Russians. A piece of eight to you if you come up with one example that justifies Poland getting the metaphoric bite.

Were we really expected to confront Russian on our own?

Not at all - that is unrealistic and I don't believe that was the expectation. I believe that the grievance lies in the diplomatic arena.

I've commented substantially elsewhere in this forum on my thoughts there and as far as I know, my assumptions remain unchallenged and prevail. Those posts are mainly in my thread "What did Poland get out of the wars and struggles for others" and discuss the Teheran Conference, estoppel, balance sheets of contributions and other such things. I'm sorry but I don't intend searching then cutting and pasting my old comments but you should be able to find them using the 'search' tool if you're interested in having a read. I'd welcome a serious challenge to my theories.....anyone?

"Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." -- Marshall Rydz-Smigly

Can we please have the entire dialogue if possible? I can't imagine that the Marshall would have walked up, said just those words, then departed. Perhaps what was said before and after will give context and meaning and settle this 'quandary'.
Ozi Dan   
16 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

you know you have been exposed as somebody who habitually talks out of his arse and always reply by saying that you can't be bothered to reply when it is clear to all that you simply can not reply!

That's kind of like the way you pretended to ignore me when I confronted you with my factual knowledge and you instead chose to post lies, like you did with Dowding's comments and my anecdote on the cavalry skirmish. It makes me wonder how many more lies you've posted on this forum that aren't as easy to verify and refute...

aye,so fast they made the romanian border in days.....

then onto Great Britain where without future recompense but on the (subsequently incorrect) understanding that as HMG's first ally they wouldn't later be betrayed (and would indeed be assisted in kind), fought for HMG's government from the BoB until the last shot of WW2 and then under the very gaze of HMG marched back to Poland where payment in full courtesy of the Teheran Conference (and indeed probably other 'deals' that we will never know about but can rightly speculate on) manifested with either a further march to the Gulag, a show trial then a hanging by piano wire (or if lucky a shot to the nape), suicide, judicial murder, and at the very least, life under a totalitarian regime for the next 50 odd years. Poland having fast tanks didn't really serve it well in the end, did it?

General Gubbins, in aptly describing HMG attititude toward, and use of, Poland, said "Of course, they'll simply be dropped overboard. We expect to squeeze as much as we can out of them, and then we'll drop them".

Prophetic indeed, and it allows one's lines of enquiry to ask of HMG - who knew that Poland was to be used in that fashion, was it conscionable and morally just, when was it first known, and why did the people who did know not do anything to stop it, or, at the very least, tell 'Poland' so that its government and executive could have made a decision on whether or not it was worthwhile to continue fighting for an 'ally' who at the end intended to cast them adrift.
Ozi Dan   
9 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Village of Żubrówka i believe.

It may have been, but I think it unlikely this skirmish made it into any history books.

It was told to me by a friend quite a few years ago. The Polish uhlan who was involved in the skirmish was his neighbour during his childhood in Australia. It was this man's stories on his experiences in WW2 that fostered my friend's interests in all things Polish.

From what I was told, the skirmish occurred after a chance meeting between a Polish and German patrol, with both units being fairly small in size (probably a dozen to 20 each side). It could have been during the battle of Bzura, which would have been a likely place and time, but I wasn't told where or if I was I have forgotten it. All I know is that it happened in the first few days of the war. I've lost track of my freind but if I can track him down I'll try and get further details and post them. What was interesting to me was the fact that the uhlans did not use their lances in the charge but went in with sabres. Presumably, that was to do with etiquette and honour (the Gerries didn't have lances), or a sense of superiority.

Hildebrand makes mention of such things

This seems to accord with what I was told regarding both sides in the skirmish that I related being given time to form up and then charge - in this case, it was obviously not communicated verbally, but both sides on seeing each other stopped, surveyed the other, then formed up. It's akin to the anecdotes of both German and Polish pilots over Poland who extended courtesies and chivalric conduct to their opponent when they were shot down (see for example A. Zamoyski's 'The Forgotten Few'). This of course died shortly after the greater air combat commenced.

Anyone of Polish lineage on the forum who had (or have) family who were uhlans would no doubt relate to the notions of 'chivalry' that were retained by some Polish uhlans in combat. On the other hand, some of those forum members who have absolutely no link with anything regarding Poland except to live there but criticise it will of course have no idea of what I'm talking about.
Ozi Dan   
8 Oct 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]


Thanks a lot for posting all these really cool pictures - I've enjoyed them.

I have some intersting 'on field' pictures of my grandad taken just prior to the outbreak of the war which if I can find I'll try to post. One of the most interesting ones is him in full dress uniform pushing a wheel barrow next to what I think were some very round and high embrasures.

Do you have any more pictures of Polish cavalry in action?

Cheers, Dan

Goebbels claimed that Poles attacked tanks with sabers and foul language

Whilst the material I've read suggesat that the above appears to have been a myth created by an Italian journalist at the front, I've been told of a skirmish in the first few days of WW2 where a small squadron of Polish cavalry met an equal sized squad of German cavalry on an opposing hill. They both eyed each other off and allowed each other the courtesy to form up. They then charged each other with sabres and the cavalry man who relayed the story said the Gerries fled in the first clash but after he took down one German with a cut from the top of the collar bone down to the chest - stirring stuff!
Ozi Dan   
4 May 2009
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

I was told a few times I look Spanish

Forgive my familiarity with you, but you do indeed look very Spanish. FYI - you are almost a dead ringer for my missus (who's Spanish) in the top pic of you next to the river. Perhaps you have the ancestry? A Polish legionnaire in the Napoleonic Wars who took a Spanish donia back to Poland with him.....?
Ozi Dan   
11 Mar 2008
History / Sarmatism in Poland [119]

Whatever happened to the Sarmatians? Where did they go?

Can anyone trace their family roots to Sarmatians?
Ozi Dan   
6 Mar 2008
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

I tried to post a piccy of me but admin deleted it because they said I'm just too good looking!!

Nice one admin.

You'll have to settle for one of my grandfather instead who looks a bit like me but not as good. It's the one on my avatrar but a bit bigger

  • 4b50ddac6764237_medi.jpg
Ozi Dan   
26 Jan 2008
Life / Polish Hip Hop [47]

run dmc in brixton academy

Saw them in my city in 1998. Me and my buddy were in the front row (small venue). Runny Ray - what a cracker he is. We watched him try to chat a girl up in the foyer but she didnt know who he was so she brushed him. We got him and the Hollis crew to sign our tshirts after that -we got JMJ's and DMC's sigs as well. Got my picture taken with DMC as well!! What a night - can still hear that first scratch blast thru the speaker on 'Mary Mary'!
Ozi Dan   
24 Jan 2008
Life / Polish Hip Hop [47]

quote=BubbaWoo] over twenty years of listening to live hip hop in countries all over the world [/quote]

Have you seen Run DMC or Grandmaster Flash live mate?
Ozi Dan   
21 Jan 2008
Travel / Fishing in Poland - where to go, what to catch? [80]

6 ft catfish

Wow - that's a big one.

The biggest I caught was about 3 feet long. It weighed about 15kg. I caught it on 8lb line. It took me about 45 minutes to land it - it was pulling the boat we were on!. I was really disappointed it was a cat fish, because i thought I'd hooked a big jewfish.
Ozi Dan   
21 Jan 2008
Travel / Fishing in Poland - where to go, what to catch? [80]

brits know sth about it

Ha ha! No they dont! I used to watch British fishing shows on cable TV. All the Poms used to catch is smelly carp, catfish or other tiny fish.

Here's a link to a site showing some of the fish I used to catch near the area I used to live-

You going anywhere near Lapsze Nizne or Nowy Targ???

Not sure Senor Cat. I'll have to check to see where these towns are. I want to go to Warsaw as we have family there, and also Stanislawow, as that's where the family originally came from. I'll let you know.
Ozi Dan   
21 Jan 2008
Travel / Fishing in Poland - where to go, what to catch? [80]

I think I'll now stick to observing Poland's wildlife rather than shooting at it!

I'm glad to hear that Pl has taken steps to ensure the wildlife is protected.

Fishing's still on my list though. I've seen pictures of massive sturgeon caught in some of Poland's rivers - are these still around?
Ozi Dan   
21 Jan 2008
Travel / Fishing in Poland - where to go, what to catch? [80]

Thanks again for the info guys.

Sadek, thanks for the link. I think seeing that website puts me off having a hunt in Poland. 800 pheasants in one day - disgusting. Wonder how long that will be sustainable.
Ozi Dan   
21 Jan 2008
Travel / Fishing in Poland - where to go, what to catch? [80]

UK, thanks for the information. I'm a bit disturbed anbout what some of the shooters are doing in Poland - that's simply atrocious. It's sometimes the same story here in Aus - some idiot shoots a kangaroo or something. They ususally do it with bows and arrows though.

If there's hardly any game left in Poland, I certainly won't add to the problem then. I used to shoot clay pigeons. Also used to shoot my friends DE.50 - very noisy.

Cheers, Dan
Ozi Dan   
21 Jan 2008
Travel / Fishing in Poland - where to go, what to catch? [80]

Thanks guys,

We'll probably go to Warsaw and that area. I'd like to visit Stanislawow, as that's where we're from, so around there too if there's any rivers or lakes nearby.

What is a szczupak?

I'm strictly a catch and release fisherman if anyone's worried about telling me of a spot to go.

I take it most of the fishing would be fresh water based too.

I was even thinking of doing a spot of small game (rabbits, pheasants etc) hunting if I get the time.
Ozi Dan   
20 Jan 2008
Travel / Fishing in Poland - where to go, what to catch? [80]

Hi all,

The missus and I will be travelling to Poland in about June or July this year. Are there any keen anglers out there who can tell me where/where not to go, what I can catch, rigs to use etc?? Thanks for the help.
Ozi Dan   
13 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

So, all you experts, what do you think? :-)

Were you in the Bangles?

Sorry, just kidding! Nice picture