The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by InPolska  

Joined: 19 Jun 2015 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 9 May 2016
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 2 / Archived: 7
Posts: Total: 1796 / Live: 467 / Archived: 1329
From: Warszawa

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25 Feb 2016
Love / What are the good places to meet decent woman motivated to establishing a family in Ustka area? [32]

Good in such a case! Please do realize that maybe you'll meet a great woman who happens to be of another nationality Would you avoid her because she is not Polish? ;). It is just like people saying they want someone with blue or green eyes, blond or brown hair or with a small or big nose and they end up with someone different and they are very happy.
25 Feb 2016
Love / What are the good places to meet decent woman motivated to establishing a family in Ustka area? [32]

All these (usually ugly) western guys who come to countries like Poland "to pick up" women make me vomit. They have no respect for women (and also for themselves). Polish women are exactly like other women and now they are no longer desperate to leave with "first jerk" to come around because of his westen nationality. As a woman, I'm shocked at the way a lot of guys in PF talk about women..... What's wrong with your local women? Probably they are more demanding and do NOT want you! ;). Even if no feminist, I'm get mad when women are seen as a piece of meat (or rather as a "hole", sorry! ;))
24 Feb 2016
Classifieds / Teaching Job [online] for an English Native Speaker - Poland based online school [19]

@Terri: good schools which have good clients and which pay good salaries (+on time) hire qualified and experienced teachers only. Shi##tty schools attract sh###ty "teachers" and vice versa and the rule applies to everything.

Everybody with basic common sense knows that being a native of any language does not mean being a teacher of said language. Teaching is a real job, not something to improvize.
23 Feb 2016
USA, Canada / Polish women are not to be trusted! They are out to get American men just for money. [62]

"Jeez"! These stupid generalizations! Based upon my experience (have visited some 50 countries and have lived in several of them), generalizatons are completely stupid and show how ignorant and uneducated people doing generalizations are. Since we are in POLISH (sorry for those who don't understand it ;)) fora, as I have lived in Poland for quite a while, had a Polish husband and have known thousands of Poles, both females and males and FORTUNATELY, everybody is different and is not the same as another. Among Polish population like among ANY other population, one can find everything and its contrary. Some people are good, some are bad, some are nice, some are not, some are gorgeous, some are ugly, some are intelligent, some are stupid, some are honest, some are dishonest.... and so forth and so forth. So no sense to generalize Polish women, German men or Tunisian dogs!
21 Feb 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

@Pol3: I was referring to Jaro K's comments according to which single mothers have to get husbands in order to make both ends meet. No, a woman should not be forced to be wth a man simply to have bread on the table. As for kids, better to be raised by a happy and loving single mum than by a couple arguing and fighting all the time, with the guy sometimes alcoholic. Yes, I know it would be nice to have a family like in the "Little house in the prairie" but reality is different.

People have different situations (most often not their own choice) and all need to do the best they can with what they have and it is not easy.... (my case too ;)).

Life is not like in the movies ;)
21 Feb 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Of course, it would be nice to help the poor and the weak but if NO money, how to do it? Maybe they should stop financing RCC, Rydzik, Radio Marija and consorts.... ;)

If not possible to give 500 ZL to each kid, maybe they should limit program to the poorest families. I personally know quite a few Poles who are loaded and because they have 2 or 3 kids, they would qualify and trust me, they can raise their kids like kings without State's help.

Yes, "the single mother if she has it rough should find a ... husband!" We are in the 21st century and women should be able to make it without relying on men...
21 Feb 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

I must say I don't follow Polish politics but my question is HOW do they expect to finance it? It is not specific of this government because I have realized (in all elections in past few years) that ALL candidates in Poland never indicate how they'll finance their projects.

I doubt that the current government will dig in the "Church fund" to finance their program ;)
21 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

RCC demands their priests and nuns to "abstain" and .... Yesterday, I heard a (French) nun on tv saying that first of all, she was a ... woman ;)
21 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

Thanks Pol ! So nothing particular! Polish Americans are of all different opinions and it is good. I don't know (maybe because of those on PF ;)) but I had imagined them all voting for the Republicans and next time for .... Trump..... I expect a lot of Polish Americans are working classes so "common sense" they vote for the Democrats.
21 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

@Pol3: True at least for those arriving up to the early 20th century but the Poles moving later on of course knew about it but obviously for them a "ni####g#"""ger" did not mean a thing. What you say about the USA also applies to other places like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a lot of others ... where natives were for most of them murdered. North American natives (for instance) are in a very poor shape but who cares about them? At least, American blacks (although too many of them still behind) have moved up and so much the better!

PS: generally speaking, how do Americans of Polish origin vote in American élections? For info, in France in areas where a lot of Polonia (1 million), the "front national" is very strong: coincidence or simply because racism and xenophobia MAY be "Polish values". I don't know, I just look ;)
21 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

@Pol3: sure re Amrerican natives but as to African slaves, everybody in those days beneffited more of less from them. A lot of people got very rich, in Europe and in the US, a lot of towns developed with their inhabitants's lot improved. As to "Norwegian and Polish" immigrants, they did not mind moving to and living in a country where blacks were (and are still in many instances unfortunately) second class citizens so no "lesson" to give others.
20 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

@Dolno: to be honest, it does not prevent me from sleeping ;) but thinking about that, I don't think it is fair. Maybe also because of my background but I know quite a few of Poles who feel the same as I do. Religion should be a private matter only. A State should not impose an ideology upon their citizens, who should be free to believe in what they want or not to believe in anything and all should be equal. Poland should not look like Iran
20 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

@Dolno; if you want to teach your kids about (any) religion, you pay for it and don't expect the whole country (officially all religions and lackof are allowed in Poland) to pay the bill. There a few Protestants, Jews, Muslims and others in Poland, would you like to pay for their religious education? I don't want to pay for catholic, protestant, jewish, muslim, budhist, Jehowa Witness, hare krishna or whatever education. I want to pay for overall education through which kids learn school topics.

@Harry: "to fund your superstition"! spot on! ;). A whole population should not have to. Only catholics should finance catholic Church (and other religions should of course do same with theirs)
20 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

@Delph: thanks to remind us! Is it also true that Church does NOT pay tax? Probably it is. Yes, with all the money, a lot could be done to help the poor and the weakest in the society.

I always remember a famous (Polish) politiican I worked with telling me that in his childhood's poor small rural area, the priest was as fat as a pig and had the best house ;). "lol"
20 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

@Dolno; I suppose you have no PERSONAL experience whatsoever and rely on some orientated medias. Trust me, securalism works very well and more and more Poles are getting in favor of it. Tell us how much does the Church receives from taxpayers in Poland and how much they pay in tax? ;).
20 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

@Dolno: I don't care about Saudi Arabia or Zimbabwe or Israel. However, religion should be separate from all public affairs and be a mere private matter (he way it has been in France for instance since 1905 = "laïcité"). The whole population should not have to pay for ANY religion. Since we are in Poland, the Catholic Church is rich enough to get by without receiving tax money. How much money does the Church receive from Polish (including me) taxpayers? What about the billion or so ZL to brainwash kids in public schools? How much money does the Church pay to tax authorities? ;).

I have not followed news because no time but what is the story about quite a bunch of public money given to Rydzik to open a school??? The guy is as rich as Cresus used to be so let him open his own school without public money!
20 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

@Dolno! No religion is ... tolerant and the RCC is not any different. People who happen to be "different" ("illegitimate" kids and their mothers (rembember the way such mothers were treated in countries such as Ireland, Spain, Portugal until recently), divorced people, homosexuals .... ) are not accepted and be given "hard times"

Whoever wants to follow ANY religion, may even be worshipping pens, chairs, spiders or teaspoons... does not bother me at all. I have nothing against it but I expect them to do it privately and also NOT on the tax money (including mine). Religion should be kept in the private sphere (just like ... sex ;))
20 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

@Pol3: sure you and I would not .... For instance, I watch CBS Reality (channel 419 at my place with UPC) a lot with tons of murders all more atrocious than each other but like you say "you and I would not .." but I know that sick minds could easily get influenced...
20 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

@Delph: close to 98% of Poles claim to be catholic because they believe they are and they are! Almost all Poles are christened in the Catholic religion. You and Harry must have a different definition of what a X or what a Y is. In France, for instance, only 15% of people REGULARLY practice any religion (no official figures, only as reported by different religions) and I think around 50% (here again no official figures) claim to be ... catholic, for the huge majority of whom being a catholic means being christened, then married in Church (AFTER compulsory civil ceremony) and buried further to religious ceremony and they never set a foot to any church. Nobody dares telling them they are NOT catholics because they claim to be and the Church accepts them. ;). Same applies to a lot of Poles who now go to Church only on big accasions.

@Pol3: sure, there are a lot of nut cases among the "commerpop" but same applies elsewhere ;). The Poznanski guy has a clean cut look, may be a churchgoer but nevertheless has murdered and beheaded a poor girl. What about Hilter, Stalin, Franco, Mussolini, Pol Pot and co.? They all had short hair styles, clean cut looks and .....
20 Feb 2016
News / Poland to return to Catholic tradition? [177]

@Harry: no matter what, close to 98% of Poles claim to be catholics and when they say so, they are not under torture ;). Yes, more and more especially among the urban educated younger upper classes Poles become secular but nevertheless they consider themselves catholic. Among said circles and also among the old communists, we can also find some atheists but let's face it, they are not even 1% of the Polish population (I know fewer than 10 Poles claiming to be atheist). Indeed, the bulk of the Polish society are extremely religious and do attend Church (every time I pass in front of a Church, I am amazed at the huge crowds). Those claiming to be secular do attend Church on big occasions.

Even if Poland is not a "catholic state", it is a country of catholics. Around 98% of a population confirm it ;). And it is because Poland is a country of catholics that the State subsidizes Church, that there is catholic religious instruction in public schools, that there are crosses in public buildings, that abortion, same sex marriage and other liberal measures are and will always be forbidden

Harry, this is the way it is and you cannot change facts...

@Pol3: where the heck have you seen that? Same source as for the dogs protecting the used to be Rainbow in Warsaw? ;). You are intelligent enough not to believe any BS you can find in the media, including the net and stupid YouTube fictions. I know that a lot of PF's members take ANY sh@@@t found in the media as THE TRUTH but you are too intelligent to buy lousy crap. Even if we follow Goebbels, a lie repeated even millions of times does never become a reality.
15 Feb 2016
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

It seems to me that in Poland stores have started to "put a lid" on all the commercial celebrations compared to a few years ago. Stores used to be more "agressive". Yesterday morning, I was at Reduta Shopping Mall (Warsaw for those from elsewhere) and I did not notice any big deal re Valentine. Now, things such as Halloween or Saint-Patrick's Day are more discrete in Polish stores.

Basically at least once a month there is something: grandfathers, grandmothers, lovers, women, men (March 9), secretaries, teachers, mothers, fathers, etc etc ..... I personally believe that we don't need a special day to celebrate or to love someone but what I hate about all this is the agressive brainwashing from business. In brief, if you don't buy a gift to your secretary, your grandfather, your teacher, your dog or your snake on THE VERY day they tell you to, there is something wrong with you. I do not like pressure and do not like to be among the sheep. I do not need special occasions to receive and to offer gifts.

PS: as to "Women's day", it cracks me up! Instead of giving women the same rights (for instance equal salaries) and basic feminine rights (contraception, abortion..), men get away with "flowers". Pure BS!
14 Feb 2016
Work / What would be a good salary for an MBA graduate in Poland? [27]

@App: employers offer salaries based upon jobs to be performed and not upon staff's needs ;). Be aware that if so many western companies come to Poland or similar countries, it is so only in order to offer lower salaries. If your concern is money, you need to look for a job in the West. Since you speak English and are from India, why not England? Believe me, Poland is very difficult as it is not a open society and not being white and not being catholic, you won't feel comfortable and will have to stick to other Indians only. Besides salary, it is crucial to also move to a country where you'll feel comfortable, where you won't be stimagtized, where you won't be stared at/insulted because you look and are different. Sorry, but Poland is among the least tolerant countries in Europe (check ;)....
14 Feb 2016
Love / Valentines Day & Polish men [130]

Absolutely, Chem re those commercial days ;). As of tomorrow, stores will brainwash us with women's day and so on and so on....