The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 13 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Nov 2012
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25 Apr 2012
Life / Scars of Communism on Polish culture. [55]

I disagree.

Fair enough. Read some of his other posts elsewhere, then you'll understand where he's really coming from.

(even though the OP isn't American).


I am a Scots Irish American, living and working in Poland

All this thread is going to generate is the typical Polish defenders who simply cannot take any criticism about their country.....maybe another thing the OP should have mentioned about Poland. Polish people love to complain and $hit on their country.....but only they're allowed to do it. Someone from the "outside" says it and they will fight tooth and nail to deny it.

Which is no different to any other country, is it? No-one likes outsiders criticising their country, even if they would agree with much of what you say about it. How about leaving the USA for once, go and visit any random country, and try some open criticism in public? In some places, it could even get you arrested.

The values in the US may (or may not) suit the US, but in Europe we are different.

24 Apr 2012
Life / Scars of Communism on Polish culture. [55]

I am amazed at the incredible spirit of the Polish people who have survived centuries of occupation and oppression.

I can guarantee that you won't find a single person who has been scarred by centuries of occupation and oppression. We may live longer than Africans, but we don't live that long ;) A significant proportion of Poles know nothing of occupation or oppression.

And the USA has solved all its problems (even the simple ones)? No, it hasn't. It's not just Communism which prevents people from solving simple problems.

It's nothing to do with "mechanism of control" - they just don't want to have their toilet paper stolen.

Over here, we only have one way in/out, and security guards are far more obtrusive than in Poland. Yet we can't blame it on Communism.

Do you leave the door to your house open? I don't, and it's not because I want to "control" the neighbours.

If Gary or Bill in US gets a brand new SUV or a nice new van, or boat, then Ken says "What a nice boat, Gary."

Wrong. Pawel and Monika would want to outdo him by buying an even better model.

We know you're just here to troll, but do try harder next time.
18 Apr 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Thanks,even though you quoted me as someone else,again ;)
Anyway, who can say Polish Girls are the best with British Hotties like this actress;

MILF alert!! lol

You do realise that she's half Polish? And (unlike all the Pol-Ams on here :p ) she can actually speak the language. She's soooo hot. Did you see her on Waterloo Road last week? I didn't recognise her at first, but I thought that the voice sounded familiar, lol
17 Apr 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

I will never forget how shocked I was when I discovered that anti-Semitism was the open norm in Poland

It's not. If you only hang out with semi-literate kibice z bloku, then maybe; but in general, it's grossly inaccurate to claim that it's "the open norm". Poles are not as PC as people in the UK are (thank heavens), so they will openly discuss ethnic/racial groups they object to or dislike, but there is little open anti-Semitism.

Amongst my family and family friends, no anti-Semitic views have ever been heard. However, many are very open about what they think of South Asians, Blacks, Turks, Muslims in general, and of course Russians and Germans (though the latter two are more associated with older family members & friends). But Jews/Judaism? No. As I grew up with, and have been close to, Polish people for four decades, I think my opinions are valid and accurate.

know Polish guys really don't like Polish girls going off with ethnically-different guys in the UK ... especially if of a skin-colour not entirely white ... and there is a kind of international Polish sperm donor bank, but it is only open to those of 'pure' Polish origin ... (I know that's not exactly relevant, but it is quite an interesting little nugget of info, I think).

OK then... show me the ethnic group which likes it when their women go off with foreigners? That's right... there isn't one! It's natural to want, and protect, your own. You can criticise Polish preferences all you like, but you won't hear of many Polish honour killings.

there is great loyalty to the Polish female among Polish guys, however much make-up and however orange she is. So long as she is thin, she is beautiful.

Sadly, there is some truth in this - many Polish women complain that they could never keep a Polish man if they get too fat (and "too fat" appears to mean UK Size 14 - I kid you not!). Fortunately, some of us despise that fake blachara type, and prefer the classier, natural (but arguably more average) woman ;) I for one will never be turned on by Botulinum toxin or silicone :D But am I loyal to Polish women? Damn right I am!
14 Apr 2012
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

Where do you get this from?

Probably from the same source which states that "most Polish women prefer black c*ck" - i.e., false opinion presented as fact (as is usual on PF) by schoolboys who know nothing about Poles. ;)
14 Apr 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

polskie dziewczyny

Here we go again, almost all those are most likely 16-23 year old girls (who all seem to have the same figure and style).

How about someone posts up some over-30 Polish MILFs for a change, we're not all cradle-snatchers or lovers of Doda-alike blachara types.

She is Welsh. It may be that British "horsefacedness" is more prevalent not amongst Britain's Celtic populace but amongst her Anglo-Saxons.

The average Yank probably couldn't tell the difference anyway, so what is your point? Your country is full of Anglo-Saxons.
14 Apr 2012
Language / Polish case question (Mężczyzna jest zimno? or Dziewczyna jest zimno?) [71]

I'm never very good at explaining grammar (in English or Polish), so this is one for the teachers, but...

Mężczyźnie jest zimno.

is plural ("(the) men are cold")


So why not "Mężczyzna jest zimno" as he says?

is singular/present tense.

this is like saying "the man it's cold", but you need to say "the man is cold" - "mężczyźna jest zimny"

"Ola jest piękna" 'Ola is beautiful' not "Ola jest piekną".

"Ola jest piękną" on its own would mean "Ola is a beautiful", which is incorrect; this requires you to explain what a beautiful (object) an Ola is, i.e., Ola jest piękną kobietą (Ola is a beautiful woman).
21 Oct 2010
Food / Polish kishka [76]

You could say that about kosher moussaka as well (no dairy-based sauce), it doesn't mean it can't exist though.
21 Oct 2010
Food / Polish kishka [76]

I couldn't see any on there...and I am pretty sure blood sausage (be it kaszanka, black pudding, boudin noir, etc) in any of it's forms is not kosher

Wrong. ;)

It's called kishke in Yiddish, and if prepared according to kashrut laws (i.e. no blood/pork, and the animal is correctly slaughtered, etc), it's kosher.
16 Oct 2010
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Are there any emoticons for 'cringe'

The "rolleyes" one, probably :)
16 Oct 2010
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

where is here? :)
if i remember well, you live in Norway?

Northern England :)
16 Oct 2010
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Polish people are less hypocrite, more friendly

If you knew the language and culture as well as I do, you would know this is not always the case.

more polite in buses and trains

They used to be, but they are changing ;)

they don't give their country away to 3rd world scum

They will eventually. The EU traitors will force them to. Racism will end when we're all part of a coffee-coloured (probably Islamic) race, won't it? So much for "celebrating diversity"! ;)

public servants are more helpful than in my former country

Remind me NEVER to go to Bellium if that's true!!! :D

many, many egocentric, annoying, anti-social, unfriendly and mentally sick people.

I thought you were describing London for a minute, most people are great round here :)

F*** it, I'm going to Costa lol
9 Oct 2010
Love / Polish girls and contraceptives [68]

You either take them regularly, and are protected, or don't, and aren't.

And a doctor who forgot that contraceptive pills can be taken for non-contraceptive reasons! :)

I'm a virgin

No surprises there! :p

I suspect that a very low percent of polish girls take contraceptives.(zero percent from my experience)

This says everything we need to know about the kind of women southern dates (or, more accurately, dreams about).

In my experience, 100% of Polish women use contraception.
4 Oct 2010
News / Polish IQ ahead of France, USA, Canada, Israel, Ireland... [47]


Why start at 16? How about a link to see who the top 15 are? ;)

As others have said, it counts for little in reality. I know that I'm in the top 4% when it comes to IQ, but I'm single, childless, divorced, and I only earn 15% above the average. So it's hardly made me rich and famous, has it? lol
23 Sep 2010
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

What makes you different to others??? You know...Germans the mechanics...French the cooks...Italians the lovers...Polish the...?

... mass economic migrants? :D

Is that really something to be proud of?
23 Sep 2010
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

Polish people like you should be eliminated. Always playing up the negative instead of the positive. Do you see other ethnic groups advertising their faults? Learn to put a positive spin on things and act like you're the best.

Typical Polish behaviour, unfortunately.

Black and Muslim groups of any origin are "brothers", but Poles call their own "Plastic Poles" if they are born abroad, and that's a rather tame term for us.

I can't think of any other ethnicity which despises its own so much (British politicians excluded, that is), or which blames the past so much for its failings. Look at what South Korea managed to achieve in the same timescale, then look at Poland. It's laughable.

Who's Torq?

an oldskool poster :)
22 Sep 2010
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

This is one thing which Poland definitely does better - Jaffa Cakes are nice, but they are just orange, aren't they? Whereas Wedel's version comes in many (even better) flavours :)
22 Sep 2010
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

that's right.. they are ziemniaczane.

They are both. But don't get me started, it's all been done before on here :)

Is it because you are ashamed?

Ashamed, because these ""real Aussies" haven't got a single drop of Aboriginal blood in them :D
21 Sep 2010
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]


Don't say kartoflane! Shush is back, and she'll call you common if she hears you :D

and I heard it's something to do with Jews, yeah...

As are most good Polish things :)
21 Sep 2010
Life / Why Polish people should be proud of being Polish? [370]

Are you assuming that Poles in general are proud of being Polish then?

I'd say that a significant proportion really couldn't give a **** about Poland or being Polish (based on my family's experience, anyway). Not everyone sees Poland and Polishness through rose-tinted spectacles; many are GLAD that they left, wouldn't go back if you paid them to, and really couldn't care less about their "Polish" origins. That's not to say that the UK is perfect (it's not, and never will be), but a change is as good as a rest for many.

They shouldn't be proud of their attitude towards viewing people in different jobs.

I couldn't agree more.
14 Sep 2010
Travel / My visit to Poland - Likes & Dislikes. [137]

You mean England, NMP?

Of course :) I won't offend anyone by mentioning any of the places I've got in mind, in case they like where they live, even though it's a dump.

I'll mention Bradford though :D


Those familoki look like prison blocks! :0

Ruda Chebrze

Where is this?
14 Sep 2010
Travel / My visit to Poland - Likes & Dislikes. [137]

her English is great...

It pains me to agree, but credit where credit's due: she's very good.

how about me? how about me?!! how about meeee??!!

I often forget that you're actually from Poland! ;)

I've heard Bratislava is fully worse.

I bet Bratislava is like Florence or Paris compared to some of the places we've got over here!