The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by NomadatNet  

Joined: 28 Mar 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Aug 2011
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30 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

Steady on Nomad, you're ruining your chances of that honorary knighthood. Perhaps you will have to settle for the dumbest post of the day award.

Seriously. If Poles were citizens of England, long time ago, it could be Republic of England.

Anyway, leave Englishmen alone. They are rare historical ancient pieces in England now, if any left, to be preserved.
30 Jul 2011
Life / Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland [80]

Do you like this 'Pope's' last will?

50 minutes video. too long for me to watch. which minutes shall i watch?
29 Jul 2011
Life / Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland [80]

... especially to those engaged in narrowly specialized, monotonous and depersonalized work in industrial plants, when the machine tends to dominate man — was important and eloquent from the point of view of social ethics...

(leaving Soviets' mistakes aside - if we talk about realities and socialism purely)

Hadn't Pope seen any factory then in the non-socialist, christian west, where workers were not different? He should have mentioned workers in the west too. At least, workers in Soviets were trying to speak their voice. Workers in the West had no voice, still not..

From theological point of view, Pope contradicted with St. Paul who had supported worker movements in Phisidian Antiochia where he gave his first speech during the worker revolts there and the result was workers were winner there. But, St Paul was a tent maker, a worker, unlike these religious scholars today, priests, imams, etc etc. who don't understand workers..
28 Jul 2011
Life / Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland [80]

Whats the specifics for Ethiopians?

Your Ethiopians example is a good example, but, that supports my words above in my previous post. Most of poor African countries are colonies, don't forget this, and their masters, nobles/royals, give them Africans less chance than 1% that they give to ordinary people in their homelands that you call capitalists, actually, feudals. So, poor Africans with 0.0001% chance are having more troubles and they are dying due to starvation.. To escape from this, they are trying to move to the countries of their masters by immigration legally or illegally and causing some big problems there.. So, poor Africans are not a product of monetary system again, but, by their own primitive kingdoms as well as so-called modern kingdoms of the west, which both are feudals. (Note that I am not disagreeing about their poverty etc with you - but, your saying monetary system is in the root of these is wrong, totally wrong.)
28 Jul 2011
Life / Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland [80]

I agree with some main points mentioned by Wroclaw boy, for example, yes, there is less than 1% chance for a person who is born in a poor family to be rich. More than 90% of rich people in the world today are rich people from their parents. But, there is still small chance for anyone to be rich even if it is 1%..

Look ive said it many times, its not the US, not China, not the EU, its the monetary system itself. Money breeds corruption by its very being, its just so obvious.

This 1% small chance to everyone is given by money/monetary system.. This is a system which is not liked by old royal feudal systems as they try to save their power continuously.. Money is evil, is their saying of them actually.. You may say "hey, we are in 21st century, not in middle age." But, things aren't different much yet.. Look at Arab Kingdoms, monarchies/lords in Western Europe, etc etc.. They have hands everywhere in the world in many big businesses.. Plus, since they are also siding/using religious institutions by building some mosques, churches etc too, they have huge power, human resource power too in the world.. So, even this 21st century is full of feudals in the world and this is main reason why poor people have no chance to be rich.. But, this 1% chance given by monetary system will put an end to them sooner or later..
27 Jul 2011
Feedback / I love this forum - It's so Polish: tolerant, inconsistent, amusing [232]

Nobody is really serious here.

You are ignoring me?
This forum is one of best forums I have participated..
Many forums are banning people without any reason.
For example, I wrote the word "monarchy" once or twice on serious British forums, bammm, it didn't take a day or two for them to ban..

Welcome to the Earth.
26 Jul 2011
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [553]

I have no connection with Poland at all, in any means.
Never been to Poland, never been with any Pole here in Turkey, either.
Some years ago, once a girl said "I am crazy" and came to this forum to check if Poles are crazy or not.. No, but, I have seen many crazies on this forum and most of them are not Poles.
8 Jun 2011
News / Another Polish city honors President Reagan [49]

Reagan used Brzezinski's plan for the Afghan Soviet war which indebted the Soviet Union to collapse.

So, Poles need to be thankful to Afgans too as Afghans were at front against Soviet forces there. But, Polish forces are in Afghanistan now and they together with Nato are fighting against Afghans who had battled against Russian forces 30 years ago. Well, Russians too are collobrating with Nato now in Afghanistan against Afghans. Afghans helped Soviets to collapse and they are being paid by their lives now while Reagan-like movie actors are being honored.
8 Jun 2011
News / Another Polish city honors President Reagan [49]

Another Polish city honors President Reagan

Reagan was a movie actor. Same role in his works of collapsing Soviet.
There are movie editor, maker, and so on.
Most of Russians too, especially those in top level seats were involved in collapsing Soviet.
All countries in former Soviets need to honor Stalin who started the damage and gave the biggest damage to the socialism.
29 May 2011
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

They always wait help of West Europe and they just sleep, eat, dance and speak speak speak. lol

But, they are smarts as well.. There is a rumor that says Greeks are hiding much gold and they are requesting help from Germany, etc showing themselves as poor. This must be reason why Greeks work less and entertain much.

People from Lesbos are still Lesbians. Their title became synonomous with girl on girl eroticism because the ancient lyric poetess Sappho, who composed verses on this theme, was from Lesbos.

Really? Are you Greek? Those people from Lesbos island often travel to Ayvalik town of Turkey daily for shopping, etc and return back when the day is over. Most of people who do this daily trip I saw there in Ayvalik were women, but, I haven't looked at them carefully as I was alyways there to meet a Greek businessman. Rock, Lesbos island is Midilli adasi. Ayvalik streets and shops on days are full of those Midilli people there.
29 May 2011
Genealogy / Polish DNA? Poles have the most genes in a group includes Balts, Macedonians and Greeks. [263]

The Greek needs to duck and dive in the sunlight, nearby a Taverna if yoiu know what I mean!

I know what you mean. I have had several Greek business friends. Some of them were travelling daily to Ayvalik town here from Greek Lesbos island. Had eaten fish and drink much with them there. Their way of doing business was to talk business in such athmosphere while my other visitors from other part of Europe preferred to visit factories and talk business there. One of Greek businessman asked me to travel to factories and we drove to many towns for a week. I had paid his hotel costs, meals and drinks. At the end, he returned back home saying he'd be ordering some containers of goods, but, he ordered nothing. [If I see him one day, I'll have him to have me travel, eat and drink in the same way and I won't pay him anything. (btw, for those who don't know, Lesbos is the name of an island, near Turkey Aegan coast. It is said to be there were lesbians living there in that island, but, I don't know its present stiuation.)]
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

Ok, I am not knowledgable about car models. but, know dyamics.
Looking at its picture in the first post, the nose design could be better from aerodynamic point of view. This nose may cause some air turbulence at the front and it may result in more fuel consumption. But, anyway, it seems that this will be in luxury car class which fuel consumption won't be minded by the owner.
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

Yes. And, overall efficiency is improved as well. All needed is turbocharger, and a small modification of exhaust system, particularly exhaust manifold which needs to be resistant to high temperature (high nickel alloy) which is expensive part of modification. (I had casted several such exhaust manifolds and machined some years ago. if anyone interested in, can do that again. if there is volume order. if not, if only a unit or two, i can make exhaust manifold with welded pipes made of chromium steel alloy. )
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

What do you mean? To get 4 kwh by heat pump, 1 kwh is spent? So, 3 kwh is a plus. Are you saying heat pump is useless due to its low efficiency in general or in some circumferences? It is known sure. But, efficiency calculation, in other better words, philosophy behind the efficiency is not so correct. When something is free everywhere, efficiency of it doesn't become important anymore. In the case of petrol, for ex, which is not available everywhere, efficiency becomes important due to its limited amount of petrol.

Another thing, another problem is the energy needed, energy needed to drive the system in the world today which is like a super balloon unnecessarily is of course big, and, a big portion of energy being used today is wasted for unnecessary items such as warplanes, big engine cars, etc etc. Natural energy sources will be enough to drive a natural life. Heat pump, photovoltaics, wind energy technologies, etc etc will be enough to provide a natural life. When such energies are used more often, petrolium will be less important for energy need as petrolium will be used more for items such as plastics, etc. If we are focused on petrolium, gas, etc more, I know those resource owners will be happy as world will be dependent on them, but, then, there will be wars more and more for such energy sources concentrated on some regions. When people stay away from such energy sources like petrol, etc those people who captured such energy sources like oil, gas, etc can find themselves in marsh. Then, those oil, gas, etc lords will try to save themselves out of marsh and will try to share those resources too with the rest of the world and this will make the world a globalized social world..

For sure... ;) In germany, companies that have wind generator farms complain that solar energy producers consume 40% of total state subsidies amount producing only 10% of "green" electricity. ;).

40% of state subsidies consumption for 10% of green electricity?
What do you mean here? You mean money is spent much for little energy?
It is due to the material costs and high material costs are due to unnecessary use/waste everywhere in the world. World is not being drived by knowledgable people, but, by priests, imams, monarchies etc even in technology fields. Then, such illogical things happen even in technologies. Where there is no, for ex, petrol, that little energy by wind is very important and its price must be as gold price, under these non-global asocial world, if you understand what I mean.
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

I have experience with installation and servicing solar-powered telemetry units in climate of central Russia. So, I'm not enthusiastic at all about PV (except in african deserts).

I am not knowledgable much about them PV systems, but, I feel it is under-developed field. With transferring the budget of petrolium researches and technologies which will also reduce military budgets much, I can think of some good developments in photovoltaic systems. New generations will be focusing on such studies like PV systems more. Our era is almost over.

But where you'll get energy to power heat pumps? Even if new developments will make heat pumps reasonably cheap, reliable and not containing either poisonous, ozone depleting or highly flammable/explosive liquids.

Energy to power heat pumps? For example, air itself surrounding the house is the huge energy source. You know energy isn't only dependent to the temperature, but also volume/mass. Source, air for ex, has huge mass and this makes energy in the air even at low temperatures is huge actually. Or, soil, or sea, etc. This is main principle of heat pumps. Sure, there are still some problems such as with the fluids used in heat pumps, but, with more researches, with more budgets to such natural energy sources, heat pumps too will be developed further.
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

Solar electric can be obtained directly by solar light, by pv, photovoltaic panels, you know, it doesn't need solar heat like it exists in deserts of Suudi.

Heating the house is another issue. As I said above, heat pumps can be used and by this way, Norway can be heated even by the snow and ice.
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

Yes, possible, but, solar energy won't be so popular for heating houses as solar energy is not continous, not homogeneous everywhere in the world for heating houses. For houses, heat pump systems will be more popular. You know heat pumps can be used for heating as well as cooling and its energy source can be air, soil, sea, etc which are huge potential energy sources even at low temperatures. For example, a -5 celcius air can be used to heat the house to +10, +15 celcius.
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

I foresee solar powered electric cars rather than cars with batteries charged at electric stations with electric coming from nuclear/thermonuclear systems. Okay, with solar power, the speed of cars won't be so fast, but, will be enough especially in city traffics. For intercity transportations, trains, airplanes, helicopters, etc will be more dominant. I foresee there won't be intercity roads anymore.
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

Main problem, since last century when petrol engined vehicles entered the dailylife, has been that big portion of research budgets have been spent on such petrolium engines and vehicles. If the same amount of efforts and money were spent on electric vehicles, today, we could have seen very different, powerful electric cars and vehicles. It has been a waste of time due to oil politics globally as the global powers forced science and technology to be dependent to the oil/petrol. Now, they started to understand they are on the wrong way and everybodys thinking alternatives and main alternative is electric power. From now on, a new century, a new era is starting, and the main power will be electric.
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

Why vast majority of people prefer real sex to any adult toys money can buy? ;)

Ha? You say electric cars are toys unlike oil engine cars/motors?
Not at all. Oil engined motors are toys, electric motors will be much more powerful in the near future, you will see.. Don't we already know heaviest vehicles, which are trains, are electric powered?
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

Electric power is all very well , and good for the environment , but whizzing down the road on my Harley with only the sound of an electric motor...?

With electric power, you can simulate any car or motor voice including Harley's, even bird voices.. Record voices into a tape and add power loud speakers at the rear of electric car, nobody will understand it is petrolium engined Harley or electric car.
27 May 2011
News / Poland reveals its new super car. [56]

World is giving up petrolium engined cars for electric powered cars and Poland is investing on a luxury petrolium car? We can see it in museum in a few years without being used much.
24 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

Eh, everybody who has a car is interested in oil and they pay money for the oil to get it. When it is considered like that, oil is another business - but, when it is considered as somethings that can be taken by weapons, it is no more business, not civil business. And, oil and military industries have been huge portion of such global issues since last century and in such industries, Jews and other civil people are out..

FED is a part of monetary system. Owner of monetary systems are owner of central banks which credit the gold more than the money as central banks don't trust ordinary people and their elected governments and central banks are under the control of deep states, or monarchies.. Saying some ordinary folks who have become successful within their rules of monarchies don't make them more powerful than deep states and monarchies. At the end, you too have a chance to become successful and rich within the rules of monarchies, but, you don't have any chance to be member of a monarchy.. Not that people are interested in becoming a part or a member of monarchy, but, they sometimes do not do good things, civil things for ordinary people and since they are rulers, they are above the rules, they don't pay any cost when they do not do good things, unlike civil business people like Jews, and others.. Showing Jews so powerful is due to their fears of monarchies who spread fears to ordinary people too, using the ideologies, cultural differences, etc..
24 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

As an ethnic group the Jews have gained a disproportionate amount of power in world affairs. The Jews only constitute 0.2% percent of the world population, and yet they control the Federal Reserve and Bank of England and run the two institutions as private companies.

False. It is like saying Einstein, one person only, influenced whole world in science. Monetary field is like that. You see only influential people while you are blind to millions of researchers, academicans, etc who don't produce real things, but, get their salaries lazily. And, with democracy controlled by such works at universities too, science does not progress as much as Einsteins do..

If Federal Reserve and Bank of England don't know the monetary system which is actually their own system of their own monarchies who don't care about even their own ordinary people, ordinary people complaining about people who are civils unlike monarchies who control the resources belonging to ordinary people are not doing any different than monarchies. Money is printed by states and they are in their control of deep states with weapon powers, not in their control of people you call Jews.. Jews have only a very small land, called Israel while monarchies have huge lands.. You are made blind by those who own huge lands doing nothing, living lazily and a small community working hard and those lazy people like Arap kingdoms and Britain monarchies are showing these hard worker minority as target.. But, anyway, they don't care ordinary folks, either.. These computers were not made by monarchies, dictators, etc but by working people like Jews..
24 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

Becoming general manager of a company doesn't make you owner of company.
However, USA is not a monarchy like Britain or Arap monarchies, so, there is a chance for every individual unlike monarchic states.
23 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

Make a list of Italian ethnic Americans, it can be longer.
Bank of America is one huge company for ex.
No need to make a list of Britain ethnic Americans, the list can not fit this internet page.
Showing a list of Jewish rich people may make Christian people react due to their religious feelings. They don't see the sea, but, a small lake.

Jewish Americans are the most powerful and influential ethnic group in America. Jewish Americans make up 2 percent of the U.S. population yet comprise 40 percent of U.S. billionaires.

But, when you say this (or Stein writes this), it is interesting data.
2% of 300 million people own 40% of billionaires?
Somethings wrong with this.
Jewish Americans are in civil fields such as media, engineering, finance, etc - they are not in oil field and military industry field which are two biggest industries.. So, are you (or Stein) sure about that data? 40% of billionaires are from 2% minority people? If they had control of central bank where money is printed, I could say maybe.. You won't be in in central bank, wont be in oil and military industry and you will be owning about half of big business? Somethings strange.. (likely false data.)
23 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

It's not always about quantity.

you probably meant here sometimes quality..
when the quality increase, the racial approach decrease.
(einstein was a single quality and it is unlikely to see any racial word from him. like that..)

so, if there is someone influential quality one there in USA who is known as Jew, he is unlikely a person as you know.

I read a source that says 50% of American billionaires are Jewish. Thats quite large for only 6 million people in the US.

Was it
23 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

Influence? 2% are influencing 98%? Illogical. or, exaggeration. It is not a new thing, same things had been said when Jews were in Europe too before they moved to USA.

If you said one singer, say Michael Jackson, influenced whole music field, I can understand. Or, if you say one Einstein influenced whole science field, again, it can be understood. Maybe, you mean there are such influential Jews? So, what? Why hightlight/labelling suchs as Jews?