The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Feb 2025
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2126 / Live: 986 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
7 Jun 2024
History / Did Poles living in Germany support Hitler's rise to power before World War II? [135]


Generally Poles in Germany and Germans in Poland are not foreign implants...

Indeed, one can easily argue that both state count more as foreign implants more so then either culture due to states moving in. (Silesia, Prussia, Pommerania are best examples of it. Where people chose or sided with German or Polish nation out of a plethora of reasons. Mainly safety, prospects and economy. Not only tho)
Mr Grunwald   
3 Jun 2024
Off-Topic / Poland's aid to Serbia if Vatican invades - part 2 [8]

If Vatican ever (God forbid! *crosses himself*) invades Serbia,

I like to think about it as too abstract, fantasy and ridiculous. BUT, considering what kind of pope it is in Rome now and history of Teutonic order and invasion of Byzantium by Catholic forces while severely threatened by Muslim invaders.

It is not something that can be written of as impossible due to history.

GROM would most likely have to be used indeed to straighten him out if such a mad decision would been made
Mr Grunwald   
2 Jun 2024
News / Polish Government of runs on 2 engines: Bribery from EU and Polish inferiority complex about being Polish [25]

and you think western or western european anything is so good for the world and so progressive. so exciting makes me giggle

I'll forgive you that statement, since it is based on ignorance

So what?Do you really think

I am sure people buy what's cheaper in the long run and not what's binds them to Russian energy. It boggled my mind that ordinary people did not care or see the risk of buying gas. Even if it was cheapest
Mr Grunwald   
31 May 2024
News / Polish Government of runs on 2 engines: Bribery from EU and Polish inferiority complex about being Polish [25]

You have seen nothing

So I have not seen solar power on Polish rooftops? Nicely new built houses in old neighbourhoods? Cars after cars outside cities?

I am on topic, you claimed PO is controlling Poles brains in Poland. I wrote that yeah, but it's basically of little consequence. A Pole only needs to travel abroad to see the truth.

What transformation? I used to play a game of counting Maluchs in 90's. Now it's basically impossible

My post was not about my ignorance, but that of westerners and Poles themselves.

And it's Mr Grunwald, not Grünewalt, Von Grünewalt or Von Grunwald or Greenwood. Mind you
Mr Grunwald   
31 May 2024
News / Polish Government of runs on 2 engines: Bribery from EU and Polish inferiority complex about being Polish [25]

Hear hear, I have personally seen an awakening of this reality when working in Poland. General image of a country being "modern, not old fashioned and future oriented" only to come downing on them when visiting the country. Seeing the size of the population, technology and architecture.

A lot of westerners still see Poland as fully eastern bloc country and are shocked over the transformation when experiencing it.

It will take many more years but, more and more Poles will see that actually Poland is very much future oriented despite many Poles grievances with village mentality or prejudice of non-city inhabitants.

I walked village to village in Poland, there isn't much to complain about really except a few oddballs that only a strong headed local village mayor they know can handle. Otherwise it's only a matter of economical difference (other countries do have their share of village pumpkins, yet far more hostile to change then in Poland).

Just within energy, transportation and whatnot Poland is climbing forward. Yet others are cosy mosey stuck with what they are used to.

I noticed innovative Poles even in PiS, village landscape. (pawian being more rural then urban sure can attest to that himself)
Mr Grunwald   
28 May 2024
Love / Asian woman dating a Polish guy [19]

Sound like you want to play with the hearts of boys. Let him go, if he spoke the truth and dated nobody else you aren't worthy of him. Let him go
Mr Grunwald   
22 May 2024
History / Monte Cassino 80th Anniversary [18]

Polish victory (Not only Polish victory as it was a team effort)

German Fallschirmjägers disobeyed orders of withdrawal and kept on fighting, one of the most elite troops the Axis powers had to offer. Polish forces offensive advance towards the monastery allowed for other allied troops to push forward and get closer to encircle the monastery. Forcing the German troops to withdraw despite their initial wish to keep on fighting.

The victory at Monte Cassino finally allowed the allied troops to get closer to enter Rome and seal the fate of Italy as a participant in WW2.

Churchill was the mind of Polish troops being insignificant during a quarrel with either Sikorski or General Anders. After the Quarrel a certain General or Marshal Alexander had to point it out for him that without the Polish troops, an advance northwards in Italy would have been highly unlikely.

It was a major victory for the Allied forces, not just propaganda
Mr Grunwald   
18 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

@Bratwurst Boy
It is any man's place! Nonsense BB!
However I am quite surprised that Torq has been absent from this thread. I would thought that his Austrian side would increase his happiness by 1000%
Mr Grunwald   
18 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

@Bratwurst Boy
Not as much as judgement from my side, more of an appreciation of humanity in a single soldier I can only dream of reaching in terms of actions in my own lifetime. Past is the past, but it is a calming thing for me to see men I can try to strive for to be
Mr Grunwald   
18 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

@Bratwurst Boy
There are plenty of other scenario's (safer?) that I can imagine him trying to desert. Many armies employ the accusation of desertation as a reason of harsh punishments for individual soldiers for, petty reasons, political, disobedience or others.

So I'll remain sceptical, he seems like did a good thing despite a horrible situation
Mr Grunwald   
18 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

That's because they lack honour! This single soldier raises up the entire German military! Just think if 1 million soldiers like him were present in the Wehrmacht! It would have kept the honour of the German military from times of preWW1
Mr Grunwald   
18 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

Did you see the article from paxchristusa?

Yupp! Highly interesting and incredible!
Mr Grunwald   
17 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

Seems to a issue, and I can't find the short* again so far. A pity

It seemed rather believable, especially as flowers are still laid down at his grave. I would have to check German wikipedia. As it is highly interesting that such a claim is written there
Mr Grunwald   
17 May 2024
History / Honoring - Otto Schimek [47]

I wanted to share a little clip honoring Otto Schimek, proof that a good human being is not defined by his uniform.

Mr Grunwald   
17 May 2024
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [504]

Szczera prawda, z tym się zgadzam.
Po prostu takie zapędy jak nazywanie nawzajem agentami obcego państwa bez konkretnych dowodów za zagrywkę polityczną. Niczym więcej, więc w innym rozumieniu pic na wodę. Głupota i strata czasu
Mr Grunwald   
17 May 2024
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [504]

Nie chodzi mi o detale obu tragedii i typ ofiar.

Chodzi mi o to że stanęli się partiami związanymi z bólem i cierpieniem własnej ludności poprzez te dwa akty horroru, i zrobili z tego czegoś więcej niż trzeba było z zwykłych ludzkich potrzeb u własnych członków.

PiS dostał wstrzyknięcie Anty-Rosyjskie
A Arbeiderpartiet wstrzyknięcie Anti-"prawico-terrorystyczne"

W obu przypadkach, zjawisko bycia w oblężonej twierdzy
Mr Grunwald   
17 May 2024
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [504]

Niewielu, ale wystarczył jeden wysoko postawiony który zrobił niezły burdel dla całej siatki na początku wojny. Powinieneś o tym poczytać jak tak piszesz.

Raczej Armia Ludowa/Bataliony Chłopskie

I ci co byli po lewej stronie politycznie ale członkami AK.

PiS uważał i z czego rozumiem dalej uważa się za kontynuacją PPS. Ma więcej wspólnego z "Labour" w Brytanii zanim oszaleli i z Arbeiderpartiet w Norwegii zanim te nowe trendy się pojawiły z którymi PiS się nie zgadza (głównie z powodu starszego elektoratu)

Nawet widzę pewne podobizny (Martyrologia Utøya/Martyrologia Smoleńska)
Mr Grunwald   
17 May 2024
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [504]

Uważam to za zupełnie wykonalne z strony obcych służb (nie tylko Rosyjskich) by się przedstawić fałszywie jako pracownicy wywiadu Polskiego by naciskać na pewnych Polskich polityków (nie patrząc na ugrupowanie, skrajne czy nie, lewa czy prawa)

Wystarczy by osoba miała kontakty z osobami które mają dostęp do ścisłych informacji.

Trzeba pamiętać że byli szmalcownicy podczas drugiej wojny światowej. To będą też tacy dzisiaj
Mr Grunwald   
17 May 2024
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [504]

Uważam że 1/3 w KO i w PiS są członkami w partii jedynie z powodów szantażu w jednej czy innej formie. To że uważasz za niemożliwe by była promila ludzi z tych 1/3 która by uległa Rosyjskim szantażom, była by powodem by kontrwywiad w Polsce by nie miał ani wsparcia finansowego, politycznego lub chętniej współpracy z wojskiem i służbami cywilnymi.

Co bym uważam za zlekceważenie niebezpieczeństwa
Mr Grunwald   
17 May 2024
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [504]

a co do tego "nasycenia agentami rosyjskimi"

1. Rosyjska agentura była by w pełni naiwna i niekompetentna gdyby nie miała wgląd w Polskie sprawy. Wystarczy pamiętać o tym że Sowieci mieli swojego agenta na wysokim szczeblu w rządzie Polskim i zwlekała z dotrzymaniem umowy z Hitlerem do póki Stalin nie dostał gwaranci i informacji o tym że Brytyjczycy i Francuzi nie będą się ingerować w sprawie Polski.

Niemcy przecież byli wkurzeni że Sowieci zwlekali do 17. Września zamiast 3. Września tak a propo.

2. Pamiętam historię z rodziny jak to bliska osoba rodziny wyszła za mąż z pewnym Rosjaninem. Była w pełni zakochana a okazało się że był szpiegiem który zwiał przy pierwszej okazji znalezienia dokumentów. Była w zupełnej rozpaczy, pracowała w dyplomacji.

Więc oblewanie jednej z stron politycznych za przymierzanie się z Rosją jest jedynie taktyką polityczną z czasów przed zaborów, podczas zaborów i póżniej.

Niech mi przedstawiają dowody, do sądu i kwita. A nie takie głupogadanie w mediach, przecież to zniżanie się do poziomu Kaczyńskiego i jego "Germanofibii"
Mr Grunwald   
8 May 2024
Off-Topic / Ukraine, Belarus, Russia in EU in 2030? [105]

@johnny reb
It's dangerous, it will give enough legitimacy to have larger control over the judiciary by the state. Which would make PiS a laughingstock (Their whole shebang is about judiciary, their name being Law&Justice as a name).

If Tusk get's control or atleast supervision by his own men or loyalists in the intelligence agencies. It would give impression of handling commie judges better then PiS.

It would also be a opening in the future to shift the balance of power between parlament, government and judiciary.

As you being an American, I shouldn't have to tell you more now... Should I?
Mr Grunwald   
7 May 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [383]

[login to read]
Mr Grunwald   
3 May 2024
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Cause it helps his cause to present Polish nation as villains, rather then opposing force to evil. He wants to distorts facts and present the minority of evil does as representents of Poland...
Mr Grunwald   
1 May 2024
Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories [684]

I thought all types of such lizards do that, that's why you don't catch them by the tail.

It was a horrible crime done by one of my former dogs on my Polish grandmas vacation spot in the farmlands outside Warsaw. She wanted the Lizards to be alive and plenty to combat the bugs that was there. The dog had other plans and hunted the lizards for sport.

It was a tragicomedy to behold