History /
What do Poles think about Turks? [761]
other muslim countries are not very respected either.. and they been at war
since war became a word.. centuries..
Least the turks helped Poland when help was needed..
the way I see it.. who cares if other muslim countries dont respect you. it isnt like
other muslim countries respect a whole lot to begin with unless its in their own
territory .. ( speaking of govt ) and leaders.. etc.
that is very general Pat.
you cant blame all muslims for a few extremists. the koran is actually a very peaceful and spiritual book, just in the wrong hands, can be turned to another viewpoint.
western and european countries have also been at war since the dawn of man.
So... ?
he asked what the impression of turks are!!
i work/liase with muslims and the turks/lebanese are not seen in a very spiritual light.